Buy Oil
Ottoman Khaif
10-04-2004, 19:30
Ottoman Khaif is selling Oil
place your Orders of Oil
we sell our Oil
500 barrels of Oils we want $1000
10-04-2004, 19:34
will buy 10,000 barrels of Oil
That will be at $1 Billion
Ottoman Khaif
10-04-2004, 19:36
your Oil is on its way
10-04-2004, 19:57
Id like to buy 10 Billion worth of Oil.
Ottoman Khaif
10-04-2004, 20:03
Id like to buy 10 Billion worth of Oil.
the oil is on the way
We don't use oil for propulsion or power, but we do use it to make plastics. Your price is very good, and we will take $30,000,000,000 worth of oil.
Ottoman Khaif
10-04-2004, 20:11
We don't use oil for propulsion or power, but we do use it to make plastics. Your price is very good, and we will take $30,000,000,000 worth of oil.
the Oil is on its way
Happy Dancing Bunnies
10-04-2004, 20:12
i wouldst take 4 billion moneys worth
Ottoman Khaif
10-04-2004, 20:14
i wouldst take 4 billion moneys worth
the Oil is on the way
10-04-2004, 20:16
Ottoman Khaif is selling Oil
place your Orders of Oil
we sell our Oil
500 barrels of Oils we want $1000
The Incorporated States of Sarzonia would like to order 50,000 barrels of oil. At $1,000 for 500 barrels, that total should amount to $100,000.
Money will be wired upon confirmation.
Mike Sarzo
President, Incorporated States of Sarzonia
Ottoman Khaif
10-04-2004, 20:20
Ottoman Khaif is selling Oil
place your Orders of Oil
we sell our Oil
500 barrels of Oils we want $1000
The Incorporated States of Sarzonia would like to order 50,000 barrels of oil. At $1,000 for 500 barrels, that total should amount to $100,000.
Money will be wired upon confirmation.
Mike Sarzo
President, Incorporated States of Sarzonia
we agreed
the Oil is on its way
we ant to buy 100 billion dollars worth of oil.
10-04-2004, 20:32
On the authority of the Lord-Protector of Starblaydia, I would like to place an order for One Billion US Dollar's worth of oil.
This will help us to thrive as a manufacturing nation and produce more high-quality military products that can be found at:
Yours Sincerely,
Juan Bruntos
Finance Minister
Protectorate of Starblaydia
Independent Hitmen
10-04-2004, 20:37
OOC: Wahoo thats cheap! $2 a barrel compared to the $36 odd it is in RL!!!!
IC: We wish to order 1 billion barrels of oil for £2 billion USD.
10-04-2004, 20:41
We wish to purchase 5 million barrels of oil. $10 million wired upon confirmation.
If we could agree on a cheaper value, we could buy monthly oil from you
Independent Hitmen
10-04-2004, 20:43
Actually we now wish to increase our order to 100 billion barrels.
Payment of 200billion USD will be deposited in your national account when we start recieving shipments
10-04-2004, 20:58
will buy 10,000 barrels of Oil
That will be at $1 Billion
OOC You realise thats actually only $20,000? He's selling 500 barrels for a grand, not 1.... 8)
Ottoman Khaif
10-04-2004, 20:58
we ant to buy 100 billion dollars worth of oil.
the oil is on the way
10-04-2004, 20:59
Falastur would also like to place an order for $100 billion worth in oil.
Ottoman Khaif
10-04-2004, 20:59
On the authority of the Lord-Protector of Starblaydia, I would like to place an order for One Billion US Dollar's worth of oil.
This will help us to thrive as a manufacturing nation and produce more high-quality military products that can be found at:
Yours Sincerely,
Juan Bruntos
Finance Minister
Protectorate of Starblaydia
the Oil is on the way
10-04-2004, 20:59
Yup - our order is upgraded, right to IH's. Exactly teh same.
How about a contract? 1000 barrels a month to us, and we will pay you 1000USD extra.
Ottoman Khaif
10-04-2004, 21:00
OOC: Wahoo thats cheap! $2 a barrel compared to the $36 odd it is in RL!!!!
IC: We wish to order 1 billion barrels of oil for £2 billion USD.
Oil is on the way
Ottoman Khaif
10-04-2004, 21:01
Yup - our order is upgraded, right to IH's. Exactly teh same.
How about a contract? 1000 barrels a month to us, and we will pay you 1000USD extra.
we ageet to this
Ottoman Khaif
10-04-2004, 21:05
We wish to purchase 5 million barrels of oil. $10 million wired upon confirmation.
we ageed
the Oil is on its way
Ottoman Khaif
10-04-2004, 21:05
If we could agree on a cheaper value, we could buy monthly oil from you
what do you have in mind?
Ottoman Khaif
10-04-2004, 21:06
Actually we now wish to increase our order to 100 billion barrels.
Payment of 200billion USD will be deposited in your national account when we start recieving shipments
we ageed to the update of the shipment
more Oil is on the way
Ottoman Khaif
10-04-2004, 21:07
Falastur would also like to place an order for $100 billion worth in oil.
the Oil is on the way
10-04-2004, 21:11
Falastur would also like to place an order for $100 billion worth in oil.
the Oil is on the way
Thanks. Money will be wired upon recieving of the shipment.
10-04-2004, 21:14
10-04-2004, 21:15
10-04-2004, 21:16
The Protectorate of Starblaydia would also like to arrange a regular deal
We would like 5,000 barrels per month at the regular price (US$10,000), but in return we will give you a 10% discount on military supplies at our military hardware storefront for the duration of the deal.
Here is our storefront:
10-04-2004, 21:16
will buy 10,000 barrels of Oil
That will be at $1 Billion
would like to change the deal
to $ 1 Billion dollars of Oil
can we ageed to this?
Ottoman Khaif
10-04-2004, 21:19
will buy 10,000 barrels of Oil
That will be at $1 Billion
would like to change the deal
to $ 1 Billion dollars of Oil
can we ageed to this?
we ageed to your changes
10-04-2004, 21:20
will buy 10,000 barrels of Oil
That will be at $1 Billion
would like to change the deal
to $ 1 Billion dollars of Oil
can we ageed to this?
OOC :D Just didn't want to see you paying too much.....
Ottoman Khaif
10-04-2004, 21:22
The Protectorate of Starblaydia would also like to arrange a regular deal
We would like 5,000 barrels per month at the regular price (US$10,000), but in return we will give you a 10% discount on military supplies at our military hardware storefront for the duration of the deal.
Here is our storefront:
we ageed to your Offer
Independent Hitmen
10-04-2004, 22:23
OOC: You are becoming very rich from this thread! use it wisely!
IC: We wish to offer a contract of 2000 barrels a month to you if you accept we can dispatch our own super tankers to take deliveries.
Ottoman Khaif
10-04-2004, 22:27
OOC: You are becoming very rich from this thread! use it wisely!
IC: We wish to offer a contract of 2000 barrels a month to you if you accept we can dispatch our own super tankers to take deliveries.
we agreed to this
Novus Atlantica
10-04-2004, 22:37
The Federation of Novus Atlantica would like to purchase five million (5,000,000) barrels of oil for a total cost of ten million (10,000,000) sols (equivalent to U.S. dollars).
We also will include an additional two and a half million (2,500,000) sols if you are to refine the oil in your own nation.
:Quaestor Saryn Sarethi
Ottoman Khaif
10-04-2004, 22:40
The Federation of Novus Atlantica would like to purchase five million (5,000,000) barrels of oil for a total cost of ten million (10,000,000) sols (equivalent to U.S. dollars).
We also will include an additional two and a half million (2,500,000) sols if you are to refine the oil in your own nation.
:Quaestor Saryn Sarethi
The Oil is on the way and its Refine!
Novus Atlantica
10-04-2004, 22:58
Transfer of six million and two-hundred fifty thousand (6,250,000) sols complete.
Transfer of remaining payment to be delievered on arrival of oil.
Half now, half on delivery.
:Quaestor Saryn Sarethi
Ottoman Khaif
11-04-2004, 05:04
Ottoman Khaif
11-04-2004, 05:38
for limited time only
we going sell our
Oil for Half of what we are selling
500 barrel of Oil was selling at $1000
its now for a limted time at $500 for 500 barrel of Oil
Ottoman Khaif
11-04-2004, 18:56
bump bump
@ Ottoman Khaif: Sir, are you Turkish? If so, do you speak Turkish?
Ottoman Khaif
11-04-2004, 19:32
@ Ottoman Khaif: Sir, are you Turkish? If so, do you speak Turkish?
one i am not Turkish,but i am pro Ottoman person! who know alot about the Ottomans
11-04-2004, 19:49
We would like to purchase a billion barrels of oil.
One billion dollars will be wired upon confirmation of delivery.
Ottoman Khaif
11-04-2004, 19:55
We would like to purchase a billion barrels of oil.
One billion dollars will be wired upon confirmation of delivery.
the Oil is on the way
11-04-2004, 20:10
The Incorporated States of Sarzonia would like to order 150,000 barrels of oil. At $1,000 for 500 barrels, that total should amount to $300,000.
Money will be wired upon confirmation.
Mike Sarzo
President, Incorporated States of Sarzonia
Ottoman Khaif
11-04-2004, 20:15
The Incorporated States of Sarzonia would like to order 150,000 barrels of oil. At $1,000 for 500 barrels, that total should amount to $300,000.
Money will be wired upon confirmation.
Mike Sarzo
President, Incorporated States of Sarzonia
the oil is the way
I'll have 1,000,000 barrels if you don't mind. Fairwell
Ottoman Khaif
11-04-2004, 20:17
I'll have 1,000,000 barrels if you don't mind. Fairwell
11-04-2004, 20:19
$1 Billion wired.
Ottoman Khaif
11-04-2004, 21:58
Ottoman Khaif
12-04-2004, 00:29