NationStates Jolt Archive

Apple Zer0's Storefront

Apple Zer0
04-04-2004, 10:01
*Closed to so much bitching*
Free Fire Zones
04-04-2004, 10:04
Kiss! Kiss!
A Saturday Night Special that poor people can afford.
I shouldn't worry about thieves using these. They usually steal there firearms anyway.

Emporer Pro-Tem "Big D"
04-04-2004, 10:11
With such a short barrel length, I'd think the accuracy of this gun is shoody at best. You'd need to basically press the barrel against the target before you reach for the trigger. And if it's a .45 and such a lightweight piece, I doubt anybody can fire it without having it snap their wirst right off! The real Colt .45 is a relatively heavy piece, this reduces the recoil/'jump' associated with firing a high power piece.

Apple Zer0
04-04-2004, 10:12
New Weapon added!
Apple Zer0
04-04-2004, 10:18
New Weapon again!
Apple Zer0
04-04-2004, 10:22
Yet another
Free Fire Zones
04-04-2004, 10:31
As JiangGuo points out this isn't a precision weapon. For home defense, the problem is usually in the same or adjacent room and accuracy as long as you aim center of mass is not so critical given the relatively short range. For most folks this is going to be a weapon you fire with both hands and then only once (hopefully). So recoil isn't that big an issue either. For $80 its cheap. As they say at NASA "Faster, Better, Cheaper -- pick any two." Yes, a classic M1911-A Colt would be nice but they aren't that cheap. A nice high-tech, low recoil weapon would be very nice, but for $80 this will have to do. It beats baseball bats which are incredibly popular in the United Kingdom these days despite the lack of baseball teams there. Those Louisville Sluggers pack quite a wallop. If the firepower in this cheapo .45 worries you, you can always spend several hundred dollars on some .22 target pistol, unless you're an impoverished sort living in a major urban center. Most of them are big on banning guns by regulating them into oblivion (NYC) where they don't just ban them outright (D.C.)

Emperor Pro-Tem "Big D"
"Peace Through Superior Firepower"
Apple Zer0
04-04-2004, 10:42
04-04-2004, 10:45
$56k for an M1A1? Are you serious? These tanks are a few million a piece bub!
Apple Zer0
04-04-2004, 10:46
$56k for an M1A1? Are you serious? These tanks are a few million a piece bub!

I make it up on my Oil, Food, and Ammo supplies being sent to Jarridia for a war he is fighting.
Apple Zer0
04-04-2004, 10:53
New tank destoryer!
Apple Zer0
04-04-2004, 11:23
Apple Zer0
04-04-2004, 11:23
Apple Zer0
05-04-2004, 06:40
Apple Zer0
05-04-2004, 06:44
Satellite to soon be sold. Only 100 in stock and never anymore!! Reserve yours now!!
Underwater Asylum
05-04-2004, 07:13
The Rogue Empire of Underwater Asylum wishes to reserve 10 sattelites.
Great Mateo
05-04-2004, 07:19
Just because you can afford to lower prices since profit losses are being recouped via other means doesn't mean you lower prices to the point you're losing millions of dollars per sale. That's called bad business.

As it stands, you're losing 4.244 million on every Abrams sold.

That being said, I'll take a million (1,000,000) Abrams tanks at 56,000 each. Order should come to $56 billion dollars.

You just lost $4.244 trillion dollars.
Verboten Lufftewaffe
05-04-2004, 07:30
Just because you can afford to lower prices since profit losses are being recouped via other means doesn't mean you lower prices to the point you're losing millions of dollars per sale. That's called bad business.

As it stands, you're losing 4.244 million on every Abrams sold.

That being said, I'll take a million (1,000,000) Abrams tanks at 56,000 each. Order should come to $56 billion dollars.

You just lost $4.244 trillion dollars.

Eternal FIame
05-04-2004, 07:31
Yes I'd like 42 million Abrams at 56,000 for 2.352 trillion dollars. I expect delivery post haste.

Oh and by the way you lose 178.248 trillion dollars. Good bye Mr. Economy.
Great Mateo
05-04-2004, 07:41
Also, I'd like a few things explained about your "products."

Weight: 34 Tons
Armor Can Withstand Shells Up to 150mm
Gun: 200mm With 50 Caliber Machine Gun
Price: $34,000
Shells: $500 For 100 Shells
More Information Soon

34 tons, yet has enough armor to withstand howitzer shells? And 200mm? Please, can you explain where the crew sits, since the would take up most of a tank that large, and how you prevent it from doing multiple backflips when fired?

M1A1 Abram Tank

Weight: 45 Tons
Armor The M1A1 tank incorporates steel encased depleted uranium armour.
Gun: 150mm With 50 Caliber Machine Gun
Price: $56,000
Shells: $500 For 50 Shells
More Information Soon

Same problems as above. Where does the crew sit, and how do you stop the recoil from knocking the bejeezus out of it?

Springfield Armory intoduces the Micro Compact 1911-A1

Length: 8 In.
Cal: .9mm
Weight: 2 Pounds
Hit Rate: 8/10 Times
Price: $80
Extra Clips: $90 For A Box Of 300 Clips

The Micro is copyrighted.

Several things. What's the hit rate supposed to signify? There's no distance at which that accuracy was achieved, or who was testing it. That could be an ace marksman at point blank firing it. Also, 9 inches along? Good bye, Mr. Accuracy, due to lack of barrel length.


Length: 12 In.
Cal: Special Made By AZ
Weight: 6 Pounds
Hit Rate: 9/10 Times
Price: $200
Extra Clips: $100 For A Box of 100 Clips

12 inches long? How does it achieve the mysterious unknown distance, unknown marksman 9/10 accuracy rating with a barrel about 3 inches long? Also, how did you shorten and lighten the standard M-16 from 3 feet 3 inches and 9 lbs in weight?

Stinger Missile Launcher

Length: 22 In.
Cal: Stinger Missile
Weight: 10 Pounds
Hit Rate: 4/10 Times
Price: $800
Extra Missiles: $200 for 5 Missiles

How does a missile less than 22 inches long and less than 10 lbs destroy anything? The warhead would be like, 1 lb.

Machine Gun

Length: 33 In.
Cal: 50.
Weight: 18 Pounds
Hit Rate: 7/10 Times
Price: $400
Extra Belts $20 For A 200 Round Belt

50 caliber? That must be one HUGE ASS barrel. I mean, a standard M-60 is .30 caliber. Also, the mysterious accuracy rating again. No matter what the range, how did you acheive such a superb 70% accuracy rating with a bucking MG spewing hundreds or even thousands of rounds a minute? Oh wait, nevermind, I forgot that the rate of fire of the gun isn't included. I'm assuming you reduced it to about 20 rounds a minute to achieve such accuracy?
Apple Zer0
05-04-2004, 19:50
I ment .50 Caliber, forgot to put the .
Apple Zer0
07-04-2004, 05:40
Apple Zer0
07-04-2004, 05:50
UZI 1 added
Apple Zer0
07-04-2004, 06:04
BUMP, for sales?
07-04-2004, 06:21
Are abrams still 56k? If so I will take 100.
Apple Zer0
07-04-2004, 06:21
Are abrams still 56k? If so I will take 100.

It shows the prices.
Apple Zer0
07-04-2004, 06:56
Great Mateo
07-04-2004, 11:11
Hm. Stats are better, tank is reasonably priced, the guns are still underpriced though.
Apple Zer0
08-04-2004, 00:48
Hm. Stats are better, tank is reasonably priced, the guns are still underpriced though.

I got the price and info on all my stuff off the U.S. military website!!!
Great Mateo
08-04-2004, 01:51
Caught in a lie, my friend. The US military doesn't use the H&K PSG-1. US SWAT teams do, but not the military. And on top of it, a PSG-1 is difficult to find for less than $10,000 USD in most cases, and the discount on a police or military order wouldn't be $9,800 USD each. I also know for a fact that the US military pays approximately $586 for each M-16A2 it buys.

Want a tip? is your best friend.
Apple Zer0
08-04-2004, 03:27
Caught in a lie, my friend. The US military doesn't use the H&K PSG-1. US SWAT teams do, but not the military. And on top of it, a PSG-1 is difficult to find for less than $10,000 USD in most cases, and the discount on a police or military order wouldn't be $9,800 USD each. I also know for a fact that the US military pays approximately $586 for each M-16A2 it buys.

Want a tip? is your best friend.

You want the damn site?
Eternal FIame
08-04-2004, 03:34
I agree with GM and since you are so insistent let's see the "Twilight Tommorow" site or whatever RPG you used to get the prices.
08-04-2004, 03:56
This storefront seems good everything seems in order however you have the M-16s ammo wrong.
Eternal FIame
08-04-2004, 03:58
He has the prices wrong too.

Other things:
There are 10, 20, and 30 round clips for the M-16
There are 50 and 100(Beta-C) round drums for the M-16 as well
PSG-1 clips are 10 or 20 rounds.
Great Mateo
08-04-2004, 04:00
Caught in a lie, my friend. The US military doesn't use the H&K PSG-1. US SWAT teams do, but not the military. And on top of it, a PSG-1 is difficult to find for less than $10,000 USD in most cases, and the discount on a police or military order wouldn't be $9,800 USD each. I also know for a fact that the US military pays approximately $586 for each M-16A2 it buys.

Want a tip? is your best friend.

You want the damn site?

Sure, I'd be happy to show you that the site has false information if it does indeed exist.
The Zoogie People
08-04-2004, 04:12
We have no problem that you do not sell to us, as we produce all of these products anyways, and are on the verge of replacing all of them.

However, we were under the impression that Zoogiedom's miltiary is in the process of rebuilding your nation right now after the last Pres. was assasinated.
08-04-2004, 06:14
Why are you pricing M-16s and PSG-1s at 200 USD? Your profit is almost negitive at those prices especally for the PSG.

(and 4 million for an M1A1 is twice as high as it should)
Eternal FIame
08-04-2004, 07:17
Anarresa, leave. You don't know what you're talking about. He's not making almost negative profit he's making negative profit period.

The Abrams is 4.3 Million, 4 Million is cheap/acceptable.