Dracun allows military bases in the islands
Dracun imperium
09-05-2004, 19:24
Kacin stood behind the podium the flag of the Dark Empire Of The Dracun Imperium hanging down behind him in a patriotic fashion 10 A.R.C. troopers are seen 5 on each side of him. He had made many enemeys in installing his goverment. He was taking no chances. "Ladies and gentlemen of the international community The imperium wishes to open a new military base down on a medium sized island that has been impopulated for quite some times. So we would like to increase relations by opening a wolrd military base any nation can build one as long as it goes through an extensive security check. You may buy land up too 10 acres for your base. So 30 bases are the max so hurry if you wish for land. You may send 5 differnt naval vessels and 800 soilders/mobile units/units. that is all ...no question thankyou." he walks out followed by the troopers
ooc-the world map is at the the botom(sp)
09-05-2004, 19:57
Is there a one base per nation?
The Zoogie People
09-05-2004, 20:01
We would like to know the answer to that question, and would purchase three if there were no limit. We will select our bases when you return with a reply.
I would like to buy a base and I ask the same question. How many bases can we buy?
Dracun imperium
09-05-2004, 20:20
you may buy up to 5 bases...and you get the same amount of troops and such multipyed by 5. you can make them evenly placed or unbalaced(putting more in one base then another)
I would like to buy 5 bases of 10 acres along the coast and I want them all together. Price please?
Dracun imperium
09-05-2004, 20:25
1 acre-2 million credits(1,000,000 US dollars)
09-05-2004, 20:26
Jordaxia is interested in naval bases. Why don't we just set up 5 RIA bases?
Dracun imperium
09-05-2004, 20:31
total is 50,000,000 credits. but sicne we share alaska as a colony i will give it to you for 8 million credits. (4 million dollars) All forces must arrive at ultra base for security checks and such. Anybody found carrying something illegal in our country will be executed please agree to the following terms
1.No more then 5 naval vessels and 800 units per base are allowed
2.anybody found carrying something illegal shall be executed for attempted treason and or terrorisim no matter what it is
3. every month security check teams are allowed into your base for a "Check up"
3. Any breaking of the terms will result in expulsion from internation military base and in extreme cases war
Dracun imperium
09-05-2004, 20:33
Jordaxia consider it done.how many acres do you wish jordaxia?
Alright. Disregard my first telegram.
Dracun imperium
09-05-2004, 20:35
disreguarded(i meant 50 million dollars but its ok cause that what 25 million is what you pay for(half off allaince ties)
I would like to purchase 50 acres of land (5 bases) If that total comes to 50,000,000 dollars consider it transferred. Are you going to update the map to show the locations of our land?
09-05-2004, 20:37
30 acres.Preferebly in the Dragon island chain.
Dracun imperium
09-05-2004, 20:41
im sorry that is reserved for citizens of dracun. that is also where we grow our foodstuff and war factorys are so im afriad no. Only on or very close to world military base is is availabe to foregin nations even close close ally's
I would like to purchase 50 acres of land (5 bases) If that total comes to 50,000,000 dollars consider it transferred. Are you going to update the map to show the locations of our land?
It really doesn't matter where they are, if I may even purchase some. But if all the acreage could be groups together that would be very nice of you. :P
Dracun imperium
09-05-2004, 20:46
later i fi can find a ay to draw that then yes i will...but until then they start from the east to west
09-05-2004, 20:49
oh well. Place them near the coast somewhere. I'd rather natural harbours and suchlike.
Dracun imperium
09-05-2004, 22:48
Purchased and awaiting money order for the 30 acres jordaxia wich comes to a grand total of 30,000,000 dollars(US)
09-05-2004, 22:52
Sent in the side seat of a JXN. In a bag marked swag.
It's legitamate money, just I thought it would be funnier. A real kodak moment, yeah?
09-05-2004, 23:31
I would like 2 bases.Preferably next to the ocean.
Money sent on conformation.
And what are the illegal objects.
Dracun imperium
09-05-2004, 23:35
they range from drugs-bio-logical weapons if you have any questoins(sp_ please feel free to post it..how many acres do you wish for you bases (up to 20)
My forces have begun arriving. 1 AWG has arrived and is beginning to unload. Barracks and other buildings are being constructed. The base will be commanded by Brigadier General Cohen.
My forces have begun arriving. 1 AWG has arrived and is beginning to unload. Barracks and other buildings are being constructed. The base will be commanded by Brigadier General Cohen.
The Zoogies
09-05-2004, 23:52
Five bases, preferably near the coast please...money will be pre-wired. If possible, I'd like them spread across the islandish area below the Dragon Island chain.
Tel Banroa
10-05-2004, 00:13
Tel Banroa would like 4 bases. What would the cost be?
10-05-2004, 00:46
I would like to purchase 5 bases (50 aceres) which would be 50,000,000 millon dollares U.S. which would be wired. One will be a air base for my fighter planes 3 will be for military and armered vechales and one navy base. I hope you accept.
Dracun imperium
10-05-2004, 01:54
To the zoogies:Please specify the number of acres(10 per base)
to tel banroa:Please spcify the number of acres(10 per base)
to yugolsavia:Order accepted please make all ships and troops head off for ultra base where they will be scanned for security reasons
10-05-2004, 02:43
Yes id like 20acres which is 2 bases.
money sent on conformation.
10-05-2004, 02:45
I have a question about the islands what are their geographical phetures.(like what do they look like and what type of terrain)
11-05-2004, 01:37
Alright I will meet your set of rules.
Dracun imperium
11-05-2004, 01:56
Demonic Yoshis-You have been denied access for unidentified reasons. Please try at a later date for acess
Yugolsavia-excellent we expect you soon
Dracun imperium
11-05-2004, 01:56
Demonic Yoshis-You have been denied access for unidentified reasons. Please try at a later date for acess
Yugolsavia-excellent we expect you soon
I suppose since I have not been denied and have some sort of conformation I have the 50 acres? My troops are being sent over and should be on the land in 1 RL day. Any customs inspections upon arrival are very welcome. Assuming all goes well, the 5 bases will be up and fully operational within 3 RL days.
The Zoogie People
11-05-2004, 03:05
To the zoogies:Please specify the number of acres(10 per base)
to tel banroa:Please spcify the number of acres(10 per base)
to yugolsavia:Order accepted please make all ships and troops head off for ultra base where they will be scanned for security reasons
Fifty acres, then. I'd whip up a rough area on the map, but I'm too pressed for time right now.
Dracun imperium
11-05-2004, 12:25
rioki-Sorru buisness is growing so we lose track of some people. Orders are confirmedWe expect you soon
Zoogie-Order confirmed we await your arrival most anxiously
Troops have landed and base constrution has started.
16-05-2004, 01:16
Why was i denied? :? :?
All bases are fully operational.