Retrosan Communists
Today the Retrosan Communists have come to power, they have taken a war torn Retrosa with no apparent Government and have claimed that they are now the Party in power.
Retrosa is one of the most poorest countrys in the world, it is so poor that it is mainly a rural country and people still live in traditional villages. The army is armed with a few swords and soldiers travel in groups of five with one holding a rifle, if he gets shot, the others will pick up his rifle and bullets and continue.
The children in this country can barely even eat anything, most of the population is unable to read or write, alot cant even speak their own language properly!.
The furthest they have come with medicine is only panadol or aspirin, they do not have access to anastetic and cannot even afford a proper, heated, or even clean hospital. The equipment used is often ice cold and rusty, the beds are often rusty with springs sticking out, the windows of the Hospitals have been blown out by gun fire.
The new Communists have alot to handle, but their Leader Harold Haroldson promises a new Retrosa!.
President Vindall announced that Aid Packages containing Medicines, Foodstuffs and other vital Items have been sent to Retrosa to help stem the poverty. Porlanian Troops will guard the supplys to stop raids on the Humanitarian Trucks that will bring Relief to Retrosa. President Vindall says that these food Packages will help the people of Retrosa to stop Poverty in its Tracks.
03-05-2004, 11:10
Praetonia will send aid workers and medical supplies to Retrosa. We wish you luck in the future!
New Barnsdale
03-05-2004, 11:13
Good luck and my comminism bring years of good fortune
03-05-2004, 11:18
Minong, Spikebistan (AP) - The parliment of Spikebistan officially recognized the new communist government of Retrosan, a spokesperson revealed earlier today. "We will send any needed assistance, be it monetary, equipment, or experts, to our comrades in Retrosan," added the spokesperson.
Spikebistan is a small Socialist nation in the 5th Internationale, founded in May of 2004.
03-05-2004, 12:33
Incorrectly labeled Retrosa as retrosan in the spokespersons comments. Should read "We will send any needed assistance, be it monetary, equipment, or experts, to our comrades in Retrosa,"
We are always pleased to hear of nations joining the socialist fold. We offer to aid the nation of Retrosa if it wishes to improve the quality of it's public services, and can offer to protect your nation, as long as you pledge not to follow Stalinism and oppress workers unjustly.
03-05-2004, 13:40
We will send over financial aid to Retrosa, along with, if you request, military forces to protect your fledgling nation. We will also, if you wish, send over army engineers - they're excellently qualified for building work as well as demolotions.
Hattia hearby recognizes the new government of Retrosa as the legitimate government of the country. Therefore, because of their economic plight we would like to send them aid in the form of currency, humanitarian supplies and equipment.
The Hattian military has also requested permission to train and equip the Retrosan military for free.
Long live the communist government of Retrosan, the Holy Empire of Sye will send food and money.
The O Faolains
03-05-2004, 14:07
We have 17 hercules transports ready loaded with fire fuel, food, medcines and uniforms, the final there should your new police infrastructure require. All you need do is give the word
03-05-2004, 14:12
A Message from Maransune:
"I Nu Huang Ji, Foriegn Minister of the People's Republic of Maransune on the behalf of General Secretary Isiko Tatamori do wish to say that we recongize the new government of Retrosa and we will send as much supplies as we possibly we can."
03-05-2004, 14:12
A Message from Maransune:
"I Nu Huang Ji, Foriegn Minister of the People's Republic of Maransune on the behalf of General Secretary Isiko Tatamori do wish to say that we recongize the new government of Retrosa and we will send as much supplies as we possibly we can."
British Communists
03-05-2004, 14:34
To help the new communist government, we will send $50 billion in aid. We will also send any surplus guns we have to equip the army in case of any counter revolution.