The Battle For Trinica RP All Welcome!
Third Phase Colonies
04-05-2004, 20:39
The Trinica system is a system of 3 planets, 5 moons and 2 suns. The planets are Trist, Triova and Lanec. Trist is a lush planet, full of plants and animals, it is ideal for agriculture and is rich in various minerals and ores.
Triova is a hive planet, covered in huge cities and spaceports, ideal for trade. Lanec is a hot planet, mainly desert and grassy plains, due to the complex system of two suns Lanec is constantly bathed in light, the earth is too dry for intense farming but there are many deposits of valuable minerals, a very wealthy planet.
The system is currently under the control of a resident force of humans who are run by their leader Josiah Indis, I will represent them aswell as my invasion force. The resident force and my force may be under my controll but they are NOT allied.
When I use Red Writing I am the forces of Josiah Indis.
Third Phase Colonies
05-05-2004, 17:05
OOC,My invasion force is lead by Shas'O Vior'La Kais.
"Commander, we have reached the system, shall I give the orders to drop?"
"Not yet, I want a video link with Josiah Indis."
"Aye Sir."
[code:1:0dc5602c8c]This is Shas'O Vior'La Kais, commander of battlefleet Vaa'Tun I will give you only one chance to surrender your system to me.[/code:1:0dc5602c8c]
[code:1:0dc5602c8c]Then you leave me no choice but to destroy you and your pitiful minions.[/code:1:0dc5602c8c]
"Kor'Ui give the order for the troops to prepare for drop."
"Aye sir, all troops prepare for drop, I repeat all troops prepare for drop."
"Its a shame it had to come to this, but if this is what is needed for the greater good, it shall be."
"Aye sir, For The Greater Good."
Third Phase Colonies
06-05-2004, 17:22
"Sir all troops have successfully landed on Trist and are awaiting further insructions."
"Establish me a link with the commander down there."
"Yes sir."
[code:1:aa91d1f781]Shas'El I wnat your status report.[/code:1:aa91d1f781]
[code:1:aa91d1f781]All troops and equipment are fine, so far there has been only light resistance from the locals, we have established a forward command base and numerous villages have been fortified for defensive purposes.[/code:1:aa91d1f781]
[code:1:aa91d1f781]Exellent, For The Greater Good.[/code:1:aa91d1f781]
[code:1:aa91d1f781]Yes, For The Greater Good.[/code:1:aa91d1f781]
Third Phase Colonies
06-05-2004, 21:43
"Sir we have reports that a large amount of enemy troops have landed on trist."
"Send 5 infantry companies and 2 tank companies out ther immediatley"
"Yes Sir."
06-05-2004, 21:56
You play Tau don't you?
Marijuana Heads
06-05-2004, 23:18
The Free Land Of Marijuana Heads has sent a ship full of hippies to the aid of Josiah Indis and his people. They are headed by their leader Teleri Moses. All he wants in return is to be alowed access to the planet Trist for agricultural uses. Teleri stresses the point that his people will be a great ally with their ability to cast magic hippy spells. Does Josiah accept?
Third Phase Colonies
07-05-2004, 18:46
"I accept your proposition, how many men do you have?"
08-05-2004, 04:19
The People's Republic of Metallinauts offers their 35th and 78th fleets as well as their 99th through146th Infantry and th 4th throug 19th Armor to stave off this unprovoked attack by the Tau.
OOC: This attack is not very Tau like
Third Phase Colonies
08-05-2004, 08:33
OOC, The Tau arn't attacking at random, they offered Josiah a chance to live in peace, then offered him the chance to surrender, he declined both times.
Possessed Bunnies
08-05-2004, 08:42
The Possessed Bunnies army has deployed it beta unit to aid the attack on Lanec.
**Onboard the Leviathon class Heavy Cruiser**
'Captain, we have Lanec in sight. We have done a scan and have found that there are few people and settelments. I suggest you deply 2 of the Omega Battle Fighters. They can scout out the area before the Dua's get there.'
'Do this, and prepare 5,000 for an attacking takeover.'
Ulthwe Strike Force
08-05-2004, 08:42
[code:1:6b514c6205]I am Farseer Marthandus, I have forseen many things but this I do not see, I am hereby pledging my allegance to the Tau. All I ask for in return for this is a trade route between our empires.[/code:1:6b514c6205]
Lessr Tsurani
08-05-2004, 10:04
On a one of the moons of Triova a small fleet had setted and started their factorys, artificial air was made with the seencravan feilds. Thousands of Drow, orks, gobllins and other creatures of the underground stood, most of them Drow or Yaun-Ti. They all stood in peace that could not be lived for long. They where getting onto their ships readying for war. They launched their ships and headed for the planet, their number almost 6 million, all made up from the colinest. All of them had their weapons ready and they ships armed. They marched against the Josiah Indis for the injustes they had been done.
The united social states of smoerie has send 200 well trained social police force men to the planet Lunec.
Other planets will follow.When conquered they will be free for ever.
Don't conquer but let live!
Imperial Brits
08-05-2004, 11:19
The empire is currently massing a fleet to take Lunec for itself. The fleet being massed will consist of
10 Hatak class destroyers, 25 troop transports, 50 fighter wings the sister ship of the flag ship IBS temporal the IBS Mediator., all empires currently within the conflict zone are urged to withdraw before you are destroyed.
"Sir, we are detecting some activity in the Trinica System. It seem three planet as there"
"Really? Can we take some as our own?"
"I believe that would be possible sir"
*He looked at the files"
"Trist is is then! Prepare the invasion force! The empire gets a planet today!"
*The Trixian Forces gathered. Preparing to drop on the planet known as Trist, Triova was on the cards if things went well*
Trixian Forces
1 Trixian Star Destroyer Defender
10 Trixian Dreadnoughts
30 Troop Drop ships
1 Wing of fighters per dreadnought, 6 for the TSD, so = 16 wings
Tanks, Soldiers etc.....
Imperial Brits
08-05-2004, 11:31
IC: Admiral Aken Bosch sat in his command chair smug of victory. The IBS temporal and her escort was hurtling thrrough subspace and would arrive with in the system within moments. The small fleet dropped out of subspace and charged weapons. "This is Admiral Aken Bosch of the British Empire you are hearby ordered to leave this system as it is no property of the Empire. failure to begin the evacuation immediantly will result in your complete and utter destruction. You have 10 seconds to reply."
The admiral eager for battle ordered the fleet into position 45 millionkm away from Lunec the trasnport ships still in the safety of subspace were waiting for the hail to return home.
you are hearby ordered to leave this system as it is no property of the Empire.
Oh... i think missing a W makes quite a big difference!!
you are hearby ordered to leave this system as it is now property of the Empire.
There you go :wink:
IC: *The TSD Defender and the Trixian Fleet came out of hyperspace*
"Attention IB ships, it seems your imperialism is out imperialismised (ok i made that word up, but it sounds good no?) today! Leave now or leave Trist and the other planet beggining with a 'T' to us! That is an order"
"Plus we're bigger than you. And as Empires go, thats an important factor..."
Possessed Bunnies
08-05-2004, 15:37
**Onboard the Leviathon class Heavy Cruiser**
'Any reports from the Omega Scouts yet?'
'Yes, they have seen a few settelments but not much. There seems to be one major city.'
'OK. Deploy 20 Dua's. Put 20 men on each. Have them armed and ready for combat. Then prepare this ship for landing. We need the rest of the army readyto back up.'
'Yes Sir'
Marijuana Heads
09-05-2004, 04:37
A transmision from Captain Teleri Moses:
"My army consists of seven hippies... ok it's not much... but they do have powers... ok, I lied they don't have any powers. But how hard could it be to defend against some invaders, a couple of bunnies and the empire from starwars? You know what? good luck, you're on your own."
Captain Moses has withdrawn his troops from the defence of Josiah and his system.
Lessr Tsurani
09-05-2004, 06:38
The ships came down fast crushing the smaller towns with ease. Their defences could not stand up to the onslaught. The drow Generals mde full use of the abilatys the other races had and made every man count. The casualtys where high but they could take them, they had more if they needed, while The hive had very little strength. They where crushing Citys as if they where nothing, But the risistace was coming. A army of Mallita had gathered at each hove city, and made every one of them count for something. Admrial Deleware watched. It was only a matter of time....
Buka Makalu
09-05-2004, 07:35
IC: *The TSD Defender and the Trixian Fleet came out of hyperspace*
"Attention IB ships, it seems your imperialism is out imperialismised (ok i made that word up, but it sounds good no?) today! Leave now or leave Trist and the other planet beggining with a 'T' to us! That is an order"
"Plus we're bigger than you. And as Empires go, thats an important factor..."
OOC:"You also have a recently arriving Ally" (I wish you didn't choose Empire Trix I needed to be diffrent then :P )
IC: The ICJ Fleet led by the Buka Makalun Space Corps comes out of Hyperspace and sends a hail to their Trixian Allies
01 VHAVININ Class Imperial Death Storm (IBMSC Kalukimavi (Armed With Stellar Converter))
10 NUVIRI Class Imperial Dreadnaughts
30 VHASAHN Class Troop Carriers
15 LÛRENAN Class Battle Cruisers
10 FAREUNT Class Star Carriers
02 Wings of IMSC Black Star Fighters per FAREUNT
30 Battalions (1 per BM VHASAHN Troop Carrier) of NecroTroopers
Possessed Bunnies
09-05-2004, 12:23
**Onboard the Leviathon class Heavy Cruiser**
'Sir, the army is ready and we have found a suitable place to land this ship. I suggest you prepare the crew for landing'
[Over the ships intercom]
**Onboard Dua Fighter 1A**
comms link to the Leviathon
Sir, we have secured the landing zone. We have set up a small camp and the soldiers are continuing to search for people. We have taken a number of prisoners and are trying to extract more information from them.
Imperial Brits
09-05-2004, 13:23
On board the IBS Mediator. "Admiral we have detected a landing upon our moon of Lunec."
"Dont just stand there then man open fire destroy them. Oh and captain relay the message to fleet command to have the IBS Love you into this system it seems we may need it."
"Yes Sir"
The fleet took up attack patterns coming into weapons range of the heavy cruiser (25km) two Ravana class destroyers opened fire with there forward beam cannons.
Lessr Tsurani
09-05-2004, 14:31
Del watched as the ships landed more and more of theirr troops. Their unadvanced tech ment that they had only just recently found out about other planets besides the one they wanted to destroy. They had also come into contact with a Nation made up of almost all Drow. They had sent a message for help and the Drow had granted them all citizn ship in there nation. With the Drow forces able to transport more men the world would fall to them. And as Delware watched, he knew it would be with little Damge as well. He smiled at the thought.
OOC OK. The nation they found was mine and they found it recently. So they are just a percentage of my current pop.
"Sir, IB are not leaving sir, and Buka Makalu have arrived"
"Buka Makalu? Jolly Good! Let them know we intend on attacking the planet of Trist, good food source for the empire!!"
"Very good sir"
"Oh and leave IB along unless they interfere with us, at present they only seem to be interested in that moon, loonaack or lunac or something"
"Very good sir"
*The Trixian Fleet came in on the planet Trist, and started deploying troops*
Lessr Tsurani
10-05-2004, 13:48
"sir, the first city has ben secured, no risistace from locals, they seem to have disapered."
Del frowned, dissapered, what had they done? With the capture of the ships in orbit the army had become more adavanced, gaining lasers and other weapons of great technology.
"Do a compleat scan for anything, don't count our men."
The piolt did so and said.
"Sir, they are hiding in the buildings, looks as if they intend to try to fight inside the city."
"*&$#, We can't fight inside, we needd the landing bays to stay intact. if they are damaged then we can not land within the city, Lessr Tsurani ships will not be able to send us supplys to arm our troops. We must crush the city, or we will lose the war."
Buka Makalu
11-05-2004, 11:06
Aboard the Coalition Comand Ship IBMSC Kalukimavi
(Translated into Common)
"Instruct the fleet that they are to keep constant watch on the Trixian Forces. If anybody opens fire on any Trixian vessel eliminate them!"
"It shall be as you Command"
Imperial Brits
11-05-2004, 14:28
Out of subspace emerged the newest Imperial brits Capital ship. The IBS "I dont give a dam about diplomacy"
It emerged 2 million km from the planet Lunec intent on forming a wall between it and any other enemy ships. The newest colony will stay a colony.
The Steel Legions
11-05-2004, 16:16
A large battle fleet of Gothic looking ships dropped from the Warp out into this new system. The great gothic fleet from the Imperium of Man had arrived in force to help with the growing conflict in this region. Recently they had picked up on the Eldar and the Tau in this Segmentum. Fortunately the massive numbers of the Steel Legion Imperial Guard and the powerful force of the Blood Angel space marine chapter had arrived none too soon. As the fleet was too far out to make contact with any one yet they crusied silently through the segmentum and onwards towards whatever battles await them.
*As know one else was interested in the planet Trist, Trixian forces had little trouple taking over the few settlements there, and establishing a HQ*
[Trist is now under Trixian control and is a Trixian Colony, just so you all know that know there is a garrison there now]
"I want all commanders on the [i]Defender[i/] asap, we need to talk about taking the city planet"
"Very well sir"
Lessr Tsurani
13-05-2004, 10:42
Deleware looked at the city, and smiled, he had been fighting for days but he had finally take compleat control of the space port, he looked at the rounded up people that had fought him and his men for so long, then, facing a camra that would send his message all over the planet he said.... "Fools, you could have come under the rule of the great Stefan, our lord, but you had to fight, so now you will fall, we will give you one last chance,m surrender or be destroyed, to the last man, that is your choice."
OOC Does anyone control Triova, cause if they do please tell me your answer, if not tell me so I can say what they will.
OOC Does anyone control Triova, cause if they do please tell me your answer, if not tell me so I can say what they will.
I will shortly..... :wink:
Buka Makalu
14-05-2004, 09:45
The VHASANS move towards Triova and all forces are disembarked. The FAREUNTS then move towards the planet and launch the Black Stars who move towards key military targets and begin to bomb the planets defences. After two hours of constant bombardment the NECROTROOPERS march towards the Capital attacking any resistance they come across.
*Trixian Command HQ, Trist*
"Right,w e have Trist, the food supply to Triova will soon dry up, we need to move in on Triova asap"
"I agree sir, though if we intend to take is as a colony, ordital bombardment will mot be acceptable"
"True, we must aid Buka Makalu in their assault then and take to city planet soon"
"Very good sir"
*Trixian forces decend on Triova*
Buka Makalu
16-05-2004, 02:47
can whoever I'm attacking post their losses so I can post mine
Lessr Tsurani
16-05-2004, 14:18
OOC Well You will have one small problem, You are not going to get the whole planet, I will not allow you to have the city I just captured. It will not be captured, We will burn half everything I have if we think where in troble.
IC Del looked at the sky, and saw the Lessr Tsurani ships come in, loaded with weapons, food and other things of the sort. The ships also had renforcements, 1 million men, so he smiled even more. Then a reply came for the surrender, and he smiled even more, 6 citys where now his, altho the world had many more, but he could destroy them. He then looked at the citys he controled where all small things, the only one that would matter to his men was the one they just caputered. He swore to himself then greeted the reperasentative, and smiled, the great ships where all landing, unloading then installing weapons, then leaveing to begin a blockade. And Del was ready for a new push. he would get his men to start towards the next city soon. He then thought of a tital. Duke of Triova sounded good to him.
Buka Makalu
16-05-2004, 16:36
umm lesser if things get out of hand we do have the Stellar Converter on the Command Station. If you don't know what a Stellar Converter is or what it can do just consider the Death Star in Star WArs and what it did to Alderaan. that cannon was a primitive equivelant of a Stellar Converter. I think you get my hint.
"Sir, the nation known as Lessr Tsurani has claim to Triovia"
"Yes sir, they have control of the capital, and they threaten to burn it down if we advance"
"Pity, i would just bombard the city to pulp, but i want the capital, how else will we asset our power to the planet?"
"I understand sir"
"Ok, send in the troops, if they do start burning things, we'll bombard the hell out of them"
"Very good sir!"
He smiled
Lessr Tsurani
19-05-2004, 09:50
OOC Damn, should hav told you. We don't know you are there, we have not had time to set up an array. And we do not control the capital just a major city. And we do not want to attack, just letting you know what we will do if the situation goes bad. I have to go now and have no time to post.
Trixian troops went into the capital and noticed there were no LT troops there.
"Easy Life!! Men, set up defensive postions in this city, it our HQ now, and begin taking over the others"
"Oh, and if they appear to have LT troops, send the co-ordinate to our fleet to bombard them"
*Bombardment starts*
Lessr Tsurani
20-05-2004, 10:32
Del swore as the bombardment began, then swore again when the LT ships showed what was happening. Then he smiled. At last they would have someone to fight. He picked up a com link to the ships.
"All units start bombardment, hit the capital with all weapons, then come around to the moon. On the moon there is a few space cannons made to hit the planet and any attacking ships. The enginires will know what to do. Then avoind the Fleet, they will most likly out gun us." He changed channels and wentto his land command. "Numbers NOW!"
"Sir we have lost about 100 thousand, we have left a few of the smaller citys and started the digging. They won't know what hit them." Came the reply.
"Good, we don't want them to. Incress speed, I want them done as soon as possible. I am sending in some death-masters so use them well." He said smiling, the ships would not be able to help once the cannons where up so it would be a ground battle, and they would not be able to withstand the ground forces. How he loved this.
OOC You can NOT get the cannons first, you do not know where to look or how to use them. Thank you.
OOC You can NOT get the cannons first, you do not know where to look or how to use them. Thank you.
((OOC: :D I like that, very clever :wink: ))
IC: "Sir, we are engaging their fleet"
"Good, wipe it out, this is going to be a ground battle, so we want as little re-enforcement getting though"
"Very good sir"
"And begin to deploy our troops in that huge clearing"
"Why sir?"
"Then we can have a clear clean fight with LT"
((OOC:Get the hint?))
"Ok sir"
*The Trixian fleet easiely out gunned the LT fleet and were systimatically wiping it out*
Lessr Tsurani
21-05-2004, 12:33
Del was listeing to the radio when he heard something yelled in pure Drow.
"Udos ph' kr'athin ush'akal, n'kyorlin dosst quarthen." (Just for show, mean awaiting orders, we are ready.) Del smiled and said back in something the Trixans would be able to understand.
"Destroy them all, leave no ships alive." He then looked at the planet with the new array he had taken from the locals and smiled. The Tixans where in an open feild, things would go his way now.
OOC How many men do you have? By the way we have fited, that wass what he said, fire.
Buka Makalu
21-05-2004, 13:14
Del was listeing to the radio when he heard something yelled in pure Drow.
"Udos ph' kr'athin ush'akal, n'kyorlin dosst quarthen." (Just for show, mean awaiting orders, we are ready.) Del smiled and said back in something the Trixans would be able to understand.
"Destroy them all, leave no ships alive." He then looked at the planet with the new array he had taken from the locals and smiled. The Tixans where in an open feild, things would go his way now.
OOC How many men do you have? By the way we have fited, that wass what he said, fire.
OOC: You speak Undercommon???? So do we! or atleast Amellysan's Necrotroopers and Representative on the Command Ship do.
IC: milady Trixian vessels are under attack.
RED ALERT I want all the fleet to raise their shields. They can engage the Lesser Tsuani targets at will
Commander Engage the Phase Cloaking Device. I want the command ship withdrawn to a safe distance
At once Milady.
Lessr Tsurani
21-05-2004, 14:53
The Cannon Charged up, the energy build up conceiled until it fired, but the abilaty to work out where it came from was also an impossabliaty, the shot flared up from one of the cannons screaming with good aim. The ships attacking thought only one cannon was all but that was not the case, in short order a full bombardment had begun of the space fleet, the shots easily powerful enough to take out a small battle ship in one shot, a full carrier could be down in ten. The canons where the most advanced technology the allience had made on the small moon and almost every scrap of technology they had had been made to make those things undetectable, unless someone was standing right near one when they fired they where almost impossible to see, and that was how it was ment to be.
Down on the ground Del looked over his army, after the attack on the cities they had improved much more, having something etter then outdated tanks, now they had a full modernized army. He formed them up and headed towards the battlefeild, hoping to destroy the opposing general in a deul before the battle. He smiled, how he loved war.
"Xsa! Dos orn jal el whol nindol!"
"What did you just say sir?"
"Don't worry, if our enemy can speak Drow they'll know what i just said..."
"Very good sir"
*A connon hit the side of the Defender*
"Blast! We must wipe out those cannons or we are all dead!"
"EMP sir?"
"Yes! Well done Corporal, you've just been promoted! Set our fleet shields to the opposite frequency and tell the Buka Makalu to set theres, then we fire them and short circuit those cannons, we can find them, its to hard"
*After shields were reset, the EMPs were shot, exploding near the moons, the cannon pulsed with energy and then fell silent*
"Elgg mina jal!!"
Lessr Tsurani
21-05-2004, 15:50
Del heard something come out of the radio.
"Vel'bol l' vith zhahus nindel? Al xuat fridj fre'sla gaer, xun folbol, Ush'akal udos inbal natha priqual."
Del swore, but it mattered not, He would crush them on land, and he still had a few tricks up his sleeve. He pulled up his radio and said into it,
"Al al al, Loren saph udos orn inbal ulu alu wund l' drada aglust d'lil opperation. Start kl'aein l' nl'gnosen. And If you are Listening out there, I want a one on one dule with your general, if you don't mind."
OOC What where your losses for the ships. So Far I have lost about 6 different ships, But there are more, And how many land forces do you have?
((OOC: I've lost 5 dreadnoughts. Land forces are tanks, 2 divisions of troops and a coupla AT-ATs))
"A duel? Very well...Dos orn naut dro'xun natha duel xuil uns'aa! Usstan orn rip dos maglust!"
((OOC2:Didn't think your Drow worked, but it does!!))
Lessr Tsurani
24-05-2004, 09:38
"Good, I shall meat you on the feild of Battle. May Snalesh gide your blade."
Said Del before hanging up. He then order the colum onward. Inside he smiled with glee. He was the best swordsman anyone in the empire knew, so he was bound to win. How he loved this. Just then the colum came to the place. And his smile broadened.
General Reaper led his men in the field, and came up to the LT leader. He was quietly confident, he was a good enough swordsman, he studied since his early teens. But more than that he had a trick up his sleave that Del would find out soon enough...
He drew his sword, his black cape flapping in the mild wind
Lessr Tsurani
25-05-2004, 12:08
Del smiled, and drew his own sword. He then walked around in a circal with a Diamiter of 25 meters. Then he put a different ircal inside, this one 20 meters in diamiter. And then told him the instructions. "We each start in side the bigger circal outside the smaller one. We may then enter the smaller crcal after we have finished. We are cheaked for anything but close combat weapons and fight with anything we want. As long as it is not a bow or gun. CHEAK HIM!" He ordered his men. They both grabed him and cheaked him for anything but cloe combat weapons. They found (Insert something here, Even if it is nothing.) and then left the circal.
"SPEAR!" He yelled as an assistant came up to him and gave him one. He sheathed his sword and said. "If you want anymore weapons, please just ask, and we will give."
Lessr Tsurani
25-05-2004, 12:12
Del smiled, and drew his own sword. He then walked around in a circal with a Diamiter of 25 meters. Then he put a different ircal inside, this one 20 meters in diamiter. And then told him the instructions. "We each start in side the bigger circal outside the smaller one. We may then enter the smaller crcal after we have finished. We are cheaked for anything but close combat weapons and fight with anything we want. As long as it is not a bow or gun. CHEAK HIM!" He ordered his men. They both grabed him and cheaked him for anything but cloe combat weapons. They found (Insert something here, Even if it is nothing.) and then left the circal.
"SPEAR!" He yelled as an assistant came up to him and gave him one. He sheathed his sword and said. "If you want anymore weapons, please just ask, and we will give."
Lessr Tsurani
25-05-2004, 12:12
Del smiled, and drew his own sword. He then walked around in a circal with a Diamiter of 25 meters. Then he put a different ircal inside, this one 20 meters in diamiter. And then told him the instructions. "We each start in side the bigger circal outside the smaller one. We may then enter the smaller crcal after we have finished. We are cheaked for anything but close combat weapons and fight with anything we want. As long as it is not a bow or gun. CHEAK HIM!" He ordered his men. They both grabed him and cheaked him for anything but cloe combat weapons. They found (Insert something here, Even if it is nothing.) and then left the circal.
"SPEAR!" He yelled as an assistant came up to him and gave him one. He sheathed his sword and said. "If you want anymore weapons, please just ask, and we will give."
Reaper looked at Del, and turned to his men.
They brought gim two hand held ones, he held them in each hand.
He stepping in the centre circle, grinning...
Lessr Tsurani
26-05-2004, 09:17
Del steped into the circal and said "count us in please."
"Three, two, one FIGHT!"
Del Ran at Gim with his spear aimed at his cheast. A ver difficut blow to block. Meanwhile the armys of Lessr Tsurani opened fire on the Trixan Forces.
26-05-2004, 09:23
i wil deploy 44 star destroyer fleets and transports to help lt
Suddenly the mighty army of "The holy empire of Rashiwa" appears on the battlefield. Commander Gert Fuglsbjerg orders his canons to drown the entire battelfield in shit shitten by the oppressed slaves of "The holy empire of Rashiwa". All the soldiers die because of the shitattack, and Gert Fuglsbjerg is victorious.
26-05-2004, 09:34
The Repulbic of Bakkeboe shows their support and takes a dump on the battlefield. "ALL HAIL THE VICTORIOUS GENERAL FUGLSBJERG, THE MIGHTIEST GENERAL OF EM ALL (EXCEPT FROM RONKE REIDAR OF BAKKEBOE)!"
Unified Sith
26-05-2004, 10:14
n00b alert. however i have recently annexed sephrioth so he is no longer a problem. Ignore him.
Lessr Tsurani
26-05-2004, 14:21
OOC Piss off. I am going to go fetch a mod if I can. And why am I an IT?
Triple post.
I HATE the NS server!!!
((ooc: n00bs... :roll: can't be bothered to even complain..))
The spear went though Reapers chest, and he looked down at it.
Then up.
Then he grinned again.
The wind blew his cape back and Del could now see why this dule was a bad idea.
General Reaper's chest was a [i]skeleton[i/]...
"Time to die General Del"
He brought his scythe around as it made contact with Del's neck.
Lessr Tsurani
28-05-2004, 11:42
OOC Um, just to let you know. You can not say it came into contact with my neck. We are doing a Roleplaying style. Should have told you, but you may not say if you hit or not. And besides. There are more tricks up del Sleeve.
IC The scythe came around just as Del presed a button on his belt. The Weapon bouced of harmlessly. Del then droped his spear and drew his sword. He brought it down and went to cut the torso in half.
Meanwhile, the men under his command started to bombard the feild with artilary. While the men held their ground, waiting for the moment. If Del died, then the men would charge against the trixans with out fear or feeling. And if he won. Then the men Of trixa would not get the world. Their streght was to great. Either way, they where going to win.
OOC I used a Shadow sheild. This has simler rules as a Dune sheild so it can be breached. And no saying that it came into contact. OK.
OOC Um, just to let you know. You can not say it came into contact with my neck. We are doing a Roleplaying style. Should have told you, but you may not say if you hit or not. And besides. There are more tricks up del Sleeve.
((OOC: I didn't actually say it came into contact with your neck. I said:
He brought his scythe down on Dels neck.
Which implys the part of your body he attacked. I didn't say:
He brought his scythe down and sliced open Dels neck.
Which would be unfair. I do undersyand Rping ok? ME saying i hit you is a big no no as i can just say "Your dead" and it makes for crap RP.
So sorry for the mis-understanding but i do know how to RP ok?))
IC: Grim was suprised at Del's shield thing, and in his surprise he took a hit to the rip cage, knocking him down.
His mind raced. how do i get thru? He has a shield!
Then he took a dagger from the darkness of his robe, and came up from the floor aiming for Del's lower torso, in an attempt to get thru with a small point rather than a curve scythe.
Lessr Tsurani
29-05-2004, 02:56
OOC This is something you have to have trained against to know how to get through. You can not break it but instead you must go in very slowly and the speed up. BUT you would not know that, YET.
IC The Dagger hit the sheid and it once again bounced off. Del sneered and then came up on the Skeliton.
"Suurender do you? Or will I have to chop of your head and then cut it up? You are not in a good position."
Grim looked up at Del.
He rolled back and pick up his scythe again, thinking frantically how to get through and kill this guy....
Lessr Tsurani
30-05-2004, 03:23
Del looked at him, then laughed. It was a laugh that held no feeling, just coldness. Then droped his sword. "Very well. You will see Why the Lessr Tsurni's national animal is a DRAGON!" He said as his back came up and two wings sprouted. His face moved into a long snout and he grew horns. His fingers grew claws and his oots split as three toes came out. Then he grew to about 9 feet tall and brought his hand over for a huge swipe that would push him out of the way.
OOC I would like to point out that if you can be a skeliton, then Del can be a Dragon. You opened the way to be defeted.
((OOC: Right, we'll its just i've RP my General being death so that why he's a skelinton))
Grim looked up at the Red Dragon.
He was knock out of the way, but at least the shield was down.
He pulled his cloak of eternal darkness around himself, and... dissappeared.....