R.I.A. Calls for Mobilization
13-04-2004, 02:40
The R.I.A. Command Consul, finding it necessary in this dangerous world we live, calls forth a full mobilization of all R.I.A. troops, citizen-soldiers, Imperial Gaurdsmen, serivce members, pilots, air crews, naval personnel, and home gaurds, to provide a joint R.I.A. Imperial task force to protect us all from the ravages of our enemies, enemies who have betrayed us in the past and who still salivitate over our possible destruction.
The R.I.A. cannot be defeated if we are all united
The R.I.A. is
Unified Sith
A Few Rich People
We also issue a call for new member nations to join our great alliance!
Democracies and Corrupt Rulers have stagnated our society. It is time we cast free of their bonds...
A Few Rich People
13-04-2004, 03:28
Consider the Mikosolf Joint Millitary Forces on high alert.
13-04-2004, 04:03
All forces are already on alert, but production and procurement of weaponry has been placed as top priority.
Great Mateo
13-04-2004, 04:29
Any reasons for this build up? With no logic backing it, most nations will see this as a threat to their security rather than a defensive action.
The Fedral Union
13-04-2004, 05:02
:shock: Well if you attack any nation you imprlist pigs then prepare for a large fight...
A Few Rich People
13-04-2004, 05:05
TFU haven't you been destroyed at least once and then occupied afterwards? :roll:
But besides that usually space tech is ignored (unless everyone agrees to let it in), and we are not invading per se, just being ready though I think we shall stand down a bit.
13-04-2004, 10:58
Besides, we have a good Cassus Beli. He declared war on us, and his ally fired hundreds of cruise missiles at U.S cities, if that isn't good reason for a counter-offensive, what is?
but, even considering that, a little less threatening stance is in order.
British Communists
13-04-2004, 11:04
This is not to be seen as a threat, but the CCIA will be watching the RIA's movments very closely, especially with this mobilisation starting.
13-04-2004, 11:07
Oh god. Just as I withdraw from Unified Sith, you fools mobilize MORE troops. Look fellas, I dont want to have to bring in my allies, and trust me My allies would rip your empires to shreds. Just put the guns down, or die.
Oh... another group of nations mobilising, how quaint.
So which insult started this mess then?
Ambassidor Kayla Harmone, Iuthian Diplomatic Corps
Urbanites (http://www.nationstates.net/cgi-bin/index.cgi/page=display_region/region=Urbanites)
Apply for an Embassy in Iuthia (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=127023&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0)
OOC Information on Iuthia (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=109898&highlight=)
13-04-2004, 11:11
These fools are mobilizing against Midlonia, Iuthia. Nothing to see here, move along. They will be dealth with. Or at least we think they are.
These fools are mobilizing against Midlonia, Iuthia. Nothing to see here, move along. They will be dealth with. Or at least we think they are.OOC: I wouldn't do that if I were them, I think I'm allied with Midlonia. Or at war with them... either way I'm on Mid's side this time.
13-04-2004, 11:15
Yea, Ill bring in some of my big friends to help crush them. Should be fun, huh?
British Communists
13-04-2004, 11:15
It would be foolish to take on Midlonia. She may not be huge herself, but she has VERY powerful allies.
13-04-2004, 11:18
OOC: I wouldn't do that if I were them, I think I'm allied with Midlonia. Or at war with them... either way I'm on Mid's side this time.
Ally, not enemy Rotavia, and BC don't refer to me as she :P
British Communists
13-04-2004, 11:20
Oh you :roll:
OOC: I wouldn't do that if I were them, I think I'm allied with Midlonia. Or at war with them... either way I'm on Mid's side this time.
Ally, not enemy Rotavia, and BC don't refer to me as she :POOC: lol, I can never keep track. Consider my full support behind you.
13-04-2004, 11:22
I have no understanding of NS politics. Midlonia has declared war on us. It's ally has fired hundreds of cruise missiles at U.S cities. Simply because we don't want to sit there, and absorb his abuse, we are the bad guys?
I don't get it. We declare war on someone, the defender is helped. Somebody declares war on us, and they get assistance. Is there some kind of law that stops us from being allowed to defend our independance?
Or is somebody like Midlonia allowed to threaten and mock and attack us, without fear of reprisals.
Anyway. We are standing down from a state of war, to full combat readiness.
Err... that was a IC communication of mine with names for the characters and everything and yet I still get a reply refering to my IC post as "Iuthia" and not "Kayla Harmone"
I know it's early in the morning, but pay attention man.
War is only a instrument of the Tyrants to supress others.
why don't you stop all fighting activities and lern to live peacefully together?!
Don't move in a circle, break out of it and stop bringing war to other nations!
Humanity have to draw in in this world!
President of the community of Aeresta
I have no understanding of NS politics. Midlonia has declared war on us. It's ally has fired hundreds of cruise missiles at U.S cities. Simply because we don't want to sit there, and absorb his abuse, we are the bad guys?
I don't get it. We declare war on someone, the defender is helped. Somebody declares war on us, and they get assistance. Is there some kind of law that stops us from being allowed to defend our independance?
Or is somebody like Midlonia allowed to threaten and mock and attack us, without fear of reprisals.
Anyway. We are standing down from a state of war, to full combat readiness.
"Your nation will abide by the guidlines laid down by nations of peace to ensure global stabilty in th is time of unrest. If your nation attempts to affect our fragile state of security the Allied States of Rotovia will use all nessacary force to assist our ally in preventing the war and devastation your nations actions would seek to cause"
13-04-2004, 11:31
War is only a instrument of the Tyrants to supress others.
why don't you stop all fighting activities and lern to live peacefully together?!
Don't move in a circle, break out of it and stop bringing war to other nations!
Humanity have to draw in in this world!
President of the community of Aeresta
Only man is finite, war is never ending
Habbak Shariff
Protector of Midlonia
13-04-2004, 11:33
We are the ones everybody is trying to suppress! Why?
Midlonia has started every war the RIA has been in!
Why is HE such a peaceful person?
And in both conflicts I have been in with Midlonia, as soon as attention is not on him, he's gone!
If this is the kind of alliance that you believe is beneficial to your nation, go ahead.
13-04-2004, 11:34
The Red Bloc Army will goto Midlonia aid if need be.
13-04-2004, 11:37
DAF forces are on high alert state, we are preparing to help Midlonia if they call for our help.
Commander Rift, CIC.
We are the ones everybody is trying to suppress! Why?
Midlonia has started every war the RIA has been in!
Why is HE such a peaceful person?
And in both conflicts I have been in with Midlonia, as soon as attention is not on him, he's gone!
If this is the kind of alliance that you believe is beneficial to your nation, go ahead.
"There is no suppression of your nation, if there was we would soon put a stop to it. There is however, a suppression of your attempts to threaten the global security we all hold so dear. Perhaps you should consider why it is that Midlonia, a nation renowned for it's stance for peace and equality, would feel the need to go to war with your alliance of vengence and war. Midlonia has logn shown itself a nation of justice and peace, a label well earned for the continued stance on matters of peace and war as seen by all the world. Any kind of Alliance that benifts the security of Earth in this time of trouble is welcome, especially those that would stand against the tyranous ones such as yours, that seek to destroy all we stand for and all we fight and die for"
13-04-2004, 11:45
"There is no suppression of your nation, if there was we would soon put a stop to it. There is however, a suppression of your attempts to threaten the global security we all hold so dear. Perhaps you should consider why it is that Midlonia, a nation renowned for it's stance for peace and equality, would feel the need to go to war with your alliance of vengence and war. Midlonia has logn shown itself a nation of justice and peace, a label well earned for the continued stance on matters of peace and war as seen by all the world. Any kind of Alliance that benifts the security of Earth in this time of trouble is welcome, especially those that would stand against the tyranous ones such as yours, that seek to destroy all we stand for and all we fight and die for"
OOC: wow widly innacurate rotavia, i have been in a perpetual state of war since day 2 of my existsence :P , just all my stuff has been pro government & for justice purposes only & deployed overseas
13-04-2004, 11:45
Ask Midlonia who declared war on Camewot. If that is the "peaceful" thing to do, then I must have been getting it all wrong.
Midlonia betrayed us. If we cannot get vengeance, we want justice.
"There is no suppression of your nation, if there was we would soon put a stop to it. There is however, a suppression of your attempts to threaten the global security we all hold so dear. Perhaps you should consider why it is that Midlonia, a nation renowned for it's stance for peace and equality, would feel the need to go to war with your alliance of vengence and war. Midlonia has logn shown itself a nation of justice and peace, a label well earned for the continued stance on matters of peace and war as seen by all the world. Any kind of Alliance that benifts the security of Earth in this time of trouble is welcome, especially those that would stand against the tyranous ones such as yours, that seek to destroy all we stand for and all we fight and die for"
OOC: wow widly innacurate rotavia, i have been in a perpetual state of war since day 2 of my existsence :P , just all my stuff has been pro government & for justice purposes only & deployed overseasOOC: Would you shut up? That is the biggest peice of propaganda I've ever written on NS :P
13-04-2004, 11:55
OOC: It's an ooc comment it doesn't exist :P
13-04-2004, 12:00
Mine isn't. ask him for an I.C response to my question, and we'll see.
(I'm still going to be "too mean and serious" IC Mid')
Ask him who fired the first cruise missiles in the Camewottian war, who called for RIA help, and who fled when it arrived.
Unified Sith
13-04-2004, 12:38
Midlonia the war against me is over. The attacking nations found the true nature of your mistrust. If you desire nothing but peace why must you be at war all the time. I have only been in two wars, both of my own chosing and both were the direct result from a request of help. Unlike you i have honour and morality. Show us your desire for peace and disband some of your military.
13-04-2004, 13:52
Midlonia the war against me is over. The attacking nations found the true nature of your mistrust. If you desire nothing but peace why must you be at war all the time. I have only been in two wars, both of my own chosing and both were the direct result from a request of help. Unlike you i have honour and morality. Show us your desire for peace and disband some of your military.
Why should i disband my military? So you can then turn around and attack me when i am in a weakened state? I don't think so.
during the Camewot war, i was in a bad mood & under stress so when i was better i realised what i was doing and stopped.
The Fedral Union
13-04-2004, 13:57
TFU haven't you been destroyed at least once and then occupied afterwards? :roll:
But besides that usually space tech is ignored (unless everyone agrees to let it in), and we are not invading per se, just being ready though I think we shall stand down a bit.
Omg .. Lisen i go to space and modern tech back and forth so dont give me crap about me bing ignored , you ignore me yull be god modding you have no reson to ignore me as long as i play mod tech witch i will any way any of you attack mildonia yull be delaing with me and a lot of other nations out there...
Your atrocious spelling is reason enough for you to be ignored. Switching back between tech levels is just an added bonus.
Imperial Forces
13-04-2004, 13:59
The Continental Empire has pleged it's full support to Midlonia.
13-04-2004, 14:00
The attacking nations found the true nature of your mistrust.
[code:1:6baffd8e13]sugest an indefinate post-ponement of R.I.A. invasion of Midlonia. We sudgest this point on the total withdraw of all Chellis forces from U.S. waters.
I repeat, Chellis has fallen back! This means any offense against Midlonia would be met with their full force in a defensive postion![/code:1:6baffd8e13]
Another little piece of information decoded today, sounds like blind panic to me
now that was by the "mighty" 'A few rich people' Who claims 90% of his tech base would own me, i think your just saying that to save grace, and to hopefully stop people seeing you for what you are, cowards, there is no such thing as honour on the model battlefield, all emotions and terms are just words used by people with & without power...
Imperial Brits
13-04-2004, 14:02
Why support a nation, which has demonstrated it's unwillingness to commit to any alliance?
13-04-2004, 14:02
Your atrocious spelling is reason enough for you to be ignored. Switching back between tech levels is just an added bonus.
OOC: Oh shut up there are plenty of nations that have more than one tech time, it's not his fault he is dyslexic
The Fedral Union
13-04-2004, 14:02
Your atrocious spelling is reason enough for you to be ignored. Switching back between tech levels is just an added bonus. :roll:
So you like picking on little old me becuse you have nothing better to do with you dang life eh ? You love picking on my spelling becuse you belive that you are the gratest spller in the god dmaned wrold! You know what im GETTING ANGRY AT YOU SNOOTY SNOOBISH KNOW IT ALL THINK THEY HAVE EVRY THING IN THE WORLD PEOPLE! DONT PUST ME! hear that ?!
I may not have he best spelling in the world but i at least have respect !
13-04-2004, 14:03
Why be support a nation, which has demonstrated it's unwillingness to commit to any alliance?
i will not stay commited to an alliance that willing uses genocide as a tool, i am in several other alliances that i have stayed loyal to
Imperial Brits
13-04-2004, 14:04
Federal Union why not join the R.I.A.
The Fedral Union
13-04-2004, 14:08
:? hmmm im not imprlist . thats why and besides i dont need any more people on NS hateing me than i do now.
Imperial Brits
13-04-2004, 14:09
You dont need to be an imperialist, just a grudge against Midlonia will do.
TAG, midlonia is a member of the GDI...watch out. Ill come IC if the need be later on
13-04-2004, 14:16
You dont need to be an imperialist, just a grudge against Midlonia will do.
interesting why don't u just rename it the AMF?
Anti Midlonian Front
for your information me & rob are freinds OOCly we only act slightly sore twoards eachother ICly to keep up appearences :wink:
TAG. . . .as a member of the GDI
The Fedral Union
13-04-2004, 14:26
:arrow: Bumpdy
Dracun imperium
13-04-2004, 15:16
I am an ally of midlonia and will side with midlonia if war comes our forces are being slowly mobilized after only recently going through a civil war
13-04-2004, 15:17
Why did you betray the RIA? You were it's second in command as far as I was aware. Now you rebel with Mid'.
The Fedral Union
13-04-2004, 16:04
Maby he didint want to be imrplist any more ? .. it looks that way to me.
13-04-2004, 16:06
But without warning or reason to just up and leave? Then declare his support?
Especially since Dracun was shooting protestors (With rubber bullets, admittedly) and actually was not that against Siths idea of genocide.
When Sith proposed it, Dracun said "Good Idea"
A Few Rich People
13-04-2004, 17:01
The Horned Rat
13-04-2004, 17:03
I am curious if it is okay for my region to join R.I.A. 5 of my nations, myself included, would like to join. The rest I should be able to "convince".
I know my entire region is made by "new" nations, but fear little people in large numbers.
A Few Rich People
13-04-2004, 17:03
Midlonia I'm getting sick of you listening in after using triple 128 byte encryption on a modulating fequencies!
Now thats a godmod if I have ever seen one.
Midlonia, I could take you, EASILY, one on one, you only stand a change because somehow in the name of the Max Barry you have allies and supporters!
13-04-2004, 17:08
The 5 other nations are puppets? We don't really allow multiple puppets in, but yourself can join I suppose.
You are in if it's seconded.
The Horned Rat
13-04-2004, 17:14
The 5 other nations are puppets? We don't really allow multiple puppets in, but yourself can join I suppose.
You are in if it's seconded.
There not puppets, I managed to get several other skaven players from the games workshop website, the others are from my school and I haven't been able to talk to them yet.
13-04-2004, 17:17
Oh, very good. I've only been here 2 1/2 months, so it doesn't take long to gain a little power. I think that your entrance will be most acceptable to the RIA.
The Horned Rat
13-04-2004, 17:27
Would it be possible if the region "The Land of Chill" could join. Are regions ally usually and even more "new" nations would join.
13-04-2004, 17:31
We don't want to flood the RIA with new players. We don't even know how many will be active. I'll look into it.
That said, we are still looking to recruit.
13-04-2004, 19:37
Midlonia I'm getting sick of you listening in after using triple 128 byte encryption on a modulating fequencies!
Now thats a godmod if I have ever seen one.
Midlonia, I could take you, EASILY, one on one, you only stand a change because somehow in the name of the Max Barry you have allies and supporters!
i have lots of allies
and Credonia's allies (except imperial navy i think) haven't even turned up...
also i have 3 of those computers you were silly enough to mention so breaking the code takes roughly 6 hours which is about 2 RL minutes or less
13-04-2004, 19:44
Actually, breaking the code is not 3 times harder because he uses triple encryption. It is a further huge number, like the one I gave you first, harder than the 128 bit encryption.
so it's like 123,763,546,573,754,435,345,312,925,740,284,386 times harder than that 128 bit.
A Few Rich People
13-04-2004, 19:45
*sigh* even if you did have 3 cray computers you still don't know which frequency its on seeing how it changes so one word maybe on a 80 hrz freq while the next is a 800 hrz freq, making it nearly impossible to gather the entire message, and thats baring the scrambling and amplitude modulation.
13-04-2004, 19:53
Jordaxia, you should check out our possible new allies, perhaps we can keep them on as younger members of the R.I.A.
Keep up the good work in the International Forums.\
I shall return.
Midlonia I'm getting sick of you listening in after using triple 128 byte encryption on a modulating fequencies!
Now thats a godmod if I have ever seen one.
Midlonia, I could take you, EASILY, one on one, you only stand a change because somehow in the name of the Max Barry you have allies and supporters!
Whats your point? Why do you attack with the RIA then? Dude, are we going to do this IC or not?
Jordaxia, you should check out our possible new allies, perhaps we can keep them on as younger members of the R.I.A.
Keep up the good work in the International Forums.\
I shall return.
I think that recruiting for you is an extremely good idea, you may need the members if you attack midlonia...Anyway
IC: " Sir, this mobilisation problem isnt getting any better "
" I know, i think that we diplomats may soon be handing over our control to the military, we dont seem to be having any effect at all "
" That sounds unfortunatly right sir "
" Well, get onto the liverpool job, that looks interesting...and make sure that our military counterparts are alerted to this! "
" Yes Sir, ill get onto it right away, if they mobilise, we mobilise...wow, this is a first for me! "
As the young diplomat left the room, the retired general become ammbassador and diplomat whispered under his breath" This is the first for me too, before ive either been in them or manedged to stop them...now i think i can do neither "
14-04-2004, 09:22
OOC: i love all my freinds <(^_^)>
Imperial Forces
14-04-2004, 09:46
The Continental Empire is currently considering moblising it's army to defend Midlonia.
Unified Sith
14-04-2004, 09:52
This mobilization is only an extended training programme in order to have the alliance act more cohesively. (SP?)
No aggressive action is being taken against Midlonia, nor will there be in the near future.
14-04-2004, 10:56
interested that the RIA was calling for vengence on me just yesterday, they now know how well connected with other nations i am, and now they run, the RIA is full of genocidle cowards, and i implore you new nations joining not to stay, or face destruction..
(thank you everyone for pledging your support, especially the RBA)
Unified Sith
14-04-2004, 11:07
Once again I hear these claims of Genocide, but we have never committed genocide nor will do. GIVE ME PROOF DAM IT.
14-04-2004, 11:12
Once again I hear these claims of Genocide, but we have never committed genocide nor will do. GIVE ME PROOF DAM IT.
somewhere in the thread where your being attacked it shows you turning your armour on the civillian populous, using sarin & nerve gas shells.
Unified Sith
14-04-2004, 11:33
That was on the army of Momanguise read the thread properly.
Well, i am thankful that this didnt turn out to be an attack on Midlonia, our forces have been put back onto their normal non alert status(for now i hope itl last, but ive got other stuff to deal with)
Also, if this really was a training thing, then why arent you RPing the training? I would...
Imperial Brits
21-04-2004, 10:47
We are at current doing all of that in our private forum.