NationStates Jolt Archive

(Star Wars V Star Trek) Wanna start an r.p

Imperial Brits
13-04-2004, 14:18
I was having a stupid dicussion last night with ma pa on which was better. Now I dont want to give the impression that iam some kind of nerd with greasy hair cause I am not. However this stupid conversation moved on to which was better Star Trek or Star Wars. I of course voted for Star Wars as apart from the whole Jedi thing the whole Universe is alot more realistic than the whole load of rubbish you get from Star Trek.

So I thought to myself when I got up lets see then shall we. Now for obvious reasons I couldnt get Star Trek and Star Wars to have a fight as they dont exist. ( Well they do but only as toys etc, etc.)

Now I would like to start an r.p or an argument as iam in the mood for a fight.

13-04-2004, 14:35
Isn't there a Mod for this, for Homewlrd and stuff? Sorry, just had to ask.

Anyway: Star Wars anyday for cinematics, but probably Star Trek for tension. Lot more diplomacy and stuff. You could say that ST is the Cold War, SW is what happenbs when the Cold War heats up.
13-04-2004, 14:44
Depends on the Star Wars.
SW 4-6 were EXCELLENT. Cinematic history and legend, in my opinion. SW 1&2, on the other hand suck.
But they don't merely SUCK. George Lucas clearly lost his
mind when he emitted those two forth from what I'm assuming were
his bowels.

He changed writers and everything.
It's as if the conversation was like this:
Lucas: "Well, I don't need you guys"
Writers:"But we're some of the best writers history's ever produced.
You'd be a FOOL to get rid of us. We made you what you are!"
Lucas:"Nahh...get lost"
Lucas: " try and popularize it for children of the
NOW...enter...JAR JAR BINKS! And let's put heaps of Darth Maul
advertising around, and hardly use him in the MOVIE"

Respect for George Lucas...*PLUMMET*
He messed up with that idea, because he alienated BOTH fan-bases
by (a) removing what it was that made the series great for the original
fans and (b) swinging and MISSING when it comes to the NEW fans
by adding characters that SUCK.
13-04-2004, 14:45
There is, but it arrived because it seemed the best way to solve the common argument. Does anybody besides me believe that SW lost a lot of the darker feel due to excessive jokes and suchlike from R2 and 3P0
It just turned into a comedy. It's called StarWARS, but it feels like a comedy.
Unified Sith
13-04-2004, 14:53
Nah i thought they brought a much needed relief of tension from the film.
13-04-2004, 15:02
Actually Star Trek would win cause of Q, the omnipotent being. All he would he would have to do is think and SW would be gone.
13-04-2004, 15:04
Yes, but that would be cheating, involving omnipotency without regard for entertainment.

Sith. There was not tension in SW. It was smashed before it could build. There was no Tirith, or Zion, just a series of encounters with awful jokes and one liners. Where was a battle like Hoth?