Requesting weapons
Requesting weapons from anybody
12-05-2004, 21:35
Go here to buy some:
12-05-2004, 21:57
go fck your self nooby :twisted:
12-05-2004, 22:10
go fck your self nooby :twisted:
That was completly uncalled for..STOP THE FLAMMING!
come here for a kickass navy
Monte Ozarka
12-05-2004, 22:23
In hopes that you will grow to be a respectable country, the GDMO government is shipping 10,000 M-4's to you, free of charge. Think of it as an act of goodwill from our government to yours. :)
--KARL LEIDNER, Undersecretary to the Secretary of Army, Head of Logistics and Equipment Division
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
12-05-2004, 22:28
For a selection of weird, wonderful and often down right useful bits and bobs, why not visit the legendary Crookfur Arms sales thread:
Crookfur Arms
Your Friendly Neighbourhood Arms Dealer
Trading for over 300years!!!
(based on the rough estiamte of 1Rl day=1 NS year)
General Aviation LTD
13-05-2004, 07:08
wow i get no reply lol oh well i was goin to say if you were Post modarn you could get my Valkyire VF 1A for a cheaper price then anyone elce
wow i get no reply lol oh well i was goin to say if you were Post modarn you could get my Valkyire VF 1A for a cheaper price then anyone elce
Thank you for the kind offer. I'd love to have it. Thank you very much
for the VF 1A a 25% discount
Requesting weapons from anybody
I would send you weaponry and economic deals. But, your shoddy record on political freedoms and civil rights precludes me from doing so.
I suggest you improve your situation by banning elections, cracking down on dissidents, etc. Then I might be able to send you some interesting items, particularly Uranium 238 and Plutonium 239, crucial to the development of nuclear reactor fuel for nuclear power plants.
14-05-2004, 02:40
go fck your self nooby :twisted:
That was completly uncalled for..STOP THE FLAMMING!
look whos talking.
14-05-2004, 14:44
go fck your self nooby :twisted:
That was completly uncalled for..STOP THE FLAMMING!
look whos talking.
OOC: Did I Flame? :roll:
IC:The Empire would like to extend it's hand in friendship to the nation of Napat. We have fleets of older vehicles, aircraft, and firearms if you are interested. By no means is it the "best" stuff out there...but, it should get you started. TG me with your equipment needs and I'll hook ya up...did I of charge.