02-05-2004, 19:51
at 12:00 midnight a group of muslum extrmists armed with ak 47's, rocket propelled grenades and sniper rifles have invaded a military incampment. they have so far killed 30 soldiers and have a 4 star general, a comander, and 2000 other enlisted men under hostage. they have threatened that unless we submit to allah and give up our materialsitic ways they will kill all the hostages. we have 100 tanks surounding the encampment and fighters ready to do an airstrike if necasarry. they have planted c4 and mines throughout entryways so that no one can get in. The terrorists have all the armorment inside the encampment and the protection of the titanium reinforced walls of the encampment. I have given permission, if it is necessary to launch a bombing strike to prohibit the terrorists to invade other areas. i have ordered 100 men to suround the encampent but i need more men. that was our most major encampment in the area and the 100 men and 100 tanks is all we have left. i have ordered backup but the closest base is 300 miles away. it will be days before they can arrive. A comando squad has been ordered to infiltrate but will not be here for 3 days. we have tried to send a negotiator in but he was gunned down. the encampment is 3 acres completely surounded by titanium reinforced walls. there are only 10 entryways all cover with c4 and mines. we need help!