NationStates Jolt Archive

Credonia Tenders Resignation From Concordia Alliance

05-05-2004, 14:36
Taken from the Concordia alliance forums:

Due to continuous controversy over my true intentions towards this alliance, the RIA alliance, and Mildonia, I hereby my tender my resignation to the general assembly of the Concordia alliance for the following reasons:

1) Credonia has be and always has been a loyal ally and would dare not partake in actions that would put Credonia and Concordia in conflict with each other.

2) My involvement with the RIA has indeed become fruitful for me, however, even though the RIA has imperialist nations within it, Credonia is not an imperialist nation, in fact, our new military and foreign policy doctrine which was put into effect YESTERDAY, says otherwise.

3) I will not allow any alliance to interfere with the internal affairs of my nation. If I would like to join an alliance for whatever reason I may have, I will join them and do not need the permission of others to do so. Also, on the point of there being problems between the RIA and Camewot, if it werent for me, Camewot would be a warzone right now. You all question my loyalty, but you should really be questioning your own loyalty as all of you who said you would assict Camewot bailed out on him and essentially me as well, leaving me to handle the situation as I did, and I took care of it, averting a major war between the RIA and Camewot, and I will admit, I did become friendly with the nations from that alliance, so what. If they really had problems with anyone in this alliance aside from Mildonia and Camewot, I would not have been geting close to them as I am now.

4) Before the forming of this alliance, I already knew I would have problems with some of the nations in this alliance, primarily Doujin and Holy Panooly. Holy Panooly was not in this alliance for peace. He was in it to gain valuable information on our nations and our activities so that he could exploit it for his own ends (primarily terrorist activities). Doujin on the other hand criticizes all that is not in agreeance with his beliefs, and he has constantly done so within this alliance and on the international scene. He criticizes my abilities to lead, my abilities to run my own country, my abilities to make peace (yet im doing so through politics and diplomacy), and many other things that need not be mentioned. For that reason, I will not stay in an alliance that the leaders or most vocal members will constantly and intentionally criticize my EVERY move and my EVERY word on EVERY topic just for the purpose of trying to make me look bad. Not only is that disrespectful, it is also disloyal, and quite frankly, I dont want to be in an alliance that has disloyal members. It defeats the purpose of having an alliance at all.

With all of that being said, long after my resignation begins, I will consider ALL members of this alliance independent allies of Credonia. Most of you I have helped in one way or another, and you have also helped me in one way or another, and I am thankful for your help and loyalty. Let this not be the end of our alliance and our strong bond with each other. My decision to resign is of a personal nature and has nothing to do with any one member of this alliance, with the exception of the aforementioned.

Resignation Effective: The Moment My Term For Secretary of Intelligence Ends
05-05-2004, 15:24
OOC: And you plan on running for President, you can't even handle criticism? I have never criticized you just to make you look bad, Credonia. I have criticized you, on multiple occasions, but a true "leader" will grow from such criticism and become a better and stronger person. I do not see that happening in this case.
Holy panooly
05-05-2004, 15:25
Credonia, you are partially right and partially wrong. In the beginning I was in it for peace and stability between me and AU. Next a few other nations asked me for some information but there was nothing out of the ordinary. When my government started to become a little racist AU thrown me out because I was in direct violation of Concordias laws.
Five Civilized Nations
05-05-2004, 15:47
OOC: Its also one reason why Credonia resigned from the IADF... Some of us didn't agree with him...
Cousin Eddie
05-05-2004, 15:55
OOC: Why don't you sleep on it first? It seems a pity to make such an 'important' decision based on activity over a few days.

Cousin Eddie is most dissapointed to hear of the proposed actions of the Credonian government. We can't help but feel that Credonia is overeacting to some criticism it has received recently, and that they should seek to settle their differences rather than react so dramatically to what really is an internal issue within Concordia. I suggest that this discussion be kept within Concordia, and following the nature of the alliance, the nations involved settle down, put their assorted egoes aside, and resolve their differences.

However, we respect the right for Credonia to make its own decisions, and are sorry to see that they feel they are reduced to this. We will continue to remain an ally of Credonia and to continue to improve the friendship between the nations.
Holy panooly
05-05-2004, 16:15
OOC: Its also one reason why Credonia resigned from the IADF... Some of us didn't agree with him...

Some things are making much more sense right now.
Five Civilized Nations
05-05-2004, 16:44
Holy panooly
05-05-2004, 16:45
Oh nothing, I should have kept that for myself.
Five Civilized Nations
05-05-2004, 16:48
okay... :roll:
05-05-2004, 16:57
OOC: Why don't you sleep on it first? It seems a pity to make such an 'important' decision based on activity over a few days.

Cousin Eddie is most dissapointed to hear of the proposed actions of the Credonian government. We can't help but feel that Credonia is overeacting to some criticism it has received recently, and that they should seek to settle their differences rather than react so dramatically to what really is an internal issue within Concordia. I suggest that this discussion be kept within Concordia, and following the nature of the alliance, the nations involved settle down, put their assorted egoes aside, and resolve their differences.

However, we respect the right for Credonia to make its own decisions, and are sorry to see that they feel they are reduced to this. We will continue to remain an ally of Credonia and to continue to improve the friendship between the nations.

I am aware that many of my allies are disappointed with my sudden and drastic changes in not only my military and foreign policies but also my stances towards the alliances i am part of. For this I am sorry, however, my decision to leave Concordia was not made over night. I have been dwelling on the decision for a few days and I decided to go ahead and announce it. It was not something that I wanted to do, but I feel that its is something that i must do for Credonia. This is only part of my plan to reshape Credonian relations and to rebuild its reputation, and by sticking around with nations such as Doujin, I feel that it would hinder those efforts severly.
Huzen Hagen
05-05-2004, 17:19
I think i have a sloution that you would like. Start your own allaince so you can surround yourself with yes men, this is what you want. If you want to controll an allaince create one that you and only you head and controll
05-05-2004, 22:40
The Republic of Sicrat deplores this sudden and unprovoked resignation of one of Concordia's founding nations. It would like to state that its government feels the Concordian alliance is a strong as ever despite the turmoil Credonia has left by diplomatically cutting and running.
05-05-2004, 22:41
The Republic of Sicrat deplores this sudden and unprovoked resignation of one of Concordia's founding nations. It would like to state that its government feels the Concordian alliance is a strong as ever despite the turmoil Credonia has left by diplomatically cutting and running.
05-05-2004, 22:45
The Republic of Sicrat deplores this sudden and unprovoked resignation of one of Concordia's founding nations. It would like to state that its government feels the Concordian alliance is a strong as ever despite the turmoil Credonia has left by diplomatically cutting and running.
06-05-2004, 00:46
I think i have a sloution that you would like. Start your own allaince so you can surround yourself with yes men, this is what you want. If you want to controll an allaince create one that you and only you head and controll

I could create an alliance if i wanted to. God knows Credonia has a lot of friends and allies that would proudly join, but my goal is not to command power or dictate a group of nations. My goal is to untarnish Credonia's reputation so that is is once again commended and applauded by all for the actions it takes and the aid that it gives to other nations. My goal is to also make friends and/or allies out of present enemies and to forge new relations with nations that we have not yet had relations with. What I do want, seek, and ask for is respect from all nations within the international community, and in order to regain that respect, serious changes need to be made without the hindering of those changes by other nations. Concordia hindered my ability to make friends with other nations and groups.

And let me clear one misconception up, the RIA is not anti-Concordia. YOu all think that it is, but it isnt. Sure it may have a few problems with a couple nations part of it, but they have had those problems since before Concordia even came to be, so to call it Anti-Concordian is a total misconception and misjudgement on the part of the Concordian general assembly. If it were indeed against Concordia, I would not engage in peaceful relations with them. I dont side with nations that are against my friends and allies.