NationStates Jolt Archive

ATA declares war on Doujin

14-05-2004, 23:59
Recently, I have been inactive and have watched the war with Feazanthia. In which I saw Doujin practically slaughtered Feazanthia. Yet, I see no threat in Doujin's military.

As I was inactive, ATA has set up Anti-Nuke Missiles to shoot nuclear missiles down. Now that ATA has Anti-Nuclear & Anti-Air stationed on mainland. Yet, our defense sites are untested and would want to test it on Doujin, a powerful country which will practically slaughter me, too.

Anyway, back to IC:

The Conference Meeting was held to discuss wheather or not to attack or declare war on Doujin. Doujin appeared on the list of 50 nations and voted on the most rated nations to attack on.

After 2 months of the meeting, 200,000 ATA Soldiers stand ready in their bases on guard. All Naval Ships containing all a total of 600,000 Crewsmen and 780 Patrol Boats are on alert at ATA Sea Range. The Air Space control has missiles ready to attack. If an unidenified AirSpace object, so many missiles will be shot, the power can go up to a nuclear missile.
15-05-2004, 00:02
Reasons for war?
15-05-2004, 00:05
Wouldn't it be obvious? He is declaring war due to what happened with Feazanthia.
15-05-2004, 00:06
OOC: If you do not give a reason I will ignore it. I didn't slaughter Feazanthia at all. Furthermore, what is this "List of 50 nations", and what is this "Meeting".
15-05-2004, 00:08
You tell him Doujin! What the heck is his reason?!?
15-05-2004, 00:10
OOC: I don't mess around with people who don't even give reasons to something. Not going to even bother.
Crossroads Inc
15-05-2004, 00:13
Instant Tag,
If this goes through Doujin, you will have the entire resources of Crossroads Inc (minus one super Battleship) behind you.
15-05-2004, 00:16
OOC: I released two new super battleships just in time, didn't I then?
15-05-2004, 00:26
I know I'm a noob, but I have recently bought 250 tanks. (Winks)
15-05-2004, 00:28
Nah, you ain't a noob. A noob comes on NS, declares war on some powerful nation and claims that they not only have 100 nukes and loads of troops that they can't afford.

You didn't do that, so you aren't a noob.
15-05-2004, 00:32
OOC: Well, I have to admit. I played NS once before. My nation was extemely powerful. Then I got bored, let it go away, and now I've restarted. And don't ask, I won't tell you which nation I owned. And thanks, you made my day.
Central Facehuggeria
15-05-2004, 00:34
OOC: You know, if you remember what that nation's name was (and it didn't get deleted for spamming/flaming/something similar), you can ask the mods to bring it back. If it died of old age, they probably will.
Liberated America
15-05-2004, 01:37
The Liberate Military, numbering well over 15 Million men, stands behind Doujin should they be attacked by any unprovoked foreign force.
15-05-2004, 01:43
Nycton will remain neutral, but will support Doujin with indirect military needs.
15-05-2004, 02:20
I know the stupied thing says am a spokes person... but i used to have over 1000 post (before my nation was deleted). Anyways am confused about why Doujin attack in the first place. I controll all the nations in my empire and i don't mind helping at all. I need to know resions before I attack. Thank You
Lord Arcine and Emperor Darkraptor
The Hiio
15-05-2004, 03:10
the Federation of the Hiio comdemns this and all wars... prayers are lifted for world peace
15-05-2004, 03:23
*ssigh* My reason is that I am declaring war on Doujin because he is at war with the Feazanthia
The Fedral Union
15-05-2004, 03:47
The Fedral Union
15-05-2004, 03:48
[ModEdit: OOC stuff removed. You were warned to leave each other alone, please remember that.]

The fed union Stance is I support NO ONE in this war and I am neutral.
15-05-2004, 04:50
*ssigh* My reason is that I am declaring war on Doujin because he is at war with the Feazanthia

I am currently not at war with Feazanthia, as Feazanthia is no longer a nation. When Feazanthia was destroyed, a cease-fire was called. Doujin never formally declared war, and neither did Feazanthia.
15-05-2004, 04:53
*ssigh* My reason is that I am declaring war on Doujin because he is at war with the Feazanthia

I am currently not at war with Feazanthia, as Feazanthia is no longer a nation. When Feazanthia was destroyed, a cease-fire was called. Doujin never formally declared war, and neither did Feazanthia.

OOC: Hmm.. wait a minute... something smells fishy here.
15-05-2004, 04:55
Let me make that a little bit more clear. A cease fire was called, and Doujin had pulled back two fleets from near Feazanthian waters, and held only one fleet outside of Feazanthian waters while peace was negotiated.
15-05-2004, 05:21
Dontgonearthere, due to the fact that it has a certain past history with ATA which is NOT full of pleasant events and fluffy bunnies will be siding with Doujin in the event of any war, if it happens.
Other than that we can only offer Doujin a %20 off war discount at GLACORP storefront.
Crossroads Inc
15-05-2004, 05:26
Other than that we can only offer Doujin a %20 off war discount at GLACORP storefront. Heh... Like Doujin really needs to buy Anything!
15-05-2004, 15:22
I am confused. My forces are pulled back, whats going, there doesn't seam to be much of a war. No real cause, Nether have even talk about your milita. I think this is just a threat. Then again I could be wrong. I will help no one until I know resions for war
15-05-2004, 15:42
Yeah, but there is always something you WANT, though...
15-05-2004, 15:45
This is probably just a mistake, two governments both hold different views on what one was doing, and neither done anything wrong

15-05-2004, 16:16
OOC: I think the ATA thinks that Doujin is directly responsible for the nuking of Feazanthia. I was their and I can admit that I can see no direct link between Doujin and the carpet nuking of Feazanthia. We still do not know why Feazanthia was nuked or really who did it, though Artista is the source. You may want to redecide your reasons for war ATA.
15-05-2004, 22:22
OOC: Well, ATA?
16-05-2004, 04:23
I request for a cease fire for now. No one attacks anyone please. State your resions for war and then maybe I and other people will help. Does anyone else agree with my statement
16-05-2004, 04:29
OOC: ATA hasn't been recognized as declaring war on me, so there has been no fighting.
16-05-2004, 04:39
OOC: I think the ATA thinks that Doujin is directly responsible for the nuking of Feazanthia. I was their and I can admit that I can see no direct link between Doujin and the carpet nuking of Feazanthia. We still do not know why Feazanthia was nuked or really who did it, though Artista is the source. You may want to redecide your reasons for war ATA.

ooc:You uh.. mean... Arbra right? *shifty eyes* All Artitsan SL-ICBM's and ICBM's are counted for. We're pretty sure Arbra nuked em... *runs off into the night*
Gaia Rodina
16-05-2004, 04:42

Go get him, ATA. I'm with ya in spirit (This is Feazanthia)
16-05-2004, 04:45
OOC: I pity the newbish moron.
16-05-2004, 14:57
If there is no war why are we here? Who nuked who and why? I am pretty sure that this is just an argument gone too far. There is no resion for war, there has been no fighting, and I don't think anyone knows the complete story. I think that ATA should call this off.
Lord Arcine and Emperor, Darkraptor
Central Facehuggeria
16-05-2004, 14:59
His reason could just be good old fashioned imperialism.
16-05-2004, 15:02
OOC: Could be, but there are several anti-imperialist alliances that would gladly take care of ATA for me.
Independent Hitmen
16-05-2004, 15:18
16-05-2004, 16:16
Dont Imperialists normaly attempt to take over countries WEAKER than them?
Oh...wait...I forgot about ATAs Nazi-Supermen armed with 50cm assault rifles and atomic bombs.
Nevermind :P
16-05-2004, 16:31
Good point. I still don't think this is much of a war. No one is fighting, no one has even talk about sending troops to attack the other side. I think they should just drop it.
Lord Arcine and Emperor, Darkraptor