Protests in Red Wales's Capital city
Red Wales
11-04-2004, 00:00
RWTV News (Red Wales Television News)
" Our main story tonight the Streets of the Capital City of Red Wales were brought to a standstill as Pro-Capitalist Protesters took to the streets, sneering at the police as they went past them.
The protesters are claiming that the Socialist's goverment's unfair 100% income tax robbed them of what was rightfully there's.
The protests mainly consisted of one's who would be expoliting the workers and the people of Red Wales, if they had their way"
"Elizebeth Regal of the Capitalist Front meade the following statement at the protest meeting in The Workers Park"
"...the goverment is stealing the money that is rightly ours, this 100% Income Tax is there to punish us high earners for being well educated and for being better then the common worker, we must act together to bring down this Socialist goverment, that is failing it's people with it's blind ideals of Socialism and the evils of Nationalised industry. It is about time this goverment saw the economical benifit of Capitalism and the benifits a Capitalist society will bring to Wales...."
"The Protests went off other news...."
11-04-2004, 00:16
CharlotteMaria sympathises with the right wing rebels, but cannot offer support at the moment as CharlotteMaria has already been threatened by another nation, which happened due to an argument about jews. CharlotteMaria at the moment is concentrating on this other conflict, and so cannot give help to the right wing protesters.
However, when this other conflict is over, CharlotteMaria will give the right wing rebels all the help it can. CharlotteMaria supports capitalism and fascism, and so supports the overthrowing of socialist governments in order to help spread fascism throughout the world.
Pumin rises.
"Will you be needing support of troops? This is directed to the rightful government party, not to the rebels. I will lend much support to the rightful government to put down the protestors if they get violent."
Ashlafor rises as well and adds:
"I am prepared to deploy now if you believe it is a serious risk already."
11-04-2004, 10:03
Welsh Kingdoms
11-04-2004, 11:55
Welsh Kingdoms also sympathises with the right wing rebels, but will not interfere with the internal matters of another nation.
11-04-2004, 11:57
We suggest torturing and butchering the protesters and their families. It sure stopes protests in Dimmimar!
God bless.
Baron Manfred von Konan
Minister for Foreign Affairs
CharlotteMaria sympathises with the right wing rebels, but cannot offer support at the moment as CharlotteMaria has already been threatened by another nation, which happened due to an argument about jews. CharlotteMaria at the moment is concentrating on this other conflict, and so cannot give help to the right wing protesters.
However, when this other conflict is over, CharlotteMaria will give the right wing rebels all the help it can. CharlotteMaria supports capitalism and fascism, and so supports the overthrowing of socialist governments in order to help spread fascism throughout the world.
If your nation makes any attempt to interfere in the internal politics of Red Wales, we will bring along many anti-fascist nations to crush your bigoted brutal regime. Have a nice day.
Red Wales: Are these protestors violent? If not, we urge restraint, not violence. Let them have freedom of speech, and listen to their concerns.
Beth Gellert
11-04-2004, 13:28
"Oh, these impatient capitalists! They should wait a moment and soon enough the 100% income tax rate will be universal as in Beth Gellert!"
-Commonwealth Professional Civil Servant comrade Graeme Igo.
Noting the difficulties faced by the government and people of Red Wales in bringing about a stable and progressive socialist way of life -especially in the face of regressive opposition from a greedy few- The People's Commonwealth of Beth Gellert is prepared to make Red Wales a beneficiary of this nation's significant aid programme.
Beth Gellen volunteers are keen to lend their various talents to Red Wales in whatever areas they may be required. It is widely hoped that benefiting from the doctors, engineers, technicians, and such, of an established socialist nation -particularly one with strong Welsh roots and one that was long in poverty as seen now in Red Wales- even resisters to socialist government may be given cause to think again. To that end we also invite ambassadors for the protest movement to visit Beth Gellert, at our expense, to see the prosperity here enjoyed by all.
Here ( may be found the military arm of the mentioned aid programme, in which Beth Gellert offers its military industrial base along with grants and donations for the defence of the revolution. It would be a tragic thing were Red Wales to suffer at the hands of aggressive capitalist and even fascist vultures seen already to circle the People's Republic.
-Commonwealth Chief Consul comrade Chivo.
GHI sympathises with the protester' but if they turn violent then we will support the socialists. If you need our help in restoring the peace just telegram me.
Red Wales
11-04-2004, 13:49
The Ruthless Seven: If the Capitalists get violent and try to overthrow the goverement with armed revolt, and there is no hope of any negoatiation, then we will take you up on the offer of supporting troops, thank you.
Dimmimar: We of Red Wales don't believe in the use of force unless it is absolutely needed.
Kanabia: We agree, the protesters will be allowed to carry on with there actions, so long as they do it in a peacefull manner.
Beth Gellert: We would be happy to take you up on you offer of Aid, we will send a TG (OOC: Or do you want another topic started?) to negotitate the aid programme.
To any other nation supporting the capitalists, if any attempt to arm the protesters comes to our attention, it will be made public to the international community.
Beth Gellert
11-04-2004, 13:58
(I'd be content with a telegram, but if you'd like a topic I'll go along with it. I'm off for now though, so excuse me if I take a bit to reply either way.)
11-04-2004, 15:04
CharlotteMaria used to be a socialist nation, until Charlotte, who was the leader of a far right wing group, overthrew the government following a civil war.
Charlotte, was herself, from a proletariat family background, but rejected the ideas of socialism and democracy, as they just made the nation become overuled by a large, sheepish, common heard of people, who had little morals for improvement.
It was these sorts of people who had made Charlotte an outcast at school because she was hard working and motivated.
11-04-2004, 15:06
Nice story :P