Appeal to the International Community - Help Avert Genocide!
08-04-2004, 11:24
Ernesto Sanchez, Premier of Momanguise today appealed directly to the free nations of the world.
'We have today recieved information that extremist elements of the RIA are planning a genocide in Camewot. This telegram was sent by United Sith to all other nations inside the RIA, and was intercepted by our intelligance services. It reads,
'If once again we are thrust out of Camewot by foreign intervantion I sugest complete eradication of the countries population. Or the imprisonment of them as Unified Sith could use some labour for the factories' *
'This is unacceptable. The RIA forces inside Camewot have already broken several treatys, used chemical weapons and initiated the slaughter of civilians. The heroic Armed Forces of Momanguise and others have helped stem the tide of the invasion. As it stands however, our forces are outnumbered. We today appeal to the nations of the free world to fight for freedom and justice, and aid the allied forces inside Camewot. Thank you'.
08-04-2004, 11:26
* , evidence is found here
08-04-2004, 11:35
We are shocked at this blatant agression and carelessness for human live.
Unified Sith has already obtained the chemical agents it would need for such genocide. They have:
100 barrels of smallpox
100 barrels of anthrax
100 containers of sarin nerve gas
08-04-2004, 11:57
We are DISGUSTED at the actions of the Reborn Imperial Alliance - they must know now that any acts AGAINST Camewotian citizens WILL result in a state of war against our nation. We will NOT tolerate genocidal maniacs.
British Communists
08-04-2004, 12:01
Secret IC: I've just been asked by a member of the RIA to take our US for good. Although the CCIA are not agressors, I am considering this, and might put it the peoples council.
The Fedral Union
08-04-2004, 12:14
All right The Fed union is alrmed and angerd buy this we will not stand for genoside nor will we stand for treadeing in WMD'S there for we hear buy order Unifyed sith to dis arm those wponds and also order the genosidel manicans about to commit crims against humanity to seace and desist before the Fed union and allies intervine...
08-04-2004, 19:08
Chemical weapons including anthrax have been fired by RIA forces.
08-04-2004, 19:14
Chemical weapons are not the answer and if any more chemicals are fired TFR will send an evacuation force to evacuate Camewot and a small armed force for security.
08-04-2004, 19:24
Starblaydi Mobile Peacekeeping and Clean-up Forces are on alert to be deployed by Chinook to any zone they are needed.
08-04-2004, 22:53
08-04-2004, 22:53
08-04-2004, 23:37
1. You would assume that messages in our own Forum would be private. As in. Not yours.
2. Only U.S wanted genocide. nobody else.
3. The twin cities were evac'd. The attacks were only against the defenders.
08-04-2004, 23:55
Social Technocracia is appaled by this capitalist extremist aggression from unified sith and we will act military with our comrades in Hogsweat if such an attack is carried out by US.
From his Majesty, Czar Nicholai Ivanovitch Ramzin:
The Empire of Berezyi is disgusted by the lengths some nations will go to in war. Genocide is a horrible way to resolve a conflict, and my government will render assistance to Camewot if this madness continues.
OOC: I smell a flame war brewing...
Central Facehuggeria
09-04-2004, 00:28
We are DISGUSTED at the actions of the Reborn Imperial Alliance - they must know now that any acts AGAINST Camewotian citizens WILL result in a state of war against our nation. We will NOT tolerate genocidal maniacs.
This sort of aggression and genocide is excactly the sort of thing that the GDI was designed to fight. Hogsweat, you have our support. You do not stand alone.
OOC/ Personally, I am all for it. I have had enough of these pansy complaints "oh no, do not use the chemicals that we sold you last week on people! They are not for that!" or "Why on earth would you ever want to USE that nuclear warhead??? They are supposed to be decorative!"
But no one wants to hear that. /OOC
OOC/ <Please translate the above into my usual flowery diplospeak. I am too depressed/POed to think up something cute> /OOC
09-04-2004, 00:42
Actually, we went to some lengths to ensure that no civilians were harmed by the attacks. I personally set up a tannoy system, telling them to evacuate the twin city, by either making their way to Jordaxian or Momanguise lines. Why would I bother to do that if we were going to gas them?
Jordaxia does not have, and has never had, any biological or chemical weapons. Troops are kept well disciplined in order to prevent bloodshed involving innocents, and are given medical care when needed. It is only the narrow minded who believe imperialists want genocide. It brings no gain to anybody. The whole thought of Eugenics was abandoned by the 50s, why would we take it up when there is more proof than ever that it is blatantly false? Momanguise, you say that you would rather be a free man in rags, than a prisoner in robes? why not be a free man in robes?
We do not aim to cause misery and evil, we aim to grow, to cause advancment, to develop the human race. We are the only ones with the courage to admit that this principaly happens in wartime.
Central Facehuggeria
09-04-2004, 00:43
OOC/ Personally, I am all for it. I have had enough of these pansy complaints "oh no, do not use the chemicals that we sold you last week on people! They are not for that!" or "Why on earth would you ever want to USE that nuclear warhead??? They are supposed to be decorative!"
But no one wants to hear that. /OOC
OOC/ <Please translate the above into my usual flowery diplospeak. I am too depressed/POed to think up something cute> /OOC
OOC: It wouldn't be so bad if the imperialists thought of more creative ways to carry out genocide. (Like say...releasing a genetic mutagen into the nation, and watched as the natives and the mutated natives slaughtered each other. But no. Everyone and their brother wants to "OMG MY N00x0rs r0x0r UR S0ckz0r." Or "My Supr VZX gundam nerve gas killz j00!" We need more creativity.
09-04-2004, 02:18
I don't even have nuclear weaponry, and I don't kill civilians.
Heres another imperialist/genocide link. It's absolute bs. Do you even know that the British Empire was called that purely because Victoria was crowned Empress of India? We had never called ourselves that before. Yet, we (to our shame) commited acts of genocide. We were also one of the first to realise how barbaric it was and stop as well though, yet you rarely hear this because it contradicts your incorrect view of empire.
09-04-2004, 08:26
Actually you F00, im Imperialist, yet I manage to hold very close relations with many Communists, Democracies, Socialists and Anarchists, without it bothering them.
And, you cant just use these sort of weapons to kill military figures. Actually, I have a statement.
The Reborn Imperial Alliance MUST back down from Camewotian soil, this should be met in 2 days (2 rl days). If not we will be at hostilities. Further killing of ANY Camewotian citizen or soldier, unless retaliating, will be taken as an act of war AGAINST the GDI.
09-04-2004, 08:33
Acutally Jorxdasia, if you look at my original post, It said Genocide was being planned by 'EXTREMIST ELEMENTS' inside the RIA. Accurate, no?
I am in no way condeming you conduct in the war.
09-04-2004, 08:40
This is all Unifyed sith's doing, you check my post on that thread and i am not interested in Genocide, if it was up to me Unifyed Sith would have been kicked out of the RIA a long time ago, that is why i suggest a war against Gothenburg-Franc & Unifyed Sith, These are the two that are not set on liberation, rebuilding and then the eventual profit going back to the country (with a small fee payed to the GEM treasury & a tithe of troops)
I do not like the idea of Genocide, and at the RIA's incompetent leadership's rate i will quit, or take over the RIA myself
09-04-2004, 08:41
Any efforts to retake the RIA's stake leadership will be backed by the GDI.
09-04-2004, 08:43
The Reborn Imperial Alliance MUST back down from Camewotian soil, this should be met in 2 days (2 rl days). If not we will be at hostilities. Further killing of ANY Camewotian citizen or soldier, unless retaliating, will be taken as an act of war AGAINST the GDI.
Erm shut up? i wiil not withdraw from a nation that willingly allows terrorists to operate inside it's borders, also no Civillians have been harmed unless of course in collaterall damage, and those that have been found to be working for the terrorists, also unecessary use of capitals shows how unstable you are...
09-04-2004, 08:46
naw, i Like capitals. At any rate, has Camewot admitted to harbouring terrorists? Have those terrorists endangered you?
09-04-2004, 08:49
naw, i Like capitals. At any rate, has Camewot admitted to harbouring terrorists? Have those terrorists endangered you?
There are at present 3 groups that he has willingly let into his lands
The Real HLF
and also what we have identifyed as the CLF (Camewot Liberation front)
All these cowards are doing is unecessaryly endangering Civilian lives in pathetic Boming attacks
09-04-2004, 09:00
Momanguise too, would support any attempt to remove Unified Sith from the RIA.
09-04-2004, 09:16
The RIA often complains that it's enimies use the word 'imperialist' as a magic word and suddenly the whole world comes running. Now however, the RIA is using the word 'Terrorist' to exactly the same effect.
09-04-2004, 09:35
Just because we spot the flaws, doesn't mean we don't play the game.
09-04-2004, 11:42
With all due respect, peoples lives are not 'a game'.
09-04-2004, 12:43
Bumpity bump bump bump.
09-04-2004, 13:35
I was talking of the game of "Diplo-speak" Naturally, once the armed forces get in on it it ceases to become a game, and becomes most serious. However, during cease-fires and times of peace, it is most certainly a game.
Central Facehuggeria
09-04-2004, 15:50
naw, i Like capitals. At any rate, has Camewot admitted to harbouring terrorists? Have those terrorists endangered you?
There are at present 3 groups that he has willingly let into his lands
The Real HLF
and also what we have identifyed as the CLF (Camewot Liberation front)
All these cowards are doing is unecessaryly endangering Civilian lives in pathetic Boming attacks
IC: Can you provide us with proof of this?
09-04-2004, 19:17
Look at the first page of "Massive bombings in Midlonias camewot" That will give you the CLF
The "No peace, no war" thread has both MRO, real HLF, and swords of Chagel. Neither of these done anything, but yet not a word of dissent came from Camewot about them even being there.