NationStates Jolt Archive

April Fools Day Banned In TIF

01-04-2004, 17:39
The barbaric practice of April Fools Day has been completely removed from The Iron Fragment. While most of the droid populace's AI is too low to give them the gift of pranking, and while the more sentient programs are too smart to concentrate on petty foolery, junk mail is a severe problem. While the supercomputer and the A0-programs are so advanced that a few thousand jokes in their e-mail won't slow them down, the slightly less advanced sentient programs are having trouble operating with constant pranks stuffing their connections. Due to this reason, any e-mail containing the words April and Fools, even if not in the same sentence, will be deleted and further mail from the sender will be banned. This is only for the well-being of The Fragment's droids.

OOC: This is also my little retaliation to April Fools Day. Having suffered a very mean prank in our school of our class winning a smoke-free contest, it was NOT a pleasant surprise to see my population having plummeted to 5 mil. I have and always will hate April Fools Day with the bottom of my heart, so now I know that I'll never log in again on that accursed day. That being said, I suppose it's fittingly ironic to say, have a nice day! :wink:
01-04-2004, 18:21
The benevolent leader of Rebeland has deemed this to be preposterous. First of all, if the populace is predominantly AI, they aren't REALLY your populace. To state your population, you are connoting human existence. Second, April Fools isn't a nationally recognized holiday, it is an act of youthful exuberence that developed into an unprecedented representation of juvenility.
01-04-2004, 18:22
I agree. I think that it was not very funny.
01-04-2004, 19:16
Let me point you out, if an object with AI was not counted as a member of the populace, our population would rank at 0. With the leading personnel himself owning an exabyte of memory, half of that is devoted to care of the droids that make up the people of the Fragment, and his closest advisors, the A0-programs (OOC: Named after the serial numbers of the first five Metal Gear RAYs :wink: ), totally agree with him. To mock a droid to a more intelligible member of the Fragment would be to mock humanity towards a political figure in a human society. But we are a peaceful coalition, and will let your scathing racism pass, since you were obviously not induced towards the structure of our fair nation, and were not thinking of what we actually were.
And on the subject of this April Foolsery, if it is not a/n (inter)national holiday, then what right do you have to condemn how we deal with it? Do you think the leading programs enjoy countless junk mail slowing their working rate. It would be like momentarily shutting off a part of a human's brain. Although humans might consider April Fools a fine pastime, and we will not interfere with other nations' holidays/pastimes, we will make sure they do not interfere with us. But again, we let your comments pass with a heart handshake, for you had no idea of the Fragment structure and it's intricacies. A good day to you.