New Edselon Stolen! Terrorists Roam Wild! (Closed RP)
Crossroads Inc
09-05-2004, 00:05
Late last night as several dignitaries were sleeping abroad the Newly launched Edselon SuperBattleship, a Group of Crazed Crossroads Employees seized control of the relatively unmanned ship.
Over 20 diplomats and several high-ranking dignitaries were taking hostage as the Massive Crossroads Navy watched Helplessly as the Edselon headed out to sea.
The Terrorists, an extreme group of evidently disgruntled Employees, have given no demands as of yet. General Plumbean in a hastily called press conference was worriers the Edselon itself might have been the target.
"These Crazed individuals have massive arsenal at their disposal, We do not know what they plan to do with it, but the Crossroads home guard has been mobilized. As I speak two 'BOOMER' tank facilities have been trained upon the ship and will sink it if all options fail. For now, we are appealing to ALL Naval Nations to help in any way they can to tract down and help retake our Ship. "
The Lord High CEO, who left just hours before the terrorist struck, could not be reached for comment today...
Crossroads Inc
09-05-2004, 01:58
09-05-2004, 02:06
We may be of some assistance. Our special forces unit, the Black Capes, are specially trained for these types of situations. All we need is the number of hostiles, and number of civilians on board. The skematics (sp?) would be helpful, but are not necessary. We will be waiting on your answer.
The Burnsian Desert
09-05-2004, 02:08
20 disgruntled employees stole that?!
OOC: What program did you use to make the pic?
i'm've to make say that of which HE the terorists have to make journey of to fly ship outward.
thems were to mayhaps place stay at Morphus!
Nova Hope
09-05-2004, 02:10
We are willing to assist if possible however we need some more information we need the location of the ship (north atlantic, pacific etc.)
Areonautics Command- Raptior
"Mr. President, we have a terrorist, class three in Crossroad waters!" Major General Townsend yelled, running on President Angelo, enjoying his first cigar after the long flight in Air Force 1 to a Arms manfactoring plant, "What does it have to do with us, we are trying to stay non-agressive." He said, very grumply
"Terroists sir, Crossroad workers, obviously very mad, hostages include the new Battle Ship that they created, with many political leaders on board, they are asking for any naval assestance possable,"
"We can't risk it, that thing has enough power to sink half our navy if it was given the chance can't it?"
"Don't know, its' full potential is unknown by our intelligance, a SR-73 Black Eagle is on its' way on recon of the ships location and deck."
"Well, what's in it for us?" President Angelo asked cocking an eye,
"Nothing sir, but this may lead to better relations, if we do help them, say a few carrier battle groups, we could sink it if they ask us to."
"Why would we sink it? just bomb to top half, probaly kill a load of men, and drop a few soldiers on board to get rid of everyone else, every dies, ohh well, at least the ship is still there," Obviously Angelo did not want to be caught into an other naval mix.
Press Conference, Raptior Air Force Base- Truittian Capital
"As of yesturday, the Crossroads have incountered a terrorist situation, the Truittian Special Forces are on thier way to the last location which the battle ship was last reported to be located at, we will not fire at this vessal unless it fires back, through communications with the Bonecrusherians, we may also have more power."
Carrier battle groups (2 carriers, 5 destoryers, 10 patrol boats, 20 Submarine-Arizona Class each), 5 now, and more maybe later are en route to the location of the Edselon SuperBattleship. If you say so, we will stand down and stay right out of RADAR range, however, becouse of the battle ships last possition data, if it enters Truittian waters, it will have a 30 minute warning to turn back or Artillary and Carrier Defencive Batteries will fire appon it.
Crossroads Inc
09-05-2004, 02:18
20 disgruntled employees stole that?!
OOC: What program did you use to make the pic? OOC: no no, "20" is the number of Diplomats and Delegats, The number of Terrorists is unknown... The ships was only lightly manned making it an easy target.
The ship itelf was drawn by me in Adobe Illustrator, Stats and Specs for the ships can be found at highlighted link toward the end of the first post.
IC: In a tragic incident, the squad of chase planes being used to keep track of the ship were targeted and shot down with the loss of 6 brave Employee Airmen. The Military is now using the CR-Sat Satilites to track the ship from space.
All attemps to contanct the ship have been met with static, however current course direction suggestion the massive ship is headed toward the North-west portions of the NS Pacific Ocean.
09-05-2004, 02:31
Our Black Capes should be able to capture the ship with harldy any damage. All we need is your permission to enter your airspace and your waters.
The Burnsian Desert
09-05-2004, 02:35
Hijacking topic...
So did you get that from work or did you download it from somewhere?
I hope you mean NW Pacific and not the NS Pacific, also, My Satalite intellegance has located it and is currently tracking it, if asked, we could fire a very low frequency Ultraviolet ray at any people who walk aboard, but it may take up to 1 minute to blasting for it to burn the skin (my laser systems are very poor)
Also, my Carrier Battle Groupd tagged Delta has began operation Hidden Rabbit, it is currently chasing the vessal, which since its' speed is a little faster than the average speed of my group, it is clearly lossing us.
If you ask, we could launch a barrage of XB-55 Praying Hawk Bombers to launch sea scimming anti-floater missles which are very hard to invade via flares.
We currently have two X-60 Diving Eagle reconasaince craft just on the out-skirts of ships range, however we are pushing it becouse information reads submarine activity, but it could also be RADAR and SONAR jamming systems (Kava K-80+ System or higher to beat Truittian Rapier 7 Mod Systems)
Also, one of our submarines have an unusable launch sector (Pods 1,2,6,7) are disabled by a Hydris Torpedo launched from the vessal
The order is users, we can launch anytime (the vessal is just on the outskirts of Truittian Water Border if it is in NW Pacific)
Nova Hope
09-05-2004, 02:38
(ooc: Yay it's in my neck of the woods and I can do something.)
The NHS Forethought, NHS Skye and the NHS Hopeful all glided silently ahead of the ship on their magneto induction drives. Directly in the plotted path of the battleship the Skye and the Forethought were in a tight pair formation with the Hopeful in a wide right echelon. The plan was that they’d line themselves up, cut engines and sit there running silent with almost no motion. As the battleship would pass over them the Skye and the Forethought would initiate the ‘tophat’ maneuver, while the Hopeful fell behind for the purposes of message relays.
“Sir the Skye and the Forethought report ready.”
“Excellent. Are we in position to tail?”
“Yessir all positions report ready.”
“Now we wait…”
Crossroads Inc
09-05-2004, 02:44
OOC asks everyone to pause a moment... needing tine craft a proper response to all the actions taken...
Message to all Delta Forces in NW Pacific
"Stand down, reconasance aircraft minimum of one per hour, keep satalite lines open, ship to ship messaging 80%, no more, and stay out of RADAR and Weapons Range. If firred apon fire flare walls and fall back."
I remember reading about this ship yesterday. The ship is beautiful. I doubt we can do much but if we can be of any service let us know.
Crossroads Inc
09-05-2004, 03:21
Just moments ago, The Lord High CEO of Crossroads Inc. finished a live press conference at the Press office at the Imperial Corporate Headquarters. He spoke words of Restraint and caution to the international community Before living to attend a meeting with his Military advisors.
Deep Bellow the Imperial Headquarters, The Lord CEO and General Plumbean discuss the matter…
“Well this is a fine mess were in, Plumbean, The largest, most massively armed ship in my Navy has been captured by a small group of thugs… I never thought I would come to regret the amount of automated systems we installed, the Damn ship nearly drives itself…But that is aside the point, We both know what’s gone on here…
“Yes your CEO’ness, It is a pretty safe bet just what they were after… We have a flood of offers of help from other nations, but until we can ascertain weather or not the the terrorists have breached thermal Nuclear Krelmin Device we cannot send anyone in, it would be far too dangerous.”
“Perhaps, perhaps we can kill two birds with one stone… Tell the leader of Truitt to engage the Edselon. We should know fairly quickly weather or not they have been able to activate the Krelmin Device.”
“And the Diplomats your CEO’ness?”
“I over saw the designs of the Edselon, I saw it built.. I am rather sure I do not need fear for their safty” He says grimly "Ok, Tell the nations to go in... They have my ok. And Plumbean..."
"Yes My CEO?"
"If the worst case scenory occurs, big implementation of Operation 'BunBun'"
Plumbean nods, horrified...
09-05-2004, 03:24
OCC:Is that a go for all nations or just Truitt?
Nova Hope
09-05-2004, 03:26
ooc: you have no problem with me tophating and tailing this beast?
Crossroads Inc
09-05-2004, 03:28
OOC: a go for Truitt, As for Nova hope... I would suggest wait until Truit takes action before launching your cammandos, I doubt you would be able to 'Sneak up on' the Edselon unoticed as you had in your orginal post without the aid of ann attack to distract the Terrorists...
Message to all Delta Vessals in NW Pacific
Arm all aircraft and weaponry to max, message relay ship to ship 20% and no more incase of interception, increase reconasance to three per hour till key word is designated, arm aircraft with AIM-667 DREX air to ground missles, submercipals load all pods and flood, destoryers, ready AHAWK Chopters for sea skimming missle assualts, when the word is called, we want this thing down and no chance of return fire.
We are currently ready and in possition to fire.
Doggie Style - Fall back
Hawk- All arms invade
Goose- Submercipals fire
Hydris- Aircraft mele
Nova Hope
09-05-2004, 03:39
OOC: a go for Truitt, As for Nova hope... I would suggest wait until Truit takes action before launching your cammandos, I doubt you would be able to 'Sneak up on' the Edselon unoticed as you had in your orginal post without the aid of ann attack to distract the Terrorists...
nonnononono you miss understand. My ships are ahead of the battleship hoping to be over taken. I did it that way so that it you could RP the terrorists reaction, if the saw the motionless, sonar absobing, reduced profile they were over taking.
Transmission to Delta in NW Pacific
Invade, all units fall back once volley released, submercipals fire and reload and flood, aircraft intercept, fire whole payload then return immediatly. AHAWK fire all TOW missles, cut after lock on, then land with pad and stay down.
End transmission
A large cloud of black dots form over the horizan, the sea starts to have a small wave running to the vessal, as the cloud turns to indevidual aircraft, red lights up all aorund the aircraft, and orange fdots fly at the vessal, in less than five secounds, the whole vessal is ingalfed in flames and explosions, peices fly in the air, water flys up to 500 feet in the air, and then, the aircraft starts to turn back, and the submarines reload, the fleet falls back
Nova Hope
09-05-2004, 03:42
I've edited my original post it should read better now. I apologize I haven'y slept in 30 hours. I think I'll do that now. Hope this is still alive tommorrow morning
Crossroads Inc
09-05-2004, 03:51
*Aboard the Edselon*
A sinister, shadow figure looms in his chair on the massive WarDeck of the command bridge…
“Report my Minion!” he hisses
“Sir! They have launched their attack, But, they are not Employees! It seems the CEO is sending others to do his dirty work!” A gruff reply comes.
“Damnation! Theres a lot too, well, It would seem time to see just what our prize can do!”
“Yes Oh Mighty Malevolent Mell!” a chorus of voices yell…
Out side, the ship seems to spring to life, Several of the automated Missile turrets acquire target almost immediately, A massive explosion of smoke and fire belches forth from the decks of the Edselon as a single computer command realises over 27 independently controlled missiles. In moments, a massive amont of the oncoming planes are wiped from the sky. But not 100%, enough getting through to pepper the ship with their ordinances.
The Deck of the Edselon is in flames, yet, it seems only four of the automated missile turrets have been silenced. The manual controlled turrets taking damage as well, but the Manual turrets noticeably silent, not nearly enough Evil doers to man them…
“Again! Again! Fire! Minion Dom! Lock postion of where those planes came from, Arm the Screecher turrets! Set them to long range combat!” the shadowy figure hisses as another wave of planes falls from the skies, Smoke and flames still billowing from the Edselon decks, its armour keeping the damage light…
Yet as the Terroists launch the fury of the Edselon upon the valiant forces of Turitt, A trio of small shadowy ships slips under their prow…
The Burnsian Desert
09-05-2004, 04:43
Crossroads Inc
09-05-2004, 21:49
North Germania
09-05-2004, 23:27
General Hacke: I say we steal it for ourselves, Herr Feldmarshal.
Feldmarshal First Class Küll: Not a bad idea.
Crossroads Inc
10-05-2004, 02:36
OOC: well, dpending on what happens next your willing to try, But im waiting on some replys before the RP continues
Nova Hope
10-05-2004, 03:24
*Aboard the Edselon*
Yet as the Terroists launch the fury of the Edselon upon the valiant forces of Turitt, A trio of small shadowy ships slips under their prow…
ooc: hehehee *ahem*
The submarines slipped under the Edselon unnoticed thanks to the Truittian attack. The listening devices could pick up every missile leaving the ship and every piece of airborne wreckage that slammed into the ocean. Listening for specific sounds the computer began isolating and taking count of the down aircraft.
“Sir we are between the screws so there is a bit of a lag while the computer filters out their noise.”
“Aye. What’s the status of our listening devices pointed at the Edselon?”
“They’re starting to receive now. We’re starting to get a schematic of the ship from the moving voices. So far we’ve isolated two voices in one room.”
“We’re of to a slow start crewman.”
“Yessir, but as I said there is some lag as the computer needs to compensate for the noise of the screws.”
“We’ve done this before what’s the problem?”
“Well sir we haven’t done it on this scale. There is more metal to ‘peer’ through the screws are big and make a lot more drag noise. The targets are higher up in the water, nothing about this ship is a typical sir.”
“Well keep at it, its only a matter of time before we get our numbers. If need be I’ll see what I can do to help you with screw noise later.”
“Aye sir.”
Ooc: Can I have that info now? Terrorist numbers and number of rooms they’re in. You can TG the info to me to make sure other countries don’t make decisions based on ooc decisions if you want.
I’d also like to know the composition of the keel of the boat.
The wise and munificent leader of the Theocracy of Dil3mma sends his deepest regrets and sympathies for the families of those affected.
We would be more than happy to respond with economic aid. We pray for a quick resolution to this issue. Please let us know if we can assist in any way.
OOC: *Airlifts a Doujin and drops it on top of the Edelson.*
Crossroads Inc
10-05-2004, 03:48
OOC: *Airlifts a Doujin and drops it on top of the Edelson.*OOC: oh REAL Funny :P :P
Nova Hope
12-05-2004, 11:30
The information from the listening devices was all complete, they’d learned everything they were going to learn, now the command staff mulled over the data they’d collected. As the plotted in the small tactical room there was a knock on the door.
“Sir, the Hopeful is sending us some digital information via the LASER.”
“Start streaming it to this station.” Motioning to a station the Captain of the Forethought sat down to listen and watch the message. As it turned out the message was satellite telemetry of the attack by Truittian forces. After watching the black and white images the Captain’s brow creased,
“My lord in heaven this is quite the behemoth. XO!” Motioning over his second in command the captain continued, “You see these site,” pointing to the 14 automated weapons sites. “I want fleet firing solutions for all of them.”
“Sir, that’s 14 targets. Sub capacity is 8 targets, between the 3 subs we would have twenty four missiles in the air, that’s cutting it close with the missile shield still activated.”
“I realize.”
“And the non-automated firing arc will still be intact here.”
“I realize.”
“Then sir may I speak freely.”
“Sure Tom what’s on your mind? We can fire twenty four missile with a first strike principle. Looking at the satellite data we see the missile system have a pretty goof track record, 50-60 percent down. That makes 12 turrets on the Edselon accounted. We still have 2 to go and they know where we are. Not to mention the forty some manned turrets. Sir this sounds like a last ditch effort to me.”
“Ya done Tom?”
“Yessir I am.”
“Any rescue operation will have to have an air escape because we can’t force untrained diplomats into form fitting diving suit A because they’re untrained. B because they are of unknown waste sizes and C the only diving equipment we have is the spec ops armour. We can’t strap them into that it’s a state secret and still highly classified. So we need a chopper rescue and there is no way a chopper could survive coming down on those teeth. As for manned stations, that’s why we are deploying several teams. We have three subs and six teams.” The XO nodded slowly rolling the captain’s words around in his head before speaking,
“Then we’re the artillery cover for when the chopper needs to come onto the helipad.”
“Now you understand Tom. Signal the hopeful via LASER, we need air support on this one. Seven Chinooks and gunship escort, I also want some B-2s to be diverted to the area. The B-2’s are to stay out of sensor contact range, I don’t want the Edselon suspecting anything.”
“Why are we calling in the Spirits sir?”
“They’re the contingency plan, you never know when you’ll run into trouble. They can provide air support if need be. Now we wait until the Hopeful gets a receipt of transmission and ETA of support from HQ.”
Nova Hope
12-05-2004, 11:31
ooc: sorry about the delay. Part of that was real life and the other was I wanted to see if Truitt was going to post again.
I am, my new game im working on has tied me up, i got like 10 issues to address :P
Carrier Farbini
As the aircraft return, Captian Josh Dugahh is in awe. Out of the 70 aircraft it launched, only 5 were returning, and two were smokeing, and asking for Admediate Landing Due To Structural Damage. He waits from replys from other naval vessals, they have had about the same turn out.
Given Hill (National Armory)
"Mr. President, the vessal is barley undamaged, not worth the damage it inflected on our naval vessals. I think we should set into Project DRAGON before these terrorists find out we were the ones to send out that strike." General Townsend said as tehy walked down the very narrow corridor, "James, why not leave the 78th Submercipal there and get the rest of our people out of there?" The President said,
"We should, and we should also put DRAGON into full production, if it gets within range, we could destory it easly."
"Fine," President Angelo said, looking at the small door in the distance,
"Set the writing tonight, mean while, get our people out of the north and get em' back to the south pacific were Hivier Shiver is." Hivier Shiver is like the Truittian version of Pearl Harbor x2.
DRAGON was a program diesigned after the X-55 was put into protection as a Satalite/Base Cannon mix of defence. It would have a high powered laser which can slice through any hull (except its only deflectant-Cobalt).
The Satalite would have a little less powerful laser, but could fire at anything it was with in range of in its current orbit, and the base cannon on top of Tagoroda(highest Mountain in Truitt) would protect the borders. Even with missle capabilities it could fire at aircraft up to 600m away (about 1/3 of the lasers range)
However, since it proved expensive, it was halted untill the need ever arised
I will also be a little slow in responce (about 1 day delay)
Crossroads Inc
14-05-2004, 02:48
Bumped, Thanks for the updates Nova and Truit, im off to finals so I'll get my responses in later tonight
Nova Hope
14-05-2004, 02:57
Bumped, Thanks for the updates Nova and Truit, im off to finals so I'll get my responses in later tonight
ooc: I'll wait for you response then do my post. My next post will be boarding actions, the post after that missile strikes, and after that hopefully airlifts. Do you and I need to talk about this before I post? If so I have an MSN account on
Truitt I know that you don't know my subs are there ICly, no one does. But it won't be a good diplomatic get to know each other if the equivelent of the particle cannon from CnC is brought down on them.
Crossroads Inc
14-05-2004, 05:21
OOC: And now for an update of general information for those tracking things:
Current structural Damage:
22% of surface deck on fire (Automated Fire suppression activated)
10 Turrets Destroyed
(14/10) Automated Mini Missile Turrets / All Active
(14/13) Automated Metal Storm Units /All Active
(24/19) Manual Quad AA Turrets /Only 8 Active
IC: From deep inside the War room under the Crossroads Imperial Corporate Headquarters. The Lord High CEO reads over the latest print out from a coded message.
“So, it would seem our faith in the people of Nova Hope is well founded”
“Yes your CEO’ness” General Plumbean replied, the War room now filled with the other cabinet members of the High Bored of Directors. “But not without heavy losses from the forces of Truitt. Their people have fought with incredible will against the Edselon.”
“Yes yes, I’m sure. Mr. Wizenheimer, please begin an updated list of anyone who losses their life in this fiasco. Everyone who has shed their life should be honoured accordingly.”
“Yes Lord High CEO” the Foreign affairs director responded.
“Now then, back to business, what’s this message about a satellite converging on the Edselons postion?”
“Were not sure, it maybe a Space Weapon, but we can be certain.”
“Damnnit, contact Truitt at once, I don’t want my ship getting carved up just yet, we CAN NOT Risk damage to the Krelmin Device!!! I need a positive ID that Nova Hopes strike force has got on bored. We need them to draw the fire a little longer, at least until..”
“Sir Sir!” A lowly Intern shouted, running in with a message.
“Speak Employee!”
“Our Satellites just received word, the Edselon has launched its’ forward Screechers at a Nova Hope Carrier!”
The Lord High CEO Was silent, lowering his head, he spoke in a grave tone.
“Send out second Crossroads Armada, I will not have their people dying alone...”
Aegir Fleet - 1,000 kilometers away from the Edelson
"Sir, the Triutt Forces have been repelled - and it looks like Nova Hope's forces are about to be repelled as well."
"This ship - intelligence acknowledges that it has some sort of device on board. Hmm..."
The Admiral walked around the room in thought.
"The public isn't supposed to know we are deployed. As far as the public thinks, we are still in Xendi Shipyards for refits. This is risky, but it's worth it. Get the Doujin's guns aiming at the Edelson, but don't fire until it's absolutely necessary. I want to capture that vessel."
"Yes, sir."
OOC: Now, I hope you don't mind me butting in.. ;)
The door to the Leader of Erinin's bedroom flung wide.
"Sir the Edelson Class Battleship has been stolen!!!"
A man barked as he strode towards the presidents bed.
"What!?, What the hell are are talking are you..." The gray haired man looked aboutt he room as his eyes adjusted, before this late intruder could speak again the president realized what the man had said.
"My God, what is the current status?! Cerberus!!Dispatch the nearest Cerberus to the area!! The Hurracianes I want Hurracianes there! Get me the Bedou ambassador!! The Skiber...EVERYONE!!!!Bring me Everyone!!!"
"Yes sir, the JDF NAval division has been alerted and the Sneeezy(Cerberus class Cruiser) will bethere shortly, sir however be advised sir, that Nova Hope,Truitt, and of course Crossroads INC. currently have units engaging the Edelson."
"Ofcourse contact Crossroads, inform them that Sneezy and Slinky(slinky is the code name for a Hurracaine class sub)."
Send them the vitals,ask them to advise, however let them know if Truit and Nova fail to contain the Edleson, we will let Cerberus do its job."
Cerberus Details here (
Crossroads Inc
14-05-2004, 05:56
OOC: Now, I hope you don't mind me butting in.. ;) OOC: Hmmm... Want a total monopoly on the Über Battleship business do we? Well, we'll have to wait to see how the Nova Hopes Comandos fail first...
Nova Hope
14-05-2004, 06:35
ooc: Not expecting an attack on a carrier but what the hey we can deal :D FYI I’d be an idiot to have a carrier unescorted
The Hopeful had maneuvered under the bow of the starboard pontoon of the Edselon with the Forethought under the bow of the port pontoon and the Skye under the main bow. Each very carefully came to 5m below their respective keels and the spec ops team exited via the torpedo tubes.
“Sir teams BP, MB and SB are away.”
“Cut speed and fall back to the stern.” With that order the subs reduced speed and silently moved to their preplanned positions on the stern. Holding relative positions the next spec ops teams exited via the mine laying tubes.
“Sir teams SP, MS and SS are away”
“Excellent, down plane 2 degrees to 20m relative to target and await confirmation on successful acquisition of first objective.” After about 3 minutes all six teams had confirmed that they were on deck. The captain smiled, thinking about the climb up that sheer surface. ‘Those grappling hook and mini winches spoil our boys, not like my good old days’ Interrupting his silent nostalgia the sonar station began to wail as a klaxon sounded. Almost a second later the comms station began to report a distress signal from the NHSS Puissant reporting hostile contact had opened fire.
“Sir the teams are requesting go signal!”
“Sir the turrets are firing!”
“Sir we have contacts on the Puissant and she is reporting damage!” The reports came in like lightning and the Captain took a deep breath and then flew into action himself. Barking orders he brought order to the Chaos.
“Signal the Hopeful and the Skye to fallback, not too far I don’t want the target to have reaction time, then open fire on the hydro thrusters and slow this monster down. Use the LASER so we don’t reveal our position. Send the go to all teams, I repeat we are a go. Signal the fleet to fall back with the battleships laying down cover fire I want them out of range of this thing.” With a quick second thought the Captain added, “And make sure their not aiming for the main deck!”
The carrier listing slightly began to withdraw while the two battleships laid down cover fire with their eighteen inch shells whistling towards the Edselson. As the Edselon maneuvered to keep the carrier within it’s firing arc the Hopeful and the Skye opened fire on each hydro thruster with a full eight tubes. With the torpedoes away they began to blow all ballasts, losing stealth profile but sinking into the depths as fast as they could.
Meanwhile on the deck of the Eselon the teams moved as quickly as they could. Encountering very few people on deck they disposed of the surprised would be pirates quickly and effeciently. Each team quickly wired their targets with plastic explosives setting up remote timers they moved on. Moving down the line each team used their silenced weapons to neutralize the little resistance they encountered. Normally the only sounds that would be heard would be the click of the bolt in their silenced MP30s but with the main guns losing volley after volley the teams went about their work unnoticed with only the muzzle flashes of the main gun to illuminate the black night. Very quickly all the stations omitting the ones in the central section were wired. With that teams SP and SS doubled back to the helipad to set up defensible positions.
Moving to the centre section of the main deck teams MS and MB began to scale the rear side of the command tower while team PB held at the entryway into the lower decks and team SB wired the remaining battle stations. The teams worked quickly knowing full well that every shot that the main gun fired meant another dead Noviet back in the battle group.
I figure you’ve cleaned about ¼ of the on deck aircraft from the carrier and it is now in dire need for a visit to dry dock. Right now the only thing keeping it afloat is the emergency bulkheads that dropped into place.
The teams boarding the Edselon are wearing a very sophisticated suit of polymer joints and hardened armor plating. At close range a side arm won’t kill but with a joint shot will maim. A close range SMG or rifle will shatter the armor plate and may or may not kill, but will do extensive damage to the man inside. A high caliber sniper rifle will tear a whole into it and do horrendous damage and may or may not blow out the other side. All suits are equipped with light amp and filter as well as on board computer and microwave and radio communications devices. It also includes a target recognition system in the HUD contained in the helmet. This system directs a gyroscopically guided bullet which, on command can be fired from the module on their arm. Each module contains 6 bullets and only misses in extreme circumstances. (They are not silenced shot were they to be used. They also are fired at about the speed of your standard sidearm so they aren’t massive they’re just,…. Neat) The suits contain no electronics and work purely on fiber optics.
Ooc: Tell me if there is a problem with any of this I can edit. The suits aren’t a god mod, I don’t believe. They cost me about 100K a year to maintain and something similar is under R&D in the US.
Edit: The stomach is not armor plated so it is considered a joint for the above
Nova Hope
14-05-2004, 06:44
OOC: Now, I hope you don't mind me butting in.. ;) OOC: Hmmm... Want a total monopoly on the Über Battleship business do we? Well, we'll have to wait to see how the Nova Hopes Comandos fail first...
ooc: Fail? Is your mind made up? This is suicide? Awww crap.....
Crossroads Inc
14-05-2004, 06:50
Fail Fair...dang typos... I'll get to a response tommarow..must get sleep now.
Aegir Fleet - 800 kilometers from the Edelson
"Sir, we have firing solutions on the Nova Hopes vessels as requested."
"If they get too close to the Edelson, sink it. I want to know what this possible device is."
"Aye, sir. Targeting solutions sent to the turrets."
"Tell me if the Nova Hope vessels get close to the Edelson, I'll be in my quarters."
"Aye, sir."
"You have the Bridge, Mr. Pringles"
"Aye, I have the Bridge."
(Note - This is the Doujin Refit, specifics on the Refit hasn't been released to the public. Picture - as I know -is still being done, but I do have a new one and I will share. All the new Doujin's will have this refit.)
Newer Doujin (Still being drawn)
Old Doujin
Crossroads Inc
14-05-2004, 06:52
“Our Satellites just received word, the Edselon has launched its’ forward Screechers at a Nova Hope Carrier!” Speaking of mistakes, was supposed to be Truitts Carrier.. rrr...
Nova Hope
14-05-2004, 06:53
Fail Fair...dang typos... I'll get to a response tommarow..must get sleep now.
ooc: Damnit why can't other ppl suffer from insomnia on the same night I do *grumble* *grumble* well good night I am enjoying this and wait eagerly for reply
lol It's funny that I'm losing these aircraft as I just today ran a 100 billion dollar deficit to purchese milatary hardware. (The carrier is actually a vengence class bought at a store front.)
Crossroads Inc
14-05-2004, 06:54
oooh man, Doujinnnn.. I rarely hope those pics will be re-Edited down :?
Nova Hope
14-05-2004, 06:54
“Our Satellites just received word, the Edselon has launched its’ forward Screechers at a Nova Hope Carrier!” Speaking of mistakes, was supposed to be Truitts Carrier.. rrr...
Ic,... so does this mean you want me to edit or are we gonna play it out as is?
Crossroads Inc
14-05-2004, 06:56
“Our Satellites just received word, the Edselon has launched its’ forward Screechers at a Nova Hope Carrier!” Speaking of mistakes, was supposed to be Truitts Carrier.. rrr...
Ic,... so does this mean you want me to edit or are we gonna play it out as is? Just keep going with your current commando operation, Ill get my response tommarow
Nova Hope
14-05-2004, 06:56
*whistle* The Iowa is what 35KT? So what does that make that?
Nova Hope
14-05-2004, 06:57
“Our Satellites just received word, the Edselon has launched its’ forward Screechers at a Nova Hope Carrier!” Speaking of mistakes, was supposed to be Truitts Carrier.. rrr...
Ic,... so does this mean you want me to edit or are we gonna play it out as is? Just keep going with your current commando operation, Ill get my response tommarow
Yea but two subs of mine revealed position to protect the carrier, If that wasn't my carrier I may not have been as nice....
OOC: The Doujin Class is 1,800,000 tons full load. Also, in your post you said 80" shells - a gun that size would be about as big as the Doujin to have any range at all. The Doujin guns are 30" alone and they have about 450 feet of length.
Nova Hope
14-05-2004, 07:05
OOC: The Doujin Class is 1,800,000 tons full load. Also, in your post you said 80" shells - a gun that size would be about as big as the Doujin to have any range at all. The Doujin guns are 30" alone and they have about 450 feet of length.
oops, eighteen inches hehe editing now.
Nova Hope
14-05-2004, 07:21
ooc: blah
OOC: You fail to grasp the concept of Radar. Radar only works as far as the Horizon allows, and generally that is about 30-50 kilometers. The Doujin is 800 kilometers away.
Nova Hope
14-05-2004, 07:29
OOC: You fail to grasp the concept of Radar. Radar only works as far as the Horizon allows, and generally that is about 30-50 kilometers. The Doujin is 800 kilometers away.
I'll edit. I was under the impression you were 800kms away from the edselon and possible closer to me. sorry you know what they say about assuming. (and what did you use as a spotter for your tageting solution then? sateliate or something local I can notice?)
The Atheists Reality
14-05-2004, 07:29
OOC: You fail to grasp the concept of Radar. Radar only works as far as the Horizon allows, and generally that is about 30-50 kilometers. The Doujin is 800 kilometers away.
ever heard of over the horizon radar? :P
TAR: Do you know how over the horizon radar works? No, you do not - so quit talking. With that, we are out of range of their ships radar anyway, unless they are powering solely their radar.
Nova Hope
14-05-2004, 07:48
TAR: Do you know how over the horizon radar works? No, you do not - so quit talking. With that, we are out of range of their ships radar anyway, unless they are powering solely their radar.
Has something to do with using the reflective properties of the ionisphere, massive amounts of power, mostly suitable for ground base installations yadda yadda yadda I don't know your there.
I'm still interested in what you are using to aquire that targeting solution?
other means?
I'm just curious ya don't gotta tell me. It's ooc info anyway and I can't act on it. (Well I could but I'd be a shitty player)
The Doujin is over 300 meters high.
APAR 12 Type B:
An incredibly advanced radar and computer system first developed for the Mackensen Class, it far surpasses the Aegis system on most other naval vessels. Powerful and flexible radar system that is comprised of four panels that each emit radar waves. The system can track out to 800 miles (1280 km) and can simultaneously track and identify up to 1392 targets at one time. The system controls missile launched from the long range missile launchers and the system track and guide each individual missile to a individual target for up to 476 targets. If a target is eliminated, missiles are automatically guided to a new target. The system can also control missiles launched from other linked vessels as well and can also act as fire control for gun mounts.
Both a upper-lateral anda lower-lateral array are fitted in order to ensure 360 degree coverage of the airborne theatre Two reserve arrays are also carried. Short-range AS18 Suites are installed to provide back CIWS guidance and close range tracking of multiple targets.
Nova Hope
14-05-2004, 07:56
The Doujin is over 300 meters high.
APAR 12 Type B:
An incredibly advanced radar and computer system first developed for the Mackensen Class, it far surpasses the Aegis system on most other naval vessels. Powerful and flexible radar system that is comprised of four panels that each emit radar waves. The system can track out to 800 miles (1280 km) and can simultaneously track and identify up to 1392 targets at one time. The system controls missile launched from the long range missile launchers and the system track and guide each individual missile to a individual target for up to 476 targets. If a target is eliminated, missiles are automatically guided to a new target. The system can also control missiles launched from other linked vessels as well and can also act as fire control for gun mounts.
Both a upper-lateral anda lower-lateral array are fitted in order to ensure 360 degree coverage of the airborne theatre Two reserve arrays are also carried. Short-range AS18 Suites are installed to provide back CIWS guidance and close range tracking of multiple targets.
Then right now the top of your ship is probably being picked up and disregarded as a fog patch or some other background noise. (I do have line of sight with the top of your ship.) Well for what ever reason should the metal become warmer than the air around it I can see you. So if this lasts another day you sitting in the sun and then the air cooling would give me confrimation of you being there but I don't forsee you staying there for that long.
edit: That doesn't dignify a response I'm simply musing.
The Freethinkers
14-05-2004, 11:11
The Doujin is over 300 meters high.
APAR 12 Type B:
An incredibly advanced radar and computer system first developed for the Mackensen Class, it far surpasses the Aegis system on most other naval vessels. Powerful and flexible radar system that is comprised of four panels that each emit radar waves. The system can track out to 800 miles (1280 km) and can simultaneously track and identify up to 1392 targets at one time. The system controls missile launched from the long range missile launchers and the system track and guide each individual missile to a individual target for up to 476 targets. If a target is eliminated, missiles are automatically guided to a new target. The system can also control missiles launched from other linked vessels as well and can also act as fire control for gun mounts.
Both a upper-lateral anda lower-lateral array are fitted in order to ensure 360 degree coverage of the airborne theatre Two reserve arrays are also carried. Short-range AS18 Suites are installed to provide back CIWS guidance and close range tracking of multiple targets.
OOC: Technically 221 metres :P And the APAR arrays are at 140-190 metres in height. 8) goes back to finishing off the Doujin's refit.
OOC: Just going off top of my head :P I made up a number so :P
Truittian Naval Ships (and submercipals) have evacuated the area, and are now on the edge of the Bonecrusherian Naval Blocade (currently having war with them, and they striked while my bulk navy was out helping)
So now, the Truittian Forces will remain in Middle West Regional Waters untill the Bonecrusherians are stopped, and our aircraft are restored.
Crossroads Inc
15-05-2004, 00:56
On bored the Edselon,
The terrorists inside the Edselons main gun let out a cheer as they saw the Screecher shells explode with deadly force into the side of the Nova Hope ship Puissant. The turret, one of the few things not fully automated on bored the ship, was full of terroists feverishly working to re arm and fire the ships deadly guns once more.
In the command tower. Mighty Malevolent Mell cackled with laughter.
“Was that a Nova Hope ship? Oops! Silly me! It is not like we really care now do we!” he bellowed darkly… Just 2.3 seconds before quick-fired subs torpedoes struck…
“Sweet Fleeping Flarg! What was that?”
“Mighty Malevolent Mell!!! Torpedoes have just struck us! We didn’t even see the subs surface!” A moment latter more news arrived “Sir! Sir! Three of our guards on the lower decks have not reported in! An..and someone thought they heard gunfire!”
The darkly cloaked leader of the Terrorists bellowed.
“Launch all torpedo tubes! Don’t bother aiming just FIRE! I will not have my prize taken from me, not now!” he snarled, turning and cursing under his breath. “Not when we are so close to our true prize…”
Out side the ship, word quickly spread among the stout Evil Employees that someone had bordered. Crews were withdrawn from the main turrets as all effort was given to seeking out those who dared recapture their prize.
Down in the very depth of the ship, near the Reactors. A team of Evil Employees received word from Mell topside…
“Yes my Lord! I understand!” A terrorist shouted through a COM link. “Everyone listen up! The ship has been penetrated!!! We need to secure the ‘Krelmin Device’ NOW!!! I want those seal broken! Use the C4 and C4 1/4 if you have too! We are running out of time!” Snarled the Terroist.
Back at the Imperial War Room, an intern rushed in with the latest news.
“Lord CEO! Lord CEO!!! We have positive confirmation of Nova Hopes commandos on bored!”
The Lord High CEO Stood up instantly, slapping his hand down “Excellent! Best news I have heard all day. “ The CEO quickly turned to the Intentional Director. “Mr. Wizenheimer!!! Contact Truitt immediately! If they’re planning any more air strikes tell them to hold off! I don’t want to risk the commandos any injuries!”
The Military Director quickly spoke up “Our task force will reach firing range of the Edselon in under an hour! They will be laying down support and light fire on the ship. Together we should have those Terrorists running in circles!”
A cheer went up from the bored of Directors when the CEO tilted his head to a whisper from an Intern…
“What do you mean the ‘Doujin’ has its’ cannons aimed at it?”
OOC: best RP yet
Nova Hope
15-05-2004, 01:39
Ooc: I don’t know how they heard gunfire from a silenced gun but it doesn’t matter since the next thing I was going to do wasn’t very stealthy.
Now on the top of the command deck unseen teams MS and MB were using pensile fiber tubes to apply plastic explosives to the frames between the windows of the bridge. Carefully and painstakingly they applied the shaped plastic making damn sure they weren’t spotted.
Meanwhile team PB had wired shaped charges onto the bulkhead leading below deck. Waiting for the signal their guns where trained on the bulkhead.
“This is MS leader, portside bridge is wired.”
“This is MB leader, starboard side bridge is wired.”
“This is PB leader entry charges set.”
“This is SB leader final above deck weapons stations wired, we can blow the whole top deck on command.”
“This is SP SS defense line. We have the helipad secure, good luck guys we will hold here until you come out.”
With every group having sounded off the shaped charges on the bridge windows blew inwards with the 12 men repelling into the bridge firing at their targets.
Simultaneous with the bridge charges the entry charges into the lower deck blew and the six man PB went into the lair of the terrorists flash banging every corner.
Seconds after the initial charges SB team blew the on deck charges engulfing the entire deck in flames, quite a feat since these explosive were meant to be precise for the station. The sheer number of stations meant there was a good deal of explosives and the fireball on the ocean was the result.
Ooc: I will post the results for the torpedo attack after you give me the specs on them. Did you arm and fire the torpedoes to allow them to acquire their own targets? Or are they unarmed, proxy or contact? Etc.
1200nm from the current battle.
ON the Bridge of Sneezy an Erinin Cerberus Class Heavy cruiser.
"Sir first Radar contacts being transmitted from Helix, they confirm what ELF has already demonstrated. I have a huge radar contact sir."
"Ensign, the Edselon is huge."
A man who bore the insigna of the rank of Admiral addressed the young man at the radar surface search station reading contacts from the Helix which was flying 'point' for the Sneezy.
The man seated in the Capt. station glanced at the Admiral with disdain.
"Yeah big boat son, we all know that. What is your point?"
"Repsectfully sir, I know what you already know. This is BIGGER then the Edselon, as I said sirs a huge contact."
At that moment the ensign at the Com-station broke in.
"Helix says vessel is tracking her sir, confirmed she and us are well with in their range of detection. Helix seeks you to advise,...Capt. he is scared he says it looks bigger then the JagerViking ULCC, he says he can already see it from this far out."
The Admiral interupted the Capt, on the way to the COm.
"I want this bridge cleared of all non essential personel for combat!, I want a armed SPs here now."As the bridge cleared the Admiral looke to the young on the Com.
"I need a secure transmission on a recognized Doujin band, make it a generic hail, and call to identify."
"Aye sir"
"Doujin? How do you know Admiral?"
"Captain, with a vessel the size this one apparently is...who else could it be?"
Nova Hope
15-05-2004, 20:12
Ooc: This is torpedo damage, I assumed the carrier because it is the biggest sonar signal in the group.
The twelve torpedoes exploded out of their tubes on the Edselon and raced towards the Noviet carrier group. They we slightly submerged and screamed on the sonar as they raced towards the ships. Aboard the Puissant the admiral was ashen faced, he knew that his carrier as damaged as it was couldn’t avoid the torpedoes. As the passive sonar tracked the incomings a flicker of hope went over his face. He noticed that the angle was off on the torpedoes, this meant they hadn’t acquired them as a target specifically.
“Order the fleet to deploy countermeasures, we have hot unacquireds incoming.” With that command the fleet began launching their counter measure to draw the torpedoes off the carrier. Counter measures light up sonar screens for kilometers around, there were whale and dolphins beaching themselves the water was so alive with sonic activity. Out from the fleet the torpedoes with deadly proficiency made contacts with the counter measures sending explosive shockwaves in all directions. Yet from the mess appearing on the sonar screen the admiral watched in dismay as two signals emerged unabated still on course for his carrier.
“Damn, we will never survive this hit in the shape we are in.” he muttered under his breath. Before he could make another move the battleship Archimedes lit up like a Christmas tree on the sonar screen. Letting out multiple pings she attracted the torpedoes to her. The Archimedes turned into the torpedoes and began to steam ahead full flank, trying to reduce their profile to the now acquired torpedoes. Sadly the torpedoes must’ve had onboard computers as they anticipated the Archimedes’ half assed attempt at a crazy Ivan and both stuck her solidly in the bow. Large explosions where heard that night as the Archimedes bow side keel was vaporized by the torpedoes. Settling lower in the water before the emergency bulkheads dropped down the Archimedes was listing badly. Across the radio waves could be heard the plea of the captain of the Archimedes.
“This is the NHSS Archimedes and we have been stuck by enemy fire, we are in need of a tug. I repeat we need to be towed to dock. We have casualties and we have a fire on the lower deck. Please any foreign help is welcomed.” Beginning her steam to the nearest port the Archimedes re-signaled the message and the Admiral back on the Puissant knew that if she was going to have an uphill battle to make it back to port without a tug of some kind.
“Sir the B-2s are entering theatre now and reporting in.” reported the comms station to the admiral.
“Tell them to circle.” The admiral was abrupt, he knew that the mission was not yet compromised, but he so wanted to order those B-2s to sink the Edselon, eye for an eye he thought. He shook his head, he knew that would be a court martial.
Crossroads Inc
15-05-2004, 23:29
Crossroads Inc
15-05-2004, 23:32
Zero Hour:
On the command deck of the Edselon, the Mighty Malevolent Mell looks grimly over ‘His’ ship, about to give yet another snarling order to his motley crew of Evil Employees; Then the commandos struck.
The massive faced windows around the Command deck exploded in a hail of shattered glass as the commands stormed in. The Terrorists dove behind control panels as a spray of bullets filled the command deck. Several fell dead immediately before others, gathering their wits, returned fire.
In the middle, Mighty Malevolent Mell stood defiant, bullets whizzing past him almost through him, grabbing a flask from his belt, he yelled “I will not be denied!” hissing madly, he slammed the flask down at his feet, instantly, a dark cloud erupted, The cloud, forming into a blazing, red eyed creature of…nastiness!
“I invoke the powers of the Super Villian code 1479! Go forth minion! Destroy!” he laughed before vanishing in a cloud of smoke! Leaving his few remaining employees to join the commandos in the horror unleashed. Few of the brave Nova Hopes Commandos would survive.
Further down bellow, the other attack wave broke like a crashing wave over the Terrorists in the lower decks as the stormed forward, mowing down the stunned Evil Employees. Deeper in, the Delegates, whom had all but given up hope, began to shout and yell loudly, hoping against hope that perhaps their rescue was at hand.
Outside the ship, the few Terrorists not aware of the massive counter strike watched gleefully as Nova Hopes ships swirled widely to avoid the immense barrage of torpedoes, cheering as only a precious few of the hastily launched weapons hit their mark.
Their cheers were interrupted as a deafening explosion ripped through the decks. The Crossroads task force had arrived, peppering the Ship immediately with flak and light shells, their crews on fire with determination to avenge the many ships sunk and crippled by their stolen Flagship.
A Radio COM lit across the air to the lead ships pf Both Nova Hope and Truitt: “In the name of The Lord High CEO! We have come to your aide! We will cover any ships that need to withdrawal with our own hulls, Rally, Rally now!” Admiral Uprinopper shouted, razing the spirits as they closed in on the smoking ship.
Deep inside the ship, near its core however, Mighty Malevolent Mell appeared in a cloud of black smoke, looking around a group of about 17 elite Terrorists, he hissed “Report”
A Dark hooded figure looked up and gestured toward a carved, sealed door, its surface smoking, parts white hot from explosions, it looked, weakend. “IN les than ten min, the Krelmin Device will be ours!
Nova Hope
16-05-2004, 05:17
Ooc: Right…. Nastiness. Ummm the scientific explanation for it is…. Oh the chemical plot-ahkis-uninteruptess I understand.
The nastiness swiped at the person closest to it, luckily it was a terrorist, but anyone would’ve been glad that it wasn’t them. The creature devoured almost half his body in that swipe of it’s maw. The Noviet teams had been unscathed in the operation up until now. Their fast reflexes and body armor had protected them thus far. The radio reports coming in to the other teams were choppy and confusing.
“It’s got Jones open fire!”
“It’s just my full clip *hurk*”
“Tama! You fucking beast!”
The battle would’ve been an epic fire fight yet it was eerily silent. There were cushioned thuds of the commandos’ specially made soles, which made almost no noise. The creature was a silent predator by nature and the only noises it made where the hissed when it’s claws opened one of the commandos suits and it depressurized. Perhaps the more sickening noise it made was the sickening squelch noise it made when it landed it’s claws into the abdomen of the brave Noviet soldiers. Silently the muzzles flashed firing round after round at the beast. *Click* *Click* *Click* the bolts slid faster than the eye could see. When eight of his men had been either slashed open or snapped in half the captain ordered a retreat. Repelling back out the window and down off the bridge he began calling in an air strike. Six miles out the B-2 bomber launched two Maverick missiles into the bridge. They sailed in unopposed with the missile system and all other mean of air defense on the Edselon destroyed. The bridge exploded another bright fireball in the night on the pacific.
“Damn son! Did we get em?”
Meanwhile team PB was moving through the lower decks searching for the hostages. After flash banging another room and mortally wounding the terrorists in it their headsets crackled to life with instructions from the captain of the Freethought. With the delegates now screaming the sub had pinpointed them specifically and were offering directions to the room. Using breaching charges on the door the team was in the room with lighting speed.
“Okay VIPs move your fancy asses Rommen there” points “has point and I got the ass end. Shut up and wear these.” With that the team leader tossed a sack containing normal Kevlar vests. It took a few minutes of confusion but they got everyone suited up and started to escort them off the ship.
Ooc: I am ending with this team starting out the door of the hostage room, that’s as far as I’ve RPed them to allow for other responses.
“This is SB leader to theatre command our objectives are complete what are our orders I repeat SB is accomplished do we have permission to extract” The SB team had blown the deck guns and saw the air strike hit the bridge. The leader was worried, damn worried but he wasn’t going anywhere without checking in to HQ.
“This is Admiral Konyo Aoki to the Crossroads Inc fleet in theatre. We have dispatched the airlifts to the Edselon. We have secured the delegates and are attempting evac, I am officially asking permission to scuttle the Edselon once our people are off because the terrorists still have control of the torpedoes and main turrets. I repeat the Edselon is still a danger and I want to scuttle her, do I have permission open fire?”
Aboard the Doujin - 200 km away from the Edelson
"Alright, we have waited long enough. Set targetting solutions towards the Edelson. Fire when ready."
"Aye, sir."
The massive guns changed their course yet again, this time facing the Edelson. About 10 minutes passed before the turrets were ready to fire.
"Admiral, the guns are ready to fire."
"It would be advantageous to know what the device is - however, we cannot allow the terrorists to gain control, and it might happen soon I fear. I give the order - fire."
The guns lit up and the ship absorbed the weapons fire. In a spread to completely cover the water area, and the guns targetting in front of the Edelson as to assume maximum effectiveness in the destruction of the ship.
Crossroads Inc
16-05-2004, 05:38
OOC: yea.... Thats great Doujin... Could you push back the timing of that little move by Ten minutes or so? I would like Nova to have time to get the Diplomats and such off... Im nearly done with his, and I know how it will end.. Just so you all know, there will be lots of pretty lights!
Nova Hope... Thanks for being such a good sport on all this. Your RP has been excellant, Kudos to you. Im afraid my almost final response to all this wont be until tommarow.. but res assured, all parties involved should enjoy themselves when this is all over.
OOC: Just RP that as happening afterwards then, I"m to tired to fix it - that's why the post is so small.
Crossroads Inc
16-05-2004, 05:42
OOC: thanks D'! Night everyone!
Nova Hope
16-05-2004, 05:55
Aboard the Doujin - 200 km away from the Edelson
"Alright, we have waited long enough. Set targetting solutions towards the Edelson. Fire when ready."
"Aye, sir."
The massive guns changed their course yet again, this time facing the Edelson. About 10 minutes passed before the turrets were ready to fire.
"Admiral, the guns are ready to fire."
"It would be advantageous to know what the device is - however, we cannot allow the terrorists to gain control, and it might happen soon I fear. I give the order - fire."
The guns lit up and the ship absorbed the weapons fire. In a spread to completely cover the water area, and the guns targetting in front of the Edelson as to assume maximum effectiveness in the destruction of the ship.
ooc: What is the in character reason your country would want to blow this thing up? You don't know about the device, I'm the only one with knowledge of it, unless you've done something previous to discover it. This is property of a soviergn nation your firing on, he could try to make a fuss about it, ask for compensation etc.
OOC: You do realize that Crossroads and Doujin have been allied for an extremely long time?
Nova Hope
16-05-2004, 07:09
OOC: You do realize that Crossroads and Doujin have been allied for an extremely long time?
ooc: no, no idea at all actually. I was just asking, it's better to ask and gather info then to fear looking stupid and be lacking critical knowledge.
Crossroads Inc
17-05-2004, 04:24
Within moments of the final push by the Nova Hopes commandos, almost 80% of the Evil Employee Terrorists had been dispatched. With the decks of the Edselon in flames, but oppression contained, a Heavy Chopper was soon dispatched to begin evacuation of the diplomats and dignitaries.
Down in the bowels of the ship, a final push was being made on what was reported to be the last hold out of terrorists, a Sealed vault deep inside the ship. The only part Nova Hopes Intel had failed to penetrate.
Inside the Vault, the sinister Mighty Malevolent Mell cackled with laughter, an instant before the 3ft thick, 10ft high Tempered Titanium Walls of the vault had been breached at last. Inside Pulsing with energy stood his prize. The Infamous, Thermo Nuclear Krelmin Device. The last of his cohorts lay slain at his feet, no longer needed. He savoured his moment before he approached the Device…
Topside, a radio communication was being sent to the other ships too stand down; the operation seemed to have been a success. At that moment, as the last diplomat was being airlifted away, the individual, an expert in the Navies of the world, looked up and seem to remark with surprise…
“Good Heavens! Isn’t that the Doujin?” There was a sudden flash from the far away Leviathan, an instant later another flash emanated from the Edselon as time seemed to stand still.
*Time +0:01 Of Doujins’ Main firing sequence.
Mell reached out, inputting a 25-character password, the Krelmin Device Pulsated as it began to come alive. Gears hissed, panels began to open; the Device seemed to slowly open like a flower, revealing at last its Core.
*Time +0:35 Of Doujins’ Main firing sequence.
Onbored the Lead ship of the Crossroads Naval taskforce, Admiral Uprinopper screamed in shock. He had been told the Doujin was in the area, but he had no idea of it’s true intentions, His face mashed against the window of the command deck as he cried out,
“IN the Boss’s Name! NO!!!”
*Time +4:09 Of Doujins’ Main firing sequence.
The Heavy chopper moved up slowly from the Edselon, the rest of the Dignitaries away… A Mr. Rupert was the last to be carried up, the one, whom had noticed the Doujin, he sighed to himself as he watched the shells approach. “Oh fiddlesticks… Thursdays always were bad for me”
*Time +4.10 Of Doujins’ Main firing sequence,
The Shells hit the ship, Exploding instantly. The remaining Commandos never knew what ha happened. The shear amount of explosive charges and kinetic force from the oncoming Doujin shells ripped the Edselon in two almost instantly… Almost…
*Time +4:10006 Of Doujins’ Main firing sequence.
Mell activates the Krelmin device…
From about a two miles away, the circled ships watched as the Edslon exploded, shooting a Mushroom cloud of thick fire a half a mile into the sky. The forces of Truitt, Nova Hope, and the shell-shocked task force from The Crossroads watched the Rippling shockwave of force. Then, slowly, The explosion seemed to shrink, the water around the ship thrashed and was pulled inward, The ship itself seemed to implode. The rupturing of force ignited the Edselons magazines and massive amounts of stored missiles. Yet the huge explosions seemed to expand only for a few moments before sinking back down, as if they lacked the force to fully explode. The ship, crunched and collapsed, a Sphere of white hot air seemed to envelop it in the pitch-black night air. In less than a minute, The ships collapsed down to the size of walnut before it existed existence all together…
Back in the war room under the Imperial corporate Headquarters, the Lord High CEO watched grimly…
“General Plumbean?”
“Yes your CEO’ness?”
“I am going to be dreading the news tomorrow from this…”
“Ah, I know what you mean Lord CEO.”
Nova Hope
17-05-2004, 04:35
Within moments of the final push by the Nova Hopes commandos, almost 80% of the Evil Employee Terrorists had been dispatched. With the decks of the Edselon in flames, but oppression contained, a Heavy Chopper was soon dispatched to begin evacuation of the diplomats and dignitaries.
Down in the bowels of the ship, a final push was being made on what was reported to be the last hold out of terrorists, a Sealed vault deep inside the ship. The only part Nova Hopes Intel had failed to penetrate.
Inside the Vault, the sinister Mighty Malevolent Mell cackled with laughter, an instant before the 3ft thick, 10ft high Tempered Titanium Walls of the vault had been breached at last. Inside Pulsing with energy stood his prize. The Infamous, Thermo Nuclear Krelmin Device. The last of his cohorts lay slain at his feet, no longer needed. He savoured his moment before he approached the Device…
Topside, a radio communication was being sent to the other ships too stand down; the operation seemed to have been a success. At that moment, as the last diplomat was being airlifted away, the individual, an expert in the Navies of the world, looked up and seem to remark with surprise…
“Good Heavens! Isn’t that the Doujin?” There was a sudden flash from the far away Leviathan, an instant later another flash emanated from the Edselon as time seemed to stand still.
*Time +0:01 Of Doujins’ Main firing sequence.
Mell reached out, inputting a 25-character password, the Krelmin Device Pulsated as it began to come alive. Gears hissed, panels began to open; the Device seemed to slowly open like a flower, revealing at last its Core.
*Time +0:35 Of Doujins’ Main firing sequence.
Onbored the Lead ship of the Crossroads Naval taskforce, Admiral Uprinopper screamed in shock. He had been told the Doujin was in the area, but he had no idea of it’s true intentions, His face mashed against the window of the command deck as he cried out,
“IN the Boss’s Name! NO!!!”
*Time +4:09 Of Doujins’ Main firing sequence.
The Heavy chopper moved up slowly from the Edselon, the rest of the Dignitaries away… A Mr. Rupert was the last to be carried up, the one, whom had noticed the Doujin, he sighed to himself as he watched the shells approach. “Oh fiddlesticks… Thursdays always were bad for me”
*Time +4.10 Of Doujins’ Main firing sequence,
The Shells hit the ship, Exploding instantly. The remaining Commandos never knew what ha happened. The shear amount of explosive charges and kinetic force from the oncoming Doujin shells ripped the Edselon in two almost instantly… Almost…
*Time +4:10006 Of Doujins’ Main firing sequence.
Mell activates the Krelmin device…
From about a two miles away, the circled ships watched as the Edslon exploded, shooting a Mushroom cloud of thick fire a half a mile into the sky. The forces of Truitt, Nova Hope, and the shell-shocked task force from The Crossroads watched the Rippling shockwave of force. Then, slowly, The explosion seemed to shrink, the water around the ship thrashed and was pulled inward, The ship itself seemed to implode. The rupturing of force ignited the Edselons magazines and massive amounts of stored missiles. Yet the huge explosions seemed to expand only for a few moments before sinking back down, as if they lacked the force to fully explode. The ship, crunched and collapsed, a Sphere of white hot air seemed to envelop it in the pitch-black night air. In less than a minute, The ships collapsed down to the size of walnut before it existed existence all together…
Back in the war room under the Imperial corporate Headquarters, the Lord High CEO watched grimly…
“General Plumbean?”
“Yes your CEO’ness?”
“I am going to be dreading the news tomorrow from this…”
“Ah, I know what you mean Lord CEO.”
ooc: So... My commandos all gone... My choppers... gone... have far has the implosion/explosion reached from the Edselon?
Crossroads Inc
17-05-2004, 04:38
ooc: So... My commandos all gone... My choppers... gone... have far has the implosion/explosion reached from the Edselon? Not all, Only one chopper was still left, other had left in time, And only a "clean up crew" of Commandos were left on bored since it was concluded the mission had been a succes and the rest went home. The Improsion/Explosion was about a half mile radius, all other ships were safely outside it's range
Nova Hope
17-05-2004, 04:49
ooc: So... My commandos all gone... My choppers... gone... have far has the implosion/explosion reached from the Edselon? Not all, Only one chopper was still left, other had left in time, And only a "clean up crew" of Commandos were left on bored since it was concluded the mission had been a succes and the rest went home. The Improsion/Explosion was about a half mile radius, all other ships were safely outside it's range
ooc: So do I have any reason to suspect the kremlin device or anything or just Doujin has killed my men.
Crossroads Inc
17-05-2004, 04:57
OOC: from your point of view, obviously the ship was destroyed by Doujins' shots, however what happend after that you would have no idea of.
Nova Hope
17-05-2004, 04:58
OOC: from your point of view, obviously the ship was destroyed by Doujins' shots, however what happend after that you would have no idea of.
ooc: right. Give me some time to write up some 'moral outrage'
OOC: It was a nuclear explosion, so I didn't do it.
"Sir, the ship just blew up - nuclear explosion!"
"Sound the alarm, I want the ship prepared for any radiation that might find it's way here. Make way for home port. Activate all NBC systems. We need to pick up the DN Eldrid and the DN Ingemar - our brand new Doujin's for the Fleet anyway."
"Aye, Admiral."
Nova Hope
17-05-2004, 05:01
OOC: It was a nuclear explosion, so I didn't do it.
"Sir, the ship just blew up - nuclear explosion!"
"Sound the alarm, I want the ship prepared for any radiation that might find it's way here. Make way for home port. Activate all NBC systems. We need to pick up the DN Eldrid and the DN Ingemar - our brand new Doujin's for the Fleet anyway."
"Aye, Admiral."
ooc: no but you were recorded firing on the ship while we were still on it.
OOC: So? You would have had to see a missile hit the Edelson
Nova Hope
17-05-2004, 06:07
OOC: So? You would have had to see a missile hit the Edelson
ooc: umm, you blew it apart in full view of my surviving commandos. Who would've been able to see your ship due to altitude
Crossroads Inc
18-05-2004, 02:34
OOC: Ok you guys, break it up, you can hammer things out latter. Ic;y speaking, neither of you knows exactly what happend in the final moments, Doujin can suspect it was the Krelmin device, but thats about it. Nova Hope may naturally wish to hold an inquiery as to the reasons behind the Doujins fiering on the Edselon. Crossroads Inc itself is going naturally be miffed over the whole affair, but i'll get to that in my next post.
Nova Hope
18-05-2004, 04:34
OOC: Ok you guys, break it up, you can hammer things out latter. Ic;y speaking, neither of you knows exactly what happend in the final moments, Doujin can suspect it was the Krelmin device, but thats about it. Nova Hope may naturally wish to hold an inquiery as to the reasons behind the Doujins fiering on the Edselon. Crossroads Inc itself is going naturally be miffed over the whole affair, but i'll get to that in my next post.
ooc: so you want me to wait for your post before I post mine?
Crossroads Inc
18-05-2004, 06:03
No thats ok, I have a fir idea what should happen, so go ahead and post yours.
Nova Hope
18-05-2004, 15:15
Johnson hoisted himself on to the Chinook as it was pulling away. The bird climbed and he looked down to see the last team boarding the last Chinook under the watchful eye of an apache. As his bird pulled away he saw one of the ex hostages point at a flash in the horizon and mutter about a ‘Doujin’. Johnson had just enough time to catch the flash before the deck below, where he had just been and where his friends still where, incinerate.
“This is Johnson to command team SP and pick has been destroyed, the Edselon is being fires on. I repeat the Edselon is being shelled!”
“This is HQ do you have a visual?” With that Johnson looked over at the flashing horizon and zoomed his HUD in. The visual capture was a splendid piece of footage. The large turrets booming the ship absorbing the fire with minimal tilt, Johnson recorded it all with a fire in his gut.
In the President’s bedroom 10 minutes later a phone rang in the dark.
“Ummm hello?”
“It’s fine, what do you want?”
“What? I’ll be down in the office in five minutes.”
Official request to all nations involved in the ‘Edselon incident’ (Including Doujin)
We are curious as to the cause of the initial explosions on the Edselon that took the lives of our six commandoes and four pilots. We are more curious still of the secondary explosion on the Edselon which the fleet has recorded as a nuclear explosion. We are giving you all time to explain this to us before we jump to any wild conclusions like our men were murdered. We await your answers with limited patience.
EDIT: I bolded
Crossroads Inc
18-05-2004, 21:03
Deep inside the War Room of the Imperial Corporate Headquarters, the assembled bored of Directors watched open mouthed at the visual feed from the Lead battleship in the Crossroads Task Force. The Lord High CEO sat back in his chair, his head resting in his hands as he sighed.
“Well General Plumbean, The good news it would seem is that the Krelmin Device worked. A nuclear explosion without nuclear fallout, it would seem the runaway Gravity Implosion Mell had counted on did not take place, Thank God.” General Plumbean nodded behind him as the other five Directors began to talk furiously among themselves.
Professor Theodore Throtmorten talked excitedly, the scientist part of the team that worked on the device, he chattered oblivious of the situation, caught up in the thrill of such scientific achievement functioning. Ambassador Hugo Wizenheimer shouted angrily with the interior director, Heretio Maglicuty. Fuming over the combined costs of both the Edselon and the Krelmin Device, both of which no longer existed. The Lord CEO rubbed his temples listening to the din, he slammed his fists down regaining order.
“Order, ORDER! I will not have my own bored of directors descend into chaos after the largest disasters in Crossroads history! We are going to have far larger problems. We can expect about 15min before other Nations begin calling in asking why a ‘Nuclear Weapon Free’ nation seems to have developed a new type of Nuclear Weapon.” He shouted angrily before motion to two nearby Employees. “Get me some aspirin and ginger ale, Im going to have a Heck’uv a time with this mess.”
Crossroads Inc
21-05-2004, 01:47
OOC:hmmm.. Should I consider this RP finished?
Nova Hope
21-05-2004, 02:01
OOC:hmmm.. Should I consider this RP finished?
ooc: Well, I did ask for an explaination, I dunno neither you nor Doujin replied I really don't know how to ask more diferently because your both alot bigger than me. You intimadate my administration and that's why I was so careful with the asking. I bolded the heading of where I asked above.
Crossroads Inc
21-05-2004, 02:12
OOC: Well, my last IC pose above you should hint at much of what happend and what went on. But i'll TM you a personal msg just to more fully smooth things over.
Official Response - Doujin
Your commanders were aboard a rebel vessel that was targetted for destruction. Their deaths i san accident, however Doujin will not and shall not claim responsibility for the deaths of whomever was on the ship.
Nova Hope
24-05-2004, 05:50
We understand it was a tense situation, however we have very reliable reports that you opened fire prior to the large as yet unidentified explosion. We don’t expect much, merely a public apology and thirty million dollars to go straight to compensating the families of the lost men. The apology will not be taken as anymore then your command is sympathetic to the families of our lost men and woman. We will not try to ‘hold you over a barrel’ as it was. We need only to appease our citizenry.
Crossroads Inc.
We have been going over the statistic and reports from the incident on the Edselon. All said and done this ship acquitted itself miraculously and has caught the attention of our military commanders. Going on a recommendation from the in theatre commander, Admiral Konyo Aoki commander of the NHSS Puissant, we have decided to broach the topic of acquiring some of these ships for ourselves. We are open to several options and understand that this ship is very special to your people. We could build the ship under your supervision or build it ourselves or purchase some off you. Please respond with your thoughts.
Nova Hope
25-05-2004, 13:46
Nova Hope
25-05-2004, 13:46