NationStates Jolt Archive

Empire in desperate need of weapon for new ship (future tech

Huzen Hagen
14-04-2004, 13:43
We are currently desining a new ship at the moment it will be able to deploy 160,000 troops via armoured shuttles. It has 2500 emplacements for weapons though it is here we have become stuck.

Each palcement is 7x7 meters with 15meters of available internall space. It is possible to invcrese the sizeof the emplacement to 10x10 and the depth of internall space to 20 meters but this will mean slight increse in the ships size.

The weapon we are looking for must be capable of planetary bombardment and be able to do serious damage to ememie ships. The shear numbers of weapons meens that the weapon does nt have to be very powerfull though it must be able to do some damage.
Huzen Hagen
14-04-2004, 16:59
The Resi Corporation
14-04-2004, 17:16
We suggest our medium plasma cannons. They're small enough to fit into the original spaces, and yet powerful enough to tear most things in space a new one. Some of our very own Raven Units ( employ the heavier versions of these weapons.

Details pending.
Huzen Hagen
14-04-2004, 17:25
this sounds perfect, can you please give the specs for both the medium and heavy cannons
The Resi Corporation
14-04-2004, 17:29
this sounds perfect, can you please give the specs for both the medium and heavy cannonsWe will in a moment.
((OOC: Meaning as soon as I get to my home computer. :) ))
14-04-2004, 17:58
Plasma Bolter:
Fires a Solid Slug at a object...normal right no the Slug is Covered in Superheated Plasma liquid. when it hits a targets armor the plasma heats the armor as the slug slams into it. the Plasma covers a small area and slowly melts it (tho it does cool off rather fast due to the fact that space is cold). the Plasma Bolter comes in different sizes.

Light: 5,000 per weapon
Medium 7,500 per weapon
Heavy 10,000 per weapon

Plasma Caster:
the shotgun mainy Commanders have nicked named it, fireing 12 High Energy Plasma Bolts designed to take down shields and do damage to Armor. problem with this gun is that it can only fire once befor it need to cool down for a minute.

Light 15,000 per weapon
Heavy 22,000 per weapon

Ion Cannon:
Designed to cut up armor nothing new useing Ion partials and such we all know how an Ion cannon works.

Medium: 2,500 per weapon
Heavy: 5,000 per weapon
Vary Heavy: 10,000 per weapon

Ion Pulse Cannon:
think of it as a machine gun, firers about 60 rounds a second but does less damage per round but grate for sheilds. same idea as the ion cannon

Light 5,000 per weapon
Medium 7,500 per weapon
Heavy 10,000 per weapon

Rail Cannon:
Fires a Solid Slug at near Light speeds deadly to Armor and planetary Targets. Useing Magnatic Rails to speed the Slug up what is made out of Endor.

Vary Heavy (to big to fit on our ships) 300,000 per weapon

Pluse Plasma bolter:
think of it as a machine gun, firers about 20 rounds a second but does less damage per round. same idea as plasma bolter.

Light 7,500 per weapon
Medium 10,000 per weapon
Heavy 12,500 per weapon

Plasma Bolter Cannon:
same as a Plasma bolter but bigger and more powerful hence why its called a cannon.

Medium 15,000 per weapon
Heavy 20,000 per weapon

Twin Plasma Bolter Cannon:
strap 2 plasma bolter cannons to gether and you get..thats right the Twin Plasma Bolter Cannon.

Medium 30,000 per weapon
Heavy 35,000 per weapon

Muti Fusion Torpedo:
fires one missile that then splits into 12 seperate warheads with the same fire power as a Haf a Fussion Torpedo. each Torpedo can target seperate targets or just target one depending on how the Torpedo was set.

300,000 per 10 Torpedos

Muti Fusion Missile:
same as the torpedo but uses missile instead of torpedos better a takeing out fighters.

250,000 per 20 Muti fussion missiles

Plasma Cannon:
fires a super heated ball of Plasma at a taget good for armor and not bad on shields.

Light 12,000 per weapon
Medium 15,000 per weapon
Heavy 20,000 per weapon

Twin Plasma Cannon:
strap 2 plasma cannons to gether and you get..thats right the Twin Plasma Cannon.

Heavy 45,000 per weapon

Plasma Pulse Cannon:
think of it as a machine gun, firers about 60 rounds a second but does less damage per round but grate for armor and better for sheilds. same idea as the Plasma cannon.

Light 15,000 per weapon
Medium 18,500 per weapon
Heavy 22,000 per weapon

Useing Magnetic Strips fires a Soild metal slug at the Target not as fast as the cannon but uses the same consept. lighter version and not as much damage but still grate weapon for armor (sometimes its like putting a fist though wet paper)

Light 10,000 per weapon
Medium 15,000 per weapon
Heavy 20,000 per weapon

Fusion missiles:
a standard missile with a fussion warhead grate anti-fighter, larger missile used for Captial ships.

100,000 per 20 missiles

Fussion Torpedo:
a standard Torpedo with a Fussion warhead anti Captail ship slow and esayly shot down but if it hits it does a lot of damage.

150,000 per 20 missiles

plasma Bolter Gun:
used on fighters mainly light weapon and uses the Plasma Bolter idea jsut smaller.

Light 2,500 per weapon
Medium 5,000 per weapon

plasma beam Cannon:
instead of fireing a ball of Plasma it fires it in a Beam short range-medium and the beam is short in Length.

Light 12,500 per weapon
Medium 15,000 per weapon

Gatling Rail Gun:
fires more slugs at slower speed but still does the damage needed, fires about 30 slugs a minute depending on the Mount.

Light: 30: 20,000 per weapon
Medium: 45: 40,000 per weapon
Heavy: 55: 60,000 per weapon

any thing u want?????

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