Dawn of the Dead OOC thread
this is where we'll be discussing what we will bee cutting out of the story. I think that we should all contribute, so that everyone has their say in the story.
bring up the issues and we'll discuss them.
The Horned Rat
13-04-2004, 14:46
Liliath maybe be able to adapt the hive, but reasoable. No zombies with 5' of titanium skin with plasma cannons. Keep it reasonable like the upgraded zombies was a nice touch. The monks are doing a little too well, but it is cool to have a faction with some form of information in this. All the spartans running aound??? That is awesome I love halo, but there should only be 1 if any because there not really common.
P.S. there should be a sequel.
I agree that the new zombies are a bit much, so they will have to be cut out. As for the spartans...well, how does this sound to everyone? The Spartans don't have their armor so they aren't invincible, so they can be more human.
The monks in my mond aren't really doing anything for the story since they came in very late (I know that my character james came in late) and they somehow magically appeared it seems. I have also recieved some complaints about them. They are doing to good. They seem to know everything and that is a little annoying. They also shouldn't be pyschic. That goes a long with them being way to good.
Now for a sequel...that sounds good, only this time it won't be open. I'll invite people to it (if you were in the original consider yourself invited). We should also consider having it be somewhere else if we do another. New characters, maybe a new story. That would be good in my mind. Well I got to go. Good luck to all of you!
Sigma Octavus
14-04-2004, 00:17
I think the whole thing went downhill fast. Few people were actually acting how they would if a this actually happened. Also, too many super soldiers. Shoulda kept it at a certain age, like modern.
yeah...I should have made some rules...well this was my first RP (that didn't end after 5 posts) and I just learned something. THANK YOU EVERYONE!
14-04-2004, 17:27
The monks in my mind aren't really doing anything for the story since they came in very late (I know that my character james came in late) and they somehow magically appeared it seems. I have also recieved some complaints about them. They are doing to good. They seem to know everything and that is a little annoying. They also shouldn't be pyschic. That goes a long with them being way to good.
Byzantium Fighting Monks originated in Byzantium Glory (Early January '03 nationstate), a modern nation guided by a bi-partisan religious oligarchy. Under the tutledge of the Church of Celestialism, the Monkhood, which grew from a population of which 80% had psychic potential (40% Minor, 30% Major, 10% Master) and 20% didn't (10% Normal, 7% Void, 3% Psink), that not only vastly improved the monkhood in terms of training (Mastering Muay-Thai Kickboxing, Capoeria, Hapkido Cane Fighting, Zanji Shinjinkin-Ryo, Gun-Kata), but also departmentalized their psychic disciplines. As the nation had no standing army or military, there was a lot of money to fund the Monkhood not only to act as a standing force, but as to promote not only the well-being of the Byzantine Society (In their actions and their discipline), but to act as a police force as well.
Since Byzantium's disappearance (Inter-Dimensional Flux tore it from NationStates), only a handful of them remain (once thought of to be the most elite normal human troops there were, and they steadfastly refused the way of the Gun), and they exist primarily in Zaire, unknown from the Menelmacar presence overlooking the area, to hide the Ebola Zaire plague from the world. Fortunately, these men were the first batch of Byzantium Clerics, so they not only understood the way of the gun, but had years of experience (All of them are in their 30's, Byzantines live upwards to 120 years), and are so focused in their disciplines that they can guide their bullets with their mind (A good reason why they only fire one bullet at a time).
THe Monks cannot fight an armed force greater than they, but they know what they're doing. Their primary purpose in this RP was strictly administrative, behind the scenes, under the carpet operations. They were not to directly interfere with the plot, and main purpose was to constrict the outbreak, seal the disease, and train the national forces on how to deal with the problem so it would never happen again.
oh boy...this is just not working well. I shall now leave the RP and I shall give total control to Jukebox or Ilham. I leave my character Nate in the hands of horned rat and he may kill him if he wishes. (if you do, make him die a painful death!) As for my second character that just entered, he is no longer in the story due to something more important in his homeland and he had to leave. adios.
I am sorry I haven't posted in a long time.My grandmother died just this week so I was busy with the funeral arrangements and haven't been able to post.Please forgive the lack of postings by me.
I am considering my guys gone,as in that they were never there.I an going to try to start this thing anew another time,and will th Itranto about it.I agree that it was etting too disorganised.My guys were never there,end of story for them,ok.
I am sorry but I don't have time right now to deal with with story.I have family affairs to deal with and other issues of real life.I hope you understand.It was a good rp while it lasted.
16-04-2004, 21:39
Just fyi for you folks out there. My Spartan is wearing his armour, but by no means is he invinsible. For example, the enhanced zombies (not the diamond plated ones) we apparently have out there could beat down his shield and pull him apart. Also, I should remind you he his human, and vulnerable to infection.
The Bronx Zoo
17-04-2004, 00:08
First of all, my condolences go out to Ilham for the death of his grandmother.
Second, I'm pretty sure this whole role-play thing is over. It was good while it lasted, yes, but it got too hectic with the arrival of the monks (no offense intended) who seemed to be too powerful, despite what their controller says. You could of course argue that my character was too powerful, but then again, he didn't really do too much, so I don't think I have a target on my back...
Anyway, I might start this up again at a later date, so check the message board for it. I'll try to telegram those of you who were involved when I get that going, unless of course someone else wants to field the task of setting up the role-play.
As for my character, just assume that he shoots a lot of zombies, stabs a lot of zombies (essentially just wreaking havoc), and then leaves on a giant scarab spaceship, like the one from Journey...
Adieu, farewell, et cetera.