NationStates Jolt Archive

Air Defense Contract Offered

Srpska Kosovo
09-04-2004, 03:40
The Republic of Srpska Kosovo is in need of air defense systems. We are in need of weapons systems and radar systems. We would prefer mobile systems to increase survivability. Any system adopted must be up to date and capable of bringing down high altitude reconnaisance aircraft. We also will pay your specialists to train our units. We are willing to make this a multi-year contract and phase the systems in unit by unit. Offers from socialist or democratic nations will be given preference. (OOC: Please only current tech offers from nations that RP in at least a semi-realistic fashion. Thanks.)
09-04-2004, 15:55
Crookfur arms has supplied a number of integrated strategic airdefense systems to different countires over the years.

Any proposed system would include a mix of fixed and mobile systems (ie fixed, priamry radars but the missile systems are a mix of towed and self propelled units).
A basic lsiting of what would be included in our main line system (feel free to make amendments to fufil your requirmeents better):

Integrated Air defence set-up

Command control and communication:

4 Main control centres each capable of handling 500 targets, offering quadruple redundancy due to full interlinking of data feeds. Control can be divided in any way desired offering a high degree of combat efficiency. Each centre is under ground and protected against nuclear attack (cost 0.9billion)

8 main long range detectors (CFES MK104 radar) detection range: 2000km plus. (Cost 0.7billion)
32 MK 96 Medium range radars with detection up to 1200km. (cost 0.8billion)


64 SAM15 Long range SAM batteries 4.8billion (range 500km, 512 targets)
120 SAM10 batteries 3billion (range 50km, 1080 targets)
190 SAM8L batteries 1.9billion (range 20km, 2280)
190 SAM6 Star Streak batteries 0.7billion (range 7km, 190 targets)

Sundry infrastructure, support vehicles, mobile C3 etc: 0.5billion
Total cost: 13billion (rounded)
Full production rights for all missiles are included.

Basic deployment strategy:

Each C3 centre and radar is protected by 1 SAM15, 1 SAM10, 2 SAM8l and 2 SAM6 batteries

20 independent SAM15 batteries each protected by 1 Sam10, 2 SAM8l and 2 SAM6

56 independent SAM10 batteries each protected 1 Sam8l and 1 SAM6

6 independent units of 1 SAM8l and 1 Sam6 battery

As you can see this is a multi layered system capable of engaging huge numbers of targets or many different types (the SAM6 system is fully capable of intercepting incomming stand off muntions and crisue missiles).