NationStates Jolt Archive

Civil War in Derer

15-05-2004, 00:24
Derer News Wire Service

In a not so surprising move, the small province of Fernologia finally seceded. The province, after years of threats to secede, finally did. The president of Fernologia, Alfred Gerny said, " We ( the people of Fernologia) will fight for our rights to be an individual nation. Our new nation is one where our people , the ferns, who have lived here for thousands of years can finally live in independence and freedom."

For years the Ferns have said they will secede because they were discriminated by the people of Derer. Their key case for the argument is that in 1990 a police officer brutaly assaulted and raped a girl of an influential politician in Fernologia. The Ferns also say that such things as poverty, bad healthcare, bad educations, and a backwards civilization is all due to the evils of the Derer government and their oppresion.

The president of Derer, Melinda Dee said, "My government will fight it diplomaticaly first and if that does not work our only andlast option is war to reunify our hurt nation." The Armed Forces are on alert at this hour.

At this hour, we need your help. The nation of Derer has since been a peaceful, quite, neutral nation but at this hour we are changing. We are in a state of civil war in Derer and to preserve our own dignity and nation we have launched a civil war against the seceded province of Fernologia. We need nations of the world to help us reclaim our nation. The armed forces of derer are few in numbes and not equipped with guns and such like the rebels, we are a pacifist nation. We plead to you to help us, we will help you in return. Consider the offer, and we wish you the best of luck from Derer and its people.
President Melinda Dee
15-05-2004, 00:32
anyone willing to help may poste here
15-05-2004, 00:36
War isn't are thing, otherwise we would help. But if you need any leaders assassinated....(wink,wink).....we could help. (
15-05-2004, 00:44
Alexander Rhodes of FWS views this as an opportunity to unite the nation behind his rule. He offers to send in forces to help your government. If you so request it, a contingent of troops will be sent in.

We await your reply.
15-05-2004, 00:49
Alexander Rhodes of FWS views this as an opportunity to unite the nation behind his rule. He offers to send in forces to help your government. If you so request it, a contingent of troops will be sent in.

We await your reply.
Absolutly send them in to the captial, Purpletripe, where all troops will assemble and get ready for orders to march on Fernologia. Breaking News the army of Derer, the Peoples Peaceful Army has been obliterarted by rebels in Fernologia. We need troops at the border of Ferologia to allow the safe entry of troops in Fernologia.
15-05-2004, 00:52
War isn't are thing, otherwise we would help. But if you need any leaders assassinated....(wink,wink).....we could help. (

Well we are bound by a charter called the PAAW Charter. PAAW was an organization of pacifists nations called Peaceful Activists Against War, it made a charter to follow and then disbanded. The Charter said that when not in wartime "leaders" of other nations could not be assasinated or such, but we are in war so sign us up kill Alfred gerney, "President" of Fernologia.
15-05-2004, 00:54
War isn't are thing, otherwise we would help. But if you need any leaders assassinated....(wink,wink).....we could help. (

Well we are bound by a charter called the PAAW Charter. PAAW was an organization of pacifists nations called Peaceful Activists Against War, it made a charter to follow and then disbanded. The Charter said that when not in wartime "leaders" of other nations could not be assasinated or such, but we are in war so sign us up kill Alfred gerney, "President" of Fernologia.

We pay whatever amount to commit "random snipping" against Mr. gerney
15-05-2004, 00:59
Alexander Rhodes has ordered part of the rather large FWS army to prepare to move to the regions in chaos.

Ordered in first are 9 of 10 of the paracommando regiments (there are now 10 :) )

So far only 2 regiments have acknowledged orders and boarded their transports.

Also, two armored divisions (total 6,000 T-100 tanks) were ordered in. So far only 1 regiment from each division has prepared to move (about 600 tanks).

The army, is still largely and fiercely loyal to the hardline ex-president Hendrik Rhodes. Most units have refused to obey any orders given by Alexander unless they pertain directly to the defense of FWS itself.
Mental lands
15-05-2004, 01:04
The Dominion of Mental lands would be pleased to assist your efforts as we see this as an opportunity to gain allies.

We shall commit our highly trained troops on the request off your leader.
Mental lands
15-05-2004, 01:04
The Dominion of Mental lands would be pleased to assist your efforts as we see this as an opportunity to gain allies.

We shall commit our highly trained troops on the request off your leader.
15-05-2004, 01:12
Alexaner Rhodes has announced that the FWS will not be able to provide any forces for the peace keeping mission.

In his words, "We want to keep the armed forces here so we can train them, we don't want to send them into a situation they might not be ready for."

However, FWS soldiers are internationally recognized as brutal, battle-hardened, and experienced troops. A true army of professionals. Critics state the real reason is because Alexander is unable to exercise any control over his own armed forces. In one observers opinion, "The armed forces still want to take their orders from Hendrik Rhodes, they don't want to listen to Alexander. Alexander must be very careful there are no coups, he should call out the police to control the army."
15-05-2004, 01:14
Volunteer, military advisors, and raw materials begin to convoy Derer, as naval taskforce consisting of a Super Carrier, a battleship, a frigate and 3 destroyers begin to part Nycton. Military analyst desyphering the conflict estimate close to 290 Tomahawk cruise missiles will be launched, and a very precise air raids will take place. Ship's full of Ak-101's and 102's and thousands of tons of ammo will be shipped to promote the new weapon. ( 74 Nycton Z-96 tanks will also be delivered in weeks to come.
Green Moon
15-05-2004, 01:27
Welcome to the Green Moon News!

Civil war! The cry rings out through the airwaves as the Ferns fight for independence. How pittiful. Do they not realize that they will be crushed? Already FWS have had talks of joing in. But what of Green Moon? Today our most holy Dictator Ryan gave this speech:

"A seccesion! Truly this evil must be stopped! If the idea spreads perhaps more of this could happen. Even to us! Do not hate Derer, yes the may have been pacifists but perhaps that will change. I am issuing a report to them right now saying our forces shall help them. Many say 'Why? This doesn't affect us! Let the pacifists be punished!' No I say, no! We have hungered for war! Lusted for it! Are troops will now get some action!!!!"

Already half of Green Moon's full might is ready to move if the nation of Derer allows it. Our destiny calls to us! Peace through power!

Green Moon news
We think so you don't have too!
15-05-2004, 01:30
Reports are coming in that the paracommando regiments are moving into the peace keeping mission zones in Durer as originally ordered to by Alexander... Rumors have it that ex-president Hendrik Rhodes (now living in exile in unified sith) contacted by phone all the regiment colonels and the general of the paracommandos and told them to listen to Alexander... Whatever the reasons, the paracommandos are certainly on their way. Their transports will arrive in the region shortly.
15-05-2004, 04:24
Derer News Wire Service

Today in a shocking announcement the president of Derer announced all nations involved in the Fernologia confilct to leave immediatly.
" You know we tought about, and thought and decided that maybe it would be ok if the Ferns had their own nation. They have been a problem anyways. They constantly bring down GDP, the economy, our schools, everything, so who cares they can have their own nation for once, maybe they deserve it. SO I herby order the nations involved in the conflict to pull out of Fernologia."