NationStates Jolt Archive

GC Summit | Hosted by AU | Sponsered by Concordia (CLOSED)

Austar Union
03-05-2004, 15:17
In the Austarian Capital, security was much higher than normal. On every corner, some form of authoriy would be present, whether it be a police, military, or secret police authority.

In the city's central district, a large portion of the city was blocked off. In the central area of this portion, was the International Conference Center. In this building, delegates from around the globe has gathered, and were now awaiting the beginning of the conference appropriatly named the Global Cooporation Summit, or GC Summit for short.

Inside the building, delegates talked amongst themselves. Each represented an important nation from somewhere around the globe, but their true representation was much greater. This was not a conference of nations, but a conference of alliances. Each man in the room, represented a different alliance with one common goal to one another, to fight for the nobel idea of global cooporation, or world peace as commonly known.

On the roof of the building, unknown to the delegates there were Austarian snipers placed everywhere. If security was ever high in the Austar Union, it was a time such as this. NOBODY was going to attack the building, the Austarians were going to make sure of this.

Back inside the building, the GC Summit was just beginning, with an opening culture dance show, stunning the delegates with the Austarian culture...

OOC: This summit is closed. If you cannot see your name in the list below, then do NOT post.

Alliances Being Represented
Austar Union ~ Concordia Alliance
Euroslavia ~ The Kingdom of the Midlands (Regional Alliance)
Dr_Twist ~ Red Bloc Army
Hamptonshire & Terra Pacifica ~ Concert of Nations
Seraphim Order Embassy ~ Order of the Seraphim
Chellis ~ Independant
Anarresa ~ League of Hanseatic states (Zoogie Isles Regional Alliance)
Hamptonshire & Majesto ~ The Unforgiven
Hamptonshire & Majesto ~ The Commonwealth
War_in_heaven ~ Independant
Credonia ~ Independant
Praetonia ~ Independant
Tiborita ~ Global Defense Initiative
The Burnsian Desert ~ Xeraphian Alliance
Ozymandias IV ~ IADF Alliance (International Allied Defense Federation)

Dont bother to state that your delegate is arriving. RP from this point forward that your delegate is already in the conference center (Just wastes time to say that the delegates are arriving). If you wanna gain a better understanding as to whats going on, visit the following thread (prequal to this):
Austar Union
03-05-2004, 15:42
After the multimedia introduction, the conference room was filled with applause. Obviously they had been impressed, or at least entertained by the Austarian hospitality. The room was filled with a dim lighting, and the delegates began to talk amongst themselves once again. Minutes later, the lights turned up, and the room was filled with the noise of the international media as a door opened behind the stage. A man walked up on stage, and introduction music came on queue. Somehow, this reminded the delegates of the Oscars, yet this was somehow different.

The man walked up to the podium up the front of the conference room and cleared his throat, "I would like to welcome all of you to our nation, The Republic of Austar Union. All of us have gathered here today to discuss the idea of Global Cooporation.

It is the understanding of most people, that world peace without unity is far unachievable. It is also the understanding that world peace is vital to create unity in the world today. Too many a time, does a nation or alliance spring up, and destroys the silence of peace which is appreciated by all.

Most will understand that our simulated world is not based on National Strength, but on Alliance Strength and Unity. However there are so many alliances around the globe, that it becomes nearly impossible to regulate them, until one springs up, and in aggression attempt to invade our friends. If we could create the unity essential for global and interalliance co-oportation, such threats would no longer be worth considering.

This is why we are here today. Thankyou."

The man walked off stage as the crowd eruped into applause. From the audience, the delegate from the Austar Union representing the Concordia Alliance stepped up to the podium.

He stepped out, and nervously adjusted his tie, "Again, I wish to thank you all for attending. This idea of Global Cooporation I believe is essential to regulating unnessasary conflict in the world today. In our world, there is no force to keep all others in check. This is the goal of this alliance. I must point out, not a world police as such, but a united faction, to provide at least some stablity in our dangerous world."
03-05-2004, 15:55
The Dr_Twist Foreign Minister will be leaving to Arrive in AU shortly, But because of the Timing of this Meeting and the Credonia wedding, we really think this should be delayed until the wedding is over.
Seraphim Order Embassy
03-05-2004, 16:16
Alyssa Chin had just arrived not long ago, whisked in by Seraphim transportation. It was a new experience for her, considering that very rarely was it that Order delegates used Earthian technology to travel. Or even went to Earth for that matter. But, tact was tact, and technology should not be flaunted infront of those who don't yet possess it.

With her were several other minor "funtionaries", as some would call them. But they were really just gofers to take care of her needs. She was the Order rep for the GC summit. Also lacking was the usual security detail. It was decided at headquarters, in their infinite wisdom, that security would be tight enough on the Austar Union end, and frankly, rather pointless that deep in foreign territory.

She sat quietly at her seat and listened to the speech(s) given, clapping politely when appropriate. Alyssa even noded a few times, indicating agreement with some of the statements. *Indeed, world peace without unity is improbable. It is only a question on how and who is doing the unifying.....* Although the matter really only concerned the Earthian based nations, many of the Order members, Sketch included, still possess Earthian assests from the old days. So while this wasn't a high priority Order concern, Alyssa was there to help ensure that things didn't get too.....heated.
03-05-2004, 16:17
tag, will reply soon
Austar Union
03-05-2004, 16:23
The Dr_Twist Foreign Minister will be leaving to Arrive in AU shortly, But because of the Timing of this Meeting and the Credonia wedding, we really think this should be delayed until the wedding is over.

OOC: Bah, just consider this to be a bit of a timewarp, as in a month or so after the wedding. That way we can RP it OK ;)
Five Civilized Nations
03-05-2004, 16:40
03-05-2004, 16:46
The Praetonian delegate stepped off his plane and looked around. Even the airports were different here. It was so long since anyone had left Praetonia they had begun to forget what the outside world was like.

Once inside he listened as the Austur Delegate spoke. Then he stood and spoke about his concerns about the alliance:

"Whilst we fully support the principle, how can we pratically manage such a large organisation? Such an experiment has been tried in the past. Namely the UN, however they have found it incredibly difficult to decide on anything, with so many vying interests, and even more difficult to enforce the decisions that are made.

I hope that solutions for these problems can be disscussed at this conference, as they will be a vital part of the creation of any such organisation"

With that, the Praetonian Delegate stepped down, sure that they could resolve these problems and create the dream of World Peace and World Unity.
Seraphim Order Embassy
03-05-2004, 16:53
...Seraphim Order Delegates spoke. The he stood and continued the concerns of the Seraphim Order.......

erm....sorry about that. But when I put words in markings *like this*, it means that the words are thought, not spoken.
Austar Union
03-05-2004, 16:58
The Austarian delegate stepped up again to the stand of honor, "Concerns about management of the organisation are highly recognised. I am proposing that there will be a proper chain of command. Of course, we would only allow alliances into this organisation which share a similar view to the others.

This problem was demonstrated with the New World Order. There was no command structure, and there was certainly no regulation on who may join the overall organisation. This organisation would pick up where the NWO failed.

Actually, a relitavely successful organisation is Metus. They do have regulation. They still have their problems, but such things are minor compared to the scale, and I think it would be only fair if there were stricter regulations. For example, alliances may be asked to adopt particular policies or attitudes if they wish to gain entry into the greater organisation. Of course, many alliances being represented here already have a common attitude: That Unnessasary conflict is frowned upon. I think if we were to expand on this, we could create a very powerful, very efficient organisation."

As he stepped down, he looked around the room hoping that the assembly had agreed with his ideas.
03-05-2004, 17:14
...Seraphim Order Delegates spoke. The he stood and continued the concerns of the Seraphim Order.......

erm....sorry about that. But when I put words in markings *like this*, it means that the words are thought, not spoken.

Sorry about that, its just that in the previous post Austar was using them as speach... Ill edit it.
03-05-2004, 17:20
The Praetonian Delegate stood up again. He was very pleased with what he heard. "This just might work," he muttered to himself

"Of course there is a danger in allowing people entry only if they support world peace. By doing that we would in a sense allienate those we wish to 'convert'. Possibly causing them to see it as a threat and hence, a target.

However, we fully support the need for such an organisation, and from what the Austar Delegate has just said, I can see that this dream may become a reality very soon."

With that sat back down, and decided to wait for more of the other Delegates to speak before contributing again.
03-05-2004, 17:31
The Euroslavian delegate steps up and starts to speak:

"We were skeptical for the NWO, and we are a little skeptical about this proposed alliance. How can we guarantee that every nation is equally represented. back when the NWO thrived, I discussed these matters with the leadership of the NWO, and even then, they couldn't guarantee equal say in the NWO. That was one of the main reasons I didn't join.

I am all for this sort of alliance, but it needs to be planned efficiently, so that one nation doesn't hold all/majority of the power. I am also willing to work with everyone to accomplish this."

He steps down and waits for a response.
03-05-2004, 23:54
The Hamptonian Delegate stands and beings to speak:

"I agree with the honorable representative from Euroslavia. Each and every member of this proposed organization must have an equal voice. The 40 billion people I represent here will not be pushed around or ignored. This must be an alliance of equality, not one of dictatorship."

Finished with his point, he sits down.
Austar Union
04-05-2004, 00:44
The Austarian Delegate stands to the podium, "Ah, but of course this alliance will be a full democracy. What I am suggeting, is to minimize competition between each faction is to have a "one alliance, one vote" policy. If each alliance had a different value of votes, it would enourage them to become competitive, whether it be through the membership of individual alliances or w.h.o. It would certainly encourage alliances to group into "Political Parties" without the "One Alliance One Vote" policy, which would invariable create internal disagreement, and could rip the alliance apart."

He goes back to his seat, hoping his point was clear enough.
04-05-2004, 01:28
The Hamptonian Delegate stands back up:

"We would not have it anyother way. It must be 'One Alliance, One Vote'. And to that extent we propose that the leadership of this proposed organization be nothing less than a triumvate."
The Burnsian Desert
04-05-2004, 02:13
After most of his speech was taken away from him by the other delegates, the Burnsian/XA delegate hastiliy finishes his cookie and stands.

If we are to have a democracy, we must have an organizational body to lead it. The former United States had a democracy, with a president. I believe the last one was Jane Ratus.
The Burnsian Desert
04-05-2004, 03:49
04-05-2004, 04:19
"There must not be a singular leader. It must be a triumvirate. We will not settle for a unitary head of this proposed alliance."
Austar Union
04-05-2004, 05:02
The Austarian Delegate stands up once again, sipping his glass of water before he heads up the front, "Ah, but of course. For such a large body of organisations, it would only be suitable that a council be at the leadership.

Now of course again, out of this council there will have to be at least one head, but his role will only to be to organise and direct the council. He would hold no REAL power as to what happens. I think this would be suitable.

I suggest perhaps maybe each alliance can have three representatives in this Council."
04-05-2004, 05:08
"We agree that each alliance should have three representatives on this Council.

We disagree about having a single head. A triumvirate is the only way to go. This proposed alliance will itself be made up of alliance that are in turn made up of sovereign and independent nations. The Triumvirs would rule by vote from amongst themselves. We will not agree to the creation of a unitary head to the Council."
The Burnsian Desert
04-05-2004, 05:10
"Ah, but what if there are three or more ways of action? The Congress worked fine in the former United States."
04-05-2004, 05:13
"We stand by the triumvirate."
04-05-2004, 05:14
The RBA Believes this should be nothing more then a Meeting place, The World saw what Happened to NWO, Beliefs Spread to far, and people believed in different Systems. The RBA will not be apart of an alliance at this Level as it will only destroy relations between Alliances.

This should atleast begin as a meeting between World Powers, attempting to Unify us will only weaken us.

The Burnsian Desert
04-05-2004, 05:15
"If you could kindly answer the question? We know your stance and it has good foundations, but there are too many variables. That is the flaw of government."
04-05-2004, 05:17
"A triumvirate helps to ensure that a consensus is need before action. It will also ensure that the only issues of the most important nature will actually be dealt with."
The Burnsian Desert
04-05-2004, 05:18
"I see your point."
04-05-2004, 05:23
"I agree with the position of Dr_Twist and the RBA. This should be more of a Meeting place that only acts in very rare and very important instances. This proposed organization should not be an alliance in the traditional definition."
04-05-2004, 05:43
Anarresa agrees that this should not be a traditional alliance, but a group of affiliated states with a common goal. We believe this affiliation to be a deterrent to marauding alliances and rouge states. The states would only meet in, to quote the Hamptonshire delegate, in very rare and important instances. But when the states do meet, we must recognize that not only are several alliances involved but also several independent states. How would the vote be split?
04-05-2004, 05:43
Anarresa agrees that this should not be a traditional alliance, but a group of affiliated states with a common goal. We believe this affiliation to be a deterrent to marauding alliances and rouge states. The states would only meet in, to quote the Hamptonshire delegate, in very rare and important instances. But when the states do meet, we must recognize that not only are several alliances involved but also several independent states. How would the vote be split?
Austar Union
04-05-2004, 05:54
"Ah,", speaks up the Austarian Delegate for Concordia, "Yes, we agree with the position of Dr_Twist and the Red Bloc Army. In fact, our idea is to create an organisation, where alliances from around the globe can meet and discuss issues.

Our idea was not to create a big mutil-level like Metus, however we are looking to create an organisation where similar-minded alliances can work together to achieve the greater goal of global cooporation. Of course, there may be some instances where we may decide to pass some legislation where Shared Defense is encouraged, but our idea is not enforce rules like an alliance would. We encourage the soveiriegnty of each individual faction, but we would like to see each faction working together in cooporation in some issues.

As for the leadership issue. I would like to address you Hamptonshire that every group needs some kind of a leader, even if their job is to help the group make a desision. The leader in the GC Organisation would only have this role, to help the group reach a desision. It would be in the group itself where desisions are made, not the leader.

As for the individual states issue brought up by Anarresa, I would like to see independant states not involved in the end result. I would actually prefer that these states came under the jurisdiction of one of the alliances."
04-05-2004, 05:58
"Ah,", speaks up the Austarian Delegate for Concordia, "Yes, we agree with the position of Dr_Twist and the Red Bloc Army. In fact, our idea is to create an organisation, where alliances from around the globe can meet and discuss issues.

Our idea was not to create a big mutil-level like Metus, however we are looking to create an organisation where similar-minded alliances can work together to achieve the greater goal of global cooporation. Of course, there may be some instances where we may decide to pass some legislation where Shared Defense is encouraged, but our idea is not enforce rules like an alliance would. We encourage the soveiriegnty of each individual faction, but we would like to see each faction working together in cooporation in some issues.

As for the leadership issue. I would like to address you Hamptonshire that every group needs some kind of a leader, even if their job is to help the group make a desision. The leader in the GC Organisation would only have this role, to help the group reach a desision. It would be in the group itself where desisions are made, not the leader.

As for the individual states issue brought up by Anarresa, I would like to see independant states not involved in the end result. I would actually prefer that these states came under the jurisdiction of one of the alliances."

Dr_Twist and the RBA, would only consider this if the Leader person had as much power as the United Nations, Coffey Anan, Which is next to nothing. This way the person will only be a figure head and have no real power at all.
Austar Union
04-05-2004, 06:00
Yes, that is exactly the idea. They will not hold any real power...
04-05-2004, 06:01
"We insist that the leadership of this proposed organization be a triumvirate. That said we would not oppose that a figure head and spokesman be chosen from among the triumvirs to serve a very short and very powerless term."
04-05-2004, 06:03
This should be nothing more Then a Meeting where World Leaders can talk and possibly discuss military action on Certain nations and Organizations if needed.

If this Starts Turning into an Alliance I will be on the Next plane back to Dr_Twist.
04-05-2004, 06:06
"I am in agreeance with the delegate from Dr_Twist. This must be first and foremost a Meeting place that only very rarely and very seldomly take any action and then it would only be in extreme cases."
Austar Union
04-05-2004, 06:11
The Austarian Delegate stands again, "We apoligise if we are not being clear enough for you Dr_Twist. There is no intention of this becoming an alliance. This will be an organisation, a meeting place, exactly as you described it."
04-05-2004, 06:14
The Austarian Delegate stands again, "We apoligise if we are not being clear enough for you Dr_Twist. There is no intention of this becoming an alliance. This will be an organisation, a meeting place, exactly as you described it."

We thank the AU, We still have no idea where this Alliance thing came from, After the Last Experience's with NWO, we learned it will only tear alliances to pieces and only create more tension, Between world powers. We are prepared to have a meeting where an Official Nation is placed in Charge, like the UN, but the nation will have no Official powers.
04-05-2004, 06:15
I think Dr_Twist has the right idea on this one.
04-05-2004, 06:19
By having such a nation in place it would keep official Channels open between the worlds Super powers. Giving those involved the ability to discuss things at a high level.
Austar Union
04-05-2004, 06:22
"Agreed.", spoke up the Austarian Delegate, "On to matters, exactly what will this organisation's views be? I am thinking that it will naturally be anti-imperialistic, and anti-terrorist. It will also most likely be against the use of nuclear weapons as a primary form of weapon."
04-05-2004, 06:24
"Agreed.", spoke up the Austarian Delegate, "On to matters, exactly what will this organisation's views be? I am thinking that it will naturally be anti-imperialistic, and anti-terrorist. It will also most likely be against the use of nuclear weapons as a primary form of weapon."

The "Meeting" SHOULD atleast Follow International law.
Austar Union
04-05-2004, 06:29
"But of course. Acts of Genocide etc should never be promoted, actually, in fact the organisation would have to have the view of anti-Genocide, anti-warcrimes etc."
Austar Union
04-05-2004, 06:47
"As we were talking, my writers were writing up an example of what kind of an agreement may come into play. Note that this may or may not come into effect depending on the delegate views..."

Mutual Defense

Mutual Defense amongst alliances are encouraged. However no nation or alliance must be forced into providing Mutual Defense.

If a member nation of one alliance goes to war with another member nation, it is encouraged that both alliances stay completly neutral in the conflict.

Attitude and Poilicy

No Alliance or its nations are to promote or enact the concept of Imperialism.

No Alliance or its nations are to break international law. This constitutes Genocide, Rape etc.

The use of Nuclear Weapons is heavily frowned upon. No Alliance or its nations are to use nuclear weapons as a first strike weapon

No Alliance or its nations are to support terrorism in any way.

Penalties for Breaking This Document

Penalties will be dealt on a case-by-case basis, however the normal will be that the alliance will be contacted, and advised of the situation. Penalties to individual nations will be dealt by each alliance, according to their own codes of punishment.
04-05-2004, 06:50
"We disagree with Article III. There may be instances when the use of Nuclear Weapons as a weapon of first strike may be necessary."
04-05-2004, 06:51
Those Sound more like Alliance Guidelines, The Nation's them self should base this off International Law.
Austar Union
04-05-2004, 06:52
"Perhaps if we were to add a note at the bottom saying something like 'All articles will be considered on a case-by-case basis'?"
Austar Union
04-05-2004, 06:54
Those Sound more like Alliance Guidelines, The Nation's them self should base this off International Law.

"Well then, what is international law? These guidelines are only there so we still have a unified view on issues around the globe...Making a truly effective organisation."
04-05-2004, 06:56
Those Sound more like Alliance Guidelines, The Nation's them self should base this off International Law.

"Well then, what is international law? These guidelines are only there so we still have a unified view on issues around the globe...Making a truly effective organisation."

Well why don't we go around the Room and ask the nations here what they think? All nations and alliances have different Views, and all should have a chance to express there views here.
Austar Union
04-05-2004, 06:58
"Of course..."
04-05-2004, 06:59
"We agree to most facets of international law except for limitations in defense of our member nations. We will not accept any limitations on what we can and cannot do to defend ourselves."
Austar Union
04-05-2004, 07:09
"Perhaps it would be better written that nations within the GC Organisation are prohibited from going to war with one-another?

This may be an organisation only, but we have to be unified, so in other words we have to start thinking alliance, only all the rules are advisory rather than compulsory..."
04-05-2004, 07:10
"Perhaps it would be better written that nations within the GC Organisation are prohibited from going to war with one-another?

This may be an organisation only, but we have to be unified, so in other words we have to start thinking alliance, only all the rules are advisory rather than compulsory..."

Well there are always going to be Wars on such levels, if there is going to be a War it must be left to a one on one war.
04-05-2004, 07:30
"We agree with Dr_Twist.

To limit who a sovereign nation or a collect of sovereign nations decide to do is inconceiveable in our opinion. You can determine who we can and cannot go to war against."
Austar Union
04-05-2004, 08:05
The Austarian Delegate sighs, "Lets be frank here. Im not going to walk around it anymore.

What we are looking at creating, is an alliance of alliances. Lets call the sub-alliances factions shall we?

Each faction, will all contribute three representatives to a council. In this council, they will discuss the actions, and general direction of the GC Alliance. (GC Alliance being the whole superalliance). Now, in some cases, each faction will be required to adpot certain policies or attitudes. One example of this, is that the council may request that all factions adopt an attitude of anti-imperialism.

As for mutual defense, defense will be optional, however it would be prohibited for any states in a faction to go to war with anyone from an allied faction. Each of these factions will remain seperate, yet they will all come under the banner of the GC Alliance.

The GC Alliance will be similar to a regular alliance, each faction sharing the same views and ideals as one another. If we can achieve to gather a group of similar alliances, the entire GC Alliance would be unified, unlike the NWO. Because each faction would have the same goals and ideals, there would be no problem with them cooporating with one another. This my friends is the idea of global cooporation.

The NWO was similar to the GC Alliance, however it failed and ripped apart simply because they werent unified enough. It was a fantastic idea, yet it needs major fine tuning. This is the tuned version."

As he walked back to his seat, he hoped that the delegates would approve of the idea which had been planned all along. Of course, it was subject to debate, but he wanted the idea to be the same at least.
04-05-2004, 08:13
The Austarian Delegate sighs, "Lets be frank here. Im not going to walk around it anymore.

What we are looking at creating, is an alliance of alliances. Lets call the sub-alliances factions shall we?

Each faction, will all contribute three representatives to a council. In this council, they will discuss the actions, and general direction of the GC Alliance. (GC Alliance being the whole superalliance). Now, in some cases, each faction will be required to adpot certain policies or attitudes. One example of this, is that the council may request that all factions adopt an attitude of anti-imperialism.

As for mutual defense, defense will be optional, however it would be prohibited for any states in a faction to go to war with anyone from an allied faction. Each of these factions will remain seperate, yet they will all come under the banner of the GC Alliance.

The GC Alliance will be similar to a regular alliance, each faction sharing the same views and ideals as one another. If we can achieve to gather a group of similar alliances, the entire GC Alliance would be unified, unlike the NWO. Because each faction would have the same goals and ideals, there would be no problem with them cooporating with one another. This my friends is the idea of global cooporation.

The NWO was similar to the GC Alliance, however it failed and ripped apart simply because they werent unified enough. It was a fantastic idea, yet it needs major fine tuning. This is the tuned version."

As he walked back to his seat, he hoped that the delegates would approve of the idea which had been planned all along. Of course, it was subject to debate, but he wanted the idea to be the same at least.

Something like this needs Major Tuning if it is to work at least, When u would attempt to bring in Policy’s would it be a Majority or the Whole Group that would have to vote in Certain ways, as some alliances wont ever agree to Certain polices, If it is to be a Majority vote a Form of Veto would have to be given to certain members to Insure that the policy being passed is in all the Members interest’s. No 1 Person/Nation will have any form of Absolute power, all the Power would lay within the Council itself.

If we are to agree on anything of this nature a lot of things must be addressed, any nation that is to rush into joining this would be an absolute idiot at this stage, I highly suggest to all nations that no one signs anything until everything is addressed.

EDIT: If a majority of the Vote is needed in a way to pass anything the Entire council HAS to vote on it and give its Opion on the subject before it become's offical

04-05-2004, 08:17
"We are very sceptical about this proposed superalliance. There will have to be much talk and debate before we could even consider joining such an organization."
04-05-2004, 08:36
Alexi stood, his arse getting soar from watching the delegates speak, his only excitement in hours was chuckling at the talks. So many pax-socialist ideas floating around it made him nearly sick. But he couldn't just say it, and he would play the game.

"Chellis, has always considered itself a strong, important, and most importantly, seperate nation. We reside in the cursed continent of lodoss, which contains many of the oldest and strongest nations in the world, but nonetheless we are strongly independant. We make all our own military equipment, and manufacture all of our goods, being the mercantilists we are.

We are also for global peace, to an extent of course. However, this 'organization', which reeks of the possibility of corruption and power struggle in the form of a large alliance, seems to make us 'little powers' insignifigant. Some of us nearly 3 billion in population, controlling large amounts of the world economy, such as in the chellian book publishing ranks 15th in the world, are treated as though we were just an organ to an alliance.

So first off, if you really want a democracy, chellis suggests every nation gets a vote. To prevent slackers, anyone who doesn't vote twice in a row without a previous warning will be blacklisted from voting again, for a long time to say the least, on a case-by-case analysis. However, if you are going to make it a republic, give alliances vote points, which equal the billions of population they equal. It makes alliances important, yet gives independants a place.

Second off, we feel the quick write of the views of the organization are a bit strict. For example, in Article II of 'Attitude and Poilicy(lol)', such as Article III is worded, should be changed from a strict no, to a heavily frowned apon stance. Individual alliances should deal with this, and if it gets out of hand, international intervention may be needed. However, for respect to culture and religion alone, you cannot simply outlaw these things anymore than you could force a kosher person to eat beef on yom kippur.

Third, we should host these meetings in other places at further times, as this obviously can't be the place we are to always meet. We of course suggest chellis for a further meeting, but of course, we are biased. However, we stand by that there shouldn't be a continued service here. This may be planning ahead, but one must always remember the six P's."

Alexi sat down. He knew everyone was staring at him now, and hated the feeling. He took out a legal pad and started writing, who knows what. It was, after all, what his therapist had taught him to do to relieve stress and pressure.
Austar Union
04-05-2004, 08:38
"Of course. It would only be made sure that you and your alliance would be completely sure about what would happen concerning your membership in it.

Dr_Twist, I see your point. I can imagine that perhaps a resolution is put to vote by each alliance, then the Representatives vote according to how their own alliance is inclined. Of course this is open to debate..."
04-05-2004, 08:42
Lauren Smith, the representative from Credonia finally spoke up to give the Credonian sentimate.

"Gentlemen, President Hoffman, I mean no disrespect but your "constitution" just wont work for an alliance of this magnatude. It would be great if you got together a handfull of nations and made them into a single alliance, however, when you are working with so much diversity, you cant be closed minded to what an alliance can and cannot do. Also, if you want this to be an alliance of all alliances, then you need to drop the anti-imperialism, bit. There are quite a few alliances that are imperialistic. We have no right to govern what it is that they can and cannot do, what policies they can and cannot have, and what weapons it can and cannot have. For an alliance such as this, your policies need to be more open, more general, and less oriented around the ideal of a group of nations banding together to form an alliance. It just wont work under the terms of that document."
Austar Union
04-05-2004, 09:40
The Austarian Delegate walked up the front once again;

"Ms Smith, I would have to disagree with you 100% right there. Yes, I agree that it is difficult to tell what an alliance can and cannot do, however, it would be the the duty of the alliance itself to regulate its members.

Ms Smith, I also dont mean any disrespect, however I would like to point out that such a relaxed attitude is the very reason why there is still conflict in the world today. You say that we should drop the part about anti-imperialism? I say absolutely not! I think you are losing the general goal of the GC Summit, and that is to promote world peace.

Imperialism, is a counter to this goal, and such concepts undermine the very existance of the GC Summit.

What you are suggesting, is that we make the GC Alliance more generalised. Well what do you call the New World Order then? That ma'am, was a generalised Alliance. And look what happened to that."
04-05-2004, 10:09
"But that is what diplomacy is for. Alliances wont change their ways if you try to do it by force. The only way I see to prevent imperialism is diplomatically is by growing a friendship with them and talking them down and out of this line of thinking. I have done it on more than one occasion and i am certain thta this method will work. You say you want peace, well, this is a peaceful means of getting them to backdown and change their ways. Not only that, it minimizes the number of casualties thta would be suffered if you were to actually fight against these imperialists. It could even in fact just make things worse (i.e. a member from the alliance can be attacked by an imperialist simply because the alliance attacked them, then you have a war on your hands in which im pretty sure many nations will jump on the bandwagon to go to war agianst the imperialsist, and many many innocent lives will be lost."
Austar Union
04-05-2004, 13:13
The Austarian Delegate speaks up, "Ms Smith, I think your missing my point entirely. This is not an alliance for everyone. Imperialism undermines the very idea of global cooportaion aka world peace, which is what this alliance is for. If any imperialistic alliances were to join, then there would be no common goal. And so we have another alliance like the New World Order. We dont want the GC Alliance to be like the New World Order, do we Ms Smith?"
The Burnsian Desert
04-05-2004, 16:10
"The NWO tried to force peace on the nations of the world. That is what I would have done, but people don't like to be forced to do anything."
Austar Union
04-05-2004, 16:15
"Alas," agreed the Austarian, "You cannot enforce peace. If conflict wants to break out, it will rear its ugly head one way or another. Muzzling it only makes it stronger, and more destructive.

The GC Alliance will not be the world police, BUT it will be actively involved in removing the larger threats to world security. Thats what we hope for anyways."
05-05-2004, 03:29
Ivan took a quick stand. "Yes, I agree we should keep anti-imperialism. After all, an idea based on war doesn't exactly fit well with the idea of peace, does it? However, we do feel the constitution needs more generalization, as certain ideas dont mean the opposite of peace."
Austar Union
05-05-2004, 04:20
"Of Course," replied the Austarian Delegate, "We have yet to hear of some of the other attendants of their positions, and I would like to hear of them, and their ideas."
05-05-2004, 04:24
We support an anti-imperialism stance, however at this time we do not feel that this proposed organization should become an active anti-imperalist force.
05-05-2004, 04:51
We believe that this group of nations should act as a deterrent to rouge nations and terrorist groups, not as a police orginization. In order to secure this role, we must make sure we do not encourage threats. Imperialism itself can be grounds for war. It is on this belief that only alliances who fit a certain broad profile shall be allowed to enter into this GC Orginization. Too be an effective deterrent we cannot incite acts of violence.
Seraphim Order Embassy
05-05-2004, 06:04
The Order delegate Alyssa Chin sat patiently as the various earthian nations exchanged words, nearly all of the them civil, suprisingly enough. With a somewhat amused look on her face, she observed the factions already forming in a yet to be "alliance", an entity whose creations was not meant to be immediately spawned from this particular summit. *My, this Austar Union seems to be able to move things along nicely. No one has even bothered to question the idea.....*

Triumverates, republics, democrasies, and all sorts of other various political decision making models flew across the room. At no time did anyone seem to think about the fundamental flaws of such ideals. And the fact that all these theories have been tried, and found wanting......the useless UN, the ancient League of Nations, to name a few. But, amongst the seemingly random blather, someone had made mention of sovereignity. Now that, was something that Alyssa could respect. A touchy subject at best, it would be interesting to see how AU handles it.

Looking at her watch, Ms. Chin makes a note of the time, *I wonder when we'll have recess.....* Informal discussions outside of the summit meeting may prove to be interesting.
05-05-2004, 14:42
OOC: The real term is 'Terran' :P
05-05-2004, 14:51
OOC: The real term is 'Terran' :P
Ozymandias IV
06-05-2004, 17:59
"While the Republic cannot presume to speak for the entire IADF, I do not know if we can support a 'super-alliance' concept," said SecState Merek III.

"We agree with your goals to reduce worldwide conflict, but we do not agree that an alliance of the alliances is the vehicle to reach that goal. Speaking as a representative of the Republic of Ozymandias IV, I can say that we would support a United Nations concept before a super-alliance one.

"Also, while the Republic is staunchly anti-imperialist, we do not agree that imperialist nations should be excluded from peace talks because of their imperialistic ways. Imperialism can take many forms - economic, social and military. If a nation would be attacked and overrun, we would certainly be opposed to such a course. However, if a nation's culture is overrun with fast food restaurants, television programs and music from another culture, I do not believe that we would become involved as the invaded nation's citizens will have 'voted with their wallets' for the takeover.

"We are attending this conference because we want to see the world become a safer place. But we do not believe world peace can ever be achieved through the formation of a super-alliance which will then 'punish' nations acting without regard to international law and standards.

"I will stay at this conference because I believe that peace is a goal for which we should all strive. However, I cannot support in good faith a super-alliance concept."
The Zoogie People
07-05-2004, 22:12
OOC: Small correction...Anaressa is representing the Zoogie Isles Alliance, not the League of Hanseatic States, which is entirely different. Ick...lots of catching up for me to do...
The Zoogie People
07-05-2004, 22:44
09-05-2004, 08:28
The Austarian Delegate comes out to the front. "Well my friends, I call this meeting to a recess. You may talk amongst yourself in the courtyard. There will be a full buffet outside in the food hall."

With that, everyone stands, and begins to make their way out to the courtyard.

OOC: This is my puppet ;)