NationStates Jolt Archive

next gen antiarmour animal? a weapon?

28-04-2004, 21:39

Launched from a mortar or rocket launcher, this tiny mine latches on to incoming vehicles via 8 magnetic legs and uses a titanium pressurised needle, to deliver an almost instant death nerve gas in to the inside of the enemy unit, most effective if the crew compartment/drivers cock pit is hit!!
Can be both launched at ground and air units, can be used against enemy naval units (small) but only if launched from a missile tube i.e. on an apaches/longbows at close range.

Weight: 2kg
FRAME> 6inch x 6 inch
LEGS> 8inch each (enough to get deeply buried or stuck to any armour)
Stealth abilities: Too small to notice until it hits target
Defence: Non, although size of the unit makes it hard to hit when in motion
Quantity: 10 per case bought
Price: $10,500

Note: due to the method of attack, once all gas has dissipated, enemy units can be salvaged and easily repaired for your own use!!

Can also be used against personnel but would be a waste, with the strength of the pressurised delivery needle the needle would go straight through the unit with ease and gas would be released anyway, although this could be good for large columns or platoons!!

 <<<Weapon when cased and fired, legs and needle pop out mid air, that is why it is so hard to hit, when fired it is just a tiny ball but soon grows (about 3/4 sec for deployment)

Please telegraph all queries to our government researchers for help asap
29-04-2004, 15:38
my second source of income is buddah pullen the 1st, as u can see by his profile he can more than afford to endorse/support my production of these units.

and no these are not godmodding!!
29-04-2004, 16:00

Portable WMD ... wouldn't like the enemy get their hands on these.
29-04-2004, 18:37
no, after deployment of the gas the spider shuts down via a mini e.m.p. charge which completely destroys ALL operating systems, leaving just a shell, or paperweight if you will. we designed it this way so your weapons can't be used against you!!!
29-04-2004, 18:37
no, after deployment of the gas the spider shuts down via a mini e.m.p. charge which completely destroys ALL operating systems, leaving just a shell, or paperweight if you will. we designed it this way so your weapons can't be used against you!!!
29-04-2004, 18:38
no, after deployment of the gas the spider shuts down via a mini e.m.p. charge which completely destroys ALL operating systems, leaving just a shell, or paperweight if you will. we designed it this way so your weapons can't be used against you!!!
29-04-2004, 18:55

How does it cope with reactive armour?
29-04-2004, 19:00
How is this spider meant to get its nerve gas thing through several centimetres of solid titanium/ceramic that surrounds most tanks.
29-04-2004, 19:14
been high pressue and titanium, the needle can go through about anything, it only takes one crack or tiny pin hole for the gas to seep through, but the smaller the hole, the longer it takes to get up to 'death' strength.

we have also produced and acidic nerve gas, to eat through thick armour and then kill troops but you can't salvage the vehichles afterwards!!!
29-04-2004, 19:16
been high pressue and titanium, the needle can go through about anything, it only takes one crack or tiny pin hole for the gas to seep through, but the smaller the hole, the longer it takes to get up to 'death' strength.

we have also produced and acidic nerve gas, to eat through thick armour and then kill troops but you can't salvage the vehichles afterwards!!!
29-04-2004, 19:20

How does it cope with reactive armour?

having a little magnetic field so it can stick to things it can temporarily break through energy fields etc BUT the only problem is with this is that it is only small so, it won't break the field for other troops to get through
29-04-2004, 19:36
Soemthing as small as you envision simply isn't going to able to penetrate anything more than light weight body armor i'm afraid.
titanium isn't any stronger than steel and is far less dense meaning that it requires signifcantly more impact velocity to generate the energy needed to penetrate armor. And there is no way your "high preasure" system in such a small unit could create velocities far far in excess of anti tank guns.
And as for continous preasure your needle will bend before the armor does.

Even if you you do by soem miraculously godmody method penetrate the armor you then face an even bigger problem: the tanks NBC protection system. All modern tanks have an over peasure system that literally blows air out of a hull breach to prevent the entry of contaminants, you might be able be to generate enough preasure to force your gas in but it is likely to be removed by a tank's atmospheric scrubbers before it gets near the crew who also will be wearing thier own protective suits...

A rather unfeasable weapon system in the end and from your size description would require a 152/155mm gun to fire.

Oh and then there is the point that if you use chemical weapons your troops have a nasty habit of disappearing under a massive white balze that creates a rahter unusual cloud formation (ie you get nuked).
29-04-2004, 19:43
My appologies for not including this in my previous post

How does it cope with reactive armour?

having a little magnetic field so it can stick to things it can temporarily break through energy fields etc BUT the only problem is with this is that it is only small so, it won't break the field for other troops to get through

Energy feilds?
the type of protection asked about is straight Explosive Reactive Armor (ERA) basically a slab of explosive and metal that you stick on the outside of your tank. this extra layer explodes when soemthing hits it, thus disrputing the flow of plasma from or prematurely detonating HEAT weapons and hopefully deflecting or breaking up kinetic energy penetrators, so i would geuss that ERA would make your device even more useless i'm afriad.
29-04-2004, 19:51
as i said then, if we can produce a strong enough acid, maybe it can do recon/light armour then. and with further research, then heavy!!
30-04-2004, 15:53
Quick consulation for you.

The size of device you're talking about isn't big enough to hold the electronics you need to hold all the components you'd need to make the thing move AND find targets.

The EMP system in a device like that has to be based on conventional methods of generation, yes? That means a small explosive charge. So it's going to blow itself up to generate an EMP to do what? An EMP sufficient to cook a 6"x 6" device is going to shred the device anyway.

At the size of the entire device it's big enough to be the same size as a standard anti-tank mine. Why not use them instead?

Rocket or mortar launching anything like this is haphazard at best and unless the kit is very rugged you'll have component failure due toimpact and pressure damage.

If you can deal with these issues, you have an interesting product on hand.

Do some research into armor technology, though. As Crookfur rightly points out, the basic reactive armour will swat these little toys away before they get a grip on the tank hull.