War with Zoogie(Closed RP, no future shit)
Apple Zer0
03-04-2004, 20:36
New thread for the war.
Okay. I'm in the Legion of Defence (LoD) with the Zoogie People. In fact, I'm the founder of the LoD. I must point out a major flaw:
What is the storyline? Why are you declaring war?
Otherwise, you'll be labeled a n00b.
Apple Zer0
03-04-2004, 20:41
Okay. I'm in the Legion of Defence (LoD) with the Zoogie People. In fact, I'm the founder of the LoD. I must point out a major flaw:
What is the storyline? Why are you declaring war?
Otherwise, you'll be labeled a n00b.
United Elias
03-04-2004, 20:42
Another n00b learning the hard way :roll:
*grabs popcorn and gets front row seat*
Unum Veritas
03-04-2004, 20:42
Nakaland, I was just reading through one of the other threads from this war. This guy's idea of an RP was quite literally, "I launch 85 cruise missiles as a counter attack...post losses."
He's not even creative enough to come up with a specific type of cruise missile, much less an entire storyline. If I were Zoogie I would have ignored him already based simply on his lack of understanding as to what the word "roleplay" means.
The Zoogie People
03-04-2004, 20:43
Apple Zer0 has launched 85 cruise missiles at The Zoogie People in retaliation for 72 cruise missiles which we launched at their highest priority air and army bases. Most of these were intercepted but some hit.
Two Type 45 destroyers were destroyed, as well as several dry docks for military supplies. Three Sarancha-class hydrofoils were also destroyed. Two training camps were greatly damaged, and seventy were killed, with more injured. In air force bases, supply shelters were destroyed, and hardened HAS holding F-22s were also eliminated. Finally, three radar installations were damaged greatly.
Apple Zer0 basically threatened the lives of our citizens and our allie's citizens with death. They also DEMANDED us pay the citizens for leave. These demands we will not bow to. After paying for the safe passage, we noted that Raysia and Watertest's citizens would be executed in five minutes. Taking immediate action, we launched 72 cruise missiles from AC-240 (previously activated) as a stern warning.
The one hairy thing about the situation? Our cruise missiles killed 5000 civilians. He seems to have 5000 civilians in his highest priority military camps and air force bases. Beyond me - our intel SHOULD HAVE known this, but since he insists, I'll let this go by.
03-04-2004, 20:44
Dontgonearthere will support Zoogie people with logistical and behind-the-lines aide, as well as allowing a %20 War Discount at the GLACORP store.
IF any DGNT cargo planes, trucks or ships are attacked it will be construed as an act of war on Dontgonearthere and we will feel free to initiate a futureistic ass whooping on you.
Consider yourself warned.
Fair warning, its your own fault if you attack me and force my hand. If you dont, I wont bother you directly.
All logistical tech I have (except offworld) is modern. The only major differnce is that I can afford to make my trucks look cool and add standard seatwarmers.
A number of the huge Dontgonearthereian cargo planes rumbled out onto the runway. Most were quite empty, but a number contained special 'gifts' for the Zoogie Peoples government. Cargos of new GC-11 Assault Rifles, PAAR Rocket launchers, MREs and other goodies.
The Zoogie People
03-04-2004, 20:44
Apple Zer0 has launched 85 cruise missiles at The Zoogie People in retaliation for 72 cruise missiles which we launched at their highest priority air and army bases. Most of these were intercepted but some hit.
Two Type 45 destroyers were destroyed, as well as several dry docks for military supplies. Three Sarancha-class hydrofoils were also destroyed. Two training camps were greatly damaged, and seventy were killed, with more injured. In air force bases, supply shelters were destroyed, and hardened HAS holding F-22s were also eliminated. Finally, three radar installations were damaged greatly.
Apple Zer0 basically threatened the lives of our citizens and our allie's citizens with death. They also DEMANDED us pay the citizens for leave. These demands we will not bow to. After paying for the safe passage, we noted that Raysia and Watertest's citizens would be executed in five minutes. Taking immediate action, we launched 72 cruise missiles from AC-240 (previously activated) as a stern warning.
The one hairy thing about the situation? Our cruise missiles killed 5000 civilians. He seems to have 5000 civilians in his highest priority military camps and air force bases. Beyond me - our intel SHOULD HAVE known this, but since he insists, I'll let this go by.
The Zoogie People
03-04-2004, 20:46
GAAAAAH Triple Post!
Anyways, thank you to DGNT and others who have supported me in this matter. Here is a map.
Unum Veritas, I'm not going to ignore him yet, as he doesn't really seem like a n00b...although that attack was poorly RP'd.
This map is a very crude map, and I didn't get to look at the official map of Zoogiedom I have drawn somewhere...the basics are correct although it's rather choppy.
For those of you who have embassies in my nation, Methel Minor is the islands (there should be a few other small ones there) on the Southwestern coast of Zoogiedom.
The three large islands in front are mostly militarized - there are several cities and towns, but not many. It is militarized because it is an excellent ship trading point, and drop-off point for deploying soldiers.
North of me is Drizzts Army (I believe) and South of me is Penguisiana. A little west of Penguisiana is Matterbuggy, and directly east of me is the nation of Thatcher-Borisland. I am the easternmost point on The Zoogie Isles, and from there large expanses of rich sea lay, with no nations for a great distance....
The Fatimid caliph sends his extreme support for Zoogiedom. We have our own score to settle with Apple Zero after out current Egyptian Question is solved. The Caliph, as nominal head of all Islam, calls on any true Muslims in countries surrounding or in AZ to strike the supply lines, troops, and military installations in the country.
Rest assured, the great traitor will be dealt with following our resolution of the war/problem in Egypt.
Apple Zer0
03-04-2004, 20:55
The invasion force has left dock and should arrive in about an hour(RLT) meanwhile 23 F/A-18 Hornets have takin off with 5 B-2's follwing for a bomb drop on a naval port were the invasion force will be landing. The B-2's are carrying 1 100 ton bombs each and the Hornets are carrying Stinger Missiles and Sidewinders.
OOC: Right now I'm keeping it simple because I have to go soon. When I get back I'll be allot more detailed in the RP.
03-04-2004, 21:00
penguisiana is deploying the following to Zoogie waters:
1 nimitz class stocked with shiny penguin-33
1 nimitz class stocked with penguin-29
1 nimitc class stocked with equal penguin-26 and FB-12
5 mercy class med. ships
5 sea wolf subs
10 manta fast attack mini subs
25 type-45 destroyers
10 type-23 destroyers
25 lance
5 commanding proto-type ships
*PM-9 variations on board*
*150 AGSS Defense System onboard*
also several hunder 1 nimitz class stocked with shiny penguin-33
1 nimitz class stocked with penguin-29
1 nimitc class stocked with equal penguin-26 and FB-12
5 mercy class med. ships
5 sea wolf subs
10 manta fast attack mini subs
25 type-45 destroyers
10 type-23 destroyers
25 lance
5 commanding proto-type ships
*PM-9 variations on board*
*150 AGSS Defense System onboard*
also several hunderd 1 nimitz class stocked with shiny penguin-33
1 nimitz class stocked with penguin-29
1 nimitc class stocked with equal penguin-26 and FB-12
5 mercy class med. ships
5 sea wolf subs
10 manta fast attack mini subs
25 type-45 destroyers
10 type-23 destroyers
25 lance
5 commanding proto-type ships
*PM-9 variations on board*
*150 AGSS Defense System onboard*
also several hunderd 1 nimitz class stocked with shiny penguin-33
1 nimitz class stocked with penguin-29
1 nimitc class stocked with equal penguin-26 and FB-12
5 mercy class med. ships
5 sea wolf subs
10 manta fast attack mini subs
25 type-45 destroyers
10 type-23 destroyers
25 lance
5 commanding proto-type ships
*PM-9 variations on board*
*150 AGSS Defense System onboard*
also several hunderd agss are set up in inner coasts.
03-04-2004, 21:02
Since when can a B-2 carry 1,000 tons? Now your aircraft Zer0, I can't believe you said that.
Apple Zer0
03-04-2004, 21:03
Since when can a B-2 carry 1,000 tons? Now your aircraft Zer0, I can't believe you said that.
sorry added an extra zer0
The Zoogie People
03-04-2004, 21:04
OOC: Sorry, my typing is horrendous today. Ten ton bombs? Still large, but within reason. Okay.
"They'll be coming at us with stealth bombers, sir," said Miltary Advisor Eric Terrance, on the joint military camp in the Middle of the Tree Islands. "It is critical that we intercept these."
"Very well. Are the fleets of the Three Islands deployed?"
"Yes sir."
"Are the Three Islands Defense Forces ready?"
"Yes sir."
"Good. Are the patrols up?"
"Yes sir."
"Very well. Look for radar. Look for the escorts, more specifically. And look for the radar scans - even stealth bombers can be detected."
OOC: Three Islands Defense Forces are specialized ships, such as very large carriers, submersed carriers (modern tech!), and just heavy vessels with lots of aircraft that would be a pain to get through .Battleships are in these fleets.
Three Islands Fleets - most of the fleets of the Navy dock in an around the three islands, although there are two other major harbours.
Question: Does AZ really have a chance by just sending 1/5 of his military at you? Not exactly the greatest tactical genius....
03-04-2004, 21:07
I believe that both sides are showing too much aggression. I would like to allow a Peace-talk Convention in the Jarridian capital of Shelbin. If there is an expressed interest in this please post and allow me time to prepare. Otherwise I will send peace-keeping forces into the region.
-President Branam of Jarridia
Apple Zer0
03-04-2004, 21:07
All defense sysytems in my nation have been alerted on pending strikes from Zoogie forces. Civilians are being massed in high priorty military bases to maybe ease the bombing raids on them a bit.
03-04-2004, 21:08
The Shogunate of Tomzilla is sending military help to Zoogiedom to stop any more missle attacks. Any more missle attacks on Zoogiedom will cause Tomzilla to declare war on Apple Zer0.
Apple Zer0
03-04-2004, 21:12
Another n00b learning the hard way :roll:
*grabs popcorn and gets front row seat*
A noob can also be someone who posts on a thread when he/she can see it says "open only to those involved."
The Zoogie People
03-04-2004, 21:14
The Fatimid caliph sends his extreme support for Zoogiedom. We have our own score to settle with Apple Zero after out current Egyptian Question is solved. The Caliph, as nominal head of all Islam, calls on any true Muslims in countries surrounding or in AZ to strike the supply lines, troops, and military installations in the country.
Rest assured, the great traitor will be dealt with following our resolution of the war/problem in Egypt.
We thank you for your support. By the way, you wouldn't have any alive citizens in AZ...he just did 'ethnic cleansing,' which is what resulted in my cruise missile strike on him.
The Zoogie People
03-04-2004, 21:15
The Shogunate of Tomzilla is sending military help to Zoogiedom to stop any more missle attacks. Any more missle attacks on Zoogiedom will cause Tomzilla to declare war on Apple Zer0.
Thank you as well.
03-04-2004, 21:15
Ummm... Apple zer0, i have one question, why in the heck are you attacking a nation over 3 MONTHS OLDER than you? Zoogie, let me know if you need help, and try using meterology to find the stealth aircraft, their precencse creates turbulence, In other words a way to find them {pardon my typing errors}
03-04-2004, 21:16
I guess I'll take my proposed peace-talks as a definite no from both sides then?
Apple Zer0
03-04-2004, 21:17
I guess I'll take my proposed peace-talks as a definite no from both sides then?
I'll talk peace if Zoogie pays for damage from his Missile Strike. I'll also pay for mine.
The Zoogie People
03-04-2004, 21:17
Sorry, Jarrida, didn't see your post. Peace talks are acceptable - I am no longer using any aggression, just bracing myself for invasion.
QUOTE: (Apple)
All defense sysytems in my nation have been alerted on pending strikes from Zoogie forces. Civilians are being massed in high priorty military bases to maybe ease the bombing raids on them a bit.
We are not striking you. Do not be foolish. Bombing raids on you, when we know you have citizens within your military? We have more sense than that now we know to what cowardly lengths you will go to save your military's ass.
Illior, we appreciate your offer. We're not in particular need of help, but if you want to help defend, feel free. We're using all available methods to detect them - including meteorology.
03-04-2004, 21:18
I'll post a thread for peace
03-04-2004, 21:18
penguisiana likes to attend, but then again I wanna test out my new stuff
03-04-2004, 21:18
I guess I'll take my proposed peace-talks as a definite no from both sides then? peace talks are a good idea, they do end up working, i hosted one w/ Muktar and the others attacking him and it did result in peace, if both sides agree to peace talks, i can send a carrier that will host em' and Jarrida, you can mediate.
OOC: You know as well as me that I am involved in a war of revenge on your treacherous ways. If it is done hand in hand with the Zoogie people, then all the better!
IC With the ceasing of hostilities in the Sinai, it is no longer nessesary to have huge reserves ready to replace massive battlefield casualties. As such, the full complement of Fatimid Daylami military might is being brought to bear against Apple Zero.
Mobilization: 4.2 million men, 4200 MBTs, 20 Destroyers, 20 Cruisers, 20 Submarines (electric), 40 Patrol Boats, 8 Carriers.
The target? Apple Zero itself!
Zoogie, I have my own reason for war with AZ. He had a very sizable force supporting me in a war and then withdrew it and attacked me. The crime will not go unpunished.
03-04-2004, 21:20
DAYlam penguisiana wishes you don't invade apple yet. we are talking about a peace conference and an attack would only lead to innessesary deaths. please do not attack
The Zoogie People
03-04-2004, 21:21
5000 Civilians
672 Troops
34 Tanks
76 Aircraft(6 Civilian)
5,000 Gallons of oil buring
1 Oil Tanker
I will not pay for these damages for peace. I will reimburse the familes of those civilians, compensating them for your military's sheer cowardice. What a ploy, hiding your military among your civilians, so that missile strikes on your country will kill seven times more civilians than soldiers!
We do not wish you to pay for your strikes yet. We are awaiting your invasion, if it comes.
Our conditions for peace is the unconditional surrender of Apple and a new government being instated, as this administration has some problems.
Apple Zer0
03-04-2004, 21:22
5000 Civilians
672 Troops
34 Tanks
76 Aircraft(6 Civilian)
5,000 Gallons of oil buring
1 Oil Tanker
I will not pay for these damages for peace. I will reimburse the familes of those civilians, compensating them for your military's sheer cowardice. What a ploy, hiding your military among your civilians, so that missile strikes on your country will kill seven times more civilians than soldiers!
We do not wish you to pay for your strikes yet. We are awaiting your invasion, if it comes.
Our conditions for peace is the unconditional surrender of Apple and a new government being instated, as this administration has some problems.
Pay for oil losses or I'll blow off any chance of peace talks.
The Zoogie People
03-04-2004, 21:23
Daylam, you know that would take an awful long time to moibilize right? Oh well, that's okay. Right now, I'm only gearing up for defense. You have a separate grudge - if you wish to attack, it is your wish, and we shall not interfere. We have already attacked and may assist you, although we warn that their citizens are mingled with their military.
03-04-2004, 21:24
an illiorian carrier battlegroup is on the way to international waters near Zoogie where all nations are invited to join a peace talk(jarridia, your still welcome to mediatte)
Apple Zer0
03-04-2004, 21:24
The invasion force has been called off and so has the air strikes though they will start again in 30 minutes if payment for oil losses is not met.
Terms for Peace: Restructuring of AZ government, AZ disarmament, war debt of 50 Billion USD for the betrayal and invasion of Fatimid sovereignty.
The invasion fleet will continue on its way. The traitor will be dealt with. The enemy crushed. Commander of Operation Al-Din is Jamali Gidr.
03-04-2004, 21:25
don't payu for the oil... noooooooo don't pay
03-04-2004, 21:27
The carrier battle group will not fire unless they are fired upon, and PLEASE go to the peace talks first
The Zoogie People
03-04-2004, 21:27
Oil losses? We are unaware we targeted them (but I'll let it slide) and even so, the oil losses were aimed to cripple your military in deployment. We shall not pay for them. Are we mad? Pay to the government that is invading us, to help their military which should not be under their control?
Your citizens are aided because they are citizens. They are being payed directly, not through your untrustworthy government.
Peace Talks are still acceptable. You heard our terms. You may negotiate for lighter ones if you wish.
President William Ciel announced today that he has raised defense spending to 16.3% of the budget this fiscal year, up from 10.8%, in light of the recent series of military operations.
"These are turbulent times," he said. "With the situation in the Anti Terror Army, our recent unfortunate losses in Hogsweat, and other escalating tensions, our military has to be able to rebuild itself and maintain itself. We must be ready for anything."
03-04-2004, 21:29
WestUkraine, an ally of The Zoogie People, will involve itself in this situation. We are mobilizing our military personnel. We urge you to stand down, Apple Zer0. The Cruiser Missiles fired upon you were justified, for acts of ethnic cleansing.
The Zoogie People
03-04-2004, 21:29
Peace talks. We will attend peace talks, but will make it clear right now that we will not pay the current government of Apple Zero.
We welcome the support of WestUkraine, a good ally of The Zoogie People...we are glad to see that our allies answer the call for aid we gave out thirty minutes ago.
03-04-2004, 21:30
peace talks have been moved to jarridia
Apple Zer0
03-04-2004, 21:31
I will surneder to Zoogie but the government shall stay. These are my final words. Take the surrnder or war will come. I will not replace the government.
03-04-2004, 21:34
The government of Tomzilla is sending Foriegn Minister Hiyru Naguma to the peace talks in Jarridia. How he is getting there is censored because we don't want him to be killed inadvertently by a missle.
The Zoogie People
03-04-2004, 21:34
You realize what will happen, do you? If you surrender, we will move in to strip your government of the power. We asked for unconditional surrender. But never mind this. There is a separate thread now for peace talks where this will be discussed. We are not accepting communications IC from you except in those peace talks.
If the violence persists, I will mobilize my Second Assault Corp to stop Apple Zero.
First Assault Corp
Location: Port Nanaka
Status: Mobilizing
16,000 Elite Special Forces
32,000 Special Forces
320,000 Commandos
150 Nanakan Assault Tanks (NATs)
350 Nanakan Heavy Armored Tanks (NHATs)
500 Nanakan Light Armored Tanks (NLATs)
1,000 Advanced Nanakan Army Helicopters (ANAHs)
2,000 Standard Nanakan Army Helicopter IIIs (SNAH IIIs)
20,000 Nanakan Transport Vehicles (NTVs)
50 Bombers
125 Fighters
2 Aircraft Carriers
3 Dreadnaughts
5 Battleships
5 Minesweepers
7 Destroyers
8 Submarines
10 Personel Carriers
20 PT Boats
The Zoogie People
03-04-2004, 21:38
Zoogiedom thanks Nanakaland for their support...currently, the situation is calm...however, if peace talks break down, we will prepare for the worst.
Sorry I'm a bit late. I was having trouble copying and pasting the assault corp's stats. Wait. Wrong assault corp I posted stats for! :oops:
As the Caliphate begins to see its demands ignored in the peace talks, the gigantic Fatimid armada slowly moves closer to Apple Zero and its undefended shores. All soldiers on board eagerly seek revenge for their cowardly tactics, both in their dealings with Zoogiedom and their betrayal of an ally.
Apple Zer0
03-04-2004, 22:12
As the Caliphate begins to see its demands ignored in the peace talks, the gigantic Fatimid armada slowly moves closer to Apple Zero and its undefended shores. All soldiers on board eagerly seek revenge for their cowardly tactics, both in their dealings with Zoogiedom and their betrayal of an ally.
Trust me, my shores are defended.
That's interesting, considering that 40% of your military is away from home.
Apple Zer0
03-04-2004, 22:16
That's interesting, considering that 40% of your military is away from home.
No its not.
One million is threatening Zoogie, another million is threatening North Africa. If we use that magical thing called math, along with your own statement of having 5 million total forces, that is 40% of your military away from home.
Apple Zer0
03-04-2004, 22:19
One million is threatening Zoogie, another million is threatening North Africa. If we use that magical thing called math, along with your own statement of having 5 million total forces, that is 40% of your military away from home.
I never posted that I withdrew from LE. Read the thread you will see it says I'm withdrawing from Zoogie until peace talks are finished.
Oh, excuse me then, 20% of your military is gone, which is still less than the invasion fleet about to pound your shores should you refuse our kind offer.
Apple Zer0
03-04-2004, 22:23
Oh, excuse me then, 20% of your military is gone, which is still less than the invasion fleet about to pound your shores should you refuse our kind offer.
Where is that 20%?
03-04-2004, 22:24
north africa
One million is threatening Zoogie, another million is threatening North Africa. If we use that magical thing called math, along with your own statement of having 5 million total forces, that is 40% of your military away from home.
I never posted that I withdrew from LE. Read the thread you will see it says I'm withdrawing from Zoogie until peace talks are finished.
Allow me to quote this before one of your many convenient editing practices get to it.
03-04-2004, 22:26
2 of the fleets penguisiana sent to Zoogie People changed course and set off to apple. they will stop at the borders of their terrotory and provide medical aid to DAYLAM
Apple Zer0
03-04-2004, 22:26
north africa
NA=LE to me
03-04-2004, 22:27
The Republic of Tiborita, an ally of The Zoogie People through the NNA (OOC: Do we get to use our new name yet?) is currently monitering the situation. We hope both sides will be able to come to an agreement through the peace talks. After all, war is an abomination, and should be avoided at all costs. If the talks fail, however, the Republic of Tiborita will do all that is necessary to assure the sovereignty of The Zoogie People.
03-04-2004, 22:30
The 9th 10th and 3rd fleets have been mobilized for a possible invasion of Applezer0
The Zoogie People
03-04-2004, 22:40
Peace talks have broken down. As for the new name....don't know.
The Zoogie People
03-04-2004, 22:41
Peace talks have broken down. As for the new name....don't know.
03-04-2004, 22:45
just create a new thread called "the war on Apple Zer0" or sumthin' like that
The Zoogie People
03-04-2004, 22:48
It'll be on a separate forum, as this one is too slow except on weekends.
Would those involved please register to access the board in question.
03-04-2004, 22:50
keep it here... even if it is too slow... it will work better if it is here
The Zoogie People
03-04-2004, 22:53
03-04-2004, 22:53
Daylams almost blown him to bits so we're all too late :(
03-04-2004, 22:55
Daylam.....don't god mod!
03-04-2004, 22:56
A the forums working amazingly smooth today or it's just me?
03-04-2004, 22:57
Daylam.....don't god mod! that he didn't do, he's already invading him
The Zoogie People
03-04-2004, 22:57
They're smooth.
The one problem with this forum, though, is that there's too many threads to keep track of...
03-04-2004, 22:58
They're smooth.
The one problem with this forum, though, is that there's too many threads to keep track of...
just search your self and the thread will be on a list of threads you posted in
03-04-2004, 23:01
So... let's not rush things, there is no need for it, he has less than 300 million people, I could take him on my own. Lets stop this madness and start planning already.
Apple Zer0
03-04-2004, 23:02
So... let's not rush things, there is no need for it, he has less than 300 million people, I could take him on my own. Lets stop this madness and start planning already.
Why does everyone think numbers win a war? I'm almost scared to see one of you guys as president someday.
03-04-2004, 23:03
So... let's not rush things, there is no need for it, he has less than 300 million people, I could take him on my own. Lets stop this madness and start planning already.
all we need to plan is the security of AO and how to occupy it, daylam's already invading now... i have 3 fleets sailing as follow up into international waters outside of AO now
The Zoogie People
03-04-2004, 23:07
"Okay, then we shall plan..." Hudson said. "We have word that their invasion of Zoogiedom will continue. We are bracing ourselves for invasion, and he will have the toughest time getting through. Air patrols are constant - first priority for us, establish air superiority. Next, eliminate his ships via air strikes before they reach ours. Fleets are now lining up to form a barrier to the Three Islands area, where there are more defenses. As for the offensive..."
03-04-2004, 23:19
Why does everyone think numbers win a war? I'm almost scared to see one of you guys as president someday.
I'm not thinking only numbers, I'm thinking economy, armed forces organization, the motivation of my people, and the fact that what I have seen you RPing is anything but good.
all we need to plan is the security of AO and how to occupy it, daylam's already invading now... i have 3 fleets sailing as follow up into international waters outside of AO now
With the ammount of forces we can gather and the strength of our alliances we could virtually siege his nation, there is no need for direct attack as first choice.
"Okay, then we shall plan..." Hudson said. "We have word that their invasion of Zoogiedom will continue. We are bracing ourselves for invasion, and he will have the toughest time getting through. Air patrols are constant - first priority for us, establish air superiority. Next, eliminate his ships via air strikes before they reach ours. Fleets are now lining up to form a barrier to the Three Islands area, where there are more defenses. As for the offensive..."
OOC: Invasion eh? Redmire has dispatched about 2,000 Chinooks to help evacuate some civilians out of the zoogie isles, theyll be safe in redmire promise.
04-04-2004, 00:07
Why does everyone think numbers win a war? I'm almost scared to see one of you guys as president someday.
I'm not thinking only numbers, I'm thinking economy, armed forces organization, the motivation of my people, and the fact that what I have seen you RPing is anything but good.
all we need to plan is the security of AO and how to occupy it, daylam's already invading now... i have 3 fleets sailing as follow up into international waters outside of AO now
With the ammount of forces we can gather and the strength of our alliances we could virtually siege his nation, there is no need for direct attack as first choice.
no, he alredy invaded him a while ago, so now, we go into rebuilding
My armies have withdrawn from AZ to take on Jarridia (who are the same person), so the country is in chaos. I expect looting, etc. unless somebody's armed forces get their fast.
Redmire dispatches Modified F-16 Falcons dubbed "Stukas" because of the sirens on the bottom. We will begin air patrols around zoogie isles.
And guess whos comin to the zoogie isles! The one and only, best general/Leader of Redmire Homestar!
Homestar: Apple zewo? what does that mean?
BUMP something wte that means
And as my first attack, i have equipped the orbital cannon with some Potassium Chloride Bombs and have left all of apple zeros water supplies useless.
04-04-2004, 00:18
My armies have withdrawn from AZ to take on Jarridia (who are the same person), so the country is in chaos. I expect looting, etc. unless somebody's armed forces get their fast.
Yhank god my fleet was under way, is there any military resistance left? and i guess an invasion is still possible.
my forces near the Apple Zer0
2 carrier battle groups
each carrier battle group cosists of
2 Illian class aircraft carriers
100 F-35s
1 iowa class battle ship
3 oliver hazard perry frigates
2 seawolf subs
5 acryn class attack subs
2 spruance destroyers
1 aegis class frigate
1 marine landing group
10 assorted large troop transports carrying a total of 1900 marines
3 assorted destroyers
3Lyru class assault carriers
94 assorted helo's
My armies have withdrawn from AZ to take on Jarridia (who are the same person), so the country is in chaos. I expect looting, etc. unless somebody's armed forces get their fast.
Yhank god my fleet was under way, is there any military resistance left? and i guess an invasion is still possible.
my forces near the Apple Zer0
2 carrier battle groups
each carrier battle group cosists of
2 Illian class aircraft carriers
100 F-35s
1 iowa class battle ship
3 oliver hazard perry frigates
2 seawolf subs
5 acryn class attack subs
2 spruance destroyers
1 aegis class frigate
1 marine landing group
10 assorted large troop transports carrying a total of 1900 marines
3 assorted destroyers
3Lyru class assault carriers
94 assorted helo's
Would you like submarine Support?
The military resistance around the western shore and capital was crushed, the rest of the country is probably in anarchy until something gets there. I have avenged myself on Apple Zero, and my forces are needed to combat him in his latest guise of Jarridia.
04-04-2004, 02:21
Nanakaland, sure if you want to send ships to my rally point off the coast sure. and send a liason team to Alcrov Island of the coast of illior to help coordinate things
same to you redmire
Is this good enough?
First Assault Corp
Location: Port Nanaka
Status: Mobilizing
16,000 Elite Special Forces
32,000 Special Forces
320,000 Commandos
150 Nanakan Assault Tanks (NATs)
350 Nanakan Heavy Armored Tanks (NHATs)
500 Nanakan Light Armored Tanks (NLATs)
1,000 Advanced Nanakan Army Helicopters (ANAHs)
2,000 Standard Nanakan Army Helicopter IIIs (SNAH IIIs)
20,000 Nanakan Transport Vehicles (NTVs)
50 Bombers
125 Fighters
2 Aircraft Carriers
3 Dreadnaughts
5 Battleships
5 Minesweepers
7 Destroyers
8 Submarines
10 Personel Carriers
20 PT Boats
04-04-2004, 02:26
hell yeah, if you want, nana you kan start the attack thread... somthing i'm not good at, and send the bombers to hit the missle silos and military bases within AZ
04-04-2004, 02:29
I have avenged myself on Apple Zero, and my forces are needed to combat him in his latest guise of Jarridia.
(OOC) Your justification in this matter is rather murky. Could you provide any justification for this? (Note: I've already read your preliminary accusation that A0=Jarridia and have found the argument weak.)