NationStates Jolt Archive

HELP US! Genocidal regime of PanzerVI

Poles n Other Nations
05-04-2004, 14:52
The Commonwealth of Poles and Other Nations and the brave people of Galicyja and Vlodimir are waging a war against the horrible tyrany of the PanzerVI. Our brave soldiers fight the Panzerian pigdogs, but the small army of Galicyja could not handle the cruel and huge war machine of Panzer.
Lately the Panzerians began genocidal ethnich-cleansing actions not only against their own people, but also against the people of Galicyja:

- od dzisiaj wszystkie ludy pochodzenia niepanzeriańskiego zamieszkujące tereny PanzerVI, zadeklarowne jako członkowie koalicji antypanzeriańskiej zostają spisane na straty i podlegają natychmiastowej ksterminacji.
-Wraz z dzisiejszym dniem rozpioczyna się akcja "szara gąsienica"- mająca na celu spustoszenie i spalenie całej Galicji. Gdy tylko upadnie ostatni punkt oporu- stolica Galicji- z terenów nowo zaanektowanej krainy utworzony zostanie LAND WSCHODNI.
- Każdy kto znajdzie się na terenie rpubliki PanzerVI, nie posiadający paszportu panzeriańskiego zostanie uznany za szpiega i rozstrzelany na miejscu...
-from this day on all of the non-panzerian nations inhabiting the terrains of PanzerVI, whose coutries of origin are in the anti-panzer coalition are going to be exterminated.
-today the "grey catterpiller" operation is beggining.. When only the last stand of the Galicyja will fall, OSTLAND, a new province on the annected terrains shall be formed.
-everyone on the terrain of the PanzerVI republic not owning a Panzerian passport shall be shot immidiately.

- na północ od stolicy Galicji w miejscowości Grudzin Dolny wybuchło powstanie anty-panzeriańskie, w wyniku którego stracono 18 wozów bojowych Kazimierz Wielki. Buntowników wyłapano, publicznie wykastrowano i rozstrzelano... Mówi się o egzekucji 248 tyś. bojowników.
- o 10.56 burmistrz stolicy Galicji ostatecznie podpisał pakt o złożeniu broni- od tego momentu miasto przechodzi pod rządy PANZERVI. NAtychmiast po tym wydarzeniu w samym mieście dywizja ZZ-Spłonkamachteni przystąpiła do całkowitej eksterminacji ludności miasta... Jak dotąd udało się wybić półtora miliona mieszkańców.
-north of the Galicyjan capitol, in the village of G.D. an anti-panzer uprising broke off, due to which 18 light tanks K.W. where lost. The rebels where caught, castrated and shot. So far 248.000 of them.
-the mayor of capitol of Galicyja signed the act of capitulation today. Immidiately the division ZZ-Splonkamachten drove into the city and began the mass extermination of local inhabitants. So far 1,5 milion.

-podczas defilady wojsk w stolicy na PLACU CZYSTOŚCI PANZERVI zaprezentowano bliżej niezydentyfikowane urządzenie. Jak poinformował nas naczelnik, jest to najnowesze dziecko armii PANERVI. Nazcelnik mocno wierzy że do użycia jego dekstruktywnej mocy nie dojdzie, gdyż konwencjonalne środki powinny straczyć aby osiągnąć zwycięstwo.
During the defilade on the PANZERVI ETHNIC PURITY square a new device was shown. As the Fuehrer said, it's a new Panzer weapon of a great destructive power.

05-04-2004, 15:00
I have ordered a fleet from the Panteran homeland to the land of Poles n Other Nations, in order to deter any Panzer attack upon this fine nation.

My hatred for murderers and opressors is well documented, and pending an investigation into these matters, my Reavers may be deployed against the murdering dogs of PanzerVI.

Bastien the Bronze
Lord Reaver of Pantera
Drag the Waters of War

{EDIT:: Links?}
05-04-2004, 15:31
I have sent a Gravitonian fleet to aid The Slavo-Baltic Commonwealth of Poles n Other Nations in the upcoming war against the genocidal pigdogs of PanzerVI

20 Warships
1 Aircraft carrier w/8 JSF's
10 Infantry divisions
36 Artillery cannons
05-04-2004, 15:42
The Dominion of GoMo will join any peace keeping force sent to the Area.
We call for a meeting of the UN Security coumcil to discuss over this issue and discuss and discuss and discuss ....
Poles n Other Nations
05-04-2004, 17:02
We are truly grateful to those few who answered our cry for help. As the war is waged on the Panzerkrieg ( thread which is in Polish, we understand it would be hard for you to participate in person. We are very happy that the Panteran Navy is going to help defend our shore. We also thank the Garavitonians, and understand that those forces are under our command now. Thank you. As for the GoMonian peace keepers- you shall be informed as soon as the Panzerian regime is knocked down. This will allow you to send your forces there and help to enforce democracy.

Once again thank you:

PM of The S-BCoP&ON
Michal Wozniak
05-04-2004, 17:33
The Republic of Gavreland has decided to deploy its military for the first time. At least a portion of it, in any case.

The 1st Air Commando Wing is being deployed to the region. It consists of:

-12 A-10 "Warthogs" (1st AC Ftr Sqdrn)
-12 OV-10 "Broncos" (2nd AC Ftr Sqdrn)
-12 AH-1W "Cobras" (1st AC Helo Sqdrn)
-12 A/MH-6 "Little Birds" (1st Spec Ops Sqdrn)

The 1st Air Cavalry Brigade (Reinforced) has been notified of the possibility of deployment, and the 2nd Parachute Infantry Battalion is on 24 hour alert.

The 1st AC Wing is at your disposal, but please keep us informed of their combat actions and (an unfortunate possibility) losses. Depending on further actions, more units (the first being the 1st Air Cav and the 2nd PIB) may be deployed for combat operations. Again, keep us advised of the situation via telegrams and/or posts on this board.
05-04-2004, 20:31
In respect of a decision in the Gravitonian Parliament, I, King Graviton IX, must ask that the troops I sent earlier return to Gravitonia.

King Graviton IX
06-04-2004, 16:02
07-04-2004, 13:57
Any news of this fighting?
07-04-2004, 14:07
Can someone please explain what's the back story is to this war,please?
Poles n Other Nations
07-04-2004, 18:13
To: His Majesty, King of Gravitonia, Graviton the IX
From: PM of The S-BCoP&ON, Michal Wozniak

We understand obviously that even the king, if he claims himself the true father of his nation, may not make decisions of that kind himself. We however still hope that as no military help will be given, Your Majesty still supports our cause in a personal way.

To: Colonel Charles Johnson, GAF
From: PM of The S-BCoP&ON, Michal Wozniak

Sir, we would like to inform you, that your forces are currently helping us at refreeing the town of Grudzinsk. The SpecOps were dropped there to help our Obodrittan papatroopers defend it, while the rest of the 1st ACW is clearing the way of the Vlodimirain forces send by that kind folk. You will be informed about any further actions.

For those not quite knowing what's up, here's the deal:
A military coup in PanzerVI gave power to a dictator who threatened to attack his neighbours if he will not receive a tribute from us. Of coure we disagreed and prepared our nuclear devices to scare him off.
We began to relocate the Panzerians from Galicyja into our territory, in order to prevent them from causing any damage or sabotage. Well, the bum that Max Gutowski, the leader of Galicyja is, attacked the transport just as it was to cross the border, so that got Panzerians pretty pissed off.
The Regime of Panzer said that none of our nukes would get through their "Star Wars" defence system. Not only we didn't want to waste the nukes, but think of the cassualties! They also demanded, that we would hand them over our N.D.s, if we want to stop the conflict. Obviously we didn't accept that.
Soon after that the Panzerians attacked the border town of Plonsk in Galicyja. It was immidiatelly captured by them. Also some kind of Biological weapons were dropped behind the Galicyjan lines. We immidiatelly send out our antiBW troops from Kowno(Kaunas) there.
There was a small argument between the both sides who got hurt in the attack: the Galicyjans, or the local Gypsies. Eventually the Panzerians state, that since 65% of Galicyjan officials are Gypsies, they got it solved. The Galicyjans told us that they did gave the BW to Gypsies to solve their problem. *sight*
The Republic of European Union States was preparing to sign a non agression threaty with the Panzerians. We strongly opposed, and no treaty was signed so far. Meanwhile Gutowski took over the full control over the Galicyja proclaiming himself a dictator.
The Panzer VI claimed to begin a production of some new weapon. They also demanded no WMD used in the conflict.
The Galicyjan terraines controled by Panzer were bombed as well the columns of reinforcment were attacked. A total of 60 thousand of Panzerian soldiers were killed. They claim those were only quails. It showed to us that the dictator of Panzer is obviously insane. Some of the Polish forces were sent to help the fighting Galicyjans. One of the Armies was called "Swiety Wojciech"("Saint Adalabert"), for it consistem mainly of soldiers living in Olsztyn and Krolewiec(Altstein and Koenigsberg), and the surroundings.
Halicz joins the anti-Panzer coalition. So does the Vlodimir, by sending their troops under our command. The army sent by Vlodimir is called "Swiety Jerzy"(Saint George).
The leader of PanzerVI dies. Some officials are ready to make peace with us and so far regroup from the fileds in front of Galicyjas capitol. However ANOTHER military coup gives power to a new dictator. His government demands:
1.Anecting the Ryszcibory, Plonsk Gal.,Urbanow and Krzyciszyn and uniting it with PanzerVI
2.A contribution from the coalition.
3. Galicyja was supposed to join the PANZERIAN AREO-TERRA OPERATIONS (PATO)
4.Relocating the Galicyjan Zambians, Cubans, Hindus, Australians and Uzbeks to work camps in PANZERVI.
5. Creating the autonomous province of Warma on the terrains conquered by Galicyja 8 years ago.
We strongly opposed to points number 2,3 and 4. leaving the two others to Mr. Gutowski. We also offered the Panzerians to give up without any furhter consequences. The Galicyjan government was ready to agree only on point 5 and eventually to resign from its rights to Plonsk county, as it was destroyed during bombing.
Because of an argument we were forced to send our paratroopers into the Panzerian territory. A series of coalition succeses occured.
The PanzerVI begins extermination of all its non-Panzer citizens. It crushes an anti-Panzer uprising and manages to caprure Galicyjan Capitol. Genocide begins. Gutowski Flees to Halicz. The Commonwealth's air forces attack the occupant throwing down on him thousands of tons of napalm. Informations about new Panzerian deadly weapon.
The Commonwealth sends two great armies to recapture the presently almost all-occupied Galicyja. Air raids on the occupied territories. The Wieletan Marines capture Galicyjan Sandomierz on the southern bank of Galicyjan Vistula.


The Panzerwaffenschrankemünde operation finishes with succes!
The Vlodimirian and Gavreland forces rush to help the Commonwealth's forces trapped in Grudzinsk.
Panzer counteroffensive in Sandomierz.

For fresh photos visit the newest post
Unified Sith
07-04-2004, 18:17
I could help to stem the slaughter. but I wont i'll just watch and enjoy.
07-04-2004, 19:02
*Looks at what is going on*
DPUO will assist if possible, in whatever way we can. (OOC: since I can't read Polish) I'm putting the following at your disposal:

125th, 126th and 168th Heavy bomber Regiments (60 Tu-22M3 w/ 240 AS-6 ASMs)

12th, 16th, 25th and 37th tactical righter regiments (80 MiG-29s with supplies for approx. 5 days heavy action)

56th and 77th Motor-Rifle divisions

2 Victor-II SSNs
2 Oscar-II SSGNs

This is all we can provide for you at this time, possibly at all. It is a meagre contribution in number, but the men are well-trained and motivated. Good luck, comrades.
07-04-2004, 19:42
It is good to see our aircraft and helicopters in action. The picture of the "Little Bird" helicopter crews conversing with your paratroops has been circulated around Gavreland's newspapers and the relatives of our pilots in the photo are very proud.

Keep us informed of the news, especially of the new enemy offensive. The paratroopers of the 2nd Parachute Infantry Brigade are getting jealous of our pilots of the 1st ACW getting all the glory now that the news is out.
08-04-2004, 00:32
Photos of 1st ACW in Combat Area

An A-10 of the 1st Air Commando Fighter Squadron heads back to base after a sortie supporting ground troops. The A-10's 30mm cannon and numerous air to ground munitions are making quite the impact.

An AH-1W of the 1st Air Commando Helicopter Squadron at rest at a forward airstrip, prepared to answer the call for air support.
08-04-2004, 01:46
the Dictatrixship of Berëza will strongly consider providing military assistance once the conflict between Grunge-France and Nouveau Volstik is either resolved, or out of our hands.

Pantera, if you could assist in making sure my observation team in N. Volstik gets out safely (either in upholding GF's word of safe deportation, or vouching for us that we may get out by ourselves without harrassment), we'll be in much more of a position to assist Poles n Other Nations, and will bestow and act upon our gratitude towards you.

"...In other news," the Berëzan News Television announcer declared towards the end of the 8pm news, "Several hundred thousand tons of raw sewage were recently dropped on the capital of Unified Sith by a surprise bombing raid by the VSB (Berëzan airforce). Government and military officials have not yet been reached for comment, but are reported to be wearing sly grins today." Photos of the raid appeared in the background, as the announcer cracked up briefly. "The government has also made an official statement to Unified Sith, 'We could help stem the flow, but we won't. We'll just watch and enjoy. Enjoy!' The Unified Sith government has yet to be reached for comment." She, the entire newsroom crew, and probably all half-billion watchers that night burst into laughter as the cheesy news music ended the broadcast that night.
08-04-2004, 01:53
I will deploy my Army Delta Force(ADF) in Poles to help fight PanzerVI, units in ADF:

140 M1A1 Battle Tanks
2 Humvees-With 8 stinger missiles each
2 B-2 Stealth Bombers
200 Mobile Scud
1000 9K58 Smerch(300mm rocket launching vehicle)
500 MAV(Mini Attack Vehicles)
300 A10 Warthog T-Bolt
25 ZKT Tanks
500,000 Green Ranger (OICW armed)
08-04-2004, 02:08
Pictures from the warzone!

MiG-29M engaging Panzerian fighter with AA-11 AAM

Tu-22M3 "Backfire" long-range bomber returns from an attack on Panzerian forces

T-80U advances on a Panzerian position; this photograph was taken by a Panzerian soldier who was later captured.

Mechanised infantrymen with their BMP-2

Remains of an Mi-24V shot down by Panzerian SAM; the bodies of both crewmen were recovered and buried by Panzerian forces.

Su-25 launches ASM at Panzerian bunker in preparation for a squad-level attack

Victor-III SSN puts to sea on patrol near the coast of the disputed area
Poles n Other Nations
08-04-2004, 13:40
Once again we thank to all willing to help. We shall inform the Panzerian Regime about the support we are receiving. This should make them think about the sense of further military actions against Galicyja.
08-04-2004, 20:10
A brief update:

Should you be interested, we offer the services of a Delta-IV SSBN (16 SS-N-23 missiles w/ four 100Kt MIRVs, CEP 900m). These things can wipe pretty much any soft target off the map with great ease.
08-04-2004, 23:51
i'm still awaiting a response from pantera and unified sith. though pantera's response is becoming more and more irrelevant, with each passing hour that the referenced thread isn't being updated by a key participant.