Civil War Outbreak in Red Wales
Red Wales
29-04-2004, 22:57
"Armed persons have taken seige of the village of Tregaron, terrorists break into the local police station and exercuted all the police officers, we have got very little information at the moment, our corrispondent is just outside Tregaron..."
The terrorists inside the police station have killed or are holding hostage the people inside, several other small armies have taken over small villiages in a simular manner, they have been planning this for some years, it is yet to be known where they have got the weapons from.
First Minster Rennie prepared for his speech to the nation of Red Wales
"People of Red Wales, I am here addressing you now about the outbreak of seiges taking place in a few villages in Red Wales, we are sending in negotionators as I speak, this will hopefully end the seiges in the villages, however if the negoations fail, then I have no choice but to call upon the Territorial (SP) Army to end it, thank you" with that the First Minster turned around and left the news personal shouting out the questions, ignoring them.
The negotiators (SP) approached the villages that where seiged, one of which was Paul Baily, he was sweating as he stood outside the police station of Treguaron. He took a loudspeaker to his mouth "Please release the hostages, we will meet with your demands in exchange for them, there is no need for violence"
"No negoatiations" the terrorist leader said "We want a Capitalist society, tell that to whoever you report back to, oh and yea we also want a news crew up here" The Terrorists replied
The negotator later returned with the news crew and they entered the building
this was boardcast to Red Wales.
"We are the Capitalist Nationalist Front Army, we want a capitalist society, tougher laws on foriegners entering the country, all political parties to be banned and the end to all other religious expect for our religion, if the current goverment don't forfit their power and all the other political parties don't cease their political activities we will step up our rebelion and overthrow this goverement, and incase you think us soft" they guned down the negoatiator "You have 48 hours"
First Misnter Rennie called another news converence
"People of Red Wales, earlier today the terrorists brutally exercuted one of our negoatiators on live television, I am now calling on the Territoral Army to mobalise and end the seiges in these villages, I ask the people in these villages and everyone in Red Wales to be brave,
we will end the terrorist activities in these villages I just regret that they have elected to use force, I again appeal to the terrorist to lay down their weapons, before any more shots are fired, I will grant them all asmesty (SP) aslong as they leave the country forever, Long live the people's republic"
Red Wales Army:
Ground Forces:
49 990 TA Troops broken down into:
44 700 Armed troopers
5 Tanks personal
5030 Medical personal
The Rebels have an estimated 5000 members
29-04-2004, 23:10
29-04-2004, 23:12
Edit: Quadruple Post
29-04-2004, 23:13
Edit: Quadruple Post
29-04-2004, 23:14
Edit: Quadruple Post
Comrade, we will answer your call for aid. As we speak the 5th Combat Specialist Company is being deployed. They're due to arrive in 2 (NS) days.
-Ryan O'Donnell
Commissar of Foreign Affairs
29-04-2004, 23:24
Minister Rennie,
If you wish, we can deploy our Specialist Operations forces to Red Wales to bring this situation to a swift and favourable conclusion. The Venators (Hunters) stand ready to aid you in your hour of need, removing your need for amnesty for these terrorists.
Carlito Orfosi,
Defence Minister
Protectorate of Starblaydia
29-04-2004, 23:42
Ingladia will gladly send aid to take down the terrorists if the need arises. We are prepared to send in 3rd platoon of 7th company. They are specially trained for situations like this. When you call we will answer.
First Consulate Rudolph,
Vizier to the Emperor himself.
30-04-2004, 00:03
ViZion is highly trained in these situations.
ViZion is prepared to send in three of its ATFSs (Anti-Terror Fighting Squads). We are also willing to send in 2,000 soldiers to protect your capitol.
Red Wales
30-04-2004, 00:06
The Terrorists have rejected the amnesty, we have no choice but to send in the military to end the seige, we accept all the aid offered to us, our troops will arrive in the villages in about 40 minutes
30-04-2004, 00:07
ViZion is highly trained in these situations.
ViZion is prepared to send in three of its ATFSs (Anti-Terror Fighting Squads). We are also willing to send in 2,000 soldiers to protect your capitol.
We await your response.
30-04-2004, 00:25
ViZion is highly trained in these situations.
ViZion is prepared to send in three of its ATFSs (Anti-Terror Fighting Squads). We are also willing to send in 2,000 soldiers to protect your capitol.
We await your response.
I am sorry, we must withdraw our support (Reason:
30-04-2004, 00:29
DPUO will deploy a regiment of 20 Mi-24Vs to Red Wales, if you wish, along with a company of Spetznaz troops (approx. 160 men). Given that you have already acceded to any offered aid, we will set them to work immediately.
(OOC: I only just remembered that bit :oops: )
The Mi-24s landed several miles from their target, a large rebel training camp in the hills, on what looked like the only bit of flat ground for miles. The 96 men assigned to securing the LZ deployed swiftly, as they had been trained to, seeking to set up an LZ for the heavier Mi-26s to lift in their fire support, BMD-3 AIFVs carrying with them spare ammunition and equipment. Once the LZ was ready, a swift transmission via satellite radio alerted command that the Mi-26s could come in. In DPUO, the giant helicopters finished loading and lifted off.
The Mi-24s, meanwhile, their stub-wings heavy with rockets, performed their own task. They swept in until they were some 6 miles from the camp's known location; then they split into five four-helicopter flights and spread out in a wide semicircle. This done, they pitched their noses forward and screamed in over the camp.
The rebels weren't xpecting the arrival of anything much in their area; now twenty monstrous helicopters appeared, their wings spewing rockets. Those with a better sense of self-preservation fled into the voods nearvy as fast as they could, but at least one company decided to fight. A hand-held SAM claimed one Mi-24, but ultimately the company was doomed. A trio of the helicopters raked them with 12.7mm gunfire and rockets, and their defence crumpled. This done, eight of the helicopters landed and dropped their load of 64 Spetznaz, who, with assistance from their formiddable air support, secured the area. The battle had lasted a total of two hours.
30-04-2004, 00:38
Delpoying high from a C-17, the Venators unit of eleven men parachuted silently to the ground. Swiftly gathering up their gear and stowing it, the crack team moved to take up strategic positions around the eastern side of the village they had been assigned. Moving in small teams, keeping low, the men crept up on their prey.
In what seemed like a few moments it was all over. The terrorists had obviously been exepcting them, but were no match for Starblaydia's finest. Around thirty terrorists lay dead or incapacitated by the end of the action. This was countered by the wounding in the shoulder of a Venator, plus a broken leg of another. Two civilians, unfortunately, became casualties as the terrorists flung them at the Venators in the smoke, fire and confusion.
Overall our mission was a success, albeit one tinged with tragedy,
OOC: If the Venators are needed for anything else, don't hesitate to ask for them.
safely out of the range of any RPG fire 5 Chinook Heliecopter set down, after gaining clearence from Red Wales. The some 100 men exited and made thier way to the government forces.
"Comrades, who is in charge here?" The lieutenant asked.
Schultaria Prime
30-04-2004, 00:58
Schultaria Prime is willing to help our bretheren from Red Wales in any way, shape, or form possible. Please contact our ambassorial contact at The International should you require any military assistance.
Even though it appears you have significant military aid, the SDF will be on active mobilization status.
We shall support by sending 500 special forces soldiers, and warn that any nation caught aiding these terrorists will be declaring a state of war with Kanabia.
Red Wales
30-04-2004, 20:17
One of the Red Wales soldiers replied to the Hallad forces "It's Comrade Westwood" he said pointing over towards him.
Meanwhile the Terrorists in Tregaron where getting nervous, "Sir, reports are coming in of a build up of forces of our goverement and their allies, they have already attacked one of our bases"
"Well, we will have to exercute some of these police officers to show them that we mean business"
10 of the 15 surviving police officers where exercuted, and their bodies dumped out of the window.
British Communists
30-04-2004, 20:19
To help a fellow member of the international, we will send 1000 troops to help. They will arrive in 2 NS days.
The Liberation Circle has decided to support the unfortunate freedom fighters of Red Wales it seems they will lose, but our men need experience, and fighting alongside similliar men to ourselves will give us some of that experience.
We may not match the Multi-National Task forces aiding Red Wales in brute strength, but our wepaons will be stealth and clverly placed explosives.
We demand you force the Foreigners to withdraw or we will deploy various cells of ours to Red Wales.
Red Wales
30-04-2004, 22:04
Red Wales warns The Liberation Circle that if you send your troops in to help the terrorists it will be seen as an act of war.
30-04-2004, 22:13
We also warn The Liberation Circle that we will be most displeased with such developments; this is a possible act of war.
Communist Louisiana
01-05-2004, 00:20
We also are warning The Liberation Circle. We have more than 50 long range bombers on stand by. Red Wales is our allie and this will be taken as war against him. If he goes to war than I will go to war. We warn you once again unless you would like to have your cities completely destroyed.
If the Liberation Circle does this, we will declare war on them, as they would have practically declared war on our allies in Red Wales.
OOC:Seeing as most of us are here already....
IC:If The Liberation Circle makes any actions to support the rebels in Red Wales, The Mutual Protection Treaty of the Communist International may be invoked. Be warned.
01-05-2004, 12:16
Venator Captain Aerys Fyreskar crouched, listening to his radio. He transmitted a coded response and stood, addressing his men and the additional squad sent in to back them up.
"Liberation Circle is tryin to get involved." he said
"The Who?" asked one of his men.
"No, not The Who, the Liberation Circle. Anti-Dictatorship dudes. Bombed something in Vexia a while ago. Small time, it seems."
"We can take 'em, then, chief?"
"No diggity, no doubt."
Red Wales
01-05-2004, 17:14
Red Wales News
"Reports are coming in that the 20 terrorists in one of the villages have surrended, unconditionally, tthe prisoners will be held in a secert location and place on a trial at a later date, the First Minster has extended another offer to the rest of the terrorist, that if they give up now, they will face trail but will not be exercuted if found guilty, a response from the terrorists is yet to be made."
The TA out side of Tregaron heard the gun fire, and through the binouclars seen the dead bodies of the police officers being dumped out of the window, "Comrades, they are exercuting prisoners, we better move in soon to resovle the sitution, we must be carefull though, not to get any more hostages killed," A request was made to the spec ops forces of our allies to come up with a plan, since they were not qualified in this sitution.
01-05-2004, 17:24
"Have we got to clear every building, Sir?"
"It would be safest to," Captain Fyreskar answered his soldier, "But we'd loose surprise immediatey. The Police Station is a priority, and easily defended"
"So it'll be difficult to get in?"
"Not for us, Soldier," Fyrskar said, "But this time, ZERO friendlies get tagged."
<Panther to Eagle, Green light.>
"Eagle," Fyreskar said, acknowledging "Panther, Snake, Eagle - Let's Knife."
Panther Patrol immediately used their Walther-made sniper rifles to take out any terrorists showing their figures at windows and doors. Snake and Eagle patrol quickly moved up, Flash-bang grenades and assault rifles in hand, night-vision goggles giving them the advantage over the terrorists, who were plunged into darkness as the power was cut to the station. The final Spec-Op had begun.
01-05-2004, 17:30
*Transmission to Red Wales*
We are considering fighting fire with fire. These are not religiously-motivated lunatics, but rational men who have a strong desire to achieve their objective - and remain alive to see it done. Therefore, we can safely assume that if it comes down to death or surrender, only a die-hard few will take the latter option. Therefore your offer is a sensible one.
Secondly: We have a plan, of sorts. As our Special Forces are not very experienced, we will be putting them under the command of a more experienced nation's forces. However, what we can do is find out who the families of these men are: Girlfriends, wives, parents, children, and so forth. We can then take them hostage in much the same fashion. Given that the enemy are probably rational, it seems likely they will give up, especially when faced with their captive loved ones sitting in the sights of a helicopter gunship.
Should this fail, we are able to fit out Mi-24s with chemical spray tanks, including tear gases, which could be used to prepare for a Special Forces storming of the area.
Red Wales
01-05-2004, 19:41
Red Wales doesn't want to kidnap and hold to hostage any members of the terrorists families to do so would make us as bad as they are, we need a way to save the hostages woth mininum loss of life on all sides.
Justinopian Kingdom
01-05-2004, 19:48
*Telegram to All Participating Nations*
The King of the JK, along with the Royal Council, wishes for this matter
to be more politcally settled through negotiations, treaties, etc.
Also, click the spot below to view my information for those
who do not know of me. - ->
01-05-2004, 20:43
In that case, comrades, we will outfit the Mi-24s with tear gas cylinders. We will attack from the prevailing wind direction, spraying tear gas over the house; the Mi-24s will then unload their Spec Ops in a circular pattern around the area, and they will proceed within, firing on the remaining enemy. The civilians will be, if all goes according to plan, unconscious, as will the terrorists. Any left standing will be shot.
Red Wales
01-05-2004, 23:08
Justinopian Kingdom - We will not open negotions and treaties with terrorists, but thanks for your input.
DontPissUsOff - You my began your operation unless one of the other Participating Nations rejects to it.
Justinopian Kingdom
02-05-2004, 02:46
Sorry, I was not aware they were terrorists until recen investigation of this thread. We will not get invloved in this right now, but if you want help, please just notiy the King.
Hattia, of course. Expresses it's support for the rightful government of Red Wales...
We would enjoy watching you try to bomb our cities. it would be most amusing if you oculd actually find them. For we are not a nation in the conventional sense- we are scattered throughout the globe, and we are united by our ideals and beliefs, not by whatever geogrpahical region we inhabit.
Even if you were to find and annihilate our current HQ, we would simply reform and build another one somewher eelse.
And though the Red Wales Rebels are indeed crude in their tactics and cowards when push comes ot shove, we will airdrop a smany supplies and arms as we can to them.
"We're nearly there!" shouted a liberator over the drone of the engines.
the Plane was cramped full of Liberator Terror Soldiers, armed with AK-47's and PPS Machineguns, and attired with various forest camoflauge uniforms worn by countless other nations.
Jammed in with them were dozens of crates full of ammuntion and rifles, and some of them with ration packs and medical kits.
They would all be airdropped over the most embattled villages, at least, if they ever got over the border.
"We are now passing over the Red Wales Border! Good luck everyone!" shouted the pilot.
02-05-2004, 21:59
The attack was well under way and the swift, well trained Venators were mopping up the remaining terrorists in Tregaron, though a few still held out inside hastily-baracaded houses. No civilians had been killed, yet.
"Cargo plane up there, Sir."
Captain Fyreskar looked up, useless, really, but he did it out of habit.
"Green?" was all he needed to say and the Lieutenant swung into action on his comm equipment.
"Vertigo-One to Vertigo-Home, we have inbound plane, heavy. Squawking Green?"
<Negative, Vertigo-One, inbound is unknown-hostile.>
"Suggest you kill it."
<Acknowledged, Vertigo-One. Vertigo-Home Out.>
The pair of F-15Cs had to burn some serious fuel to catch up with the C-47, as it was now known, but still had range for a friendly airfield.
"Bogey in range, targeted, firing two slammers."
<Roger, firing two.>
The missiles streaked towards the rear of the C-47
Red Wales
03-05-2004, 13:20
Liberation Circle, this is your last warning, please retreat from our nation or we will be offically at war with you. We are willing to open talks with you to try and resolve the sitution before any loose of life on either side, however if you don't pull out nor open any talks then we will have no choice but to declare an offical state of war with your organisation.
Red Wales would also like to thank Starblaydia and all the other nations for the assitance this far in dealing with the terrrorists thus far, most of the terrorists in the other villages have surrendered or have escaped, but the majority of them are still standing their ground, Red Wales forces have moved into liberated villages, to ensure that no terrorists return.
The freeded hostages are to be taken to the nearest hospital or medical centre.
First Minster Rennie came on the emergency Radio and Television boardcast system, and ordered all remaining citerzens in the areas of Red Wales under seige to evacuated the areas
The phone rang.
The Staff at the Red Wales government were busy, but the phone kept rining.
oddly, it was not any of the red phones, just an ordinary phone that the public could call in on whenever they wanted ot talk to someone in the government.
a low-level clerk finally anwsered it.
"Do not hang up. If you do, the assault on Red Welsh Forces will continue. I wish tot alk to whoever is in charge. if this is not done in 30 minutes, their will be dire consequences. go."
Ashen faced, the Clerk ran to get his superior, leaving the phone dangling from its hook.
30 minutes Later........
"Greetings. I am known as High Gold. I am, at leats for now, the Head of the Liberation Circle.
As you are no doubt aware, my Liberators have begun their assault on Red Welsh Forces beseiging those who wish to challenge you. It is too late to stop the current attack, but it is not too late to prevent further ones. You say you wish to discuss terms. Very well, Name your terms, and we will then name ours. We will then argue untill a suitable compromise has been reached. Do you agree? If not, or if the phone is disconnected, or if the line is traced- we will end negiotations and continue the attacks on your nation. Civillians, though not Opressors, will be targeted if it is deemed that the good of the many will benefit from the death of the few."
the voice was relentless, and had a slight Vexian Accent. It was extremely unlikely that this man was lying, or bluffing about anything he said. There was a pause, as High Gold waited for the response.
"Incoming Missiles! Deploying makeshift chaff- i hope this works-"
Crude barrels full of confetti and torn shreds of paper were ejected out the back, which promptly exploded around the plane. It was extremely unlikely the missiles would be fooled, but it might buy them time.
"Everybody out!" screamed the Pilot, knowing he was about to die.
The Liberators disconnected themsleves from their chairs, and, along with the crates full of ammo and medicine, where sucked out the back scant seconds after the chaff.
It was a rough drop, and it was unlikely many would survive it.
But beneath lay the enemy, and every Liberator was sworn to die before failing in his duty.
they plummeted, and the parachutes opened...
04-05-2004, 20:36
"Paras coming down!" came the warning. The seemingly home-made chaff had fooled the sophisticated slammer air-to-air missiles for about a mircosecond before they passed right through it.
"I want a perimeter, edge of the village," Captain Aerys Fyreskar yelled, "kill-zone all the way out to the fields. Get em while they land."
The corporal steadied his aim on the Starblaydi-made AUG A1 rifle, tracking his target down:
"Eat shit and die." he said, pulling the trigger. Around him, twelve fellow Venator Special Forces did the same, some with heavier machine guns.
04-05-2004, 21:54
"Commence your attack."
"Yes sir." The radio clicked off.
In the chill morning air, the roar of rotors filled the skies. Twelve Mi-24Vs struggled into the air, spread out into a giant wide semicircle and headed for their targets. Half of them had stub-wings laden with cannon pods; the others carried tear gas and a modified version of it designed to render unconscious their targets. Within them, 96 SpetzNaz troops checked their equipment, especially the gas masks that would protect them from the gas.
"What the hell?" muttered one of the terrorists as the sound of the helos entered his ears. There had to be at least a squardon there!
"Get the commander. I think we got trouble coming," he ordered the terrorist next to him.
"Right." He never had time to obey the command. The Hinds crested the hills surrounding the building, nightmarish black shapes, noses spitting fire. The tear-gas canisters were opened, and a choking white cloud descended to the ground. Terrorist began to scream and rub at their eyes as they tried to fire on enemies the couldn't even see, many dropping their weapons in the process. Then the next wave of helicopters swept in, and another cloud of white gas rolled onto the men below. They began to drop, many of them where they stood, as did their hostages. Some had the presence of mind to stay near the ground; but the gas simply rolled all over the terrain.
The Hinds landed, their rotor wash helping to clear the white cloud, their tropps deploying into it, disappearing like wraiths into the murk. The sound of gunfire could be heard emanating from it, punctuated by screams, shouts and the occasional heavier tunder of one of the Mi-24's machine guns. Within ten minutes, it was all over. The Spetznaz retrieved the civilians and the living terrorists, the latter at gunpoint, and handed them in to the nearby Red Wales security forces.
Red Wales
05-05-2004, 01:03
Red Wales security forces transported the civilains and the terrorists seperatelym the civilians to a nearby medical centre and the living terrorists to a secert holding areas, where they will await trail.
"Liberation Circle" said the representive of the First Minster "Red Wales nor it's goverment is not an oppressive force, we give our civilains civil and political rights, aswell as an opportunity to vote in an election every 5 years. The group you are helping is a small group who think they Redm Wales is too left wing and are against it's major political parties" The Representive countiued "We have these terms to offer you, that any of your agents that get captured will be interrigated and released, aslong as they haven't killed any civilians or forces helping Red Wales against the terrorists" The Representive spoke, while sweating like a pig, he never had been in such a sitution before but was well briefed on what to do in the circumstances "We also will give the terrorists an internatial trail and allow any captured terrorist leaders to escape a sensetence of exercution"
he said, his voice clearly affaird of the man on the other end of the phone.
"These are our only conditions for your withdraw, what are yours?"
05-05-2004, 08:11
The Counter terrorism expert of Spikebistan would like to extend our assistance in any way. He suggests kidnapping and killing all liberation circle members.
The Volga
05-05-2004, 08:41
The Lord Protector of the Most Serene Republic, Marshal Kitchener was feeling joyful. His coup to place himself in command of the Most Serene Republic had been a complete success, and he was simply itching to flex a bit of diplomatic muscle. It was with this in mind, that he ordered this message to be despatched to the government of Red Wales.
[code:1:3cf9daaaea]Rating: Blue
Recipient(s): Government of Red Wales, Capitalist National Front of Red Wales
Sender: Office of the Lord Protector
It has come to the attention of some government officials in the Republic that your nation has been discriminating against capitalists. This will stop immediately. To ensure that the wishes of Lord Kitchener are carried out, a force is being prepared to ensure that Red Wales no longer feels the need to enforce cruelty against the oppressed right-wingers of its society. You have been warned. As a note, any nations percieved to threaten the Most Serene Republic will be considered to have declared war upon the Most Serene Republic of the Volga, and will thus be the victims of sanctions.[/code:1:3cf9daaaea]
ooc: Does Red Wales have any coastline?
Communist Louisiana
05-05-2004, 13:14
OCC: I am getting very pissed at these damn terrorist.
Trooper Cargo 7- This is Trooper Cargo 7 to Red Wales International over.......
Red Wales International- Yes Cargo Trooper 7 what nationality? over.....
Trooper Cargo 7- Your comrades from Louisiana over.....
Red Wales International- They told us you would be comming. You have permission to land over....
*On the tarmack, dozens of C-5A/B Galaxy's and C-141 Starlifter's cargo planes began to land. On board were specially trained in Che, Mao, Sun Tzu, and other types of Warfare. The numbers are as follows*
10,000 Red Gurrilla Troops
2,000 TRIDON Air Defence Gun System
1,000 M1A2 Abrams Tanks
Any nation who continues to get involved and supports the capitalist terrorist will be delt with harshly.
Red Wales
05-05-2004, 16:58
Red Wales to The Volga: We don't discriminate agaisnt Capitalists, we have several political parties that are right wing and can stand for elections. We request that you withdraw your stance of hostilities from Red Wales, we don't need to go into a full blown war.
Meanwhile, the 6 remaining terrorists in the village of Llanafon surrounded themselves, seeing that they were fighting overwhelming odds the Red Wales TA quickly aprehended the surroundering terrorists and escorted to a secert location to be held and await trail, all of the hostages had been exercuted.
The Terrorist leader issued a statement "We will never give up, if the goverement refuses to withdraw their allies from the assault on us, their will be dire conquences"
05-05-2004, 21:39
With the permission of red Wales we will be sending more and hevier forces thereinto in order to assist them against any more terrorism, and also to help protect against aggression by The Volga. A pair of motor-rifle divisions is the most probable initial force, with a substantial airborne component which will also have chemical weapons assigned to each division.
Communist Louisiana
05-05-2004, 21:53
*Command Center to Louisiana Troops*
Command Center- Men, intel reports that the terrorist command is comming from the city of Tregaron. Inside the city all command comes from the police station. Your mission is to surround the police station and move in. Try to take the terrorist alive for trials against the state. Minimize civilian and hostage casualties. Over and out....
*4000 Red Gurrilla Troops begin the surrounding of the building. Within 20 min all possible escapes were covered and snipers were stationed on the roof top and windows of buildings surrounding. They began moving in*
Red Wales
05-05-2004, 22:25
Dontpissusoff: Red Wales accepts your offer aslong as they don't have chemical weapons.
06-05-2004, 00:34
Confirmed. There will be no chemical systems assigned to the divisions. They will be airlifted into the nearest airfields. ETA: 1 (RL) day.
The Volga
06-05-2004, 09:35
With the permission of red Wales we will be sending more and hevier forces thereinto in order to assist them against any more terrorism, and also to help protect against aggression by The Volga. A pair of motor-rifle divisions is the most probable initial force, with a substantial airborne component which will also have chemical weapons assigned to each division.
"Clearly, you feel that the Most Serene Republic has already declared war. We had not. We stated that we would not be intimidated into not opposing this war against these freedom loving Capitalists, but you chose to ignore our warnings. Therefore, I would consider yourself very high on the list that is kept in the Most Serene Republic regarding illegal states that should be destroyed."
- Minister of Foreign Affairs Kerinsky
OCC: I am getting very pissed at these damn terrorist.
Trooper Cargo 7- This is Trooper Cargo 7 to Red Wales International over.......
Red Wales International- Yes Cargo Trooper 7 what nationality? over.....
Trooper Cargo 7- Your comrades from Louisiana over.....
Red Wales International- They told us you would be comming. You have permission to land over....
*On the tarmack, dozens of C-5A/B Galaxy's and C-141 Starlifter's cargo planes began to land. On board were specially trained in Che, Mao, Sun Tzu, and other types of Warfare. The numbers are as follows*
10,000 Red Gurrilla Troops
2,000 TRIDON Air Defence Gun System
1,000 M1A2 Abrams Tanks
Any nation who continues to get involved and supports the capitalist terrorist will be delt with harshly.
"How dare you threaten the Most Serene Republic. It is a far more important state than your own pitiful one, yours being based around the works of Guerilla leaders. Our glorious nation will not stand for this clear deliberate (attempted) intimdation. You chose to ignore the warning. We have no choice but to respond."
- Minister of Foreign Affairs Kerinsky
Red Wales
06-05-2004, 11:47
The Volga : Please note that Red Wales is a democratic country and the Left Wing Socialist Goverment is the elected Goverment, the Capitalists are radicals who want to destory the Civil Rights and the Political Freedoms enjoyed under the Socialist rule of Red Wales, The Capitalists want to install a dictatorship and an illegal state. Any of your forces who enter Red Wales will be considered an act of war. Red Wales doesn't want to have to go to War with your nation though. We also request that you cease any acts of aggersion or indicators that you are going to commit such acts upon our allies and friends.
Communist Louisiana
06-05-2004, 13:40
I am now calling for the activation of The International Mutual Protection Treaty. All 20+ nations who signed it are now be asked to assist the destruction of the terrorist of Red Wales and the nation of Volga.
Communist Louisiana Declairs war on Volga
Red Wales
06-05-2004, 19:02
Red Wales Declares War on Volga, We again offer an armesity to the terrorists, if they give up now, it will be taken into consideration in their trail.
First Minster address his nation "People of Red Wales, we are declaring War upon Volga for their aggersion towards us and our allies, we ask our people to be brave in this time of war, we will not loose, we will not back away, we must stay firm and strong. Brave people of Red Wales, we will be victories, although their are hard times ahead for us, and we will suffer many looses, we will provail"
06-05-2004, 21:30
For what it's worth, a state of war now exists between DPUO and The Volga. All units within Red Wales are to assume defensive positions. SSBNs are putting to sea. We will not stand to see such naked aggression against our comrades! I am also calling on fellow nations of the Allied States of EuroIslanders to lend a hand to the struggle.
06-05-2004, 21:40
The V-22 Osprey lifted off, safely carrying the Venators unit away from Red Wales, which they were sure would rapidly deteriorate into a warzone.
"Nice to see ideologies clashing once again, eh Captain?"
"If people are going to fight," Aerys said, "better over ideals than dirt."
The Weir Provinces
07-05-2004, 02:56
Concerned with the broadening struggle, the Weir Provinces has begun to mobilize 75,000 soldiers.
President Madriel of the Federation of the Weir Provinces has announced his strong support of the DPUO and Red Wales against the terrorist elements. If this conflict continues to broaden, declared President Madriel, the Weir Provinces would fully support Red Wales through any means necessary. Further reservists throughout the Weir Provinces have been alerted to this heightened state of military readiness.
If necessary, the Weir Provinces can draw on an additional 500,000 active duty soldiers, and at least 800,000 reservists.
To Red Wales:
“Salutations. The free government of Red Wales can be assured of the support of the Weir Provinces, if further military aid is required. Please, feel free to call on us if your situation necessitates military support.
- President Madriel of the Federation of the Weir Provinces”
Economic Stats (
The Volga
07-05-2004, 08:53
ooc: I don't like to scare people, but Economic Stats (
So don't try and intimidate me with you 'high-powered' economy. ATM I'm not going to bring allies into it, but if I think I could lose...
Lord Protector Kitchener smiled to himself. This feeble 'Treaty' Organisation was no match for solid forces. How many members of this so called Mutual Protection pact would actually fight? He doubted any at all. It was merely the Most Serene Republic against a rabble of Socialists. No troubles would be encountered. The declaration of war had surprised him though. Did they not realise that the Most Serene Republic had joined the Directorate? Who could know. He ordered the military to be readied, and the reserve forces put on standby.
The matter is settled. We have come to an agreement with the People of Red Wales. as we speak, the few surviving Liberators will withdraw from Red Wales, and reutrn by secret means to the nearest of our cells.
We now have an official and legal outpost in Red Wales, where those who wish to contact us by more official channels can do so.
Any attack upon it will be consdiered an act of opression and we will respond accordingly.
We do not hold a grudge against Starbladyia for its participation in the destruction of a large part of our forces in Red Wales-which were not very many.
We are also withdrawing our illegal presences in Red Wales and the Volga, as one country is no longer deemed an opressor and the other will be too hot for our operatives for a while.
That is all.
-High Gold, Head of the Libertaion Circle Network
Red Wales
07-05-2004, 18:10
The majortiy of Red Wales forces was positioned aslong the coastline of Red Wales, the remaining few were still ready to detail with the terrorists who still had a some buildings under their seige, although they were well on the way to being ended.
The navy was patroling (SP) the waters around Red Wales, ready to sink any enemy vessals that came into range. SAM batteries where set up near all major towns and cities.
Red Wales was getting a bit nervous about declaring war, and felt that they may have been a little bit too hasty to do so.
The Goverment of Red Wales decided that they could still aviod conflict and loss of live from any parties in this conflict if they opened up talks with "The Volga" The Cabinet hastingly decided to send a message out to The Volga.
"Red Wales wishes to open up talks with "The Volga". We feel that we can, if we work together aviod conflict all together, we aploygise for our declaration of War with you, we feel that if we can resolve this peacefull with talks, it would benifit everyone, since their would be no blood shed. We egarly await your reply"
First Minster Geraint Rennie
A further message was sent to the allies and the nations who decided to offer Red Wales support in this pending conflict
"Red Wales is greatfull for your offers of support, we however don't want any loose of blood and have decided to offer up talks between Red Wales and The Volga, we would be even more greatfull if we had your input into these talks"
First Minster Geraint Rennie
Red Wales despite this was still on a high state of alert and prepared incase the request for talks went unheeded.
07-05-2004, 23:10
We will watch.
As for The Volga: Your economic stats are indeed impressive. Let me give you a little fact. We (The West) feared the USSR's army, when the USSR hadn't more than a half of our GNP. High GNP does not necesarily equal a powerful army.
The Volga
08-05-2004, 05:48
The majortiy of Red Wales forces was positioned aslong the coastline of Red Wales, the remaining few were still ready to detail with the terrorists who still had a some buildings under their seige, although they were well on the way to being ended.
The navy was patroling (SP) the waters around Red Wales, ready to sink any enemy vessals that came into range. SAM batteries where set up near all major towns and cities.
Red Wales was getting a bit nervous about declaring war, and felt that they may have been a little bit too hasty to do so.
The Goverment of Red Wales decided that they could still aviod conflict and loss of live from any parties in this conflict if they opened up talks with "The Volga" The Cabinet hastingly decided to send a message out to The Volga.
"Red Wales wishes to open up talks with "The Volga". We feel that we can, if we work together aviod conflict all together, we aploygise for our declaration of War with you, we feel that if we can resolve this peacefull with talks, it would benifit everyone, since their would be no blood shed. We egarly await your reply"
First Minster Geraint Rennie
A further message was sent to the allies and the nations who decided to offer Red Wales support in this pending conflict
"Red Wales is greatfull for your offers of support, we however don't want any loose of blood and have decided to offer up talks between Red Wales and The Volga, we would be even more greatfull if we had your input into these talks"
First Minster Geraint Rennie
Red Wales despite this was still on a high state of alert and prepared incase the request for talks went unheeded.
"You send a message to 'The Volga'. Who is this 'The Volga'. I know of the Most Serene Republic of the Volga, but no 'The Volga'. Perhaps if you addressed us correctly, and in a more submissive tone, with better grammar, our great leader Lord and Marshal Kitchener would be more inclined to answer your pathetic calls for a truce. We did not declare war. Therefore, you have brought about your own destruction."
- Minister of Foreign Affairs Kerinsky
As that message was sent to the Red Wales Government, forces were put into motion. Armies were prepared, fleets were readied, air units put on standby. The Red Welsh were not, regardless of what they thought, going to get away with such horrific insults to the Most Serene Republic. Vengeance would be short, and sweet.
ooc: Do you have any colonies?
ooc2: For my latest major war, go here Transnastapaini Missionary War (
The Volga
08-05-2004, 08:11
We will watch.
As for The Volga: Your economic stats are indeed impressive. Let me give you a little fact. We (The West) feared the USSR's army, when the USSR hadn't more than a half of our GNP. High GNP does not necesarily equal a powerful army.
"So you infer that we are somehow connected with those filthy communists that made up the USSR? How dare you! Not only will Red Wales suffer at the hands of our spectacular military, but so shall you, for such incredible insolence towards your betters. Hang your respective heads in shame!"
- Minister for Foreign Affairs Kerinsky
Red Wales
08-05-2004, 13:08
Red Wales placed it's miliatary on the highest state of alert knowing that they were problely going to be invaded by a foriegn force, who seemed to be content on conflict.
Red Wales is calling on all nations of the Inaternational for help agaisnt ' Most Serene Republic of the Volga'
((OOC: No I haven't))
Red Wales
08-05-2004, 13:08
OOC: Sorry Double Post
Red Wales
08-05-2004, 13:08
Red Wales placed it's miliatary on the highest state of alert knowing that they were problely going to be invaded by a foriegn force, who seemed to be content on conflict.
Red Wales is calling on all nations of the Inaternational for help agaisnt ' Most Serene Republic of the Volga'
OOC: No I haven't
The Weir Provinces
08-05-2004, 15:28
The Weir Provinces are alarmed by the aggression demonstrated by the Repeublic of the Volga, and is mobilize its reserves. With the permission of Red Wales, the Provinces will begin transporting 75,000 soldiers into his nation to assist in its defense. Our other active duty soldiers are being put on a heightened state of alert, and more troops will be sent as neccessary.
Furthermore, the Weir Provinces calls upon the other nations of the Allied States of the Euroislanders to assist in the defense of Red Wales against the aggressions of the Volga.
09-05-2004, 01:19
OOC: OK. Changed. Seems a bit odd you using the Su-47...seems odd sending Soviet against Soviet really. Added to which you DID say "we are gonna crush this nation" etc...however, in view of the fact you actually hadn't formally started the thing (which is fair enough), I'll remove it.
The Volga
09-05-2004, 02:30
ooc: Thanks for posting my losses. You should know that F-16's are only used by reserve fighter squadrons, regular ones use Su-47's.
ooc2: You should know that I haven't even launched my attack on Red Wales. You jumped the gun a bit. Wait 'till I at least send forces next time.
"Are you insane? We hadn't even made a provocative action! You launched an unwarranted attack. You declared war. You just brought about your own destruction. No-one gets away, NO-ONE gets away with such a ridiculously stupid offensive action. Not only will your nation be bled dry of all its youth, but its cities will be crushed, its civilians slain, and its military destroyed! Consider yourselves marked."
- Foreign Minister Kerinsky
09-05-2004, 02:46
*Prods the above post*
09-05-2004, 11:03
"So you infer that we are somehow connected with those filthy communists that made up the USSR? How dare you! Not only will Red Wales suffer at the hands of our spectacular military, but so shall you, for such incredible insolence towards your betters. Hang your respective heads in shame!"
Actually, if I was comparing anyonre to the USSR it'd be us. Also I should point out that that statement was entirely OOC.
The Fedral Union
09-05-2004, 16:31
ooc: Thanks for posting my losses. You should know that F-16's are only used by reserve fighter squadrons, regular ones use Su-47's.
ooc2: You should know that I haven't even launched my attack on Red Wales. You jumped the gun a bit. Wait 'till I at least send forces next time.
"Are you insane? We hadn't even made a provocative action! You launched an unwarranted attack. You declared war. You just brought about your own destruction. No-one gets away, NO-ONE gets away with such a ridiculously stupid offensive action. Not only will your nation be bled dry of all its youth, but its cities will be crushed, its civilians slain, and its military destroyed! Consider yourselves marked."
- Foreign Minister Kerinsky
Volga BACK OFF ... Don’t make the Fed union get involved we are a close allied of red Wales if you attack red Wales you deal with me .. is that understood ? Now the Fed union will prepare an intervention force ..
Included are :
350,000 Troops
7 Armored Calvary Companies (500 tanks and 400 Bradley’s in each)
6 MLR's Divisions (100 in each)
8 Nexus class carriers
6 New York class super battle ships
1 Boston class battle ship
4 Augusta class Guided missile Destroyers
5 Hammer head subs
2 Ohio trident subs
100 F-22's
100 F-77'S
100 YF-23's
100 F-35's
50 F-117A's
10 B-2'S
10 B-1's
These forces are being loaded on trasports as we speak and will be dispatched to read wales along with 3 engeering companys
09-05-2004, 19:53
We will be positioning six regiments of MiG-31Ms, seven of MiG-1.44s, three of Su-27s and four of Su-34s in Red Wales, along with base Air defence units.
The Fedral Union
09-05-2004, 20:08
Our forces have arrived in red Wales .. and transports are bringing forces on land . the enggeris will set up air feilds around .
(btw i always have a re enforcement pool )
Re enforcements :
125,000 troops
6 Armored Companies (200 Tanks , 100 Bradley’s each)
50 F-22's
60 F-117a's
50 F-35's
10 Artillery divisions ( 100 paladins ,100 mlrs , 100 crusaders ,20 self propelled howitzers)
10 Specter gun ships
Red Wales
09-05-2004, 20:25
Red Wales prepared her navy, they had a job of setting up a blockade around the coast of RedWales to try and prevent or hinder any possible landing by coast.
The Red Wales Navy consits of the following:
10 Payne class DDGs
5 Kidd class DDs
2 Oklahoma class BBNs
20 Archimede class SSKs
20 Type XXI U-Boats
5 Type XXIII coastal U-Boats
4 Vanguard class SSBNs
15 Delta II class SSBNs
10 Yankee class SSBNs
The Navel units will be in position in position in roughly 6 NS Hours
The Most Serene Republic of the Volga will stand down immediately. We do not take kindly to unneeded aggression against our allies.
We do not wish for war against the MSRV, but if you continue upon this course we will be forced to destroy you.
09-05-2004, 21:14
Technocracia and the Technocracian people offer complete solidarity to our comrades in Red Wales. Therefore, to counter volgan aggression, we will be mobilising the following to make sure our Socialist comrades are not attacked by the imperialistic Volgans:
3,000,000 proffesional soldiers
300 Paralyser anti-tank vehicles
2,000 Revolution class tanks
2,500 Revolt class heavy tanks
900 TRA heavy artillery pieces
Technocracian Red Air Force
350 Mig 31's
200 Pacifier bombers
25 RAF-4 Stealth Bombers
30 RAF-7 Stealth fighters
150 AS Fighter bombers
Technocracian Red Navy
2 Oktober II Nuclear submarines
25 T60 Submarines
12 D90 Frigates
15 Solution class destroyers
150 Mediator class gunboat
We shall NOT let the imperalists conquer our comrades of Red Wales!
Communist-Democrat party of Technocracia
09-05-2004, 21:58
The Most Serene Republic of The Volga should notice THIS ( thread.
The thirty nine ships of the Hogsweatian Red Navy, 2nd Fleet could see the Welsh Coastline.
'This is Admiral Alamanskiov, permission to set up defensive blockade of Red Wales, over?'
The twenty eight ships of The Hogsweatian Red Navy, 3rd Fleet, Asked the same.
The 1st and 4th Fleets spread out a bit further, acting as barriers against any possible incoming Volga ships.
The Weir Provinces
10-05-2004, 03:22
The Weir Provinces, noting the actions of our fellow liberal nations, does not send in additional forces. As it is, some 4 million soldiers are moving to defend Red Wales. However, if this conflict escalates, the Weir Provinces will be ready to send in any additional aid, and if weaponry and/or any other supplise are neccessary, please call on us.
The Volga
12-05-2004, 08:48
"Are you all insane? The Most Serene Republic has made no offensive actions so far, merely stated its opposition to the stance of Red Wales. In fact, we were not the ones who even declared war, so how dare you call us Imperialists. It is nations like you that give Communism its bad international reputation, that drive nations like the Most Serene Republic to the loving embrace of a glorious leader such as Lord Protector Kitchener."
"We have not even sent a single vessel out, yet you persist in sending inordinately large amounts of soldiers to the 'defence' of Red Wales. Did Red Wales ask you to send 4 million, 3 million, whatever you sent to his nation? Did the government of Red Wales ask you to burden them with feeding these troops? I think not."
- Minister for Foreign Affairs Kerinsky
Red Wales
12-05-2004, 18:52
We are willing to call off then war and have peace, we will open some talks with you, if you like, but it would be better for us all if we can aviod going to war.
The Fedral Union
12-05-2004, 19:03
The Fedral Union
12-05-2004, 19:04
The Fed union is pledging more troops to red Wales if War is immnate. these forces are on stand buy . : list:
250,000 troops
150,000 marines
10 Armored Divisions (1000 tanks and 500 Bradley fighting vehicles in each )
5 artillery Divisions (100 Paladin artillery systems ,100 Self propelled howitzers,100 Crusader artily systems and 10 MLRS's in each)
5 Armored Calvary Companies (500 tanks and 400 Bradley’s in each)
6 MLRS's Divisions (100 in each)
2 Augusta class Guided missile Destroyers
2 Hammer head subs
2 Ohio trident subs
2 Atlantic Class super Crevtiating sub Carrier
2 Dixon Class super Crevtiating Attack sub
50 F-22's
50 F-77'S
50 YF-23's
50 F-35's
25 F-117A's
5 B-2'S
5 B-1's
Communist Louisiana
12-05-2004, 20:19
You are correct Volga. You did not first declar war it was I who did. But, you did if nto mistaken threat to take strike action against Red Wales for their anti-capitalistic governing system. I commit one trillion dollars per year to the Red Wales for economic support and anything else that they need. I help support this nation VERY much.
You threatening this nation aggitated me very much for I saw it as a threat not against Red Wales alone but against CL as we have much invested in this great nation. You threatening me then got all these nations which most are my allies(thank you DPUO and TFU and everyone else in your support) to back me and Red Wales.
Now as for you saying that they dont need this b/c they shouldnt feed others troops. First of all, most armies like mine bring rations and other supplies not only for themselves but, for the citizens on the nation were protecting. I will also help pay for the food supplies while troops are located for the protection of Red Wales.
I do hope you now understand the seriousness behind this whole conflict, b/c most nations backing Red Wales will not cease at just destruction of your armies, but invasion and total nuclear destruction of your nation. This is not a threat, but we have and will use nuclear weapons if provoked beyond a comforted means.
Premier DuFour
The Fedral Union
14-05-2004, 14:54
Volga i suggest you back off and CL If you or any one hear LUNACHES ONE NUKE I will Shoot it down with No hestation we do not need this turning nuclar :P
At any rate ...Red wales is verry protected Shall you attmpt an attack you will be pushed back volga ..
14-05-2004, 22:01
WMDs won't be used unless they use them first. Seems fair to me.
The Volga
15-05-2004, 10:54
"Oh. My. God. You threaten us with nuclear weapons. Is that what your (I presume) once fair nation has come to? That you threaten a nation that has stated its intentions not to go to war, that did not even declare war, that did not even mobilise its forces, is an utter disgrace. I would not, if I were you, think I was a defenceless nation that has no friends, that will not fight if threatened, that will cower before your all-mighty armies. If you morons think that you can intimidate me with your threats of nuclear oblivion, you clearly do not understand who you are dealing with. Despite the fact that our nation does not even own nuclear devices (we are completely nuclear free), we do have friends who do. Big friends. Friends who would not hesitate to fire back with their own weaponry. So if I hear one, one more threatening word, your nation will be destroyed. I hope you understand this, hypocrite. Complaining of others threatening you, then pulling out your nuclear arsenal, will not win you friends. Remember that."
- Lord Protector Kitchener of the Most Serene Republic of the Volga
15-05-2004, 13:15
Did you even read the messages? Did you? The ones saying "no WMDs will be used without their prior use by the enemy" and "Any nukes launched will be shot down"?
Volga, you are as my local parlance goes a cocky little b*stard. Why I don't know. You seem to be of the view that you can just go about threatening people. You also seem to think that the various allies of the nations involved won't be willing to join the fray, except for yours. Why? You think you can actually win a war that's been done to death already?