NationStates Jolt Archive

Andromeda Alliance Delcares War on SinnersAdvocate(ClosedRP)

Warhammer Syndicate
30-04-2004, 18:09
Tommorrow, a formal declaration of war will be imposed on Sinners Advocate, more details later.
Warhammer Syndicate
30-04-2004, 20:31
Sinners Advocate, you have one final chance to surrender. If you choose not to, war will be declared.

*Get all the troops and their equipment ready, we shall attack soon.*

*125,000 thousand soldiers and their supporting armour stand at the ready*

*All aircraft are fueling up and prepping for an intense bombing campaign that will take place in awhile*

Clan Turner, re-activate all your remaining forces!
Clan turner
01-05-2004, 04:36
**Clan Turner active duty forces have been preped and are ready for an invasion of the dam mounty states. in total 200,000 infantry men have been put on alert, 112 MBT's have been mobilized, aircraft are currently being armed, and special forces have already begun strategic reconisance of the nations and will begun guirella warfare as soon as their missions are complete.**

Clan Turner will support you on the battlefield DEATH TO THE MOUNTY'S!!!
Warhammer Syndicate
02-05-2004, 19:53
Those Canadians are going down!

*My troops have massed along the outskirts of thier borders*

50,000 troops and 200 T-90 MBTs will cross the border at midnight tonight while being supported by the air force consisting of 30 MIG-29's and 30 Mi-35 Hind helicoptors. The rest of the forces wil attack a short time after into the founder of that region.
02-05-2004, 20:04
i have 5,000 air craft carriors at ready at your disposal

im bored so i disided to help :twisted:
Clan turner
05-05-2004, 18:08
clan turners air force has begun a bombing campaign at every major Mounty airport with B-52's escorted by F-16's, special forces group Alpha, Beta, and Charlie have been sent in as additional forces for the guirella raids currently being conducted by task groups Delta, Echo, and Foxtrot. 30,000 paratroopers have been deployed and have taken the international airport. so that C-5 cargo planes can land and unload their cargo of troops and tanks, these resources are currently on route now.

the additional forces that arrive will be expected to set up fire bases, information command centers, and direct fire bases all over the area.

the reserve units are being called up to provide security for Clan Turners territory, while the draft is arming and training Turner citizens, the first training groups of another 300,000 will be ready to deploy in 2 months followed by the next in the same time lot.
Warhammer Syndicate
18-05-2004, 17:14
Warhammer Syndicate forces crossed the border at midnight following a large military air strikes throughout the country. Several bridges and key factories were hit and destroyed. We have encountered massive amounts of resistance from enemy forces, however, we feel that we are making steady progress due to the circumstances.

Total Forces in SA: 90,000 troops
115 aircraft of assorted types.
120 MBT's.