who wants a war
Super pixies
18-05-2004, 18:08
who wants a war 4 fun cos i want 2 hav a war
Warhammer Syndicate
18-05-2004, 18:11
I would crush you like a Bug pixies.
18-05-2004, 18:15
Aust, what did you ignore, there was nothing TO ignore, he was just asking!
La gente dei cuori giu
18-05-2004, 18:15
who wants a war 4 fun cos i want 2 hav a war
Zarkoffi wants to have war!!!!!
Suna Kaya
18-05-2004, 18:18
Super pixies, I'm sure it is fun to have a war just for the heck of it, but don't you think your nation of 74 million will swiftly be crushed by nations with populations of billions (and, not to mention, have months of RP experience)? Please don't bite off more than you can militarily chew.
Suna Kaya has no plans of engaging in battle with Super pixies.
Liberty and unity,
Raine Allenby
Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs
La gente dei cuori giu
18-05-2004, 18:18
Look up Zarkoffi! He wants to go to war witchoo!
Imperial Brits
18-05-2004, 18:29
oh oh pick me pick me.
Jumps in Warships to deal with the little one.
The deadly viper
18-05-2004, 18:43
that is the talk of a warmongering n00b asking for a war just isnt the way its done
18-05-2004, 18:47
Your not particularly a great RPer either...
18-05-2004, 18:57
yu ar going to die bitch yu might as wel surender now :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :D
And, here class, we have a n00b. Note the lack of spelling, punctuation and grammar in its posts, the way no post is more than four lines long, how it never justifies its actions. If we are lucky, we may soon see it launch an unprovoked and pitiful attack against us with its challenge cry of 'omgomgomg is leik launcin 289490820824-824- nooks at ulololololololol11111!!!!!!'. But perhaps not, as it has now left the thread abandoned. Write that down in your copybooks now. Oooh, and look, there's HEDGELING, another famous n00b!
18-05-2004, 19:05
this guy is my frend and he is going to do god mode on anybody he fights
ignor him il handl him :wink: he a noob a litle country at nobody cares about :D
18-05-2004, 19:17
18-05-2004, 19:19
Super pixies
19-05-2004, 11:45
you r a gay nerd how gay and nerd like can u get!!!!!
Super pixies
19-05-2004, 11:46
hedgeling wat r u on about ur nation is smaller than mine stop acting like the rest of these nerds!!!!
Super pixies
19-05-2004, 11:50
btw i am not going to god mode!!!!
19-05-2004, 11:58
Super pixies, proper spelling and punctuation on the forum do not a nerd make.
Neither does respecting other people.
This behaviour is considered polite.
Get a dictionary.
Look up "polite".
you r a gay nerd how gay and nerd like can u get!!!!!
Now look up "abusive" and "harrassment"
Now look up "IGNORE".
OMG this thread is sooooo funny....
anway, Hedgling, pixie thing... could you two click the button below and then press submit. otherwise i will attack you.
http://www.filmmakingholidays.com/images/record-button.jpg (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/posting.php?mode=quote&p=3183805)
Please press this button. adn then press submit
19-05-2004, 12:13
Look ima a small nation. And for the populations with billions......go ahead show him he would get crushed
Look ima a small nation. And for the populations with billions......go ahead show him he would get crushedbah.. id like to but the server is already bad enough without he/she/it and me adding to the troubles by adding another thread. and the many times which i have done that the nation never replied :P
anyway, just a word of advice, dont do what they're doing and youll get along fine around here
Super pixies
19-05-2004, 14:57
btw i only wanted a war not nerds going on at me about being polite
19-05-2004, 16:32
OOC: My friend, you have no idea how much I can "go on" about things. I don't want to turn the air blue, or to clog the forums up any more, so I'll just say this, and that's the last you'll hear from me.
btw i only wanted a war not nerds going on at me about being polite
Now get that dictionary and look up "Respect".
I have none for you, and I don't take too kindly to being insulted; I'm funny that way.
Look up "Ignore" again, and then find out the meaning of the term "in perpetuity", and you'll know exactly what I intend to do to you.
Have fun.
19-05-2004, 17:21
hey samotopia back of muy friend your a piddly country or we will gang up on you :x
19-05-2004, 17:24
hey samotopia back of my friend your only a piddly country and me and my other friends will gang up on you :x :x
19-05-2004, 17:28
ignored pixie whatever your name is
you have the great honour of being the first ever ignored person of my country