Nova Ushuaia
30-04-2004, 02:17
The government of Nova Ushuaia has submitted a contract proposal to the nation and/or corporation that offers the best or ideal suitable airplane for our nation's president. Those who offer the best option will be awarded the contract. The deadline to submit a proposal is one month (NS time).
We will whittle down the finalists to four within 3 months NS time, with the winner to be announced within 5 to 6 months NS time.
30-04-2004, 12:36
I don't suppose it would be too much to ask for at least soem giudelines as to the requirments, just so that we aren't offering A380s when all you want is a bizjet (or vice versa).
Hive Fleet Imodius
30-04-2004, 13:03
The hive will offer you a suitable transport vessel details shall follow.
lenth: 200 meters
wingspan: 500 meters
Armour: Carapace Alloy refractive armour, top secret composite- refracts weak lasor resulting in no damage and refracts powerful lasor cannons dampening the effect to almost nothing
Speed: capable of reaching Mk5
Armourments: 400 gargoyle guardians, these will protect the ship at all costs, they are a smaller version of the Haradin eac the size of a man armed with a plasma cannon and smoke spores to create a protective could to allow haradin to escape.
Haradin also has a large plasma canon mounted into its maw capable of destroying a 500 meter radius with the blast.
Capacity: Will comfortably fit 300 passengers and has no need for crew other than those required to make passenger travel more comforable.
Ride: Due to the location of the passenger compartment there is not ride sensation, power is tapped from the creatures own electrical charge.
Altitude: May skim the planets atmosphere.
Power / energy input: BEing organic it requires sustinence rather than fuel - as such it needs radioactive materials - this does include waste products from reactors etc. . .
Because of its diet it is immune to the effects of radiation and can potentially survive a neuclear explosion provided it is not at the epicentre.
We are the hive we are perfection.