24 hours to leave Baghdad
05-04-2004, 01:16
Coalition forces are now giving Saddam Hussein 24 hours to leave Baghdad and turn himself in to coalition forces.
If not, we will seize him by force if necessary.
He is now a international war criminal at the top of the most wanted list and we will use all means to apprehend him.
I presume Al-Anbar is RPing the role of Saddam's Iraq?
Apple Zer0
05-04-2004, 01:36
Coalition forces are now giving Saddam Hussein 24 hours to leave Baghdad and turn himself in to coalition forces.
If not, we will seize him by force if necessary.
He is now a international war criminal at the top of the most wanted list and we will use all means to apprehend him.
Where have I heard this before? I think it may have been that CNN tv thingy.
Coalition forces are now giving Saddam Hussein 24 hours to leave Baghdad and turn himself in to coalition forces.
If not, we will seize him by force if necessary.
He is now a international war criminal at the top of the most wanted list and we will use all means to apprehend him.
Explain how the elected leader of Al Anbar, President Saddam Hussein, is a 'war criminal'? Please, by all means, provide evidence this time.
We would also like to point out that these same words were uttered by Little Bush during his war of aggression in March of 2003. What hapepend to him? He lost. I suggest you do not act so criminally like Little Bush.
Also, do we take this as your failure to abide by the terms of the Aleterian Conference? Once again, you are leading to war. We have made several attempts to comprimise for peace, but it is you who is unbending for peace.
We have stated that we were even willing to allow a referendum to take place to see whether the people wish to leave Al Anbar and establish their own government. Obviously, Whittier has some personal grudge against our leader, President Saddam Hussein, and does not just want to "liberate" Saudi Arabia and Kuwait from us, but wishes to destroy all Arabs and Muslims who do not agree with him.
IT is you who does not want peace.
05-04-2004, 05:34
Your leader has 12 hours left to turn himself in, or we will use all means necessary including assassination to see that he is brought to justice.
05-04-2004, 06:24
I presume Al-Anbar is RPing the role of Saddam's Iraq?yes
How can you say no , this man killed his own people , he has weapons that could destroy his enemies and we would have a nuclear war on are hands.
Because if it's OK to kill your own people then Hitler was in the right, no you say well it is the same dammm thing !!! :tantrum:
Tony Blair and George Bush are in the right . DOWN WITH SADDAM !!
How can you say no , this man killed his own people , he has weapons that could destroy his enemies and we would have a nuclear war on are hands.
Because if it's OK to kill your own people then Hitler was in the right, no you say well it is the same dammm thing !!! :tantrum:
Tony Blair and George Bush are in the right . DOWN WITH SADDAM !!
05-04-2004, 08:34
OOC: In RL claims, I have finland - so is RL war different to actual NS war? I mean RL war in NS... oh screw it even im confused now.
We back the ultimatum and will lend military assistance to Whittier.
"As I recall Al Anbar was in the process of cementing a peace treaty between itself and coalition forces. Could you please explain why now you seek to stir up war with this blatently unreasonable request for a nation's leader to abandon the capital of his government without just cause?"
Deparment for International Concerns
Divion of Minstry for Foriegn Affairs
Delivered by authority of;
Director Alice DuPrè
05-04-2004, 10:13
Official Message to Whittier.
We still se no evidence of your campaign to overthrow President Saddam Housain. We will strive to defend Al Anbar from your indulgent campaign of death. If you can provide sufficient evidence to warrent a declaration of War upon a nation whom is attempting peace talks, please display it immediatley to the International Community. if not, stand down.
Whittier's requests are completely unjust and without merit. If Sadam is willing to negotiate peace then why go to war? The Divine Autocracy of Nili stands behind Al Anbar and will assist their peaceful ruler in any way that we can.
"We would also like to see evidence that an invasion of Al Anbar is justified. Although we will not entangle ourselves in Middle Eastern affairs, we ask that in the name of peace and stability that the government of Whittier attempts peace talks before beginning a war."
Matthew von Pickett
Minister for Foreign Affairs
05-04-2004, 23:16
You don't understand, the war to free Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Lebanon is already underway cause he illegally invaded those nations.
We are talking about using part of our military, already there, to hunt down Saddam Hussein.
05-04-2004, 23:18
Saddam refused all peace overtures and is now twisting the facts as many other nations involved in the coalition will tell you. Cause he knows his end is near.
06-04-2004, 07:51
We must strongly oppose this action, and would recomend a diplomatic solution.We wil howver, not become involved in this conflict.
Chellis condemns coalition movements against saddam. They provide absolutly no hard proof, and purposely avoid it so as to create reasonable doubt. They know they would get more supporters with hard facts, so its obvious they dont have them, or they would use them.
Once again, Whittier is proved to be a liar.
The world community stands against the criminal actions being committed by Whittier and its mercenaries.
40% - in favour
59% - in opposition
06-04-2004, 09:06
Once again, Whittier is proved to be a liar.
The world community stands against the criminal actions being committed by Whittier and its mercenaries.
40% - in favour
59% - in opposition
How is the way people voting making him a Liar?
international war criminal at the top of the most wanted list.
That implies he is at the top of the most wanted list of the international community, which the poll proves otherwise.
07-04-2004, 05:00
He is guilty of attacking and raping his neighbors.
He is? Really now? Would you be so kind as to show us any viable proof, such as a link or a confession from him? I would for one support you if you could.
07-04-2004, 05:51
The EOL wishes you the best of luck in this endeavor to rid the world of Saddam Hussein and we must ask that once you have him in custody you get all the information you can out of him.
If an assassination can be done to avoid war we are in full support of it. Otherwise do all you can with overwhelming force to defeat the enemy!
Kelonian States
07-04-2004, 05:51
Kelonian States is strongly opposed to any assassination of a legitimate national leader citing unproven accusations as an excuse. If this develops into a conflict, you don't need me to tell you which side of the battle we will be on.
OOC: That wasn't meant as a threat, merely a reinforcement of our strong feeling on this issue - just so I dont get myself into any unneccessary bother, heh.
08-04-2004, 02:01
The war is over.