Mine workers kidnapped
This morning four foreign nationals from Devias were taken hostage as they made thier way to begin developments of uranium mines in the north of the country. They were driving through a remote wooded area on thier way to see how far mine site development had got, when they came up on a roadblock just half a mile from thier destination, the men were taken and the car left on the road. Inside was information on band frequencies and as we speak authorities work to make contact with the kidnappers.
Message to Tajikistania:
We have your miners, if you want to see them alive send us 100 Billion in the next 24 hours.... We will be in contact...
The Tajik Government does not have that money. And also these are foreign nationals. The AR of Devias has been notified of these events. Also $100 Billion, for four men, that is not viable; as we say we await the response as from Devias as to who shall negoiate with you,
(OOC - These men will not be killed in 24 hours, professional kidnappers would keep them indefinatly until payment was made)
The Armed Republic of Devias considered that the amount of money requested by the kidnappers is too much, although we followed open for new negotiations.
Devias´ Leader
The Armed Republic of Devias has sent a group of helicopters of transport with material of investigation, material of campaign and a group of specialists made up of:
10 Members of the Phoenix Brigade of the Special Forces
5 Members of the CSI
2 Specialists in Kidnappings
Its arrival to Tajikistania is predicted in approximately 10 minutes
Devias´ Leader
The team of specialists has arrived at Tajikistania successfully. 3 of the members of the CSI team and 1 of the specialists in kidnappings have been going to investigate some type of indication that takes to the kidnappers to the zone where it took place the kidnapping, accompanied by 5 men of the brigade phoenix. While, in a heliport just located next to a military base of Tajikistania, the rest of the team wait for an authorization of the government of Tajikistania to be based in this military base, and so that they allow them to examine the vehicle of the kidnapped miners that is in one of the deposits of the police of Tajikistania.
Devias´ Leader
The Tajik Mafia
17-05-2004, 20:37
The Tajik Mafia
17-05-2004, 20:39
Secret Location
In the remote forests of northern Tajikstania the four captives sat around the fire in a small wooden hut; it would be a serene setting but for the ropes around thier ankles and seven armed men sitting across the other side of the room. The captives were tired from the trek deep into the cold forest and had only rice to sustain them.
Over the radio back in the capital
"This is the person who holds your hostages, call me... oh... Jaan. We retract our previous demands, the person who made that ridiculous statement has been, shall we say, disciplined. Anyway, down to buisness, our demands are now $10 million per man, giving us a grand total of $40 mil. We suggest you think about this generous offer VERY carefully, we dont want any bodies now do we? We await your reply. Out."
Greetings, Jaan
I´m Dr. Freddy Morton, doctor of the family of Robert, one of the miners who you retain like hostages.
Robert needs a certain medication, beacuse his body does not generate a certain type of antibodies, and without the antibodies his immunological system is not strong enough, so that a simple cold can kill it.
For that reason, we requested that a group of our men give a bottle to your men with the medication of Robert to be able to save it.
Zerat will be enchanted to establish with you a point of contact and one hour.
Special Bulletin of News - NTVD* 1
"... and the Cabinet of Devias is reunited in emergency session, to decide that to do with the case of the kidnapped miners.
Soon time we will know what they have decided to do..."
*NTVD - National TV of Devias
Estimated leaders of Tajikistania:
Our special team are still waiting for your authorization in order to be able to encamp in the located military base next to the heliport where the helicopters have landed.
Please answer us quickly.
Devias´ Leader
Of course you may use the base, we apologise for the delay.
The car that the men were taken from will be released to you shortly, after it has been checked out totally by our police force.
After the authorization of Tajikistania, our equipment has encamped in the military base. While, the cabinet and I waited for answer of Jaan.
Devias´ Leader
The Tajik Mafia
17-05-2004, 23:20
"Doctor Morton, do you think us inexperienced? We know what kind of devices "counter terrorism" can use, easily put into a medicine bottle. Also, the sooner you pay up, the sooner he can get his medicine do you not think? However, if this is true we may have to arrange a meeting, the pills will be delivered in no container, we will carry our own container for the medication. No funny stuff, a one to one meeting in the main market place when its busy; our man will be selling music CDs on a stall in the centre of the market, it is up to you to make contact and pass the medicine. Again, we want $10 mil per head, else you will be seeing those heads."
Main Market, 11:00 am
The market is busy. A man dressed suit approaches a salesman of CD´s.
"Hi. Do you have the last CD of Christina Milian?"
The salesman remains with uncertainty face. He had thought that he was the contact of Devias.
"Yes, take. There are $2" -answered the salesman.
"Ok" -the suit man puts his hand in the pocket, and removes a handful from which they seem coins. Then, he puts the handful of the supposed coins in the hand of the salesman- "Thank you. Good bye!"
The suit man disappears in the multitude with the CD in the hand.
Then, the salesman, something surprised, opens his hand, and see that what has given him, are not coins, are tablets.
The salesman gathers his cart and he goes away, also disappearing in the multitude.
Greetings, Jaan
I´m Dr. Morton. Robert must swallow the 4 tablets that we have provided to your contact immediately.
The Tajik Mafia
18-05-2004, 00:13
"Your operative did not show up! What are you, amaturs?! You obviously do not care about your people, I may as well go and shoot them right now! You cannot even be bothered to bring in anyone decent to negotiate, you bring us a General Practitioner. Right, we want an intitial payment, $200,000 in unmarked bills else one of these hostages is going to get a bullet through thier heads. Again, no funny stuff, and no cock ups like last time. Again, handover will be in the market, by the war memorial, make it easy for you, use a green duffel bag, our man will approach you and take the money. Jaan out."
Jaan, I´m Zerat.
We have decided that we will pay $40 million. Devias has subjects more important that to solve than the kidnapping of 4 of its citizens. Establish the place where the interchange will be made.
We want indications that the hostages still follow with life.
Devias´ Leader
The Tajik Mafia
18-05-2004, 00:57
"Well, fair enough, we will be generous to you and not jack the price up like we could have done. You will pay per head, each man will be taken to a different town in the north, at each location the trade will take place, $10 mil in suitcases for each man. We urge you not to try anything as locations will be covered, a bloodbath will not be good for anyone, we will take the cash, you get your men, and we both leave happy. Jaan out."
Tomorrow at 1:00 p.m. we will continue the negotiations.
Devias´ Leader
Office of Zerat, Capitol of Devias, 2:36 a.m.
Zerat, worried about its 4 kidnapped citizens, is seated in its armchair thinking on which it will do.
Suddenly, Zerat rises and is running to watch in the file the papers in which established with Tajikistania market alliances.
After reviewing the papers several times, it leaves running the office and it calls to the leader of Tajikistania by telephone. It says the following thing to him:
"The kidnapped citizens cannot be of Devias, because Devias did not decide to send manual labor to Tajikistania. The agreement to send manual labor was carried out by Pain Lands. Therefore, those kidnapped citizens are of Pain Lands, not of Devias."
Check this post: http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=3177813&highlight=#3177813
Pain Lands
18-05-2004, 02:28
My government has confirmed who the nationality of the kidnapped ones is of Pain Lands, not of Devias.
Therefore, Pain Lands will send a small group armed to Tajikistania in substitution of the special equipment sent by Devias.
Dictator of Pain Lands
Pain Lands
18-05-2004, 02:30
Pain Lands requests to negotiate with the kidnappers.
Dictator of Pain Lands
Pain Lands
18-05-2004, 02:33
Pain Lands will send in transport helicopters the material necessary and the prepared men to the military base of Tajikistania to be based 5 hours after the confirmation of the government of Tajikistania.
Dictator of Pain Lands
Pain Lands
18-05-2004, 02:38
Special Bulletin of News - NTVD 1
"The special group sent by Devias to Tajikistania is "hecho maletas" and it returns to house after an important mission. Its arrival in 2 hours is expected approximately...".
Tajikistania will allow your men to enter our nation. The kidnappers await your negotiators to make contact.