NationStates Jolt Archive

Thus Enters the Lost Empires

Shiir Kuth
19-05-2004, 02:37
::The abandoned continent of Lesalia shakes with Seismic tremors, the renewed Empires of old make their entrance, armed to the teeth with Nuclear Weapons, where warriors are encouraged to hasten the exhibition of their skills. The leader of the Lost Empires, the Marquis Cyrus Hyral, addresses the world at large.::

Nations of the world! Great Empires and Dominions, too long hath the corrupt and compromising Liberal Democracies run rampant amongst our great and blessed world! The time has come for authority and fear to rule on high amongst the nations once again! Join me, my Iron Fisted Brethren, together, with time, we can destroy the core of hypocrisy and beauracracy in this world!
19-05-2004, 02:40
The Newly elected officials in Turetel wish to inquire what and why you are doing this?
Shiir Kuth
19-05-2004, 02:49
Because I want to, and because I can.

Because the time hath come for the countenances of the proud, moral nations of the world to lifted high! The time has come to end compromise, and impose a static and righteous judgement upon the world!
19-05-2004, 03:32
The people of Lorkhan agree with your call. For years our people have been opressed by the zionest ways of the western world. Our revolution is taking the surrounding states by storm. Already our neighbors to the east have been liberated and taken under our loving arms. We propose a trade agreement as well as non-agressive pacts. Let this be the start of a long and fruitful relationship between our two great nations.

-Leader of the Fourth Reich-
Grand Emperor Kain
Shiir Kuth
19-05-2004, 03:40
The safety and protection of Zion is key in the order of righteousness, an enemy of Zion is the enemy of the Lost Empires and their upright citizens. No such Reich shall be supported.
19-05-2004, 03:50
OOC: You are all fools! How does a state around you give into you, who owns the state(s), why are you so intent on this "revolution"!
Shiir Kuth
19-05-2004, 03:55
I thought I was being fairly straight forward :arrow: I want to, and I can. I just want to band together with other nations with idealogies akin to my own, basically the point of having a region in the first place. It amuses, thus I want to, and I can. :lol: