02-05-2004, 20:12
OOC: I am new at RPing and Nationstates so don't expect something spectactular here, critisism (sp?) is wanted.
IC: The following is a expert from the message of General Secertary Isiko Tatamori to the people of Maransune following a mostly bloodless coup.
"Peope of Marasune!! The time of the Dictatorship is at a end, the time of Proleteriat is just beginning. The democratic experiment has failed, you have all seen it people! Our so called Prime Minister was nothing but a dictator! For to long has the govenment tried to control us, for to long has the goverment tried kept the worker chained, BUT NO MORE!!! I will give you freedom from the capitalists and their scemes. No more will the governement try to brainwash us with their loudspeakers on every street corner, I tell you again: NO MORE!!! Now the time of the workers has come to our glorius Maransune, now we will march together towards a glorius future for the working man!!! A new age has dawned people, a new time is approching for Maransune. Unfortunatly thier are those who would wish to bring back the former regime. These people must crushed, so I ask you citizens to look for only once the last remaining shackles of the past are cast off can we all march onwards to a glorius for you the people!!!............."
Isiko Tatamori and a few of his supporters siezed control of the goverment earlier today when they snuck into the offices of the Prime Minister, Asako Minasake and forced and him and his goverment to step down at gun point, a few tried the charge the communists but were shot. Shortly there after communists in other parts of the country performed similar operations in the rest of the country. Because the well orchestrated takeover was so sudden there was no resistence. At the time of the above speech Asako Minasake escaped from his holding cell and no where to be found. At the present time the new government is now attempting to bring whole under control with out bloodshed, and while no uprisings against Tatamori has happened yet there is no guarantee it won't happen at all.
NOTE: the above was taken from the notes of a unknown outside observer of the above events.
IC: The following is a expert from the message of General Secertary Isiko Tatamori to the people of Maransune following a mostly bloodless coup.
"Peope of Marasune!! The time of the Dictatorship is at a end, the time of Proleteriat is just beginning. The democratic experiment has failed, you have all seen it people! Our so called Prime Minister was nothing but a dictator! For to long has the govenment tried to control us, for to long has the goverment tried kept the worker chained, BUT NO MORE!!! I will give you freedom from the capitalists and their scemes. No more will the governement try to brainwash us with their loudspeakers on every street corner, I tell you again: NO MORE!!! Now the time of the workers has come to our glorius Maransune, now we will march together towards a glorius future for the working man!!! A new age has dawned people, a new time is approching for Maransune. Unfortunatly thier are those who would wish to bring back the former regime. These people must crushed, so I ask you citizens to look for only once the last remaining shackles of the past are cast off can we all march onwards to a glorius for you the people!!!............."
Isiko Tatamori and a few of his supporters siezed control of the goverment earlier today when they snuck into the offices of the Prime Minister, Asako Minasake and forced and him and his goverment to step down at gun point, a few tried the charge the communists but were shot. Shortly there after communists in other parts of the country performed similar operations in the rest of the country. Because the well orchestrated takeover was so sudden there was no resistence. At the time of the above speech Asako Minasake escaped from his holding cell and no where to be found. At the present time the new government is now attempting to bring whole under control with out bloodshed, and while no uprisings against Tatamori has happened yet there is no guarantee it won't happen at all.
NOTE: the above was taken from the notes of a unknown outside observer of the above events.