Hogsweat Pupils Forced to Call Teachers Comrade!
05-05-2004, 17:42
Hogsweatian Pupils as early as five are being told to stop calling their teacher's mister, or miss, and instead call them 'Comrade'
Also, Year 10 Pupils now have an extra lesson. Within Physical Education, they will have shooting lesssons, most likely clay pigeons or wooden targets.
Haha, communism for you, id love to have shooting lessons at school...i think you should have a young persons military corp, for people from yr10 up untill out of school were thay can do stuff like all the actual services do, so people can fly fighters, and mend them, thats military service from a young age for you!
05-05-2004, 17:50
It has also been announced that it will be mandatory for Sixth Formers to participate in Militia Duties.
05-05-2004, 18:24
Similar actions have now been taken by the GEM, we now order most pupils from yr 10 upwards to participate in shooting wooden tagets of soldiers, aslo Sixth formers are now tought Tankist lessons using the ancient, but venerable T-55's.... Also a small "Midlonia Youth" army has been set up, this so far consists of 10,000 school children of both sexes from age 14 to 18.
05-05-2004, 18:53
Ahh communist nations. Where would the world be without them? I mean who would us honorable and conservative nations beat the living crap out of?
07-05-2004, 18:53
Red Wales
08-05-2004, 01:52
The World would be better without facist dictatorships that ruin people's lives like you Layarteb
Hogsweat well we support your measure of having your pupils call teachers comrade, we condem your actions of teaching people to shot from such an early age.
It's our opinion that while calling teachers "Comrade" seems a little odd it doesn't really mean much in the way of freedom, over here teachers are often referred to as "Sir" but it depends on the teacher who has to interact with the children on a daily basis...
Meanwhile we personally feel that training young children to shoot isn't really part of conventional education as it doesn't do much to prepare them for future life. Guns are illegal outside of the military (noting that emergancy services are technically part of the Iuthian military) and thus not part of daily life.
Training people in the use of firearms will not really have much affect at that age as military training mostly focuses on training soldiers to work together effectively and indoctinating them to the point where they instinctively know how to react in a given situation. Training weapon use in children may teach them how to handle and fire a weapon, but it won't most of the vital training required for military service...
Ulimately we dismissed the idea of training gun use among children as a waste of valuable teaching time required for their education... we can accept that a small period of time can be spared but we cannot find any evidence to prove that it will make them better soldiers when they come of age to serve their time.
Overall we have come to the conclusion that all military training should be done when citizens come to serve their time in the Iuthian Military, then they are taught enough to act as reserves for the professional soldiers and the weapons training can be done inconjunction with other training exercises involving teamwork and communication skills.
We neither condemn nor condone training children to use weapons from a young age... we mearly don't see the point.
Foriegn Minister Mick Lakely, Iuthian Diplomatic Corps
Urbanites (http://www.nationstates.net/cgi-bin/index.cgi/page=display_region/region=Urbanites)
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08-05-2004, 10:52
These are turbulent times we live in. It serves that should anyone invade our glorious communist nation, and in the unlikely event our military is routed and destroyed, the Red Militia will be able to carry out partisan acts and defend locations.
Imperial Forces
08-05-2004, 13:01
Ahh communist nations. Where would the world be without them? I mean who would us honorable and conservative nations beat the living crap out of?
Founded: 31 Oct 2003
You lose at life.
08-05-2004, 21:39
Bah be quiet, communism hasn't really done alot of good in the real world but i spose this is freeform rp and its more of a potential world. One thing though imperial forces, are u actually imperialist? if so then your my best friend :D
Btw, how does it help calling teachers "Combrade" because isn't a combrade more of a brother/sister or a friend or something like that. Not many children LIKE their teachers.
08-05-2004, 21:44
Hehe... IF is Imperial-Commie.. arent ya?
No, all children hate their teachers, this inspires (or rather forces) Discipline.
08-05-2004, 22:32
HHmmm to be honest i found myself disliking very few of my teachers... oh well.
As for Starting shooting a tthat age, well it happens in Crookfur but generally as a sporting activity organised through one of the youth organisations. Its not that common at 10 years old (most start at 12) but it happens.
gernally its just basic 10m airrifle and .22 stuff.
Pistols and clay pidgeon shooting comes later followed by eventual progression to full sized rifle ammo.
Fully structured trianign schemes and assesments are provided via the Crookfur Firearms Society.
Many groups also regularly run paint ball, airsoft and laser based games.
These are all of coruse completely voluntary as are most martial arts etc (although some schools do teach basic katas and training forms).