Storefront: weapons for sale
Crazed Marines
29-04-2004, 00:22
Here's a site displaying all the weapons I have for sale. Post your orders here.
Crazed Marines
01-05-2004, 16:50
01-05-2004, 16:53
The ships are incorrectly priced. You say a battleship is 50 million. More like 1-2 billion. Again with the carrier, a carrier and 10 years running costs is WAY more than 500 million. Destroyers cost more than that. Id say 1.5-3 billion without aircraft. Other than thats its good. I have no money right now (or in the near future) becuase I purchased a lot of ships.
Crazed Marines
01-05-2004, 17:00
It's priced cheaply because of some discounts I posted on that site elsewhere, I'll get the discounts up here too.
Crazed Marines
01-05-2004, 17:01
75% discount for people I like, 20% discount first time buyer, 15% discount for repeat customers, and 50% discount on anything bought at exactly midnight GMT (6 PM Central) on the third Wednesday of the month
Also, anyone in my region gets an extra 25% discount
02-05-2004, 09:18
Woah 75% discount.
Anyway sorry about that thing on the Papacy IV thread I did go a bit overboard. Sorry.
I am interested in purchasing 5 laser-guided Tomahawks at $50,000,000. Telegram me...
02-05-2004, 15:40
Is there a guide as to how much money our nation has? I was thinking about assuming that each of my civilians brings in 10k a year, with 16 mil civs = 160 bil dollars. 23% of that (my tax percentage) is 36.8 billion, then I'll cut that in 3rd's so my education can get some money. That leaves 12.3 billion dollars for defenese, is that accurate?
02-05-2004, 15:42
That is suprisingly good. There are quite a lot of calculators though which are only slightly more complex than that. Here is one of many:
we in Zutroy have a struggling economy, so would it be wrong to assume that each civilian brings in about 5K a year?
Crazed Marines
02-05-2004, 19:19
Zutroy, weaps en route.
I prefer to have a cheap navy cost, because it supports the Marines... lmao
Crazed Marines
02-05-2004, 21:23
more items added, included missile and ABM/AA systems
04-05-2004, 13:17
we wish to sell u a gardian star weapons array for 222222222 dollers