The Cottonmouth Arms Storefront (Huge Update: 6/25) - Page 2
The Cottonmouth
27-07-2004, 19:02
The Cottonmouth
28-07-2004, 01:36
The Cottonmouth
28-07-2004, 02:10
Ottoman Khaif
28-07-2004, 02:14
The Ottoman Army will buy 1000 Makarov
for $200,000
The Cottonmouth
28-07-2004, 03:06
Order Confirmed. Thanks
The Cottonmouth
28-07-2004, 03:38
Just so you all know, I am constantly updating this front with new pictures, as well as more guns.
The Cottonmouth
28-07-2004, 04:26
The Cottonmouth
28-07-2004, 07:52
Dangerous Peoples
28-07-2004, 09:19
I am just outfitting my military, and would like to purchase the following:
1060000 P90 (700 Dollars Ea.)
2120000 Desert Eagle Chrome (350 Dollars Ea.)
for about $1484000000 Total.
If I am mistaken about any of the prices please feel free to correct me.
i'd like to purchase the following:
20,000 HK33A2 rifles - $14,000,000
60,000 Colt Training La France - $37,500,000
20,000 Colt 1911 Pistols - $4,000,000
6,000 Browning M2HB .50 Calibre - $16,000,000
500 SR-16 Tactical Sniper Rifles - $550,000
500 Remington 870 Shotguns - $325,000
500 M-29 Light Infantry Mortars - $350,000
2000 Multi-Grenade Launchers - $1,600,000
Thank you
General Harkon, Zalagov Military Supplies Department
28-07-2004, 12:53
I am outfitting my SWAT and national guard and I would like to buy the following:
1) 800 Colt Delta Elite - 240,000
2) 10,000 HE Mark 23 SOCOM pistol - 3,000,000
3) 10,000 MP-5AS - 6,000,000
4) 30,000 Light Bullet-resistant systems - 2,250,000
5) 5,000 Protector PDW - 3,750,000
TOTAL: 15,240,000 dollars (Sorry if any math mistakes were made)
The Cottonmouth
28-07-2004, 17:12
All math looks correct, Orders Confirmed. Thanks
The Cottonmouth
28-07-2004, 17:49
Yea that was stupid.
What would it cost me to buy 100 of everything you have, Cottonmouth?
The Cottonmouth
28-07-2004, 18:32
LoL.. I dont know... I have 80+ weapons of war here.
28-07-2004, 18:55
We would like to buy:
50,000 x G36 assault rifles
50,000 x MG36 machine guns
20,000 x FN SPR A5 sniper rifles
500 x AT-4 Anti-Tank Rocket Launcher
500 x Barrett M99 anti-materiel rifle
500 x Light Anti-Tank Weapon (LAW)
20,000 x Colt 1911 Pistols
We will wire the money upon conformation
Tyrant Y.Garasu
The Cottonmouth
28-07-2004, 19:07
Order Confirmed. Thanks
The Cottonmouth
28-07-2004, 21:02
The Cottonmouth
28-07-2004, 22:48
The Slackers Militia
29-07-2004, 00:00
The Slackers Militia would like to order
25,000,000 Standard M16 A2 Rifle
Total 18,750,000,000
Money wired on conformation
The Cottonmouth
29-07-2004, 00:31
Order Confirmed. Thanks
29-07-2004, 01:23
Korgarein is a member of the TOC Command Mainland Base region. we are a group of once warring clans that have decided to ban together. our fellow clan member nation of Del Ki Nacree recommended this storefront to help rebuild our nations armed forces. We are in need of a large supply of firearms and have chosen your company for the extensive contract order. a list of our needs follows:
5 mill HK Mark 23 socom (silenced, lasersight) = 1.5 bill
4 mill G36 =2.8 bill
2 mill G36C = 1.4 bill
Submachine guns:
1 mill MP5A5 = 600 mill
1 mill MP5SD3 = 650 mill
1 mill MP5k (kurtz/short) = 500 mill
1 mill MP5k PDW = 600 mill
Sniper Rifles:
1 mill Accuracy International L96A1 = 1.3 bill
1 mill Barrett M99 Anti-Material Rifle = 2.1 bill
1 mill Browning M2HB .50cal = 2 bill
1 mill FN M249 SAW = 900 mill
1 mill Remington 870 = 650 mill
1 mill AT-4 Anti-tank Rocket Launcher = 1 bill
1 mill Light Anti-tank Weapon (LAW) = 900 mill
5 mill Light Infantry Bullet-Resistant System = 375 mill
Total = 17,275,000,000
Wired to your buisness account uppon confirmation of order.
thank you
Allexander Octavious, Minister of defense KFA
Del Ki Nacree
29-07-2004, 01:44
The TOC Command Mainland Base region Has choosen a standardized Rifle. therefor Del Ki Nacree is in need of addional G36 and G36C rifles.
3 mill G36 = 2.1 bill
3 mill G36C = 2.1 bill
Total = 4,200,000,000
Thank You,
Konal, Cheif Marshal DRA
The Islamic Liberation
29-07-2004, 01:49
2000 MP-5K PDW
2000 G-36
100 M-249 SAW
100 MGL
150 M-29
5500 Skorpions (4500 Regular, 1000 Silenced)
Money wired on confirmation
Total- $16,700,000
The Cottonmouth
29-07-2004, 03:54
Dang.. thanks guys.. im glad this storefront name is finally getting around. Your orders are confirmed, and consider the totals in the following order (from first to last order):
17 billion
4 billion
16 grand
The Cottonmouth
29-07-2004, 05:37
Comon, people.. this is the best gun storefront out there so far.. BUMP
Ottoman Khaif
29-07-2004, 06:08
4800 Armalite AR-15 w/ Sniper Scope
Price: $3,360,000
29-07-2004, 08:37
Asurnahb, being an obscure nation on the international front, having no need to feild a large military, has finally began to realize the true importance of homeland protection. That is why, I, John Alco, Ministry of Armed Forces, speaking upon behalf of the Asurnahbian government, would like to authorize the order of the following:
787 SIG P226- $196,750
15 Barret M99 Anti-Material Rifles- $31,500
12 FN SPR A5 Sniping Rifle w/ optional Silencer- $13,200
85 US M40A1- $153,000
65 Protector PDW- $48,750
125 Remington 870- $81,250
320 US M60E3- $320,000
200 Milti-Grenade-Luancher (MGL)- $200,000
150 FN M249 SAW- $135,000
12,000 G3- $8,400,000
Total = $9,579,450
Though this is a very small purchase, it is a far cry from our old weapons technology, and, as our military expands (planned through the next five to ten years) our orders shall become larger.
On behalf of the Government of Asurnahb and the Powers that Be,
John Alcro, Ministry of Armed Forces,
Co-Signed, (Marked with seals, stamps and signatures)
Military Spending Oversight Commitee,
Department of Military Planning,
Asurnahb Military Police,
Army of Asurnahb,
Department of Red-Tape
Kor nall
29-07-2004, 10:10
Kor nall is one of the smaller members of the TOC Command Mainland Base region. we are a group of once warring clans that have decided to ban together. our fellow clan member nations of Del Ki Nacree an Korgarein recommended this storefront to help rebuild our nations armed forces. since we are not as large of state as our commrads in arms we do not require as large of a supply of firearms as they did but have still chosen to your company for the contract order. a list of our needs follows:
1 mill HK Mark 23 socom (silenced, lasersight) = 300 mill
1 mill G36 = 700 mill
1 mill G36C = 700 mill
Submachine guns:
250,000 MP5A5 = 150 mill
250,000 MP5SD3 = 162.5 mill
500,000 Remington 870 = 325 mill
1 mill Light Anti-tank Weapon (LAW) = 900 mill
1 mill Light Infantry Bullet-Resistant System = 75 mill
Total = 3,012,500,000
Wired to your buisness account uppon confirmation of order.
thank you
Cornillous Van Garren, Commander KCM
The Cottonmouth
29-07-2004, 19:10
Orders Confirmed. Thanks
The Cottonmouth
29-07-2004, 20:26
>To the front page.
The Cottonmouth
30-07-2004, 02:58
The Cottonmouth
30-07-2004, 03:57
The Cottonmouth
30-07-2004, 17:23
The Cottonmouth
30-07-2004, 19:39
The Cottonmouth
30-07-2004, 20:14
The Cottonmouth
30-07-2004, 21:52
Bump again
The Cottonmouth
31-07-2004, 03:04
The Cottonmouth
31-07-2004, 06:45
bump for the night
The Cottonmouth
31-07-2004, 19:02
(Yawn....) BUMP
The Cottonmouth
31-07-2004, 21:47
I'd like to purchase the following:
5000 G36C - $3,500,000
5000 Skorpion (silenced) - $2,750,000
125 Barret M99 Anti-material Rifles - $262,500
500 US M60E3 - $500,000
5000 Light Infantry Bullet Resistant Systems - $375,000
125 Desert Eagle Chrome - $43,750
thank you
The Cottonmouth
01-08-2004, 16:22
Order Confirmed. Thanks
01-08-2004, 16:53
Id like the following weapons.
5000 G36C - $3,500,000
5000 Skorpion (silenced) - $2,750,000
125 Barret M99 Anti-material Rifles - $262,500
500 US M60E3 - $500,000
5000 Light Infantry Bullet Resistant Systems - $375,000
125 Desert Eagle Chrome - $43,750
Money is "wired"
The Cottonmouth
01-08-2004, 19:06
...Order Confirmed.. Thanks
((Did someone not just give that order?))
The Cottonmouth
02-08-2004, 02:32
Front UPdates.
The Cottonmouth
02-08-2004, 06:12
Bump for night
Dangerous Peoples
02-08-2004, 06:43
May I please have:
10000000xHK Mark 23 SOCOM Navy Seals Pistol (Silenced, Laser sight)
5000000xSilenced G36
The Cottonmouth
02-08-2004, 16:54
Order Confirmed. Thanks
The Cottonmouth
03-08-2004, 02:36
The Cottonmouth
04-08-2004, 19:17
The Cottonmouth
04-08-2004, 20:05
>To the front page
Zarathustran Peoples
05-08-2004, 03:16
The ZP Arms Purchasing Dep. would like to order the following:
217,500 US M40A1s
217,500 Heckler & Koch MG-36s w/ Double Drum Magazines
108,750 LAWs
108,750 M-29 Light Infantry Mortars
652500 Heckler & Koch G36Cs
679,500 kevlar vests
That comes to $1,229,554,500
We would also like to congragulate you on your large variety of weapons.
The Cottonmouth
07-08-2004, 23:35
Order Confirmed. Thank you for the feedback.
P.S.~ UP
Time to build a new army.
Ravea would like to place the following order:
10,000 G11K2’s-24,000,000
500 STG 77 With optional M203 Frag Grenade Launcher’s-50,000
30 Minigun/Vulcan Cannon’s-1,500,000
400 IMI Tavor TAR-21’s-300,000
5 MSG-90A1’s-7,500
3,000 Standard Uzi w/ Bayonet’s-1,500,000
45 STG 77 AUG Para’s-29,250
10 Spectre’s-50,000
2 Jati-Matic/GG-95 PDW’s-1,200
A single Enfield SA-80 Carbine-700
A single SIG-Sauer SSG 3000 rifle-1,500
A single FN HERSTAL P90-700
And a single Casull 45/70.-350
On second thought, let's double everything.
This levels out to a whooping $54,882,400. At least the weapons are worth the money. This is one of the best storefronts I've ever seen.
09-08-2004, 05:44
The Armed Republic of Voltharus would like to purchase the following:
3000 Desert Eagle Black- 1,050,000 USD
2000 Mark 23 SOCOM- 600,000 USD
10000 G11K2- 8,000,000 USD
2000 M16A2- 1,500,000 USD
1500 M14- 1,125,000 USD
Payment shall be wired to your account upon confirmation of requested order.
Thank you.
Jangle Jangle Ridge
09-08-2004, 06:10
I don't want to be rude but you should note on the Uzi that if you don't close the barrel, the entire mechanism has to be taken apart and cleaner quite often, due to the shoddiness of the design.
The Cottonmouth
14-08-2004, 01:46
Wow guys.. sorry I have been out for awhile but thanks for the compliments and suggestions to my storefront. As of now, all previous orders have been confimed and suggestions acknowledged. Thanks again. ^UP^
The Cottonmouth
14-08-2004, 03:28
The Cottonmouth
14-08-2004, 04:30
up for the night
The Cottonmouth
15-08-2004, 04:09
The Cottonmouth
16-08-2004, 02:33
The Cottonmouth
16-08-2004, 03:19
Bump, for format updates.
The Cottonmouth
17-08-2004, 02:27