My dear father Maharaja Asoka has abdicated the throne to live out the remainder of his days in Ayodha Palace without strain of rule to make his deteriorating health possibly become better.
Thus May I introduce myself as Maharaja Chandragupta of Magdha, Lord of Myanmar to the Indus, From the lands of the Tamils to the Himalayas.
06-05-2004, 04:33
Best wishes from Celdrone as you begin your reign.
Maharaja Chandragupta,
Our congrats and regards to your ascension to the throne. May you rule well and wisely.
Alaric, King of Xeraph
I thank the nations of Celdrone and Xeraph for their frendship and support.
I intend for my reign to bring about a new level of peace and cooperation in the world. We support peace but attacks on our citizens, allies or just nations which need assistance shall cause action to be taken.
Maharaja Chandragupta of Magdha.
Maharaja Chandragupta, congratulations on this fantastic occasion. I am not yet very familiar with the great nation of Maghda, but in time, I hope we can grow into a healthy relationship. Again congratulations,
Kind Regards,
Paramount Conductor of Burstak, Valyka Kraina,
06-05-2004, 04:41
The Government of Fultonia Congratualtes you upon your succession to the throne and welcomes further contact between our two great and wonderful nations.
President Jefferson
I congratulate you on your succession and wish you and your nation the best of health and prosperity.
President David Yorke
Schultaria Prime
06-05-2004, 04:42
Schultaria Prime shall awknowledge the new ruler of Magdha; however the previous ruler of your nation, Maharaja Asoka, made one final diplomatic move that our nation finds rather unsetteling.
From the following thread:
I the great nation of Magdha will be pleased to provide you with 30 nuclear warheads and our entire experimental ebola virus bombs for an alliance between our two nations.
Maharaja Asoka of Magdha
From one civilized nation to another, we ask how you will deal with this policy of nuclear and biological proliferation to young and potentially unstable nations. We know that this was the work of your father's administration, but our National Assembly is still wary of your international policy. Hopefully, in the near future, we may come to amicable relations.
-Central Director Elliot Schultz
-Director Joan Covey
-Director Harlen Damien
I am happy for your sucession. I hope to maintain a diplomatic relationship with your country and wish for the best for you and your people. I also wish to offer my condolences to the former kind. May he find peace for the rest of his days, and comfort knowing that he has a fine ruler to take his place.
The Armed Republic of Haven
President Dell
"Defend those who can't defend themselfs"
We hope the new ruler is not so trigger-happy, sadistic, and evil as the last. If they are, they will be dealt with.
----Caliph of Daylam.
06-05-2004, 04:45
His Holy Majesty's Government wishes to congratulate you on your ascension to the throne.
May your years be happy and prosperous.
Lady Justina Valdir, Minister for External Affairs.
The idea of selling bombs and viruses for alliegences stricks me as odd. I feel like this is a thing of the past for your country and no such offers are being made anymore. That is very careless and very dangerous. You said you defend the weak. I will take your word for it. I will stand by you.
President Dell of The Armed Republic of Haven
06-05-2004, 04:47
Congratulations on your promotion to ruler of your nation. Very few people handed the honor and prestige that accompany a head of state. Just don't be a jerk like your pappy was and I won't feel a need to nuke you.
I have officially ended that deal.
My father's mind had become weakend with intense pain from gout and was suffering bouts of insanity. He made a wise decision with allowing me to suceed him before nations suffered.
With less stress he should be healed but he has decided to remain off the throne forever.
As I have said before we will work toards peace. As a show of this we will destroy our entire bio weapons stocks.
Maharaja Chandragupta of Magdha.
Monte Ozarka
06-05-2004, 05:58
We wish Lord Maharaja Chandragupta the best of luck and the greatest of happiness in his reign. May you rule justly and fairly.
--ANDRÉ CRATEINNE, Viscount of Freinte, Official Spokesman for the Archduke Philip IV
06-05-2004, 06:23
Congradulations once again. I will not wish to bore you with hobtalk so a simple congrats is all.
--- President Tronn ---
The Burnsian Desert
06-05-2004, 06:25
Congratulations, Mr. Chandragupta. We hope to see you at the party.
Thank you all nations who have supported my sucession and offered freindship to my nation. We hope to bring about cooperation between us.
Maharaja Chandragupta of Magdha.