29-04-2004, 12:27
Reporter: "Good Evening and welcome to this special edition of Rotovian National News... In a shocking and bizzare move the Senate passed the Bill of Desolution effectively stripping both itself and the Lower House of all power and surrendering it the President.
The move followed a month of disputes between the four major parties of Rotovia and in the words of the leader of the Conservative that is just the downside of a mult party system sometimes, besides it (The Senate) could no longer run".
Though this has come as no shock to political commentators who have been watching the gradual rifts in the Senate which colminated last month when the Senate could no longer pass legislation and had to pass all law by Emergency Decree. Which only requires the support of the President and 20 Senators.
The President has been vested with the full power of the Parliament and will be appointed a Tribunate Council that will consist of senior Cabnet members and in effect run as a miny Parliament with the authority to veto his decisions creating a system of checks and balances.
When asked about the move the President commented that at the next available opportunity early elections will be called to elect a new Parliament.
We'll keep you up to date as the facts come in"
The move followed a month of disputes between the four major parties of Rotovia and in the words of the leader of the Conservative that is just the downside of a mult party system sometimes, besides it (The Senate) could no longer run".
Though this has come as no shock to political commentators who have been watching the gradual rifts in the Senate which colminated last month when the Senate could no longer pass legislation and had to pass all law by Emergency Decree. Which only requires the support of the President and 20 Senators.
The President has been vested with the full power of the Parliament and will be appointed a Tribunate Council that will consist of senior Cabnet members and in effect run as a miny Parliament with the authority to veto his decisions creating a system of checks and balances.
When asked about the move the President commented that at the next available opportunity early elections will be called to elect a new Parliament.
We'll keep you up to date as the facts come in"