Economic Catastrophe in Samtonia
04-04-2004, 03:02
Reuters, February 12 2004, Samtonia City, Samtonia.
As of 12 Am this morning, the nation of Samtonia has entered a state of panic. At approxametely 9:30 on the night of April 2nd, a malicious code found its way into the computers of the Samtonian Stock Exchange's Main Computer Bank. Due to an error in programming, the backup files installed on the server crashed along with the main servers. This event caused the stock exchange to drop nearly 500 points in value this morning. At the same time, the recent firebombing of the Anjever Munitions plant by radical forces forced the closing today of one of the nation's greatest companies. Along with this alarming news, nearly $500 billion in funds have been proven to have been misplaced by the Samtonian national Bank Corps. Due to this, almost all of Samtonia's trading allies demanded an immediate payment of loans given to Samtonia. During the last war, these loans came to nearly $50 trillion dollars. Following the announcement by the leader of the Samtonian National bank, the value of Samtonia's national currency dropped to end at a trading rate of nearly 500 to one
American dollar. Faced with the sudden loss of all their money, protestors filled the streets of Samtonia's cities today. The government appears powerless to stop this crisis.
Protestors Marching on New Vanova, Samtonia's fourth-largest city.
Images taken outside the Bank of Samtonmia headquarters, Samtonia City.
Riots which are taking place in Densmer, the capitol of the province of Klingdorn.
Sicrat sympathizes with your situation, Samtonia. Sicrat is willing to provide a very generous capital infusion into your government, in exchange for some of your Automotive industry's assests.
04-04-2004, 03:30
"The Empire, if Samtonia is willing, can deploy 100,000 peacekeepers (from reserve units) to Samtonia in order to try and help keep the peace. Also, the Empire is going to buy stock of Samtonian companies using last recorded prices in order to attempt to restart the economy"
-Economic Minister Ronald Stewart
OOC: What I am actualy doing is trying to buy off all companies in your nation, and give them to my own companies. I am using this to my advantage.
04-04-2004, 03:33
"Nimzonia sympathises with the situation of Samtonia; to have so many economic catastrophes at once is the utmost in bad luck. However, we have our own concerns that limit the amount of aid we are able to give.
We will however, make a significat financial donation, on the condition that you sell to Nimzonia a piece of coastal territory, preferably sparsely or unoccupied with agricultural potential, with an area of 10,000 to 20,000 square miles (OOC: 20k square miles = roughly the size of wales). While some may consider such an offer mercenary, our own economy is prone to occasional depressions, and it would not be prudent of us to make significant inroads into the treasury without reasonable compensation."
Dr Erik Mennstein
Nimzonian Foreign Secretary.
OOC: This post, of course, assumes you have coastal territory. Ignore it if you're landlocked.
"We condemn the capitalistic and exploitative practices of the government of Samtonia. What do you expect if you build your nation on greed and corruption? This economic crash is yet another example of the failure of capitalism to meet the needs of a modern society. However, all hope is not yet lost for the people of Samtonia. By order of his Imperial Majesty, Erik von Blatterschplitt, forty-five billion dollars in targetted aid are being deployed to Edolian economic agents within Samtonia. They are currently in the process of purchasing the stock of some of Samtonia's major corporations. This is for the benefit of the people. With Edolian help, the Samtonian economy will be back up and running in no time."
Wang Xiaoping
Minister of Economics
Communique to the Fluffywuffian government:
"Although we are aware that our governments have had tense relations recently, we believe that it is to our mutual advantage not to squabble over the economic rights to Samtonia. If we are to split our economic endeavors and take control of different sectors of the Samtonian economy, we can both benefit."
Wang Xiaoping
Minister of Economics
<<OOC: Samtonia: What are your major industries?>>
Military Mercenaries
04-04-2004, 03:40
The Military Dictatorship Of Military Mercenaries also sympathizes with your bad situation. Military Mercenaries is willing to send over 5000 of its Elite Russian Mercenaries, since they need some practice in live combat, to hunt down and kill the leaders of these "radicals". In return we would also like to have some of your Automotive industry's assests.
04-04-2004, 03:48
OOC: I thought I removed myself from the whole war thing in Allanea in one of those posts. I forget exactly which one of those it was, but in the end I posted somewhere I removed all of my troops to call for peace. Some thing like, "if we dont want war, why are we sending troops to the crisis? To support peace, we are withdrawing"
Completly off topic: The United Di'Agwan Empire of Fluffywuffy is a massive, economically powerful nation, renowned for its strong anti-business politics.
The United Di'Agwan Empire of Fluffywuffy is a massive, socially progressive nation, notable for its complete absence of social welfare.
Transmission to the Edölian government:
"I, with the Empire behind me, feel that that is a good idea. The Empire endeavors to control computer, media, utility (waterworks, power, etc.), and transportation (as in taxis, buses, trains, airlines, etc.) companies.
That is all we wish to control, and the rest we will leave for you, or anyone else, to take control over. I personally feel that these industries would not be wanted by Edölia, but I have said them to avoid any competition. These sectors we have invested in heavily by now."
-Economic Minister Ronald Stewart
04-04-2004, 04:13
Reuters, March 4th 2004.
The economic crisis in Samtonia has worsened. Due to the efforts of foregin companies to buy out Samtonian corporations, the Samtonian stock exchange hass been closed indefinately. Meanwhile, President Samuel Irwin attempted to appeal to Samtonian citizens to help Samtonia get through this crisis. An excerpt from the president's speech showed how much the Samtonian economy continues to fall. "My fellow Samtonians! Though we are being hit hard in these times of woe, we must stick together! It is my hope we can stabalize the currency as soon as possible!"
The Samtonian Mahi-Mahi continued to fall, to end at 10,000 to one American dollar at the end of today. Many political analysits say that these figures could hurt Irwin in this month's upcoming election.
Newspaper article, National Samtonian Times
The up and coming National Samtonian Worker's Party has begun to gain momenteum in the last few days. Though support lagged for the party for a while, they are back in the spotlight as a party that can help save Samtonia from her troubles. The head of the party, Adolphus Hessler, was quoted from a speech as saying this. "Samtonians! We must stop this rapid downturn! It is a sign the weak government is failing! It is a sign that the Hindus are conspiring against Samtonia! And it is a sign that you, as patriotic Samtonians, must elect our weak and foolish leaders out of office!" At this point, the crowd of around 2,000 lept to their feet, arms outstreched, screaming "Hail Hessler!" and "Up with the National Workers Party!" at the tops of their lungs. Hessler, whom many remeber as part of the failed Mansteiner Putsch a few years ago, energized the crowd and certainly improved his favor with voters, whom he hopes will carry him on to the presidency in the coming weeks. The NSWP has certainly gained followers in the last few weeks, and the Congressional numbers support this. Over 1/3 of the Senate is now directly controlled by the National Socialists. Hessler hopes that this strong showing of support will help advance his political career as well the the party's fortunes.
04-04-2004, 04:15
OOC: Sounds alot like Germany and Hitler....
OOC: Hmm... Hessler huh?
:roll: ROFL
"We condemn the actions of the Samtonian government and their closing of the stock exchanges. A large influx of foreign money would benefit the Samtonian people greatly and provide the much-needed jobs that the economy requires."
Wang Xiaoping
Minister of Economics