Empire begins research for a new anti-tank weapon
Huzen Hagen
04-04-2004, 20:18
In this day and age we have countless missiles to defeat tanks. They are good at there job untill you have to reload and fire again. The Empire is today commkisioning a new anti-tank gun the specs are suspected to be as follows:
-130-60mm gun
-2 man crew
-electricly operated turret for quick re-aiming
-magazine to allow for gun to take out several tanks before reloading
-lightweight to allow for towing
-possible self-propelled version later
Any who wish to participate are welcome to ask to join
05-04-2004, 05:24
The Roycelandian Empire already has such an Anti-Tank gun, developed to deter some of our more... ambitious neighbours.
The ATG-04 boasts a 150mm calibre barrel, firing a HEAP/SABOT Depleted Uranium Slug, It also has a 10-round "Magazine", and can be belt-fed if you have enough time to attach all the links to the rounds. Has a crew of four, and a .303 calibre MG for crew defence as well. It can be towed, but most of ours are permanent emplacements.
We'd be happy to help you with your design, for a price...
Apple Zer0
05-04-2004, 05:41
We have a 900mm gun for tank destroyers if you wanna buy TG me.
A Few Rich People
05-04-2004, 05:53
Thats artillary!
Huzen Hagen
05-04-2004, 09:55
90cm :shock: WTF thats just over 35", you could destroy an aircraft carrier with one
Apple Zer0 has no idea what he is talking about, obviously, and from this I'm ignoring him right out ;) 900mm is bigger than the gun's on the Doujin, and bigger than the guns used in my coastal defense emplacements.
05-04-2004, 09:59
I was going to say :shock: The new Juneau II battleships I'm working on only use 250mm cannons.
05-04-2004, 14:33
Well we could supply you with self giuded anti tank rounds for use with standard 81mm mortars...
or I belive we could convert our G557 Hi power ETC gun system for a towed mounting (would be tricky getting the autoloader and power supply light enough).
Huzen Hagen
05-04-2004, 14:40
i think the later would be best. We hope to get a combat rate of fire (as in aiming then firing) of 30-45 rpm. Thats why a magazine would be good. We could just start from scratch but incorperate other parts or reduce the calibre
05-04-2004, 16:14
HHmmm then G557 might not be for you it maxs out and 15 RPM
Now a 30-40mm ETC gun might be closer to what you are looking for.
The nation of Tobacystan wishes to add funds into your research for a new anti-tank weapon. Funding for this weapon will receive priority funding in the defense budget.
Huzen Hagen
05-04-2004, 16:48
remember this has to be able to take out all existing tanks with ease and be able to be used in the future
So hows the research coming along?
Huzen Hagen
09-04-2004, 12:45
update, we decided that it is likely to be a long barrled 140mm gun
we also need to decide wheather this will be rifled or smoothbore
Huzen Hagen
13-04-2004, 13:43
14-04-2004, 03:01
Rifled, definitely. Smoothbore Cannon would lack the accuracy needed to take out a tank...
14-04-2004, 19:51
Depends on the round, rifling degrades the performance of sabot rounds (hence why the Abrams and the leo 2 use smoothbore guns).
Rifled guns are still very useful with HESH and cargo rounds and can still be fairly useful with Sabots if you use slip rings (ie the challenger 2).
For a big 140mm AT gun relying on Sabot rounds smoothbore is definatly the way to go.
14-04-2004, 19:55
Depends on the round, rifling degrades the performance of sabot rounds (hence why the Abrams and the leo 2 use smoothbore guns).
Rifled guns are still very useful with HESH and cargo rounds and can still be fairly useful with Sabots if you use slip rings (ie the challenger 2).
For a big 140mm AT gun relying on Sabot rounds smoothbore is definatly the way to go.