Verboten Lufftewaffe
03-05-2004, 17:52
At 0600 this morning hundreds of VL Bombers Wings escorted by a like amount of Fighter/Bomber Wings took off from dozens of VL bases around the Federated Suns...And making and endrun around Kothian defenses began bombing it's major populations centers and military bases....Surprise was complete and brutal...Satellite surveillance shows all 17 targets were obilterated...Massive destruction...When Kothian Frontline forces began responding to the news...VL Armored Forces launched their own assaults all across the warfront catching Kothian Army units in disarray....VL Units contined to hammer Kothian positions driving them back deep into their territory by 57 miles all across the front...Where upon the 2nd wave of VL Aerial Fighter/Bombers began Attacking the Consolidating Kothian Units inflicting even more punishment upon their disarrayed forces causing them to scatter once more...As the Aerial Units hammered their targets and VL Gunships struck fortified positions...VL Armor units consolidated and rearmed themselves for another offensive...
Current Butchers Bill:
51 Tanks Destroyed
84 Tanks Damaged
35 Aircraft Lost
7,290 Armored Troopers KIA
35,000 Armored Troopers WIA
VL Intelligence currently puts the Kothians down by
395 Tanks - Destroyed
700 Tanks - Abandoned
Numerous Aircraft Destroyed on the Ground at Koth Airbases
295,000 Kothian's - KIA
900,000 Kothian's - Wounded Includes rough civilian count after bombing runs
During a brief lull in the battle...VL High Command issued a Edict to all surviving Kothians..."SURRENDER OR DIE"....
In conjunction with the aerial barrage of VL air units, the Xeraphian Federation and the Blood Kings of Carpathya have commenced the ground assault upon the Empire of Koth.
Reports are coming in that the Kothites are taking a severe beating. Of their 2.73 million-unit army, approx 34% have already been killed, with approx 50% of their armor destroyed.
Four of the six major Castles of Koth have been destroyed. Hundreds of millions of inhabitants of Koth are dead or dying. The two remaining Castles, J'Zir and the capitol, Tik Be're Kot are fortifying their defenses. All Kothite troops currently in forward positions are being recalled to defend the Emperor of Koth and the Royal City. It is expected that approx 2 million defenders will form concentric rings around the capitol for maximum defensive posture.
XF troops and armor are proceeding at a somewhat liesurely pace towards the Kothite capitol. No one is in a hurry to engage in the Final Battle.
XF and VL/FS air forces have secured the area due south of the Kothite capitol, south and east of the Straits of Zing. Castle J'Zir is currently being bombarded via missile strikes.
MBT's are being arrayed against J'Zir, along with VLS and artillery batteries.
We once again thank our friends from the Federated Suns for coming to our aid in this time of need.
Eric, I will not forget...........
Verboten Lufftewaffe
04-05-2004, 06:10
After 30 Straight hrs of continous combat w/ occasional breaks to rearm/resupply & a lil bit of rest....The combined armies of VL & Xeraph have finally encircled the last Kothian Stronghold...With the destruction of Castle J'Zir minutes ago...The full might of the VL/Xeraph forces in Koth are being brought to bear on the Kothian Capitol....As the ground forces ready themselves...The combined air forces of both nations constantly hammer forward Kothian Positions and fortfied bunkers w/ a continous barrage...VL Artillery batteries continued to hammer the Kothian supply centers...All across the front Kothian Military units began surrendering to the coalition forces in mass droves...
*General Adams...Incoming message from CINKOTHHQ...Begin limited orbital suppression to show them our resolve*...
With that 25 orbiting Laser SATS shifted position and fired at the Center of the Kothian Capitol....The center of the Kothian Capitol was engulfed in a ball of fire which disappeared revealing a 3 miles crater of cored and burning hulks where buildings and homes once stood...The street were litered w/ Kothian Armor units and the charred bodies of Kothian Troops...
The Father World
04-05-2004, 06:45
The presence of so large a ship was more than a bit disconcerting to the leadership of Koth....or rather what was left of it. The huge spaceship hovered over what remained of the capitol of the Kothian Empire. It was named HMS Xeraphia, a Hutet Class Assault Battleship, King Alaric's flagship. It's crew of 2700 waited anxiously at their posts, unsure of unfolding events. They had heard of past atrocities by the Kothites, and many a nervous finger was poised above the "FIRE" button in their consoles.
Alaric and Eric, Regent of the FedSuns, were aboard the flagship. These two leaders represented a large portion of the might of NS. And they were here for the unconditional surrender of the Empire of Koth. This would put them in possesion of a territory 3 and 1/2 times the size of Africa, which the territory somewhat resembled. Along with the Empire of Crossman, they would be the undisputed rulers of a vast Mega-Empire.
The Kothite Emperor, Thoth-Amon, was dead, as was the Queen, the Princess, and most of the nobility present in the capitol of T'ik Be're Kot.
Only the Prince and a handfull of nobles survived, as they just happened to be 1/2 mile below ground when the FedSun ship obliterated the Castle.
The Prince, Thoth-Nobun, was young, tough, arrogant.....and scared. He was the Emperor now,..."Emperor of what?", he thought bitterly. "Nothing's left............"
His surviving barons and counts advised him to fight on, but Nobun was no fool. He saw that it would be better to surrender and survive, perhaps one day to fight again, than to martyr himself for no good reason.
"How many soldiers do we have left," he asked his General, Baron Pallantides. " Of the armies we had surrounding the capitol, originally numbering about 2 million, we have just 573,000 left...........yes, your Majesty, we lost 1.4 million troopers in the Final Battle for the capitol."
Nobun sat stunned. "It wasn't supposed to happen this way. Father said that we were destined to defeat the human and Vampire enemies. How did it come to this?"
"Your Majesty, we have received a message from Xeraph and FedSuns, r3equesting your sword in unconditional surrender. It says you have 2 minutes to respond.....then the remaining armies will be killed, and you will be imprisoned in a cell on an island off the coast of Xeraph. What say you?"
" Surrender, General........we have no choice. Yes, let them know that the new Emperor of Koth surrenders, and that we await their arrival."
" No, Sire, they will not come here. They will beam you up to their ship, and there you alone will surrender."
"Very well, General. If that's the way it must be, then let's get on with it."
Verboten Lufftewaffe
04-05-2004, 07:07
As The Prince of Koth...Thoth-Nobun shimmered into existance on the transporter pad...he was met by security forces from both VL & Xeraph who escorted him to the conference room...Where he would sign the formal surrender...There he finally met Alari & Praetor Valtane face to face...after 2 hrs of signings the Kothian war was over...As the former prince stood up...he thanked both VL & Xeraph for their mercy on his people when Eric stepped forward and announced...*Your nation and people are we sat here the combined might of the Vampiric nations and the enlightened survivors of the Wolven slaughtered every living being in Koth...Your Father's evil deeds caused this...Eric snarled his eyes taking on a meancing glow...furthermore i now have illrefutable proof of your hands in the assissnations of the VL Royal family and the peoples of New Avalon...With that he drew his sidearm and leveled it at Thoth-Nobun. who stared in abject horror as Eric pulled the trigger repeatedly on what remained of his skull.
<OOC> Out friggin' standing....a great way to end this, dood....I'll be talking to ya...