"All we want is our independence, our blood is the cost
Dozens of Independence struggles merge every day, and why is that? well, becuase many nations does not respect the right we have to bbe free, to select our own laws, to protect our own people: The greatest thing for us is peace, we all want to be at peace so as to see our childrne smilling, our companies earning money, our government stabilising itslef.
But some nations does not accep our right, our right of independence: that is when we have to pay the cost, to give our blood for the sake of our children´s independece. We cannot do this on our own, we just cannot.
That is way I call for all the nations fighting for their Independence to create an alliance, to create the Confederacy of Independence Movements (The CIM) : The unity will give us the power to free our land, to free our people.
I call for the support of the sensible big natinos, that understand that, just as you once had a small beggining, we are BEGGING the world to let us have our own beggining, our own small INDEPENDENT beggining.
The Overseer has heard your pleads and finds that it is pitiful.You do beg anybody for anything you earn it or you take it.FORCE IS THE FIRST LAW and that is all the powerful nations understand.You must be strong and resist your oppressors by force.You proposed alliance CIM will never work as it is an alliance of the weak-the larger nations will run you over.
Your enemies wouldnt be laughing so loud if they were putting thhe flamees out on their chhildrens backs.For God sake grow a pair and stop begging
Liom the Great
Overseer of the Continental Dominion
And it is because we cannot stand against big nations to fight our independence we need to get together, you barbaric nation of LIOM.
We, people of the Lobardian Islands, join your allience.
And it is because we cannot stand against big nations to fight our independence we need to get together, you barbaric nation of LIOM.
I thought that it was good advice as i am a realist,your nation will never become strong if you protect yourself with the weak.If you think that you are stronger than you are you will end up regretting it-I know
I am Lord Imperial Trix, head of The Grand Imperial Empire of Trixia. We see you alliance to be.... flawed.
It will be viewed as a terrorist alliance by larger nations and thus giving them a reason to invade and oppress you.
Who is it who stops you having independence? You don't really seem like there is a nation stopping you having it...
And what if nations like being part of an Empire? They may not have total independence, but there are nonetheless free. And having all the benefits the Empire brings: Good Economy, Strong Defence and Experiance Leadership, there is really littel going for new nations to fight for independance. Except of course if they are innocent nations taken by force...
The Flying Lizard of Doom Greets you.
It is the soveriegn right of a country to determine its own government. Some choose opression, some choose democracy (next of kin to anarchy imho). We beleive firmly in the devine rights of leaders and as Representative of The Flying Lizard of Doom, I must say this discussion is moot at best, insulting at worst.
Though we formally arent against independence of oppressed people, our current conflict with Lobardia means that we must declare ourselves agaisnt this allience.
Shoudl anyone in this allience take measrues to interfare in our conflict, we will not stand back if we have to attack troops from this allience. If we have to, we will declare war!
im a terrorist nation or my old nation that dont exist no more is :cry: anyway i'll join the alliance :D
im a terrorist nation or my old nation that dont exist no more is :cry: anyway i'll join the alliance :D
La beach
The Lobardian Islands
Nouveau Volstik
We shall stand together and grant each other´s independence. We need more members, to defend our right to freedom, our right to PEACE.
Who does not allow us to be free? Yes, somebody asked that, well, in the case of Lobardian Islands, is Linthopia, in my case, is Grunge-France: big nations that does not allow us to live in free.
Linthopia, is the right of The Lobardian Islands to declare themselves independent: they are not taking anything from you, unless you consider the lives of its citizens as your property.
We do not have anything against Linthopia, except the fact he is trying to quell the natural desire of the humanity for freedom, specially against a member of the CIM.
Linthopia, reconsider your possition, or we will have to directly help our brothers from the Lobardian Islands.
I´m in discussions with Mexico (The Kahaile Family) to get its support to this cause: Mexico is a BIG nation, and it will surely grant us more respect from the International Community: Grunge-France has been bitching around against the independence movements, specially mine, and now he is trying to support Linthopia, however, Mexico is a close ally of Grunge-France, and with his support, Grunge-France will leave us allone, besides, we will have a +2 billion nation supporting our words :D
It is almost sure Mexico will support us, of course, this remains as a secret to all of you except the members of the alliance, nothing in this psot can be quoted.
The Kahaile Family
14-04-2004, 00:16
We hereby recognise the independence of both Lobardian Islands and Nouveau Volstik, and call for sensible action towards these governments.
The Mexican Kingdom of The Kahaile Family is not part of this alliance, so will not support any fight of this alliance, but will provide defensive assistance in case a member needed it and we judge it correct.
Queen Juliet V.
14-04-2004, 01:17
We respectfully invite the Queen of Mexico to do not interfeer on this issue: This alliance is a major priority to us, a major threat to our existance, and by supporting it, you may ruin the complex relation betwen Mexico and Grunge-France.
New Vladivostok
14-04-2004, 07:16
The Dominion of New Vladivostok firmly opposes the anarchist rabble of the CIM. We recommend that it be disbanded, before the Dominion and its allies see fit to take further action.
To all nations considering joining this illegal alliance: New Vladivostok is in a state of war with Nouveau Volstik. Any attempt WHATSOEVER to provide any aid WHATSOEVER will result in similar measures being taken against the nation in question. Those who oppose the Dominion will find that they regret their actions. The Grand Duke Yevgeni Vsevolod has a long memory, and does not forgive transgressions easily. You have been warned.
Kelonian States
14-04-2004, 07:29
im a terrorist nation or my old nation that dont exist no more is :cry: anyway i'll join the alliance :D
This makes me distrust this new alliance - Previously I stood with Nouveau Volstik before, despite the issue of it desiring to take land from Grunge-France, but this new aggressive stance and alliances with terrorist (or previously terrorist) nations and ideals cannot be supported.
We now stand with Grunge-France, New Vladivostok and the others on this issue following the shift in attitudes.
We are now at war with the Lobardian Islands, should you interfare, be prepared to face the consequences!