Book "The Greater Empire" sells.
Fourth Reich SS
11-05-2004, 10:18
The book "The Greater Empire" was published yesterday by are nation's leader, but some critics say the book is brainwashing or making false statements. One critic Clint Cook which has been missing for a week said,
"Book is brainwashing Reichians, its just like Hitler's Mien Kampf did to Germans".
FRSS is looking to sell this great book to other countries.
11-05-2004, 10:21
Momanguise has BANNED all sales of this book within her borders.
Fourth Reich SS
11-05-2004, 10:31
Seeing how some countries do not want FRSS selling "The Greater Empire" in there borders, a man named Pev Pavolo had an idea to start underground printing presses to make the book and propaganda to persuead people of the New Reichs meanings.
11-05-2004, 10:37
Momanguise today announced that
'Although we are in no position to condem the selling of 'The Greater Empire' within Fourth Reich SS's borders, we have no room for Fascism in our country. Therefore, any material published in Fourth Reich SS will be confiscated, and if Pev Pavolo or any of his associates are found within Momanguise's borders, they will be charged with Inciting Religious Hatred'
Fourth Reich SS
11-05-2004, 10:53
Due to this new problem concerning Momanguise announcement FRSS has decided to take a bit more action dealing with this issue, FRSS lauched a all out offense of political propaganda in nations the refuse to have any material made by FRSS, including Momanguise.
FRSS has started several coups in nations.
11-05-2004, 11:07
In a startling dawn raid today, Momanguise Police seized what was quoted as 'thousands' of illegal neo-nazi pamphlets and books. It has been understood that the propaganda obtained was of a 'threatening' nature, containing incitement to both racial and political hatred. There were also a number of people arrested, some estimates put it at 150 dissidents detained.
(Change of scenery)
MPSA (Momanguise Peoples Security Agency) headquaters, Sangrad.
'Peterson? What's the lowdown on these immates?'
'The majority are Ardonite (see ) Fascist sympothisers sir. There are however, around twenty of unconfirmed nationality.'
'Run there DNA and facial characteritics on the database mainframe'
'Yes sir.'
*two hours later*
'We have match sir.'
'One is confirmed as being 'Ernst Gunderian'. He is a Fourth Reich SS national.'
'And the others?'
'Un-named but of similar origin sir.'
'Very well, keep these men in isolation, and make sure the public is unaware of this.'
'Yes sir.'
*Phone Rings*
'Mr Premier? Yes. We've got some very intresting news for you......'
11-05-2004, 11:07
Stop your current forced illegal spread of propaganda in countries where it is so or you will be deemed a Rogue Nation and a terrorist government by Penguenia. That is all.
Emperor Tobias Raziel
GLA Terrorists
11-05-2004, 11:10
put your book on the internet, then everyone can read it
Fourth Reich SS
11-05-2004, 11:31
FRSS has started to remove any minorities of communist nations.
Following the impact and stunning reports of successful and misfortunes in coutries, FRSS decided to call back all Fascist workers in countries not giving into the raid of propaganda.
Central Facehuggeria
11-05-2004, 11:37
The headquarters of the CF National Socialist Workers' party was a small unassuming brick building that used to be a pizza shop. From within these walls, plans of all kinds were hatched by the smartest people in the party.
"Mein Furher, the Fourth Reich SS has published a new, pro party book. They're now trying to distribute it to all intrested nations!" Hans Seidler informed the Furher of the party
"Yes...Contact them. Order several million copies, we'll disrtibute them to the masses." The Furher replied, his devious mind already coming up with new plans.
"By you command, Furher." Seidler said before bowing and turning away.
11-05-2004, 11:38
Statement from the First Minister's Office:
"After due consideration, this book has been incorporated into the English teaching curriculum at our High Schools as a prescribed text for the final exams in literary appreciation."
"And that, ladies and gentlement," First Minister Dettaine said to his cabinet as he put the phone down, "is how we make sure that no-one in the Empire will ever look at this, or any other, book without a flamethrower at hand."
11-05-2004, 11:50
To: Der Feuhrer of Fourth Riech SS
From: Ernesto Sanchez, Premier of Momanguise
Subject: Detanees
We are holding 22 Fourth Reich SS nationals in a secure location. We damand that publication of your book is holted forthwidth within our borders, or the nationals will never see the light of day again. This is a promise.
Should any Momanguise national be killed, injured or threatend by your nation, then a state of war will exist between us.
Secret IC:
On board the TPS Oktober, 12 LRSP spy planes were preparing for take off. The orders were to observe the nation of Fourth Reich SS, and to make a report back to MPSA headquaters. There was no chance of RADAR detection, the piolets reasured themselves, due to the smart material adorned its shell.
The planes whistled off, into the night.
Fourth Reich SS
11-05-2004, 11:56
FRSS's leader admires the CF National Socialist Workers work in Central Facehuggeria and will give any help there party needs.
Due to the anti-communist movement a small riot in Nurenlin, FRSS's second largest city turned into a small gun battle, but was soon ended with a Leopard 1 tank shot into the building the commi's were holding.
Mora Tau
11-05-2004, 12:15
The People's Republic of Mora Tau has arrested 7 Fourth Reich citizens in responce to the brutal repression of socialist workers. Public demonstartions in the capital city of Mora Tau have called for the executions of the 7 nazis, but the government has so far decided to give them life imprisonments.
The People's Republic henceforth is supplying weapons to anti-government forces in the Fourth Reich and shall execute any Fourth Reich national found in the territories of the People's Republic.
If the Fourth Reich continues in its barbaric methods, a state of war shall officially exist between our two nations.
The People's Republic has given permission to a group of Mora Tauan civilians to hunt down and kill any member of the CF National Socialist Workers Party that may be operating in the region of the Creature Isles.
The People's Republic has donated its only nuclear missile to Momanguise.
To raise funds for the possibility of an upcoming war with the Fourth Reich, the People's Republic is holding a gigantic Dead Kennedys tribute night in the capital city of Mora Tau. All welcome, unless you're a Nazi fuck.
Public polls have decided that anybody found publishing or distributing The Greater Empire in Mora Tau will be executed. Humanely, of course.
Mora Tau
11-05-2004, 12:17
The People's Republic of Mora Tau has arrested 7 Fourth Reich citizens in responce to the brutal repression of socialist workers. Public demonstartions in the capital city of Mora Tau have called for the executions of the 7 nazis, but the government has so far decided to give them life imprisonments.
The People's Republic henceforth is supplying weapons to anti-government forces in the Fourth Reich and shall execute any Fourth Reich national found in the territories of the People's Republic.
If the Fourth Reich continues in its barbaric methods, a state of war shall officially exist between our two nations.
The People's Republic has given permission to a group of Mora Tauan civilians to hunt down and kill any member of the CF National Socialist Workers Party that may be operating in the region of the Creature Isles.
The People's Republic has donated its only nuclear missile to Momanguise.
To raise funds for the possibility of an upcoming war with the Fourth Reich, the People's Republic is holding a gigantic Dead Kennedys tribute night in the capital city of Mora Tau. All welcome, unless you're a Nazi fuck.
Public polls have decided that anybody found publishing or distributing The Greater Empire in Mora Tau will be executed. Humanely, of course.
Fourth Reich SS
11-05-2004, 12:24
OOC: I would like to say im not a nazi, Im just againts serveral religions and alot of other goverments, so if war should happen, it might be a jew that sticks that bayonet in ya first :lol:. But I do agree with Fascists and other goverment forms as such.
Due to this problem in Mora Tau, FRSS has removed all Mora Tauians out of FRSS, only one Mora Tauian was killed because of assault and battery on a FRSS police officer and was forced to shoot him.
Mora Tau
11-05-2004, 12:24
Get the message?
Fourth Reich SS
11-05-2004, 14:25
A great military parade was held in the capital today, and the Feuhrer made a speech againts the Mora Tau and there agressive actions againts Fascists nations.
The Feuhrer also made a speech againts the communist.
A tactical war-games between the 1st Panzer division againts the 3rd Panzer Division was also held today.
11-05-2004, 14:31
Momanguise continues its dissaproval of Fourth Riech SS, and has announced that the 22 nationals of that country have been interned in a POW camp.
In responce to the war game initiated by Fourth Riech SS, Momangusie is beggining a minor mobilisation of her forces.
Upper Cet Kola Ytovia
11-05-2004, 14:57
Private conversation between Fure Calere Damog Atenkruf and Calere Onus Michael Robertson:
"So have heard about the new book coming from the Fourth Reich SS?" asked Atenkruf.
"Yeah, heard about it. The Greater Empire. Rather bland title, wouldn't you say."
"So, it's being distributed here?"
"We're not banning the book, but there doesn't seem to be a lot of demand. A lot of stores just don't want to carry it, for fear that that they may be boycotted. There's been some distribution, but most Ytovians just aren't interested in hearing about the 'wonders' of fascism. I hear that the Church of the Mighty Creator likes it, though.
"So I take it we're just going to ignore it?"
"No need to give it free publicity."