The Deadly Viper MUST cease his/her threats.
I have recieved threats from Deadly Viper for no aparnt reason. If Deadly Viper does not cease his threats action will be taken.
In Cam III's office,
If we do not get an apolgy soon, we will take action aganist this warmongering nation.
Secret IC:
What about if we do get an apolgy?
We will invade anyway and take control of his government and overthrow the warmongering leader.
15-05-2004, 13:20
you got my support, should you want it.
15-05-2004, 13:23
Official Broadcast from the Praetonian Government:
"The Deadly Viper has also threatened us on many occasions, they are known supporters of the slave trade, thier leader is an incoherent war-mongerer, they are currently in a regional alliance of war-mongerers, they have threatened the use of nuclear weapons against us when we have challeged them and they are an overall threat to world security. As such, the Praetonian Government will support any action that is taken against him."
Monte Ozarka
15-05-2004, 13:27
How has the Deadly Viper government threatened your country? (Please provide proof of their aggression.)
Official Statement-Bergistian Government
The U.S.S.B. as well as the North American Union have for some time now been striving towards greater peace and happiness throughout this world we share. Any warmongering nation such as that you speak off ought to be stopped immediately. However, knowing little of the situation we request knowledge of any and all information on the subject you now possess. If we may have access to the said threats, we would gladly join you as allies.
-President Micah Berast
15-05-2004, 13:30
How has the Deadly Viper government threatened your country? (Please provide proof of their aggression.)
Ok, now the one where he threatened to nuke me I cant find (It was the thread entaitled "Why are there so many hippie leaders" - it appears to have dissapeared.) but I do have these:
This is where he threatens to fight anyone who does not allow his ally to trade slaves:
This is where he conducts genocide and trades slaves, as well as abuses many other human rights (using people as cannon fodder etc):
The deadly viper
15-05-2004, 13:31
How dare you demand an apoligy from my worthy nation you slime balls
the reason I thretened you Cam III was you tried to take over my region
if its war Its war I will not back down :evil:
The deadly viper
15-05-2004, 13:31
Official Statement-Bergistian Government
The U.S.S.B. as well as the North American Union have for some time now been striving towards greater peace and happiness throughout this world we share. Any warmongering nation such as that you speak off ought to be stopped immediately. However, knowing little of the situation we request knowledge of any and all information on the subject you now possess. If we may have access to the said threats, we would gladly join you as allies.
-President Micah Berast
I am not a warmongering nation
How has the Deadly Viper government threatened your country? (Please provide proof of their aggression.)
I was threatend by The Armed Republic of Evil and all bad doing tis resulted in me saying I wiould invade his country if any more threats were made. Then Deadly Viper has threatend me with being totaly destroyed. [I have since deleated the telegrams]. Also: World Factbook Entry: No idiots allowed or we will have to kill you, That means you Cam 111 Thankyou.
[direct quote]
You've got a war. I'll set up another thread.
The deadly viper
15-05-2004, 13:38
you will regret this Cam III you lier I sent you no such telagrams untill you threatened my region and allies
The deadly viper
15-05-2004, 13:39
Also: World Factbook Entry: No idiots allowed or we will have to kill you, That means you Cam 111 Thankyou.
[direct quote][/quote]
that was my allie the republic of evil and all bad doing
I was threatend by The Armed Republic of Evil and all bad doing tis resulted in me saying I wiould invade his country if any more threats were made. Then Deadly Viper has threatend me with being totaly destroyed.
Read the bold bit. Still a threat: World Factbook Entry: No idiots allowed or we will have to kill you, That means you Cam 111 Thankyou.
The deadly viper
15-05-2004, 13:42
I was threatend by The Armed Republic of Evil and all bad doing tis resulted in me saying I wiould invade his country if any more threats were made. Then Deadly Viper has threatend me with being totaly destroyed.
Read the bold bit.
I was just supporting my ally who did not threaten you at all
you will regret this Cam III
Im so scared. Obvious sarcasm
Praetonia, we have stood by you in the past during internal crisis. We will not abandon you now. Hence we offer official alliance between the U.S.S.B. and Praetonia. This would open official trade between our peoples as well as pledging military support in all justified wars. The same is extended to Cam III if interested.
-President Micah Berast
The deadly viper
15-05-2004, 13:46
you will regret this Cam III
Im so scared. Obvious sarcasm
you should be
The deadly viper
15-05-2004, 13:47
Praetonia, we have stood by you in the past during internal crisis. We will not abandon you now. Hence we offer official alliance between the U.S.S.B. and Praetonia. This would open official trade between our peoples as well as pledging military support in all justified wars. The same is extended to Cam III if interested.
-President Micah Berast
This is a justified war youv got to be joking
I am interested, thank you.
I was just supporting my ally who did not threaten you at all
I think you will find he did, he also threatend Enripta.
Shall we begin this war and flat him then? :P
ooc: sorry i gotta get goin, but you can count me in on any war whenever I'm back on. TG me the thread if ya get the chance.
The deadly viper
15-05-2004, 13:50
Shall we begin this war and flat him then? :P
Youre making the topic now?
Edit: Im terribly sorry I have been waiting for a good reason to get in a war again for SOOOOOOO LOOOOOOONG!
I think you will find that there are quite a few bigger nations than you and I think you will find that you will be destroyed!
deadly viper has my full backing
OOC: How do you put in a link to this thread? I will post one with this thread in it.
deadly viper has my full backing
Oh nooooooooooooo!
**acts scared**
*Starts shoutimg for my mum*
The deadly viper
15-05-2004, 14:07
are you going to make this thread or not
Are you scared Deadly viper? Because it seems you are never scared.
Oh and a Bump
are you going to make this thread or not
I will make it.
Monte Ozarka
15-05-2004, 14:31
Although the basis of this war seems questionable, deadly viper's human rights abuses is enough to call for war. The GDMO has yet to make a military decision.
ooc: i gotta go...maybe i'll join in later, maybe i won't :?
Any war that Praetonia is in, I will assist in, for the moment.
15-05-2004, 17:35
Kriegorgrad supports Deadly Viper in it's actions and are currently mobilising miltiary forces.
15-05-2004, 17:37
The Deadly Viper has already surrendered. Praetonian and allied troops are garrisoned inside their cities. You are too late.
You can try and liberate hem but you will be invaded and destroyed...
15-05-2004, 17:43
No. We dont want more war. We have already fought one against the genocidal Viperians, we do not wish for another one.
Kriegorgrad, why do you support them?
15-05-2004, 17:48
I don't really, i just wanted to help Stalin the raper in his first war :P