11-04-2004, 05:26
Liberal Human rights activists are up in arms over the capture of the 12 Al-Queda Terrorists at Novatin City Airport. Aparetntly, the Islamic fundamentalists were to hijack the Novatis Airways International Flight 506 on the runway when the detatchments from the Elite Imperial Dreadhulk Marines stormed the aircraft and killed all but 7 of the hijackers. The rest were dragged by their necks or their hair down the stairs of the aircraft and were severely beaten with the butts of the marines rifles. 2 have died from injuries and one was executed imediately by gunshot to the head after that. The remaining 4 have been whisked away to R'Leigh Imperial Penitentiary where they are being currently interrorgated by drug induced hypnosis, nightmarish scare tactics and other means. Defence Minister Jose Markus quotes, "Terrorist attacks on Novatin soil will not be tolerated and will be dealt with by extreme measure, we will make a serious example of them." Amnesty International spokes person Linda Reece says, "What they are doing is downright illegal, these hijackers do have rights as human beings as well. You don't torture them for information by drugging them and hypnotizing them into thinking they failed Allah and placing them in a pitch black room and convincing them they are in Hell. And you don't kidnap their familes living in the country or overseas using Special Forces guys either. Would the govenment please be kind and release my coleagues who have been detained for representing these religious extremeists?" As of yet the Novatin Government has yet to respond to their requsts. But Novatin Minister of Foregn Relations Gregory Friskin has stated. "We have made great progress in reteiving information that can help us crack down on these savages. It will save the lives of many hard working, tax paying and law abiding citizens if we continue our operations they way as they are. If they want to act like animals them we should treat them like animals."
Liberal Human rights activists are up in arms over the capture of the 12 Al-Queda Terrorists at Novatin City Airport. Aparetntly, the Islamic fundamentalists were to hijack the Novatis Airways International Flight 506 on the runway when the detatchments from the Elite Imperial Dreadhulk Marines stormed the aircraft and killed all but 7 of the hijackers. The rest were dragged by their necks or their hair down the stairs of the aircraft and were severely beaten with the butts of the marines rifles. 2 have died from injuries and one was executed imediately by gunshot to the head after that. The remaining 4 have been whisked away to R'Leigh Imperial Penitentiary where they are being currently interrorgated by drug induced hypnosis, nightmarish scare tactics and other means. Defence Minister Jose Markus quotes, "Terrorist attacks on Novatin soil will not be tolerated and will be dealt with by extreme measure, we will make a serious example of them." Amnesty International spokes person Linda Reece says, "What they are doing is downright illegal, these hijackers do have rights as human beings as well. You don't torture them for information by drugging them and hypnotizing them into thinking they failed Allah and placing them in a pitch black room and convincing them they are in Hell. And you don't kidnap their familes living in the country or overseas using Special Forces guys either. Would the govenment please be kind and release my coleagues who have been detained for representing these religious extremeists?" As of yet the Novatin Government has yet to respond to their requsts. But Novatin Minister of Foregn Relations Gregory Friskin has stated. "We have made great progress in reteiving information that can help us crack down on these savages. It will save the lives of many hard working, tax paying and law abiding citizens if we continue our operations they way as they are. If they want to act like animals them we should treat them like animals."