CharlotteMaria is winning the war in Vigoor
14-04-2004, 09:06
A quarter of all Vigoorian cities are now occupied by CharlotteMaria forces. In these cities, all resistance is being crushed, and order is being restored.
CharlotteMaria forces are now commencing on the other cities to take them over and crush any resistance.
For more information, see
14-04-2004, 11:53
General Lloyd: We are making progress, those who were fighting us are now running away, and many right-wing rebel supporters are kindly co-opperating with us.
Charlotte: How much of Vigoor is now occupied by our forces?
Lloyd: About 40%
Charlotte: Great work. It won't be much longer now.
Lloyd: It definately won't. All those who we advance on tend to run away, when they see the size of our army.
14-04-2004, 11:59
Cease the Conquering of Vigoor now, or we will intervene!
14-04-2004, 12:05
This imperialism will not go unoticed. Stand down at once, or the wrath of the High Imperator will be upon you!
Stand down, for your sake!
Baron Manfred von Konan
Minister for Foreign Affairs
14-04-2004, 16:55
Cease the Conquering of Vigoor now, or we will intervene!
What is wrong with Nero Belisarius being appointed as Vigoor's new national leader?
Why do you want Vigoor's previous socialist government to stay in power? Socialism hasn't worked in Vigoor, nor has it worked anywhere else in the world.
Why do you still support Vigoor's previous government, even after seeing how badly they messed things up?
The lady IS NOT for turning!
West Scotland
14-04-2004, 17:18
Charlotte Maria, you have received a warning from the Government of West Scotland...we do not believe in your waging war on Ideological Differences, and crushing leftists, and have reminded you before that you shall be faced with the wrath of West Scotland if you attacked our allies. The nation in question here is not our ally (we don't know it), but you're treading in dangerous and unsteady waters.
We will not engage on Charlotte Maria now, being already engaged and mobilized elsewhere (but soon to be recalled back into peacetime); however, you are already intervening with the affairs of some of our allies...this shall be your first warning. Stand down....diplomacy, is a possibility, and a cease fire is desired.
West Scotland
14-04-2004, 17:19
Charlotte Maria, you have received a warning from the Government of West Scotland...we do not believe in your waging war on Ideological Differences, and crushing leftists, and have reminded you before that you shall be faced with the wrath of West Scotland if you attacked our allies. The nation in question here is not our ally (we don't know it), but you're treading in dangerous and unsteady waters.
We will not engage on Charlotte Maria now, being already engaged and mobilized elsewhere (but soon to be recalled back into peacetime); however, you are already intervening with the affairs of some of our allies...this shall be your first warning. Stand down....diplomacy, is a possibility, and a cease fire is desired.
OOC: Just ignore 'im. That country somehow made 80,000 soldiers appear in a city that is surrounded by forces not firendly to thier millitary.
14-04-2004, 17:34
The Republic's 4th Infantry Division, although outnumbered, will easily crush your pitiful forces. Even as we speak, Tyrandis's finest besiege the capital, preparing to stop this rebellion. After our operations are completed in Yemen, Tyrandis's full might will turn towards your weak, pathetic army.
Be afraid. Be VERY afraid.
-Conrad Davidson, Executor of the Military
14-04-2004, 17:56
CharlotteMaria, we warned you once. We aren't doing it again. WestUkrainian forces are mobilizing to enter this conflict on the side of Vigoor.
The Zoogie People
14-04-2004, 17:59
Tyrandis who are you talking to?
14-04-2004, 18:08
OOC: CM. Because somehow 80,000 of her troops teleported into the capital and are now fighting mine.