03-04-2004, 18:46
The logo of the Avadrian Royal Broadcasting Corporation came up on the television screen. It immediatly cut to the image of a slightly weathered looking man with brown hair, dressed in a tan suit and a black tie. "I'm Erich Valbrum sitting in for Alva Lensen." He said. The man turned to the appropriate camera. "We have late breaking news, that today at six a.m. in a unnamed location within downtown Rial, Avadrian Special Police located the terrorists who had assasinated the late Emperor." A video of the action came up on the screen. "The ASP dispatch was engaged in a breif firefight with the terroists, but they were immediately subdued with no casualties amongst the ASP unit. Further investigation is going on within the building, in hopes of generating any leads to other terror plots or organizations." He turned to the camera. "More information on this story as it develops. I'm Erich Valbrum, ARBC News, Rial."