NationStates Jolt Archive

Communist Counter Imperialist Alliance (CCIA)

British Communists
06-04-2004, 14:33
This is to announce the formation of the Communist Counter Imperialist Alliance (CCIA for short) This is an alliance made up of communist and socialist countries based out of Communist Alliance Region, who's sole goal is to protect smaller nations from imperialism.

We want to make it clear that this is a defensive alliance, simply to defend ourselves, our allies and smaller nations who come under threat from imperialists. We will NOT be invading any imperialist countries, and where possible, diplomacy will be favoured over force, for example we are heavily involved in the Camewot situation, but are looking to solve it peacefully.

If you wish to join, you must be a member of our region (go to world then type "communist alliance" in the find region box) you must be a committed communist or socialist, must have a population of 50 million or over, and you must be in favour of defensive wars, not offensive wars. If you meet all these, please TG Sambollaka, or me and you will be put forward for membership.
06-04-2004, 14:38
I never thought that you would be seeking to "defend" smaller nations in only a "defensive" war.It wasnt so long ago when your aggressive war mongering had you picking on smaller nations.

So it is deceed!!

Liom the Great
Overseer of the Continental Dominion
06-04-2004, 14:59
Imperialism make lesser nations a better place for then, if they allow better people to lead their nations to better it for them, its all good. Or of course you could defend them so they can continue to live lifes with no future. It really up to you.
06-04-2004, 16:53
Help people? Like Hitler helped the Jews?
06-04-2004, 18:46
I never thought that you would be seeking to "defend" smaller nations in only a "defensive" war.It wasnt so long ago when your aggressive war mongering had you picking on smaller nations.

So it is deceed!!

Liom the Great
Overseer of the Continental Dominion

We are not Stalinist, and we do not attack without any warning. Those who you described are purely Stalin supporters, and warmonsters. Those types of people are not welcome to our alliance
Crimson Shell
06-04-2004, 19:05
The question really is, as our nation sees it. Where the line of Communism and Stalinism begins and ends. As it tends most cases, get blurred in rhetoric and practicality. Mayhaps, to placate the other nations clamoring for your dispersal, you might lay out a few of your plans in this defensive strategy?
06-04-2004, 19:26
Communism is not Stalinism... Stalin tried to create 'socialism in one country'... however, nationalism and communism are antitheses. Communism cannot work on a national scale, as it cannot co-exist with capitalism. The Soviet Union was never communist, instead it was more like a state-run monopoly capitalism, as Tony Cliffe, founder of the Socialist Workers' Party (UK) argued. Therefore, please do not consider communism and Stalinism the same.
Brega and Mide
06-04-2004, 19:37
Cliff was an intellectual lightweight who wanted to gloss over the contradictions inherant in the Soviet Union with his simplistic theory of "State Capitalism". Cliffs hypothesis boils down to this; capitalism is not nice. The USSR is not nice, therefore the USSR is capitalist. Cliffs approach was un-marxist and philosophically idealist. His deductive method took as its starting point the conclusion he wanted to reach, using any data that suited his hypothesis and ignoring any that was inconvenient. For a riposte to Cliff, read Ted Grant's critique: and for an ABC of the Marxist approach to the question of the class nature of the Soviet Union read Trotsky's "In Defence of Marxism"
British Communists
06-04-2004, 19:39
I never thought that you would be seeking to "defend" smaller nations in only a "defensive" war.It wasnt so long ago when your aggressive war mongering had you picking on smaller nations.

So it is deceed!!

Liom the Great
Overseer of the Continental Dominion

Just remember it was you who declared war on my ally, you were the war mongerer, but if you were now attacked by an imperialist nation, the CCIA would come to your assistance.
06-04-2004, 19:53
I would like to join this Alliance, though I object to the fact that you have to be part of our region (Communist Alliance) to join. As has been said, and is fitting, communism knowns no borders
British Communists
06-04-2004, 20:00
Momanguise you are in our region, and fit all other requirements therefore you are automatically in the alliance.
06-04-2004, 20:03
The True Directorate of Hallad wishes to join this alliance.
British Communists
06-04-2004, 20:05
If possible, please join our region. If you don't want to move, TG me anyway, I'll ask the other members and we'll consider you.
09-04-2004, 18:25
Can we bump it here, dont think its getting much interest
Neo Pacifica
09-04-2004, 19:50
The People's Republic Of Neo Pacifica requests that our fellow comrades pledge morale (or troop) support to our nation which right now is fighting the tight grip of Capitalist brother (Democratic Republic) Terra Pacifica as they are trying to impose their will and power on us as they refuse to recgonize our right to our own government as is the will of the people....we realise that we may not be worthy of membership (population too low) but we ask anyways for our fellow comrades to not turn their back as we, a small and simple nation are fighting for our very survival from the greed of Capitalism and Imperialism!

OOC: here's the civil war thread if you guys are interested in getting involved...
09-04-2004, 20:02
It appears Communism is growing stronger. it seems like every day I read of another alliance formed, another pure nation corrupted by the red disease. I fear that the time for words will soon be over, and we of the pure and strong nations must band together against these communist fools.
I call upon all right-thinking nations to unite and halt the advance of the red plague upon the minds of our citizens.
09-04-2004, 20:06
Wait for insertion of 'International Zionist Conspiricy' by Vexia............
Terra Pacifica
09-04-2004, 20:15
I agree with Vexia, the red menace appears to be on the rise lately taking on poor helpless nations or colonies in the hopes of 'prosperity and equality' which is not the case when this type of government is in control of the few and therefore becomes corrupted.

Terra Pacifica right now is waging a civil war after a devastating terrorist attack on our borders from those Communist Fanatics (OOC: Neo Pacifica is suspected but not proven to have carry out the terrorist attack) who took over the system and claim to be fighting in the name of indepedence. We don't seek to completely take over Neo Pacifica, we simply wish to destroy the red evil that is corrupting our smaller brother and waging war against us and place guidelines in their indepedence to prevent the red menace from raising within Republic Of Pacifica's borders. (Terra Pacifica, and Neo Pacifica alike)
11-04-2004, 19:39
If you read the top part, we are a defensive "group" not offensive.
British Communists
11-04-2004, 19:42
Instead of jumping on the commie hunting bandwagon, take time to read the post. Its defensive, meaning we will only go to war to defend ourselves, our allies, and people who ask for assistance. We're not the type of alliance that goes around invading countries because we don't agree with them, or we want their land.
11-04-2004, 19:42
I see. And this "Defensive" Alliance does not involve spreading the Ideals of your nation, no matter how involuntary?
And i need not point out that the "Iron Curtain" was a purely "defensive" treaty..................
British Communists
11-04-2004, 19:49
Does it look to you that we're invading nations close to use to create a buffer to defend us? No. We've been involved in one conflict as an alliance, and that was Camewot, we defended him, averted genocide and secured his future. Does that sounds bad to you?
11-04-2004, 20:04
Well, actually, you did not avert genocide. That's being a little economical with the truth. I did. I told Sith that genocide wasn't happening, and that attempting it would get him out. Since he didn't commit it, you assume that the alliance stopped him. Thats like saying that this stone in my pocket keeps away dragons, because I don't see any.thank you lisa simpson) It would never have happened had we won. We would not have allowed it.
Unfortunately, that didn't stop him gassing Moman troops.
It was Midlonia that got us into the war with Camewot, then retreated when we arrived. Then he declares war on Sith, now you have arrived, where has Midlonia gone? He has been online, daring us to attack him, so that we, once again look like the aggressors. I think you are being played for fools. We do not seek to expand aggressively. We only arrived to defend a nation, which we believed, was ffighting for a just cause. To wipe out terrorism. We found him out. He is a warmongering maniac. Now he declares war on the RIA, and you assist him. Midlonia does seek to expand aggressively, by weakening all other nations around him.
We are the imperial equivalent of your alliance. Just because somebody says something, does not justify trying to erase them. That seems like an extreme reaction that you are trying to extinguish.
British Communists
11-04-2004, 20:16
Fine, we allowed Camewot its autonomy. We could have just taken it over ourselves but we secured a future for it at the confrence. Plus the CCIA isn't fighting US, I personally am because of the personal history between us.
11-04-2004, 20:21
I am not specifically talking about you, I'm referring to the attack force as a whole. Nobody would have bothered Sith, except maybe you, if Midlonia haden't attacked him. They aim to demilitarise him because of a statement. If that was the way RL worked, everybody would be demilitarised.