09-05-2004, 19:34
non confidential specs that will not help you copy or destroy the divice, just make you fear it. :lol:
W:1.239 KM
h:2.803 KM
L:6.230 KM (excluding waponry)
EMP cannon:
creats and EMP over an area of up to 20 nations of the attacked region
MK 3 orbital heat ray:
Operates like giant magnifying glass, is only operatable while directly in fromt of the sun. (extreme northern and southern regionssafe)
G8 orbit to air fighter-bombers:
operate both in space and in the atmosphere, are launched from the device, and descend on targets at speeds of up to mach 5, and can fly at mk 2 with heavy wapons payloads,are also capable of flying vertically without stalling. (and why that is is a secret :twisted: )
suicide payload pods:
pods of variable nauxious gases and bilogical weapons that fall from orbit and are manually guided to there targets. Deadly
if you wihs to by one of these tools, or an entire doomsday device telegram me, the contract on which you must agree will be found in the "Nukes for sale" topic to help prevent hacking.
post on this to sell weaons of mass destruction
W:1.239 KM
h:2.803 KM
L:6.230 KM (excluding waponry)
EMP cannon:
creats and EMP over an area of up to 20 nations of the attacked region
MK 3 orbital heat ray:
Operates like giant magnifying glass, is only operatable while directly in fromt of the sun. (extreme northern and southern regionssafe)
G8 orbit to air fighter-bombers:
operate both in space and in the atmosphere, are launched from the device, and descend on targets at speeds of up to mach 5, and can fly at mk 2 with heavy wapons payloads,are also capable of flying vertically without stalling. (and why that is is a secret :twisted: )
suicide payload pods:
pods of variable nauxious gases and bilogical weapons that fall from orbit and are manually guided to there targets. Deadly
if you wihs to by one of these tools, or an entire doomsday device telegram me, the contract on which you must agree will be found in the "Nukes for sale" topic to help prevent hacking.
post on this to sell weaons of mass destruction