Shaikh Interested in Creating Diplomatic Ties
The Jingoistic States of Shaikh would like to open boarders to foreign embassies in hope of creating diplomatic relations. Shaikh would also be pleased in creating trade with any nations, even if they are not willing to trade embassies. If any nation is interested in creating such relationships, please contact me. Thank You!
Humza Shaikh,
President, The Jingoistic States of Shaikh
Unified Sith
18-05-2004, 18:40
I applaud you for not declaring war on someone with your first post. Well Done!
I extend the olive branch between our two nations, please tell me where you would like me to put an embassy and it will be done.
Irondin will haply open an Enbasy in Shaikh
18-05-2004, 19:09
Al-Sabir would be honoured to exchange embassies with your nation. Could we also talk about establishing trade relations?
Thank You all for responding, Shaikh would definetly except all of your olive branches. We can discuss construction of embassies and trade relations. I will send you all telegrams with more detail. Thank You again.
Humza Shaikh
President, The Jingoistic States of Shaikh