NationStates Jolt Archive

The Siege of Minas Tirith [Open RP]

01-04-2004, 09:15
OOC: This is an RP of the siege of Minas Tirith, though not necessariyl following the exact storyline. It's mainly between Kihameria and I, but if you want to join it should be ok.


The days were drawing ever darker, and the nights were stretching into the morning. The shadow that had come over Middle-Earth was slowly covering it's entire expanse, and the light was slowly being devoured.

The Witch-King of Angmar; Leader of the Nazgúl; commander of Minas Morgul, sat in his throne deep within the mountain fortress of Minas Morgul, deep in thought. King Theoden, Son of Theodred, King of Rohan, had gathered all his forces, the Rohirrim, and was riding in haste to aid the Men of Gondor. The Beacons of Gondor had been lit, he'd observed. Why do these men even attempt to assail the forces of the Red Eye? Do they not see the forces that are marching to assail them?. The sheer pointlessness of their last stand had astounded him. He could not understand why they wished to stand the full might of Sauron.

The Men of Gondor had been fighting with the Orcs to occupy Osgiliath, Gondor's river stronghold. However valiant their fighting was, however many Orcs they were able to slay, they would only be greeted with more reinforcements from Minas Morgul.

Rising from his throne, the Witch-King let out a cold, shrill shriek, in the long forgotten tongue of the Nazgúl. His call was answered 8 times; each of the Nazgúl had replied. Dark, ominous figures began drawing out of the shadows. They were marvellous figures, taller than men, darker than night, colder than snow. Each had their sword drawn and were holding it infront of them, ready to deal a vicious strike.

In the tongue of the Nazgúl, the Witch-King told his Riders: We will fly to Osgiliath, and ward off the Men, and slay their Captain. We must fly swiftly, for the Orcs are incompetent beyong measure. Let us go.. Followed by more shrieking, the Nine boarded their hideous winged-steeds, beasts of Morgoth, long forgotten by the world, and made haste to Osgiliath, calling out their horrible cries as they left the Morgul Vale, quicker than the wind and darker than the night.
02-04-2004, 01:20
ooc-take the bad guys...thanks alot...(sarcastically speaking.)

*Aragorn,Legolas and Gimli,an unlikely bunch of a Human,Elven and Dwarven folks,were good friends,they had been through many challenges,but many layed ahead,the Siege of Helms Deep was a challenge,but it paled in comparison to Minas Tirith,the capital city of Gondor,a massive siege was needed to breach the seven-layerd city,a siege that could only be launched by Mordor, Rohan would send aid,but it would take tiem to assemble,at least six-thousand of the Rohirrim riders,a legend,quite possibly the best riders in all of middle-earth,they moved with speed and agility,but assembly took time,unlike the rabble of mindless orcs, the Rohirrim could not just be sent to overun the enemy.
the forces at Osgiliath where overwhelmed,a handfull of defenders versus an entire army of orcs,there was not chance of victory at all,the surviving forces were in a full retreat,thier leader,Faramir was hit by a poisoned orcish arrow and needed drastic medical attention,they fled as they could,on foot or horse,they just ran. the ageing king, Denethor, had seen through one of the Palintirs,one of the great seeing stones, Denethor cared about nothing but his Kingdom, he had seen the true long-lost king coming, Denethor himself wasnt a king,but a mere steward, he thought of himself as king,and any competition for the throne was not accepted, he was going mad,and the news of the death of his favored son, Boromir, had just caused him to get more and more crazy.*
02-04-2004, 01:20
ooc-take the bad guys...thanks alot...(sarcastically speaking.)

*Aragorn,Legolas and Gimli,an unlikely bunch of a Human,Elven and Dwarven folks,were good friends,they had been through many challenges,but many layed ahead,the Siege of Helms Deep was a challenge,but it paled in comparison to Minas Tirith,the capital city of Gondor,a massive siege was needed to breach the seven-layerd city,a siege that could only be launched by Mordor, Rohan would send aid,but it would take tiem to assemble,at least six-thousand of the Rohirrim riders,a legend,quite possibly the best riders in all of middle-earth,they moved with speed and agility,but assembly took time,unlike the rabble of mindless orcs, the Rohirrim could not just be sent to overun the enemy.
the forces at Osgiliath where overwhelmed,a handfull of defenders versus an entire army of orcs,there was not chance of victory at all,the surviving forces were in a full retreat,thier leader,Faramir was hit by a poisoned orcish arrow and needed drastic medical attention,they fled as they could,on foot or horse,they just ran. the ageing king, Denethor, had seen through one of the Palintirs,one of the great seeing stones, Denethor cared about nothing but his Kingdom, he had seen the true long-lost king coming, Denethor himself wasnt a king,but a mere steward, he thought of himself as king,and any competition for the throne was not accepted, he was going mad,and the news of the death of his favored son, Boromir, had just caused him to get more and more crazy.*
02-04-2004, 01:21
ooc-take the bad guys...thanks alot...(sarcastically speaking.)

*Aragorn,Legolas and Gimli,an unlikely bunch of a Human,Elven and Dwarven folks,were good friends,they had been through many challenges,but many layed ahead,the Siege of Helms Deep was a challenge,but it paled in comparison to Minas Tirith,the capital city of Gondor,a massive siege was needed to breach the seven-layerd city,a siege that could only be launched by Mordor, Rohan would send aid,but it would take tiem to assemble,at least six-thousand of the Rohirrim riders,a legend,quite possibly the best riders in all of middle-earth,they moved with speed and agility,but assembly took time,unlike the rabble of mindless orcs, the Rohirrim could not just be sent to overun the enemy.
the forces at Osgiliath where overwhelmed,a handfull of defenders versus an entire army of orcs,there was not chance of victory at all,the surviving forces were in a full retreat,thier leader,Faramir was hit by a poisoned orcish arrow and needed drastic medical attention,they fled as they could,on foot or horse,they just ran. the ageing king, Denethor, had seen through one of the Palintirs,one of the great seeing stones, Denethor cared about nothing but his Kingdom, he had seen the true long-lost king coming, Denethor himself wasnt a king,but a mere steward, he thought of himself as king,and any competition for the throne was not accepted, he was going mad,and the news of the death of his favored son, Boromir, had just caused him to get more and more crazy.*
02-04-2004, 01:21
ooc-take the bad guys...thanks alot...(sarcastically speaking.)

*Aragorn,Legolas and Gimli,an unlikely bunch of a Human,Elven and Dwarven folks,were good friends,they had been through many challenges,but many layed ahead,the Siege of Helms Deep was a challenge,but it paled in comparison to Minas Tirith,the capital city of Gondor,a massive siege was needed to breach the seven-layerd city,a siege that could only be launched by Mordor, Rohan would send aid,but it would take tiem to assemble,at least six-thousand of the Rohirrim riders,a legend,quite possibly the best riders in all of middle-earth,they moved with speed and agility,but assembly took time,unlike the rabble of mindless orcs, the Rohirrim could not just be sent to overun the enemy.
the forces at Osgiliath where overwhelmed,a handfull of defenders versus an entire army of orcs,there was not chance of victory at all,the surviving forces were in a full retreat,thier leader,Faramir was hit by a poisoned orcish arrow and needed drastic medical attention,they fled as they could,on foot or horse,they just ran. the ageing king, Denethor, had seen through one of the Palintirs,one of the great seeing stones, Denethor cared about nothing but his Kingdom, he had seen the true long-lost king coming, Denethor himself wasnt a king,but a mere steward, he thought of himself as king,and any competition for the throne was not accepted, he was going mad,and the news of the death of his favored son, Boromir, had just caused him to get more and more crazy.*
02-04-2004, 01:21
ooc-take the bad guys...thanks alot...(sarcastically speaking.)

*Aragorn,Legolas and Gimli,an unlikely bunch of a Human,Elven and Dwarven folks,were good friends,they had been through many challenges,but many layed ahead,the Siege of Helms Deep was a challenge,but it paled in comparison to Minas Tirith,the capital city of Gondor,a massive siege was needed to breach the seven-layerd city,a siege that could only be launched by Mordor, Rohan would send aid,but it would take tiem to assemble,at least six-thousand of the Rohirrim riders,a legend,quite possibly the best riders in all of middle-earth,they moved with speed and agility,but assembly took time,unlike the rabble of mindless orcs, the Rohirrim could not just be sent to overun the enemy.
the forces at Osgiliath where overwhelmed,a handfull of defenders versus an entire army of orcs,there was not chance of victory at all,the surviving forces were in a full retreat,thier leader,Faramir was hit by a poisoned orcish arrow and needed drastic medical attention,they fled as they could,on foot or horse,they just ran. the ageing king, Denethor, had seen through one of the Palintirs,one of the great seeing stones, Denethor cared about nothing but his Kingdom, he had seen the true long-lost king coming, Denethor himself wasnt a king,but a mere steward, he thought of himself as king,and any competition for the throne was not accepted, he was going mad,and the news of the death of his favored son, Boromir, had just caused him to get more and more crazy.*
02-04-2004, 04:56
Rushing through the clouds, high above the fields of Pelennor, the Nazgúl let out a bone-chilling screech, as a feeling of despair fell upon the land. Diving through the clouds, the Nazgúl came within sight of Osgiliath, the old stronghold of Gondor. By the time they had got there, the men had fled and were riding back to Minas Tirith.

But the Nazgúl don't let their prey get away so easily. Accelerating to an ever faster speed, the Nazgúl formed an arrow formation, with the Witch-King leading the group, flanked on both sides by four Riders. The cries from the Nine were becoming louder and more shrill, going deep into the hearts of men.

Finally the Nazgúl spotted 20 riders, dressed in the manner of Gondor. The Witch-King, letting out the most frightening cry that had been heard for years in Middle-Earth, pointed his steed down as it dived speedily on one of the riders at the back of the group. The other Nazgúl dispersed, with some going to Minas Tirith to let off their awful cries, and others encircling the riders and screeching at them.
02-04-2004, 18:50
(ooc-dang,quadrouple post !.....)

*the riders heard the shrill cries of the beasts approaching,they were nowhere near the skill of the Rohirrim in riding,but they could fight,and they had a large advantage in distance over the nazgul,they were close to the city,and rode as fast as they could,as the nazgul approached the rider in the rear readyed and arrow and let loose at the nazgul,it hit but to no avail,the rider was gobbled up quickly by one of the nazgul,along the walls of the city teh terrified soldiers readyed Balistaie to bring down the foul beasts,as soon as they were in range,the riders were in sight of the city,and vica versa, Gandalf the white saw the terrified riders and got on the fastest horse of all......Shadowfax. Gandalf jumped on Shadowfax and rode down quickly,but the layout of the city prevented a quick exit,Gandalf had to get past numerous gates,zig-zag paths,and a number of other things that blocked his path,but he rode as he could to get out and help the riders.
In Rohan many riders were assembiling,in the west fold,in Edoras,anywhere possible,when they rode they had to ride quickl, it would take days to get to Minas Tirith,days they probably didnt have.*
03-04-2004, 15:47
The Nazgúl, after picking off several riders, regrouped and swarmed around the Tower. Letting off their high pitched cries, they only looked to fill the Tower with despair. Suddenly, they noticed a white rider emerge.. Incanús! the Riders immediately noticed. Quickly realising this, they let out one last horrible cry as they flew back to their tower, Minas Morgul, having shed only a portion of the blood that would soon be spilt over Gondor...
03-04-2004, 15:55
OOC: Can I have a go. I'll send some elves.

With quick haste, 3,000 High Elves marched towards Gondor, they came from Rivndale, and had march quickly over the redhorn gate. then their had been 1000 led by Elrond himself with his two sons and Arwen. With them came 100 rangers. They had met up with a force of 2000 wood elves, from Mirkwood, lead by Legolas brother Thranduel. They marched to gondor swiftly as they knew that soon time would run out.
03-04-2004, 16:42
(ooc-i dont mind you joining,nice elvess' (in fact,i welcome help,i have to do a more broad RP scope commanding the forces,and just legions upon legions of help coming would seem a bit unfair.)

*the riders rushed into the gate as Gandalf charged out,the men on the walls let loose the Balista's,most of the men were alive,but most had woundsw,major and minor,from the orcs and the nazgul,Gandalf charged at the nazgul as they feld away,eventually Gandalf returned to Minas Tirith to talk with the soldiers,the soldiers there were discouraged learning that Osgilliath fell,hope it seems layed in the hands of the Rohirrim,they had no knowladge of the approaching Elves,as most of their scouts were chaugt by orcish soldiers. Aragorn,Legolas,And Gimli were well on their way to the paths of the dead, to hopefully gain the support of the legions of the dead. Osgiliath was burning,it seemed as if the city was never meant to be anything except a pile of burning ruble,the fields of Pelenor would soon be filled with orcish legions,evrey moment longer it took the orcs to cross was another moment in the life of Gondor,it would soon be decided, far, far away,over the rolling hills and plains of Pelenor was a single rider,approaching fast,he looked as he was a ranger,or one of the Rohhirm,but he was alone,the main body of Rohirrim was far away and still mianly assembling, the soldiers gained some hope,not even knowing who this man was,but evrey ounce of hope was needed,if to much fear inspired the army the city,and the rest of the free lands of middle-earth would fall,...*
03-04-2004, 16:45
(ooc-i dont mind you joining,nice elvess' (in fact,i welcome help,i have to do a more broad RP scope commanding the forces,and just legions upon legions of help coming would seem a bit unfair.)

*the riders rushed into the gate as Gandalf charged out,the men on the walls let loose the Balista's,most of the men were alive,but most had woundsw,major and minor,from the orcs and the nazgul,Gandalf charged at the nazgul as they feld away,eventually Gandalf returned to Minas Tirith to talk with the soldiers,the soldiers there were discouraged learning that Osgilliath fell,hope it seems layed in the hands of the Rohirrim,they had no knowladge of the approaching Elves,as most of their scouts were chaugt by orcish soldiers. Aragorn,Legolas,And Gimli were well on their way to the paths of the dead, to hopefully gain the support of the legions of the dead. Osgiliath was burning,it seemed as if the city was never meant to be anything except a pile of burning ruble,the fields of Pelenor would soon be filled with orcish legions,evrey moment longer it took the orcs to cross was another moment in the life of Gondor,it would soon be decided, far, far away,over the rolling hills and plains of Pelenor was a single rider,approaching fast,he looked as he was a ranger,or one of the Rohhirm,but he was alone,the main body of Rohirrim was far away and still mianly assembling, the soldiers gained some hope,not even knowing who this man was,but evrey ounce of hope was needed,if to much fear inspired the army the city,and the rest of the free lands of middle-earth would fall,...*
OOC: That's all I'm sending.

They reached the gates. They where shut and behind them the might of Mordor was gathering. "Open the gates"
Yelled Elrond, "In the name of the Valdar open the gates. We came to help."
03-04-2004, 17:21
A particularly large Orc, heavily clad in armour and branded with the symbol of the Tower of Sorcery, ran into the Nazgúl Chamber, as he was the Lieutenant of the Tower, even so he was still under the command of the Nazgúl. "What news have you?" the Witch-King hissed to the Orc, out of the shadows.

"The Orcs in the North have reported a large host of High Elves, around 10,000, aswell as 5,000 from the Mirkwood Forest. They are being lead by Elrond the Wise!" said the Orc, panting, after running upto the Chamber from his Lair.

"How far are they from Minas Tirith?" the Witch-King asked, as he emerged from the shadows, towering over the Orc.

"They've already arrived, Lord," the Orc said, bowing to his knees infront of the Witch-King.

"Excellent," the Nazgúl laughed, "This will truly spell the beginning of Sauron's reign over Middle-Earth. Fools!" he laughed, with cries coming from the shadows, from the other Ringwraiths.

But the Nazgúl noticed the Orc still had news to deliver. "Yes?" it said, focusing it's dark, empty face towards the Orc.

"We have spotted a lone rider travelling across the fields of Pelennor, dressed like a Ranger, but with the skill of a Rohirrim," the Orc said, looking up to the cold face of the Nazgúl.

"Have you sent any after him?" the Nazgúl said, clearly implying that the rider must not ride unchecked.

"Nay, We've no wolf or beast that can ride at such speeds. Too great a steed is it," the Orc said, with a tone of disgust in his voice.

"Nothing can escape a Nazgúl." the Witch-King said angrily. "Now go, and prepare the Second and Third Host. It is in my best interests to leave one host behind, to guard the Tower... also, muster the Trolls, for they are once more needed in battle. Equip them with heavy clubs and armour, for the walls of Minas Tirith are hard and sturdy. Yet they will break under the might of MINAS MORGUL!"

The Orc quickly said yes and rushed out of the Chamber, telling his Chieftains, who in turn told their Captains, who in turn told their troops, that the storm of Mordor was ready to strike.

Meanwhile, three of the Nazgúl, the Witch-King and his two of his Riders, set off in pursuit of this "lone rider" that had the foolishness to ride openly in the Fields of Pelennor, under the eye of the Tower of Sorcery!
03-04-2004, 17:40
ooc-better a few forces than nothing at all.....

*the soldiers hastilly opened the gates, they were amazed to see the elven forces, the men cheered,now they had enuogh men to garrison each level of Minas Tirith,the Elven archers were unsurpassed,and would hopefully kill many orcs before they were able to overun the first level. the lone rider kept riding towards the city, he had already fought at Helms deep, he would have arrived with the Rohhirim,but he feared they would arrive to late,so he left early, and it seemed he would get there before any of the Rohirrim,he rode quickly and soon he would fight alongside the Elves,and Men, he would have no grand enterance,but that of a mere warrior,dispite most of the soldiers didnt even want to fight this..loosing fight, this rider seemed to ride with incredable courage.*
03-04-2004, 18:57
Coming back minutes later, the Nazgúl seem somewhat angered. "We found no rider, this Rider of Rohan of whom you speak," the Witch-King said to his Lieutenant angrily.

"Lord, I am only the carrier of this information. It came from Grishnakh, Captain of the Third Legion, of the Fifth Host," the Orc said nervously.

The Witch-King let out a high pitched cry, and a darkness fell over the heart of the Orc. "Go now," said the Nazgúl.

Looking out upon the enormous expanse of Minas Morgul, deep within the mountain, the Witch-King saw an enormous force, totalling around 70,000 Orcs and 3,000 Trolls, aswell as catapults, ladders, battering rams, wolves, gathering and mustering for war. The stroke of the axe of Minas Morgul was ready to fall on Minas Tirith.. no longer would the Tower of Guard remain a stronghold...
03-04-2004, 19:03
Kuamash looked at his warhost. The rable of Gondor and it's deluded allies would be crushed.

20,000 Haradrim and 8 Mumakil were under his command. He watched and blew his horn, heading for Minas Tirith.

A Mighty Horn blew and the Army of the South marched...

A Messenger arrived at the front of the host and commanded he speak with the Witch King...
Mind if i join in?
03-04-2004, 19:46
OOC: It's all good. Mumakil are the oliphaunts, right? So, if the 20,000 Haradrim aren't on oliphaunts, I presume they're just on foot?

An Orc came up to the Chamber and told the Witch-King that a messenger from Kuamash had come, seeking him. "Let him come," he said.

The messenger came up the stairs of Minas Morgul, through it's dark passages and deep into it's vast expanse, buried deep within the mountain, until he came to the Nazgúl Chamber. An Orc led him in, where dark shadows flanked him on either side, and only at the end of the room was there a small area of pale light, where an enormous dark figure sat on an enormous throne. The Witch-King of Angmar. He beckoned the messenger to a smaller seat in front of him, which only enhanced the height difference between he and the messenger.

"What news have you brought?" the Witch-King said.
03-04-2004, 20:01
The messenger bowed his head.
"My Liege, I bring tidings of alliegence to Mordor" He said in a trembling voice." 20,000 Haradrim Warriors[on foot] and 8 Mumakil[Oliphaunts] have set out for Minas Tirith. They shoould arrive at the same time of your Siege."
03-04-2004, 20:02
The messenger bowed his head.
"My Liege, I bring tidings of alliegence to Mordor" He said in a trembling voice." 20,000 Haradrim Warriors[on foot] and 8 Mumakil[Oliphaunts] have set out for Minas Tirith. They shoould arrive at the same time of your Siege."

I Kumash, Warlord of the Haradrim pledge alliengence to Mordor
Muggles and Animals
03-04-2004, 20:20
(Can i be the easterlings?)

Lord Melton: Keep marching, we have to arrive there in two hours or we will be late. Go faster! (whips a nearby easterling).
Scout: My lord we have news taht we are almost there.
LM: excellant send a messenger to tell him wot's happening. tell him we would like a treaty of allegiance.(chuckles to himself) He shall see our power, soon enough.
Scout: Yes my lord!
03-04-2004, 20:22
The Witch-King, if he could have smiled, would have. He placed his enormous, heavy hand upon the Messenger's shoulder. "You are indeed brave, Haradrim warrior, and I thank you for these tidings. I will send with you a small pack of mounted Orcs, so that you make haste back to your leader. Tell him that he is welcomed in Mordor, and that his allegiance will be rewarded," the Witch-King said in a much more friendly voice. These tidings had certainly been a delight to him, and he had no trouble hiding it. The Messenger was sent back out of the Tower where the mounted Orcs beckoned him onto one of their wolves, yet he may have had some other form of transportation.

Meanwhile, inside the tower, the Witch-King mounted his steed, along with the other 8 Nazgúl, as they prepared to unleash the storm that had been long brewing. Letting out a chilling scream, the Nazgúl took to the air as the Drums of War begun beating and the Armies of Minas Morgul poured out from it's dark gate, out through the Morgul Vale, fast approaching the Osgiliath.

A large troop of around 5,000 Wolf-Riders was sent ahead, for they were the quickest, and they quickly made a makeshift bridge for the armies to cross the river on. Once they had constructed the wall, they began filling up Osgiliath, reinforcing the orcs that held the position, while showing off some more of the strength of Mordor to the foolish Men. But little did they represent of the force that was quick-approaching...
03-04-2004, 20:27
"Thankyou my Lord" And he hurried out of the Tower.
Muggles and Animals
03-04-2004, 20:35
LM: Is there any word from the Witch King yet?
Scout: No my lord, the emssenger has disappeared.
LM: Therefore i must assume he has killed the messenger and does not watn our allegiance, alert the 5,000 warriors to be ready for battle, we have some orcs to kill.
Scout: Yes my Lord!
03-04-2004, 20:38
Another Messenger comes into the Witch kings Tower...

"My lord, the Easterlings have betrayed you. They have 5000 men ready to attack you!"
Muggles and Animals
03-04-2004, 20:58
LM: Men today is a day like no other for the popel back home, but for us we are tintering on the brink of endless darkness...Will we allow ourselves to be pushed into this darkness?
Men: NO!!!
LM: Then let us fight this darkness, not for the good people of middle earth, not fo rour own honour, but for all middle earth!!!
Men: yeh!!!
*the men begin to run down a narrow path with lots of rocks on either side, they are confident and don't check for ambushers*
03-04-2004, 21:04
ooc- i am preety sure ther harradrim are the easterlings,both groups of evil men,but i guess it all works....


*the rider had hidden from the nazgul in some nearby brush,he rusehd his horse out of the brush and onto Minas Tirith,he stopped within a few minutes ride,a group of about 5 orcs block his way,it was a scouting party unaware of his presence, the orcs were fighting with each other,it just so happend they had chaugt a deer,and who was to dine first was the matter at hand. meanwhile the rider wasted no time,he drew a large Claymore that glowed a pale blue,he gave his horse a quick nudge and they charged, the orcs barely had time to look at him as he charged into them,one of the orcs was ran over by the horse,and another was killed by a slash of the riders Claymore,the rider didnt turn back to finish them off,he just rode to Minas Tirith,which was in dire need of aid,the elves had arrived,but they were still outnumberd, the key to the hope of victory for the Gondorians lay to the west,past the gatehring orcish hordes,in a land of rolling hills and flat plains,the land of Rohan, if Theoden gatherd his Rohirrim and rode there they might have a chance for victory,if they didnt arrive the chances of victory were considerabley smaller. elsewhere,in a far off dark cave, was Aragorn and his companions, they had found the lair of the dead army,now Aragorn must have faith,and overcome his fear to rally the army of the dead.*
03-04-2004, 21:17
[quote="Kihameria"]ooc- i am preety sure ther harradrim are the easterlings,both groups of evil men,but i guess it all works....[quote/]

Easterlings are from the Far East
Haradrim are from the Far South

They hate each other!
Muggles and Animals
03-04-2004, 21:23
* As the Easterlings reached the end of the casm, with no attacks!, the scout returned to his lord with news*
LM: You have news?
Scout: Yes my lord, if we attack now we can tempt enoguh of the orcs away to maybe give the people of mias tirith and good a chance...
LM: Well we dont want that do we, get the men eqquipped wiht bows, we will take the high ground and hold it. We will not move we will gain a strong postion and keep our dignity and title as evil!
Scout: Yes my lord!
03-04-2004, 21:28
ooc-both groups of evil men.....ya. well, they seemed to put aside there differances in the movies,and i think in the books, i REALLY need to re-read the books,its been a couple years.
Muggles and Animals
03-04-2004, 21:31
The easterlings begin firing lotr books at Kihameria!!!
Monte Ozarka
03-04-2004, 21:56
Upon news of this massive invasion of Gondorian territory by the forces of Mordor and its allies, Prince Imrahil of the Gondorian fief of Dol Amroth immediately sent out a call to arms to his people. Though his family was subjugated by the Gondor kings of old, Prince Imrahil, bound by princely duty, was fiercely loyal to his protector nation. Moreover, word caught his ear that the rightful king of Gondor has finally returned from the northern lands. Not only must he ride out to defend Gondor, the honorable and chivalric spirit flared inside of him to defend his rightful King.

Gathering as many men to him as possible, Prince Imrahil led his army onwards toward the besieged seven-walled city.

In the very short amount of time in which the army was gathered in, Dol Amroth mustered over 700 well-armed and well-trained footmen. (All citizens were required to undergo physical and defensive training. Furthermore, all males of age had to participate in a stint of compulsory military service.) At the head of the column rode Prince Imrahil and his knights. Altogether, the horsemen numbered over 300 and accounted for most of the Dol Amrothian nobility and other feudal subjects. Bringing up the rear, batteries of ballistas and catapults were removed from the defenses of Dol Amroth to be painstakingly dragged by oxen all the way to Minas Tirith. All seaworthy ships were called back to harbor and outfitted for war. As more troops are collected, they will be sent by ship up the Anduin to Gondor.

Meanwhile, the army forcibly marched on to Minas Tirith. From afar, they saw the towering spires of the magnificent city and the growing host of its foes crowding upon its walls.

"Behold!" Prince Imrahil called to his men, "Behold, the jewel of Gondor, the home and seat of our Lord! Onwards, men! We shall arrive at the city before nightfall!"

Infused with a new sense of determination, the men of Dol Amroth pressed on at an even greater pace.

Hours later, as the red sun touched the horizon, the army from Dol Amroth approached the main gate of Minas Tirith. Prince Imrahil sent out a messenger. Quickly, and with all equestrian skill, he rode up to the walls of the city.

A guard cautiously questioned, "Where be thou from? Be thou friend or foe? For if thou be foe, we soldiers of Gondor will show no quarter!"

The messenger replied, "Be not fearful! Herald, Prince Imrahil and the army he leads from Dol Amroth! Open the gates! Quickly! We rode to the support of Minas Tirith and of all Gondor!"
04-04-2004, 03:29
(ooc-ya...lets fire LOTR books at
(ooc-good entrance Monte Oazarka.)

*the Gondorian men open the gates and let the men under Prince Imrahil,by this time the lone rider was in the city and on the walls,just anotehr soldier,but dressed in a much differant fashion,evreyone was doing there duty, Aragorn was recruiting the armys of the dead, Theoden was recruiting soldiers, and among the city walls Gandalf was argueing with Denethor over some matter or another,Faramir was in the great healing houses laying sleeping, still fighting the poison from the orcish arrow, it was now a matter of time before the orcs began there attack.*
04-04-2004, 08:18
The Witch-King lets out a cry. "Then we must fly, Nazgúl!" he yelled in the tongue that they have long used for their evil deeds. The Witch-King and 4 of his Nazgúl then set out for the Easterlings, while 4 stayed behind to guide the Orcs.

As the Witch-King came within sight of the Easterling forces, he let out a horrible scream, echoed by his Riders, drawing all the attention of the men to him. "Honourable Men from the Far East! Why is it you wish to go to war with Mordor? We only ever sought allegiance with you; allegiance which would be duly rewarded. But do you truly wish to strike your long-standing allies? Have the evil Men of Gondor corrupted you? Listen not to their pleas; back in the Days of Gondor, THEY GAVE YOU NO RIGHTS, NO RESPECT; do you think that will change? Join Mordor, and be rewarded beyond your dreams!" he yelled to them, offering them the chance to once again join Mordor.
04-04-2004, 11:00
Muggles and Animals
04-04-2004, 11:07
We hear your honourable speech and we attacked because our messenger never returned if you can find his body or him himself then again we will be alleiged but find not him or his body and we attack!
04-04-2004, 11:10
From inside the brush, the 1000 Haradrim bowmen let loose a volley of poison arrows at the Easterlings...
Muggles and Animals
04-04-2004, 11:52
Several Easterlings fall to the arrows, the rest turn and chrage, the archers then fire up at the Nazgul...
04-04-2004, 11:56
Several Easterlings fall to the arrows, the rest turn and chrage, the archers then fire up at the Nazgul...

Several :shock: . That could have killed 1000 at least!

The Bowmen let loose another volley...
04-04-2004, 12:03
OOC: can i join? so let me just ask this, the Haradim and the Easterlings are at war. the Orcs are attacking thw white city? and the Witch King is Somewhere. well thats...interesting. if i got it right.
A White horse rode up the causeway into the Fortress of Karloch. Upon it was a messenger. he spoke softly to the King,
"My Lord, Minas Tirith is under siege by Orcs, they call for aid i am sure."
"You are sure?"
"to my knowledge yes."
"Go, and Gatherer every rider in our lands, bring them here. for the day after to-morrow, we ride to Minas Tirith, with Haste"
Suddenly the man mounted on his horse and galloped back down the causeway, and out of the Forest, from the watch tower, the King saw him ride North, towards the nearest settlements. The Army was preparing for Battle.
04-04-2004, 12:41
Slowly as the day passed by, the great Gates opened again and again, as more and more riders arrived, they were Tallied and put out into the back Courtyard, so far only 500 had come, the King wanted at least 500 more. But thw Light was fading, Night had Come.
Muggles and Animals
04-04-2004, 12:47
Arund 1600 easterlings had fallen, but they had now closed contact with the haradrim and were now attacking them with everything that they had! Meanwhile the archers carried on firing at teh Nazgul!
04-04-2004, 13:29
We hear your honourable speech and we attacked because our messenger never returned if you can find his body or him himself then again we will be alleiged but find not him or his body and we attack!
Minutes later, the messenger came running up the hill accompanied by a small troop of mounted Orcs. Suddenly a huge array of arrows came flying out of the bush and injuring several hundreds of the Easterlings, which caused the Easterlings to fire at the Nazgúl. But to no avail, the Nazgúl began circling around the battle between the Easterlings and the Haradrim, holding back from attacking the Easterlings due to the fact that they still wanted allegiance.

"Why do you attack us when we only give you what you ask for?!" the Witch-King yelled down to the Easterlings.
Soviet Russiam
04-04-2004, 13:31
We only attack because the haradrim attacked us, sorry its MA im just in the wrong user. We want revenge for the men taht jsut died!
Monte Ozarka
04-04-2004, 13:44
ooc: thanks, kihameria. i even had to bust out my copy of lotr for a few spelling details. no more of my part will even try to follow canon.

ooc: edit to account for the passing of the grey company (thanks, kihameria)

Resplendent in his gleaming suit of plate armor, Prince Imrahil climbed to the top of the main wall. Before him stood Denethor and Gandalf. Apparently Denethor and Gandalf had brought their argument down from the palace. During a pause in the shouting match, Prince Imrahil politely coughed. As the group turned to him, he strode up to join them.

"Lord Steward Denethor, sir, Dol Amroth rode to the defense of Minas Tirith post haste," Prince Imrahil said with a polite little bow.

Giving a small, polite smile, Denethor forgot about his squabbles with Gandalf for the moment and bid him join them. As the group walked up to the wall, a curious sight greeted Prince Imrahil. A large orcish army was struggling to cross the Anduin while the armies of what appeared to be Easterlings and Haradrim were, of all things, fighting each other?

Laughing heartily, Prince Imrahil said sarcastically, "I see the all-powerful Sauron has organized his charges very well..." The group then turned once more to the defenses of the city.
04-04-2004, 14:23
The orcs have breched the wall attack :twisted:
04-04-2004, 14:24
The orcs have breched the wall attack :twisted:
04-04-2004, 15:31
At the back of the Easterling forces, all of the Haradrim army bursts out onto the Easterlings.

The 1000 Archers draw their swords. 5,000 Bowmen shoot at the Easterlings and the Mumakil smash into the Easterlings...
04-04-2004, 18:46
ooc: thanks, kihameria. i even had to bust out my copy of lotr for a few spelling details. no more of my part will even try to follow canon.

Resplendent in his gleaming suit of plate armor, Prince Imrahil climbed to the top of the main wall. Before him stood Aragorn, Legolas, Denethor, and Gandalf. Apparently Denethor and Gandalf had brought their argument down from the palace. Shouting loudly and pointing accusingly at Aragorn, Denethor continued in a fit of rage. During a pause in the shouting match, Prince Imrahil politely coughed. As the group turned to look at him, he strode up to join them.

"Lord Steward Denethor, sir, Dol Amroth rode to the defense of Minas Tirith post haste," Prince Imrahil said with a polite little bow. Then, he turned to Aragorn and, spreading his cape wide and getting to one knee, prostrating himself, reverently said, "Your Majesty, your loyal subjects came to your defense with all speed. I have prayed that we were not too late."

Giving a small, polite smile, Aragorn bid Prince Imrahil to stand. Meanwhile, Denethor seethed even more in his humiliation. As the group walked up to the wall, a curious sight greeted Prince Imrahil. A large orcish army was struggling to cross the Anduin while the armies of what appeared to be Easterlings and Haradrim were, of all things, fighting each other?

Laughing heartily, Prince Imrahil said sarcastically, "I see the all-powerful Sauron has organized his charges very well..." The group then turned once more to the defenses of the city.
OOC: LOL! As if you'd be able to see that far.

The Nazgúl watched the Men fight each other. The Witch-King cracked up, laughing hard, having to hold his head with his hands, "Pathetic.." he said between laughs, "Fighting.." he let out another laugh, "..with their allies.."

He then stopped laughing and yelled very seriously to the men, "You can die fighting against your allies, those of Mordor, or you can die fighting the scum of GONDOR!!!" With that, the 5 Nazgúl rose up and flew quickly to the fast-moving Orcish hosts. The Nine regrouped and begun to fly lower and lower, closer to the forces.

"Hurryyy.." they said, "The longer you take the longer Lord Sauron must wait...." Spurred by these words, the 73,000 strong host went at godspeed from there and crossed the river within an hour, arriving at Osgiliath to meet with the 15,000 Orcs, as well as the 5,000 Mounted Orcs that were sent ahead. Totalling 93,000 strong, the Minions of Mordor covered an enormous area with their black, dirty mass. Long had they forgotten the plight of the Haradrim and Easterlings; too folish were they to dwell upon.

OOC: Would someone like Monte Ozarka like to take over these forces? I've got my own little RP i'd like to add. The reason I say Monte Ozarka is because he's obviously good with LOTR things, and a good RPer. And I think that this particular force needs to be led by a good RPer. No offence MA or Commoragh, but you guys are hopeless :lol: :lol: :lol:
04-04-2004, 19:03
(ooc-ya,but there is a major problem,Aragorn is gone off to get the army of the dead,and is nowhere near Gondor,or Minas Tirith for that matter... :shock: )

*the men on the wall braced,they had mant reinforcments,but the Rohirrim still had the edge they needed, with the Harradrim and Easterlings fighting helped the defenders,thats many less men attacking the fortress,the men on the walls began to arm the Ballistia's,Catapults, and all ranged weapons,some men even grabed up small pebbles to throw at the approaching orcs,now the only question was when the orcs would begin there onslaught. many,many miles away the Rohhirim began to ride,it would take them a few days to get to Minas Tirith,but only time could tell if they would be there to late,or just in time....*

(ooc-hehehehe....with the Easterlings and Harradrim fighting,that means to Oliphants/Mumakils attacking the city.... 8) )
Elves Security Forces
04-04-2004, 19:43
An eagle scout had come to the king's perch.
"What news have you? Speak quickly or be gone from my sight."
"My liege, the honorable men of Gondor are under siege from the forces of Minas Morgul. An host of elves have reinforced the men but they will still most likely fall. The dwarves would send assistance but they to are under siege by a large orcish force."
"Very well then. These are ill tidings. Gather all of the warriors, we fly to Minas Tirith."
The force of 5,000 take off and head to the White City hoping to make it in time to save the men.
OCC: Someone should rp the dwarves and possibly a hobbit expidition. (im kidding bout the hobbits.)
Monte Ozarka
05-04-2004, 06:39
kihameria: oops, i changed it. thanks!

gmeistaville: i guess i could, but since kihameria's rohirrim are still several days out, the elves are god-knows-where, and noone is as of yet rp'ing the dwarves or gondorians, i'd be fighting myself. whatever...sure, i'll take over for the mordor orcs while you're gone (which i assume begins now). TG me when you're ready to take them back.
05-04-2004, 10:00
The Haradrim follow the Mordorian Forces and declare a truce with the Easterlings...

In the distance of the city the cries of the Haradrim could be heard.
05-04-2004, 12:32
Elrond, followed by his sons and the lady Arwen went to the highest tower in condor where the three captains where argueing. "My lord stuard. I have brought my host of elves to your fortress to find you, streward bickering like an infant. I forght against Sourons malice before and I know that even with the mighty forces that are within this city their is no escape. We have but 50,000 soidiers, the enermy is marching around 200,000 troops upon us. Yes we did face worst odds in the battle of the last allince but I must tell you. I have the gift of foredight and this is but one of the drk lords armys. He has 5 fingers, 5 armys and this is but his little finger. I beg that I am able to take command of the gate with the Prince as the enermys main attack will take place their. I also ask one thing. Is their any safe place for my daughter Arwen? She begged to come and I allowed her but..."
"FARTHER! I can fight."
"Arwen, you should have gone to the blessed realm and you still can but I wish you to be safe."
05-04-2004, 12:38
The elves made their way on to the wall, High elves with their sheilds and huge 2 handed sword in a row 1 man deep in front of the hundeeds of deadly archers.
Elves Security Forces
05-04-2004, 12:42
The eagles has passed the ruins of Isenguard and it was clear that something more than elf or man had done battle here. It was about another hour of flight before the eagles would make it.
05-04-2004, 12:52
Elrond stood up and saw the Eagles fly past the ruins of Isringuard, what could this mean. He heard the Harad approching and rushed towards the stairs. "Their here!" he cried, "To your stations."
The Elves dropped there waybread and drew their swords.
05-04-2004, 13:11
The army halted.


The 20 Catapults unleashed hell upon the battlements. And the 5000 bowmen did the same.

Siege weapons in hand, the army marched upon Minas Tirith...
05-04-2004, 13:22
The Elves ducked as the rocks flew towards them, but many hit the walls and bounced off or went to high. (In the books the main wall is as strong as the walls of Isinguard.) The Trebucets retured fire, though too where distroyed. THe elves retured fire with their bows, the ones behind the walls firing while the ones on the walls reloaded creating a torrent of fire from the 9,500 elves. The Nodor fired too. Elrond ran out and prepared to make his way onto the battlement.
Elven losses: 15
Lessr Tsurani
05-04-2004, 14:03
OOC I will add about 100 men. I have a thing with making charicters so bear with me. I will get some more men about the samew time thearmy of the dead if We are lucky. Until then I will just tell you about 100 men and them. We are a type of elf. More human thou. Also how far from the city are the orks.
05-04-2004, 14:36
(ooc-actually,i was RPing on a VERY broad scale,the Rohirrim, the Gondorians, kinda Aragorn,preety much all the good-guys.... and Lessr Tsurani,a elven,but human race would be...half elfs. ,have human,half elven, or a few mroe generations down, mroe human than elven.)

*The men on the walls ducked for cover,the arrows flew,many were blocked by the tower shields of the Gondorians, but a good number of men fell dead off the wall, after the arrow shower the Gondorians returned fire,slings,crossbows,Ballisita's,bows, anything they could find, the large Ballista's aimed for the siege equipment, hoping to hit it and destroy the equipment before it could laucnh another devastating attack. on the other side of the world, the Rohirrim were coming, and quickly, along the anduin, but they were stoped at the forrest... the decided to go thru it with alll haste,but the thick foliage slowed them down. And, far north, Aragorn was coming, he had succsesfully gatherd the dead legions, he was well on his way to attack the mercaniaries, and take there ships to assist the Gondorians,instead of fight them, and along the way, Aragorn was meet by many other rangers, now it was just a matter of time.*
05-04-2004, 15:46
The elves still fired down upon the horde most arrows killing, they where loosing few men, the battlements and sheilds of the High Elves protecting them, Elrong himself pulled back his bow and fired.
Monte Ozarka
06-04-2004, 06:00
Before the mighty fortress of Minas Tirith stood a vast host of orcs and evil men. The almost 90,000 orc army from Mordor completely surrounded the walls where it did not meet the mountains. A further 5,000 mounted orcs rode off to the southwest to sweep for forces coming to Gondor's aid and for prey, though the two categories often were not separate.

Poised outside the city's walls, Mordor's siege engines set to work. 40 catapults at once began launching its loads at the stout, though not invincible outer walls. Boulders, chunks of the ruins of Osgiliath, and corpses of man and orc flew at the walls and the few defenders scrambling along its walls. Though the shots hit with resounding crashes and thuds, the walls continued to stand, as years of constant warfare with Mordor caused the Gondorians to be very mindful and skilled in the art of fortress-making.

After several hours of flying above the battlefield while watching the fruitless pounding of the walls that showed no signs of cracking, the Witchking landed amongst his orcish horde, crushing several orcs beneath the claws of his dread dragon-like steed. As the Witchking dismounted, his ride took two orcs in his jaws and proceeded to gnash and swallow them. Unconcerned, the Witchking made his way to the commander of his siege weaponry. The commander's eyes widening in fear, the Witchking rasped in a slow, deep, venomous voice, as though of Death himself, "Why are the walls still standing?"

The commander responded hastily, voice a little higher than normal, "My Lord, the walls are thick, and we have'n--ARGHHH!"

Grasping the commander and holding him high above his head in his steel-encased, talon-like gauntleted fingers, the Witchking said, in a voice no different, "I do not accept failure. Sauron accepts no failure." With that and a sickening crunch of bones, the hapless commander's neck was crushed and his body tossed haphazardly onto throwing arm of the closest catapult.

"Bring forward," the Witchking exhaled, "Bring forward the hooks."

With that, 60 ballistas came forward and set its targets on the battlements. With a clunk, twang, and whoosh, each ballista let loose a large hook that grappled onto the stoneworks. As the ballistas tried and were eventually successful in finding their targets, large seige ladders, large enough to scale the outer wall of Minas Tirith, in fact, slowly lifted from the ground and began their precarious and wobbly journey to the walls of Minas Tirith.
Monte Ozarka
06-04-2004, 06:21
ooc: how many men are in the gondorian army within minas tirith? how many total in minas tirith?

Seeing the great many orcs and the various weaponry that they towed, Prince Imrahil knew to expect the worst. While Denethor and Gandalf once again renewed their heated arguments up in the palace, Prince Imrahil took charge of his men on the outer walls of Minas Tirith. Finding that a city was no place for cavalry, he ordered his knights to dismount and report to the walls. 300 men from Dol Amroth reinforced the 500 Gondorian men already on guard along the outer wall. Another 200, along with Gondorian men, patrolled the area just within the walls. A further 300 reinfoced forces on the 2nd wall, and the remaining 200 men of the army that Prince Imrahil brought with him roamed the area just inside the second wall.

As Prince Imrahil took into account the defensive positions, a beleaguered messenger came half-running, half-limping to him.

Breathing heavily, the messenger managed to get out, "My Lord Prince, I bring news from Dol Amroth."

Getting somewhat impatient, the Prince stared at him expecatantly.

After a few seconds of gaining back some breath, the messenger managed to sputter out, "I've only just arrived through the mountains, sir. Several days ago, our fleet making their way up the Anduin bearing 2,600 additional footmen and 100 mounted knights set out for Minas Tirith from our homeland of Dol Amroth. As of right now, that force has no practical method of joining Your Highness in the city of Minas Tirith. Thus, they are stranded miles away, in the northern lands of the Haradrim. If there is to be an opportunity, these men would rush to Minas Tirith with all speed."

"Hmmm..." Prince Imrhail replied with a furrowed brow. He had certainly been hoping that his reinforcements would be able to join his army already within the citadel, and the idea that he has a large, completely ineffective force sitting not far away from this current battlefield.

ooc: i'm sooo sleepy. i'll finish this tomorrow...
06-04-2004, 09:29
The front ranks of Elves drew their long swords and threw off their clocks. Elrond drew Harlfang, his sword. The laders reached tohe top and the elves swung their mighty swords that glitted in the morning sun, they slshed down killend every Orc and the Orcs fell from the battlements, falling to thir deaths. The mighty swords swung around hitting the Orcs again, and again, killing with each blow. Orcs fell or hung from the battlements and still they came, orc after orc. And still the elves fired.

Elven losses 34.
06-04-2004, 11:29
North of the fields of Pelennor, a band of black warriors could be seen running across the plains swiftly and tirelessly. Trampling the beautiful green grass with their heavy, dirty feet, they made a clearing visible trail in their wake, only stopping to hunt any wanderers in the region. Fierce warriors, they were, with heavy swords and tribal war paint covering their chest and faces. But who were these black soldiers? Why such haste?

Little did the Men of Gondor know, these soldiers were the Uruks of the White Hand, who had long since abandoned their old leader, tired of his mistrust and mistreatment. The force of 10,000 had been roaming the plains of Rohan since the downfall of Isengard and the failed siege of Helm's Deep. These mercenaries were under the command of one Uruk; Durbulûk.

Unlike many of Saruman and Sauron's failed experiments to breed "uber-Orcs", whether it be by cross-breeding Orcs with Men or whatever else, these Uruks were flawless in their design and execution. Stronger than any other Uruks, faster, better sighted, better of hearing, better sense of smell, higher pain threshold, ability to endure severe damage to body in order to fight, they were simply the best.

Armed with enormous, bent swords aswell as massive, powerful crossbows and covered in heavy armour, they were still able to run twice as fast as any other breed of Uruk, this force would be a great trouble to the Free Peoples of Middle Earth. Although they were not under any master, they would certainly align themselves with Sauron.

They had heard reports of a 6,000 strong Rohirrim force riding across the Gap of Rohan to the siege at Minas Tirith. Many stories Durbulûk had been told; that the King had returned to Gondor with a force more potent than that of Mordor ten times over, that Mordor had released a plague upon Gondor and that the Free Peoples of Middle Earth were beginning to fall. But most interestingly, he thought, were the rumours of the....ash nazg durbatulûk...or in common tongue...the one ring to rule them all...
Elves Security Forces
06-04-2004, 14:50
The Eagles had arrived. The 6,000 strong force was ready to combat any who dare to try to take freedom away from the Middle-Earth peoples.
OCC: ill post more after school.
07-04-2004, 00:23
(ooc-not sure how many are in the city, a garrison of a few thousand i assume,plus reinforcements,i posted earlyer but the forums messed up :x )
*the men on the wall braced,and continued flinging all sorts of projectiles on the oncoming host of orcs,where the ladders were up the men were fighitng melee style, the once gracefull white walls of the city were now covered in corpses and blood,the once lone rider was now fighting alongside many men to hold the wall against the seemingly numberless orcs, the tower-mounted Ballistas and catapults let loose on the orcs,mainly aiming for the trolls and the siege equipment, the gondorian defenders held valiantly, but the orcs were just overwhelming,for the moment they could still hold the walls, but with men dying at such a pace, they could not hold much longer. to the west,the fields of pelenor,large beautiful fields,coverd in orcs, it seemed as though the city was, on all sides, sourronded by the dark hordes,but far to the west Theoden was coming,at the head of at least six-thousand Rohhirim, it would take them days to get to Minas Tirith,days they didnt have, but by a strange twish of luck they had meet the Ghan-bury-Ghan, a small forrest dwelling people, who didnt much care for the orcs,or evil for that matter, they agreed to show the Rohhirim on secret paths through the forrest,this would now give them a position close to Minas Tirith, and possibly the a chance to turn the tide of the battle. and far north of them was Aragorn and a group of rangers, they had fought a quick battle with a group of sea-going mercanaries, and had won, Aragorn released the dead legions, now he and his rangers were sailing down the anduin, with the ships of the mercanaries, a perfect dsiguise....*
Monte Ozarka
07-04-2004, 06:21
Prince Imrahil's aide spread a large map upon the floor of the battlements. On it, the whole of Gondor and the area surrounding the White City were clearly depicted.

"They are anchored at an island in the Anduin downstream. Is that what you said?" the prince inquired.

"Yes, Lord. The island is just south of the Emyn Arnen, but everywhere that we can land is overrun with orcs."

"Fine. We'll just have to get them here this way then," Prince Imrahil stated while pointing to Minas Tirith on the map. "Order the fleet to sail back downstream until the Anduin meets the Erui. Then, sail northwards as far as you can go. Disembark, and you'll find yourself on the opposite side of Mt. Mindolluin. From there, they can proceed to the city via a very narrow, very obscure mountain path that leads to the 6th level of the city. It is a very dangerous path, but an older Gondorian guide should be able to lead the way." Seeing the look of disbelief spreading across the messenger's face, he said with a smirk, "Don't worry. In my childhood in this city, I have played and created mischief many times on that path."

With that, Prince Imrahil sent the messenger and a guide from Gondor to secretly rejoin the fleet of Dol Amroth.

The prince's aide, standing a little behind him, continued to examine the map and asked in dulcet tones, "Will they be here in time? It will take days for them to make it, provided they don't get delayed by orcish patrols or meet any resistance during their journey."

After a long pause, the prince replied, "The walls must hold. The walls will hold. Have faith. Besides, better late than never."

Though this did not go very far in answering his questions, the aide nodded and took faith in his lord's resolve.

However, though, this moment of quiet contemplation was soon ruined with a groundshaking CRASH! Shaken from his thoughts, Prince Imrahil rushed to the wall, where batteries upon batteries of catapults launching their loads greeted his eyes. Whatever the orcs launched hit their mark and caused the walls to shake and rumble, though it bore no signs of cracking. He rushed to a Gondorian officer and asked, "Will this wall hold?"

Face set in grim but confident determination, this officer replied, "If this is all Mordor can muster, yes. However, I doubt that fate will prove to be so kind to us as this battle progresses..."

In retaliation, Prince Imrahil ordered his few hastily-constructed catapults and trebuchets to aim for and concentrate their fire on the catapults pounding away so fiercely at the walls. In this way, hours that seemed like days passed. Projectiles of all types flew overhead in either direction. After the bombardment, the light side's siege weaponry had managed to put 16 of the 40 or so of Mordor's catapults (as well as countless brainless orcs that did not move out of the way fast enough) out of service. While the forces of Mordor suffered their casualties, they seemed to be no nearer to breaking through.

Chancing a small smile, Prince Imrahil chuckled, "Quantity is no substitute for quality."

At this point, Mordor's relentless bombardment ceased, to be replaced with a very unnerving lull in the battle, only punctuated from behind by the occasional creaking and groaning of the siege weaponry being fired at the orcs below. Knowing that this battle was far from over, Prince Imrahil anxiously scanned the orcish line for what new horror Sauron and his minions planned to unleash. As the front lines parted to reveal the next attack, comprehension dawned upon the prince and the other defenders on the wall.

"Ballistas and ladders! Archers! Footmen to the walls! Cut the ropes when they grapple onto the walls! We MUST NOT let them take the walls!" the Prince frantically ordered.

Looking around and grabbing a random soldier, the prince ordered him hastily, "Go to Denethor and Gandalf. Tell them that the walls are in danger of being overrun. Quickly!"

All around, hooks launched from the ballistas clung to the battlements. At the other end, long siege ladders were being slowly pulled up. The men on the battlements ran up and down, frantically hacking at the ropes. Many ladders gave a groan, and, as if held up by an invisible force, teetered upright before crashing back down upon the orcish horde again, crushing whoever was unlucky enough to be on and below the ladder at the time. However, some ladders managed to fall to the walls before their ropes could be cut.

"Poles! Push them off!" the prince commanded.

However, from the few ladders that stood, orcs rushed forth. As the ladders descended to the walls, archers and crossbowmen on other levels and inside and below the walls picked off vast numbers of orcs. The battlements transformed into a site for wholesale slaughter. The ground was littered with the corpses of orc and man, as well as various pieces of both. The floor, previously of a rough granite, was now made slippery with a deep layer of a dark, crimson blood. The battle on the walls made little progress until reinforcements from the upper levels rushed down to the main wall. The fresh Gondorian and Dol Amrothian reinforcements was enough to stem the tide of orcs pouring onto the walls.

Just as the last orcs were about to be expelled from the walls, though, Prince Imrahil, out of the corner of his eye, saw something in the direction of the main gate. A group of trolls broke through the orcish lines. Between them, they were carrying the trunk of what used to be a very large, very old tree.

The prince exclaimed, "Ram! You men there, brace the gate! Archers, take out those trolls!" With a sigh, Prince Imrahil took a glance at his bloody sword and blood-splattered armor and consigned himself to the awful fact that the battle was only just getting started...

ooc: sorry that it was that long! :roll:
Lessr Tsurani
07-04-2004, 08:47

IC They came into the sewers. They where not very happy with the underground but they had no other way to get into the city.
"Keep up" said Deleware. His voice heard by all. "We are almost there."
THey reached the place they belivved they should be and came up. They surfaced around the last level.
"Looks like we took a wrong turn. We are soposed to be down there." said one of the soldiers to Deleware.
"I am a phyic my friend not a dwarf. Watch your mouth." He said. "And it would look a bit strange if we where fighting with out permission from the ruler. Lets go up the top." He said going towards the where the white tree stood.
07-04-2004, 08:58
OOC: Whats happening with the HArdrim?

The elves where holding the walls easyly, their archers still poring a rain of death upon the enermy. The enermy ladders where so clogged with Corpses that the Orcs could only come single file and one of the Nordor was holding them. Elrond ran down the steps to Imrahil, "Where holding, it's just like old times. But this is only the start. Souron has made a giant ram, called Grond. It will easly break the gates unless they are made out of Mithril like my armour. We must evacuate the children and women to the upper leavels.
07-04-2004, 10:00
The Uruk-hai were running at a blistering pace, their feet heavy and loud as they rolled like thunder across the plains. Already they had slain around 10 Rohirrim - scouts, most likely, but men nonetheless. Reports of an enormous force of Riders had reached Durbulûk, and then he had heard they'd suddenly disappeared into the forest. Curse those wild men and their ancient paths.. he thought to himself, a huge feeling of loathing coming over him.

He had heard of the wild men in the forest, though they were extremely rare people. They had lived there for years upon years, keeping to themselves. But now they had the mind to help the Rohirrim! Curse them. Durbulûk had only one thought to ease his mind. The Trolls of Isengard, whom were Saruman's very last effort to rule Orthanc, had betrayed him and become part of Durbulûk war host. They were no ordinary trolls - armour scales which could resist a torrent of dirty Elven arrows and the weak sword strokes of men. They would break Minas Tirith and raise it to the ground, with the crushing force of these trolls.

They numbered 2,000, the trolls, and they carried huge rams, ladders, clubs and catapults. This force from Isengard, whether their creator was ruined or not, would be a great blow to the hopes of Men and Elves of Middle Earth. The advantage that the Men had gained through the arrival of Elrond and the High Elves, the arrival of the Prince of Dol Amroth, the arrival of 6,000 (OOC: Yes, SIX thousand? I remember in the book, there was no more than 100) eagles, the 6,000 Rohirrim and some other random elves whose origin is quite shady would now be balanced by these fighting Uruk-hai. The Uruks had been favoured over the lesser orcs, or snagas as they were called, or Slave in the Black Speech, by Lugbúrz. Durbulûk had known several Uruks from Mordor, and they often spoke of their enormous reverence amongst the slaves of Sauron, and of the Screechers, whom they all feared.

The Screechers.. Durbulûk had seen them when they came to Isengard to deal with Saruman the Traitor, as Lugbúrz had branded him. Cold and cruel, he thought of them, Sauron's most favoured subjects. They were ruthless towards all things; Men and Orcs alike. But they seemed to look upon his Uruks with a sense of satisfaction.. as though despite Saruman's failures, he had managed to acheive one thing - an elite breed of Uruks.

When Durbulûk saw the Screechers flying across Rohan, many days ago, he feared that Isengard had reported his treason and Lugbúrz had responded. But no; something had happened. Saruman became a prisoner in his own tower - Orthanc.

Broken from his chain of thought by a sudden cry, Durbulûk looked up to see three more Rohirrim galloping across the fields ahead of them, with one other left sprawling in an array of arrows, squirming in pain on the ground. Stupid men he though. Already, many Uruks had readied their crossbow and aimed steadily at the Rohirrim who were trying desperately to escape the host.

"Fire!!" one of the captain's yelled, and a sea of arrows brought down two more of the riders. Durbulûk, who had already prepared his crossbow, sent a speeding, poison tipped arrow at the third and final Rider. It entered this his back and burst out from his chest as he fell off immediately, his horse soon following. The host immediately begun their endless march, or perhaps what might have been called a run, as there was certainly no denying that they were running as quick as anything that had roamed these plains in many years.

They would arrive in the Fields of Pelennor within 2 days, and another stroke would fall on the Free Peoples of Middle Earth...
07-04-2004, 10:05
The Siege was in full swing. Harad after Harad was swung off the walls, but Kumash did'nt care.

"Mumakil, advance!"

The 8 Mumakil crushed any orc, harad or abomination in it's path.

"Destroy the walls!"

And the 8 Mumakil started battering at the walls...
07-04-2004, 11:12
The Uruk-hai had now been travelling for a long time in Anorien. Durbulûk knew that Minas Tirith was close... they would be caught completely off guard by this. Durbulûk had plans for what would happen after the fall of Minas Tirith. He would request that he be made Lieutenant of Isengard - a servant of Sauron, but a great leader aswell.

But before all these plans could even be tested, he and his Uruks needed to prove their worth. He had little doubt that the Lidless Eye had seen his coming, and perhaps even the Screechers knew of it too. He hoped that Sauron would favour his host above the other Orcs and give him higher status. They were far more effective as soldiers than lesser Orcs. Stronger, taller, smarter, better armed and also heavily armoured.

As the "day" wore on, the Uruks pressed on, not even stopping for dead Orcs that lay scattered across the field. Probably scouts. The Uruk-hai didn't care at all for these lesser orcs, simply trodding over any that were in their way. They were, however, extremely pumped for the battle that lay ahead. Revenge for their fallen kin awaited them in Minas Tirith.
Elves Security Forces
07-04-2004, 12:57
"Ok you fighters, our job is a simple one, Pick up orcs and drop them from high in the sky. Now go."
The arrival of these new orcs had disturbed the Eagles. If Sauron was sending all this over one city, something more than just conquest must be in mind. As it was 2 of the great men, Gandalf and Denethor, were arguing again.
"How can there peace when there is no unity?"
OCC: I don't remember the # from the book, but many of our numbers seem quite large and apart from the book as welll.
07-04-2004, 16:22
OOC: The Eagles are like the "good" Nazgûl, so 6,000 is a little unwordly. I wasn't sure how many Orcs I'd have, but Kihameria himself said 100,000.
07-04-2004, 17:43
"Aim for the eyes," Elrond yelled, he had forght those creatures before they could bekilled by hundreds of Arorows or 1 perfect shot. "He pulleed back his bow and fired, a shot Legolas himself would have been proud of, it hit the beast in the eye killing it. The elves tryed to do the same, but it was a hard shot. One of the creature, broke the wall down, "Retreat!" yelled Elrond and the elves made their way to the second level, where they manned the walls again.

Elven losses: 130
08-04-2004, 00:27
(ooc-i doubt there were 6,000 eagles in existantce at the time of the war of the ring, so 6,000 being at the battle would be a very large number, 100 a big large,but acceptable,and much more belivable. the orcs would number at least 50,000 MINIMUM, considering the siege of Minas Tirith completly overshadowed the siege of Helms Deep, referring to the move (ROTK) their were 10,000 just guarding the way to the big tower with saurons eye and the volcano, and probably a much larger force roaming around in other parts of Mordor, and when you attack to completly crush someone youre going to use most of youre forces,and if youre evil and egotistical youre not going to think you'll be deafeated,or counter-attacked for that matter,so you will use most of youre forces, and 100,000 would be a legitimate number, Saruman didnt have much time and he produced 10,000 orcs in a small fortress, and for all of Mordor,with a lotta time, there would be alotta orcs.)

*the wall slowly was overcome with orcs,the Gondorians put up a valiant effort,but with the Mumakils, the Grond, and other such weapons either destroying the walls or helping orcs get on the wall the Gondorians could only hold so long,eventually a part of the walls was overrun, another part broken down,and the gate was near being crushed, the Gondorians began retreating to the second layer, the arhcers and crossbowmen on the second level fired numberless arrows into the oncoming horde, mainly on the orcs on the wall,giving the men time to get into the second level, many men did so,even the lone rider, but now he was alongside with numerous soldiers, some of the archers lit flaming arrows and fired them deep outside the walls, into the orcish hordes. to the east the Rohhirim stayed still,making sure they would have a clear shot to the city, being flanked after charging into overwhelming forces would not be good, and the Rohhirim would most likely be slaughterd. to the north came Aragorn and his rangers,they came slowly by boat, if possible they would make their way to land and then quickly to the city.*
Monte Ozarka
08-04-2004, 06:42
The 8 mûmakil and the massive Grond having been committed to action at the same time the Mordor orcs redoubled their efforts at taking the walls, the men valiantly defending the main wall were in imminent danger of being crushed. Even if reinforcements were to be sent up, they would be able to go nowhere as the floor of the battlements had been completely covered by a tall layer of corpses. Atop the wall, chaos reigned. The great Harad beasts fearlessly (or stupidly) came up to the walls and proceeded to rip large chunks of battlement and then main wall out. The human archers shot at the mûmakil in all spots that would be thought to be vulnerable on any beast, but the hide on these monsters protected it from any projectile as puny as arrows. Soon, the relentless pounding of the Grond had put large cracks in the main gate. The men of Gondor hurried around, trying to brace the gate with anything they could find, though it became more and more clear that their actions only served to delay the inevitable—the first level of the city will fall. At this point, any obstinate civilians who refused to leave the first level during the first evacuation were forcibly removed from their homes and brought to the higher levels.

Down below, Prince Imrahil tried to maintain some semblance of order among the defenders, though to no avail. There were simply too many of the enemy. As he looked down one end of the wall, a huge crumbling sound followed by the unmistakable sound of horrified screams emanated from behind him. Turning around quickly, he was shocked to see a very sizable gap where a large section of wall previously stood but seconds before. One of the mûmakil had thrown its full force against the wall, causing it to finally succumb and collapse upon its foundations. Though the beast had not yet demolished the lower portion of the wall, orcs were already trying to climb over the rubble and into the city. Recognizing that this particular battle was hopelessly lost, Prince Imrahil immediately barked out orders to the men defending the first level.

“Archers, get back to the second wall and cover us! This company, you! Plug this gap; do not let them break your lines! Those at the gate, retreat! Retreat! The wall is breached! To the second level!”

The Prince knew that neither the gate nor his rearguard could hold out for much longer. “Those on the walls, follow me! Back to the second gate!” he roared.

As the men of Gondor and of Dol Amroth ran off the battlements, the swarm of orcs previously kept at bay burst forth and poured over the wall. With an enormous cracking of timbers, the Grond had burst through the main gate. Trolls and orcs streamed in from this new breach.

Prince Imrahil and his men hurriedly made their way off the walls, picking up the lone company of men desperately trying to hold off a great number of orcs in the ever-widening gap in the wall. With what seemed like a massive black tide seeping through the cracks that was trying to engulf the few defenders, the Prince and his remaining men just made it through the second gate when their foes crashed futilely against the barred gate.

However, the orcs of Mordor had committed a grave error. With the rest of their army pressing in from behind, eager to get at the men inside, and with the lead elements trapped with nowhere to go, the dark forces had succeeded in packing themselves tightly in the first level of the city. Orcs were crushed underfoot by their own armies, and turning around in place, much less tactical mobility, was hard to accomplish. Seizing this opportunity, the men set into repelling the attackers with a fresh new vigor. Loads of stone and boulders were tipped over the battlements upon the orcish horde below. Catapults from upper levels also launced their loads at the enemy gathered within the walls. Cauldrons and cauldrons of bubbling oil and pitch poured down upon the hapless attackers as they clawed and bit at each other to escape. All the while, ranks upon ranks of archers and crossbowmen rained volleys of deadly fire upon their heads. Moreover, at this time, more soldiers scrambled to brace the gate to the second wall.

Orcs, both alive and dead were held in place by the pushing of the forces trying to enter. The men of Gondor and of Dol Amroth were making the orcs pay mightily for the ground that they had gained. The battle that raged between the men on the walls and the orcs below turned into a wholesale slaughter. The ground of the first level was covered in a pool of black, orcish blood. The orcs in Minas Tirith were trapped, with no option but to die.

However, Prince Imrahil knew, their fruitless advance will not continue forever. Soon, Sauron’s commander will call off the attack, and the siege engines will once again tear down these walls piece by agonizing piece. No, we must neutralize them if we hope to maintain any position.

The fact that mûmakils are living creatures meant that they feel pain. With pain comes the feelings of panic and self-preservation. However, arrows do nothing against it. What stings but does not prick? After a brief moment in thought, Prince Imrahil asked himself this question out loud. An officer beside him replied timidly, “How about fire sir?”

“What? Fire?”

“Huh, thank you.”

Just as he had predicted, the Mordor army had finally realized the tremendous cost in life of the fruitless struggle at the gates of Minas Tirith. During this second lull, the defenders busily hurried themselves with their next defences.
Elves Security Forces
08-04-2004, 14:29
OCC: Okay i will go from 6,000 to mayb bout 125.
IC: The eagles were getting the orcs and dropping them as fast as they can but it seemed like it would take forever.
"Ok I have a plan. Go for the trolls and the elophants eyes. If they are blind then it will be hard for them to attack they walls. Charge!"
With that all the Eagles started tearing out the eyes of the trolls and elophants.
09-04-2004, 02:34
*the men on the second level braced,they gathered large stones and either rolled them to bar the gate,or they were to be used as Trebuchet ammunition,the towers were filled with archers raining down arrows upon the dark hordes,blood flowed like water down from the city steps, if nothing else prevailed the orcs would climb a hill or corpses to scale the walls, but the defenders had more to worry about, the large siege engines could not fit in the small gaps in the walls, so the Grond, and most of the ladders would prove useless,which would mean the only liable option would be for the orcs to bombard the second layer, or send in trolls or mumakil,as for now it seemed the battle had stalled, the orcs wouldnt possibly be stupid enough to charge the walls with such little equipment as they had though, if they squeezed more in they would be easy pickings for the archers and ballista's,not to mention the trebuchets and catapults. the Rohhirim were making preperations to charge,as soon as the orcs launched their assault they would flank them, and then move into the city and aide the defenders. to the north Aragorn was at a stand still, if he left his boat he would stand no chance, if he tried and sneak out he would most likely be found, now it was mostly a waiting game...*
09-04-2004, 18:04
Elrond watched as the last Gondorians made it through he gate, to avoid the orcs that still came, he was glad that Elven losses where so far light. But that could change. The Orcs still had no battlering ram and they could only fair wildly inaccurate arrows at the walls while Elven archers replyed with deadly persision, but arrows where running out, each man had about 30 left and he knew that they would not last long. They must hold the second level. He went to Imrahil. "Go to the third level my lord, take the woman and children and your men, my elves shall stay here, we shall slow them up as much as possable even if we all die." Outside screams began to sound as the Haradrim found the women who had not evacuated and gave them a fortaste of hell. Imrahil tried to argue but did not, a battering ram had been brought and began to beat it's tabbo of death on the gate. Imrahil took his men and the civillians and fled.
Elrond pulled his men off the walls, all of them and formed a massive circled around the gate. All of them drew their bows and waited for the orcs to break through.
They did, the gates swung open and the orcs swarmed through, "Etena!" Elrond cried, fire. The elves lossed their bows. The arrows flew strikeing down many orcs and filling the gate with corpses. "draw your swords." 10,000 swords scraped out of scabbards, the first orcs began to come through the gate. "Charge!" The elves charged and they hit the front ranks of the orcs Elrond slashed beheading one orc and cutting his entrails out. The elves broke through the orcs lines and into the streets of the first level. Elrond heard horns the horns of the Rohhirin and realised that victory was near. He slashed down upon a hardrim and then lept over an elvin corpse. He kicked down a door, and found two hardim waiting behind them was a sobbing girl around 13. His anger gave him strengh and he dispatched both men quickly.
He handed the girl to another Elf telling him to take her too the third level and he did so.
Elrond reached the only fighting, now it was at the gate, the elves forght a bitter melee with uncountable orcs that just kept on coming. Corpses, mostly orcs but some elves piled up, and Elrond shouted for the elves to form a battle line. They did, and among the breaches and the rubble of the the gate they forght with naked ferocity as their forefarthers had donw before. They slew many orcs but one by one they fell.
Elond hacked down another Orc and then he saw the men of Rohans charge. A orc clambered over the corpses too him, and another, their where too many, a man went down nect to him an arrow in his chest and Elrond took out the orc who charged, their where too many and elf took the place next to him. An arrow hit him, and another both bouncing off his armour. But more fired, he slashed down on yet another orc and now their where 9 corpses near him a wall of death. Then the arrows found their mark, one struck the link that held the right of his breastplate one, before he could repare it another arrow hit, driving into his lungs. Elrond gasped and slew another Orc, but the orcs sword peiced his guts, Elrond fell but as he did swept up with his sword slicing an Orc in two. He parryed a blow on his knees knowing the wounds where fatal. And he slashed cutting the guts out of the orc. Another arrow hit this time in the neck and Elrond, half-elven fell and died. A ring of power upon his finger and soon the corpse covered his still warm body. His 3000 years upon the world ending.
His unseeing eyes did not saw when the Rohirrin began to break. When his elves fled leaving their bodys behind them. he did not see the victorius orcs. Too many bodies covered him, but at least the bodies would stop his ring of power being found.
The elves fourght back to the second gate and then too the third where the great gate slammed behind them. They where defeated demorilised, their leader was missing and they had lost a great many elves. But they had brought time with their lives.

Elven losses:5,897
09-04-2004, 18:04
Elrond watched as the last Gondorians made it through he gate, to avoid the orcs that still came, he was glad that Elven losses where so far light. But that could change. The Orcs still had no battlering ram and they could only fair wildly inaccurate arrows at the walls while Elven archers replyed with deadly persision, but arrows where running out, each man had about 30 left and he knew that they would not last long. They must hold the second level. He went to Imrahil. "Go to the third level my lord, take the woman and children and your men, my elves shall stay here, we shall slow them up as much as possable even if we all die." Outside screams began to sound as the Haradrim found the women who had not evacuated and gave them a fortaste of hell. Imrahil tried to argue but did not, a battering ram had been brought and began to beat it's tabbo of death on the gate. Imrahil took his men and the civillians and fled.
Elrond pulled his men off the walls, all of them and formed a massive circled around the gate. All of them drew their bows and waited for the orcs to break through.
They did, the gates swung open and the orcs swarmed through, "Etena!" Elrond cried, fire. The elves lossed their bows. The arrows flew strikeing down many orcs and filling the gate with corpses. "draw your swords." 10,000 swords scraped out of scabbards, the first orcs began to come through the gate. "Charge!" The elves charged and they hit the front ranks of the orcs Elrond slashed beheading one orc and cutting his entrails out. The elves broke through the orcs lines and into the streets of the first level. Elrond heard horns the horns of the Rohhirin and realised that victory was near. He slashed down upon a hardrim and then lept over an elvin corpse. He kicked down a door, and found two hardim waiting behind them was a sobbing girl around 13. His anger gave him strengh and he dispatched both men quickly.
He handed the girl to another Elf telling him to take her too the third level and he did so.
Elrond reached the only fighting, now it was at the gate, the elves forght a bitter melee with uncountable orcs that just kept on coming. Corpses, mostly orcs but some elves piled up, and Elrond shouted for the elves to form a battle line. They did, and among the breaches and the rubble of the the gate they forght with naked ferocity as their forefarthers had donw before. They slew many orcs but one by one they fell.
Elond hacked down another Orc and then he saw the men of Rohans charge. A orc clambered over the corpses too him, and another, their where too many, a man went down nect to him an arrow in his chest and Elrond took out the orc who charged, their where too many and elf took the place next to him. An arrow hit him, and another both bouncing off his armour. But more fired, he slashed down on yet another orc and now their where 9 corpses near him a wall of death. Then the arrows found their mark, one struck the link that held the right of his breastplate one, before he could repare it another arrow hit, driving into his lungs. Elrond gasped and slew another Orc, but the orcs sword peiced his guts, Elrond fell but as he did swept up with his sword slicing an Orc in two. He parryed a blow on his knees knowing the wounds where fatal. And he slashed cutting the guts out of the orc. Another arrow hit this time in the neck and Elrond, half-elven fell and died. A ring of power upon his finger and soon the corpse covered his still warm body. His 3000 years upon the world ending.
His unseeing eyes did not saw when the Rohirrin began to break. When his elves fled leaving their bodys behind them. he did not see the victorius orcs. Too many bodies covered him, but at least the bodies would stop his ring of power being found.
The elves fourght back to the second gate and then too the third where the great gate slammed behind them. They where defeated demorilised, their leader was missing and they had lost a great many elves. But they had brought time with their lives.

Elven losses:5,897
Monte Ozarka
09-04-2004, 18:44
As the horde of orcs found themselves attacked from two sides, their attack upon the third wall lessened. The brave stand of the elves on the second level of the city had held up the entire orcish force for more than a day. (ooc: I assume that it would take a while to kill off 5,897 elves?) While the battle went on below, the men under Prince Imrahil supported the elves by raining deadly clouds of arrows upon the heads of the enemy. When the second level was finally lost and the final elves retreated within the third wall, Prince Imrahil and his men uttered a prayer for the fallen elves. Others, meanwhile strengthened the gates once more and frantically tried to think of possible defenses against Mordor’s next attack. Trebuchets and catapults on the higher levels aimed at the lower levels of their own cities, seeking to crush as many orcs as possible and to create an almost impassable field of rubble that orcs, and especially siege weapons, would find very difficult to traverse. While the foes of Gondor mulled around trying to think up of a new stratagem, the men of Gondor and her allies hastily licked their wounds, always wary for a renewed attack. Many had fallen on the walls, and many more were suffered terrible injuries. However, the battle for the first two levels of the city would not be the last, and all the men could do was to simply grunt and bear it.

Meanwhile, the Witchking was in a towering fit of rage. The attack was going too slowly. So, he thought, the men of Gondor still have some fight left in them. Fools! I shall teach them to never resist the power of Mordor. Kicking aside and crunching within his steel-encased hands orcs that were hapless enough to get in his way, the Witchking stormed to his steed. Taking to the air, he called out to his forces, “Advance the mûmakil and archers. Take out each man, one by one, and tear down his walls!” With that, the Witchking flew back towards Mordor.

Blaring their trumpet-like trunks, the mûmakil charged the third wall. With a loud THUD, the mûmakil threw their weight into the wall. The wall shook but held. Soon, though, the relentless pounding of the mûmakil and the siege weapons will bring this wall of the city down. However, the men of Gondor had learned their lesson from the first attack. When the mûmakil hit the walls again, the men upon the walls launched very large jars at the beasts. Upon hitting them, the jars shattered, and the beasts were soon covered in a black, somewhat glutinous liquid. The walls shook more and more with each successive mûmakil charge, but Prince Imrahil stood firm. Grim and ashen-faced, he called out, “Archers, prepare to fire.”

Along the walls, archers wrapped the tips of their arrows with hay or oily rags and lit them. Drawing their arrows back and taking careful aim, they waited for the final command.

“FIRE!” yelled the Prince.

As the beasts were charging once more toward the walls, they were struck by the numerous arrows. However, when the burning arrows hit an area covered by the black liquid, the entire area burst into flames. Soon, five of the mûmakil were engulfed in fire from the burning pitch on its hide. The beasts took minds of their own and thrashed all around, heedless of the commands of their drivers, trying to extinguish the inescapable heat. The burning mûmakil, in their tramping about, set many of the siege towers on fire and knocked over many of these same towers and ladders. Orcs below fled, trying to avoid the heavy feet of the uncontrollable mûmakil. The orcish commander at the Grond saw this and, fearing entrapment, ordered his group to retreat and drag the Grond back to safety. Because the mûmakil were such large and hardy creatures, they stayed alive for a great deal of time. However, each of the beasts, in turn, eventually succumbed to the flames. Now, adding to the impassable rubble and bodies were the eight burning corpses of the mûmakil. The stench of burning flesh was sickening to the body, but as long as the fiery carcasses stayed, the orcs of Mordor could not pass.
09-04-2004, 19:04
Mount Ozarka, I post my own losses :?

5 of the Mumakil are dead.
1000 Harad Warriors are dead.

The 3 remaining Mumakil crashed into the second level walls, crushing orc, Harad and anybody unlucky enough to get trampled underfoot.

The 20 Catapults fired at the walls, but not at the 3rd level. They fired at the topmost level of Minas Tirith, hoping to trap Denethor and create a landslide.

The Harad archers all stopped, they aimed their bows and 10,000 lethal poisoned Harad arrows zoomed at the Eagles.
Elves Security Forces
09-04-2004, 19:08
Eagle Losses: 42 Eagles dead
Remaining eagles: 88
IC: Seeing the Mumakil die , the eagles now directed thier attack at the Harad archers. The twist and turn and pick up& drop , over and over again.
"These scoundrels will die by our talons or us by thiers."
09-04-2004, 19:16
2000 Archers are dead.

The Harad Archers stand ground and fire another volley of 8000 arrows at the Eagles.

At the back of the Army, a bunch of hastily constructed ballistas fire 20 gigantic ballista bolts at the Eagles.

Behind all of the Elvish and Gondorian captains, a Harad assassin[dressed up as a Gondorian or Elf] whirls out and deals a dance of bloody death on the Captains.
Elves Security Forces
09-04-2004, 19:52
Eagles Lost:22
IC: The eagles were making progress but at this rate, it would nerely wipe them out. After another 10 rounds of dropping archers the Great Eagle ordered the eagles to retreat back to the mountain.
09-04-2004, 20:03
"Victory!" Screamed Kumash

As the Eagles flew off, Kumash pondered, with the Eagles gone it was only a matter of time before Minas Tirith-and inevitably Middle Earth-would fall...

The Archers loaded their bows and fired 7000 Poisoned arrows at the Gondorians...

The Ballistas fired bolt after bolt at the enemies soldiers and the 20 catapults still fired at the topmost wall...

He would be remembered as the most mighty Harad warlord in the history of the world...
Elves Security Forces
09-04-2004, 20:07
OCC: They retreated back to the mountain but not all the way. Merely time to rest and then come back stronger with mayb a few more warriors.
Muggles and Animals
09-04-2004, 20:18
as the battle raged on the easterlings knew taht the war would not be won withought their help. The easterlings took, held and tehn pushed back the rohinian cavalry. This was amzing and the rohinians were soon falling back, but they wqould soon regroupd and then attack again. However when they did the easterlings would be ready!
Muggles and Animals
09-04-2004, 20:18
as the battle raged on the easterlings knew taht the war would not be won withought their help. The easterlings took, held and tehn pushed back the rohinian cavalry. This was amzing and the rohinians were soon falling back, but they wqould soon regroupd and then attack again. However when they did the easterlings would be ready!
09-04-2004, 20:24
OOC:What Rohirrim cavalry?

"Men of the East" Kumash cried "Long have we fueded with each other, now is the time to unite!"

"Gather your forces and get your archers to kill the Eagles, when they return. Order your catapulta to fire at the top level and get your warriors-so great in martial prowees-to slaughter the Gondorians."

"Do this and you will gain 9,000,000 Gold Pieces!"
Muggles and Animals
09-04-2004, 21:21
i go now, but dont ever roder me again or you will feel the wrath of 10,000 years of honed training techniques!
Monte Ozarka
10-04-2004, 06:31
Mount Ozarka, I post my own losses :?

5 of the Mumakil are dead.
1000 Harad Warriors are dead.

ooc: duly noted and corrected. sorry :? also, your siege weapons are firing at the topmost level? do you really think they can fire that far and that high? whatever...if i'm in range, you're definitely in range...

Atop the third wall, the Captains of Gondor and Prince Imrahil and his aides held conference. Every time they came upon a strategy of merit, it was eventually pointed out that their numbers were simply too few. While this haggling continued, a Gondorian officer walked up to the meeting. With the hustle and bustle going on around them, no one much noticed or cared. However, this was not an officer of Gondor. Indeed, he was an assassin sent by the lord of the Haradrim to assassinate the leaders of the defense. Silently, beneath his cloak, this man drew a poison-tipped dagger. Keeping it within the folds of his cloak, he advanced toward the highest-ranked officer there--Prince Imrahil. As he got closer, the Prince's personal aide stood and questioned, "Hello. Who are you, and what is your business?"

Fearing his discovery, this assassin pulled out the dagger and plunged it deep into the crack between the aide's breastplate and arm harness. Alarmed, the congregation rose and made to draw their swords. As the assassin pulled his dagger from the aide, the aide staggered back with an expression of shock upon his face. He tottered there and then fell onto his knees where the scene in front of him quickly became shrouded in a darkening veil. As he closed his eyes, he could feel the pain vanish, and his soul was well on its way to the next world before his body collapsed upon the ground.

Meanwhile, when the assassin pulled his dagger out, he turned to see a Captain of Gondor raising his sword. Knowing that the end was about to come, the assassin thrust his blade into the crack between the breastplate and the thigh armor. With a roar of pain, the Captain brought his blade down hard at the assassin's neck, cleaving him in two.

Though his aide was dead, he Captain still had life in him. "Take this man to the Houses of Healing!" Prince Imrahil commanded. Looking down at the assassin that claimed two officers, he said, "Get rid of him. Toss him over the wall."

During this battle, the forces of Mordor concentrated its artillery fire on the higher levels of the city, presumably hoping to disable the weapons mounted upon them. So far, 3 trebuchets and 2 catapults had been put out of action, though combat engineers are rushing to replace them. In fact, combat engineers were rushing to do everything, between constructing weapons, strengthening doors, repairing walls, building barracks, etc. They had even managed to create a landing pad of sorts on the lawn at the top-most level of the city. There, injured Eagles can refresh themselves and be treated for their injuries.

The Gondorians soon returned fire. The trebuchets, catapults, and other assorted weaponry opened fire upon the enemy siege weapons. Being at a higher altitude, they had the double advantage of greater range and greater hitting force.

The battle was going well until ear-piercing shrieks pierced the air. Casting their eyes upwards, the defenders felt their blood run cold by what they beheld.

The Nazgûl cometh.
Elves Security Forces
10-04-2004, 06:43
The Great Eagle hasd succeded in finding another 12 eagles hiding and convince them to fight. Now with refreshed troops , they took off for the city again. Although only half of the starting number , these Eagles were completly rested and fed and were evan more deadly.
They saw the nazgul and the Great Eagles decided that 6 eagles per nazgul would be good.
"Warriors fight those wretches for the santinity of living and the freedom of the world."
10-04-2004, 08:59
Kumash watched as 5 of his siege weapons were obliterated. Of course when they saw what would happen...

The Mumakil still continued to smash at the 3rd level, but the siege weapons shot at the 4th level instead.
10-04-2004, 15:39
(ooc-muggles and animals, you cant take over another RP'ers forces,you cant just say that we stoped the attack, its just not good RPing. bring in some of youre own forces, now if i asked you to cauculate the battle, and the person whose RPing the easterlings asks you to take over the eaterlings that would be ALOT better, i would go in-depth, but if their were even ten thousand eaterlings versus six thousand(Even though the Rohhirim are closer to eight thousand) Rohhirim, the simple fact of it, the easterlings would get crushed, not to mention the easterlings are on the east side,whereas the Rohhirim are approaching from the west.)

*the Gondorians defended valiantly, but the second layer fell to quickly, the men fell back to the third level, most of them made it, a few were trampled,some were hit by arrows, some hit by falling debris, they braced the gate with all thier might, but the blunt of the attack was on the walls,not the gate, the Gondorians went as fast as they could up on the wall, but a few Gondorians began to roll boulders against the gate to blockade it,on the walls it was chaos,the Mumakil smashing the wall while some were burning, the overwhelming numbers were discouraging, the men had fallen back two layers already, the second layer fell in a moment after the gate was breeched, corpses and boulders litterd the first three layers of wall, total carnage, no man was left alive in the two levels, if this was the fate of Minas Tirith, it would be a bloody fate, but the city didnt fall without a fight. To the north Aragorn was stalled outside Osgiliath, the city was still held by the orcs, and if they were alerted that the mercanaries were killed, they would sink the boats in any way possible. but finally, the first of the Rohhirim warriors emerged from the forrest, he was the King of Rohan, Theoden by name, his horse emerged, followed by the rest of the Rohhirim, the large force of near eight-thousand cavalry began to charge down into the fields of Pelenor, many arrows flew from the bows of the Rohhirim, even a few of the Rohhirim flung axes at the orcs, soon it would be a fight for the ages, and quite possibly the last field battle on free middle-earth.....*

(ooc- the Rohhirim are the cavalry from Rohan,the finest in middle-earth, they wield assorted weapons, but are great fighters and horsemen.)
10-04-2004, 21:51
Then last few elves waited, commanded by Arwen, daughter of Elrond, and one of Elronds sons, the other slain in battle. They had run out of arrows, and so waited for the end, the few that had arrows laft kept them in the quiver, ready to fire. Each elf decided that they would not let the third level fall and they would rarther die fighting, and 4,000 elves are hard to kill...
10-04-2004, 22:00
One of Kumash's shamans came out onto the battlements. In his hands he held the body of Elrond. On his finger was Vilya The ring of Healing.

He proceeded to mutialate the body and stuff Mumakil excrement into the mouth of Elrond. The same was done to Elrond's son.

He then spoke in the Black tongue, that acurssed language of Mordor that causes Elves to cower, then beat a hasty retreat off the battlements...
11-04-2004, 09:25
(ooc-muggles and animals, you cant take over another RP'ers forces,you cant just say that we stoped the attack, its just not good RPing. bring in some of youre own forces, now if i asked you to cauculate the battle, and the person whose RPing the easterlings asks you to take over the eaterlings that would be ALOT better, i would go in-depth, but if their were even ten thousand eaterlings versus six thousand(Even though the Rohhirim are closer to eight thousand) Rohhirim, the simple fact of it, the easterlings would get crushed, not to mention the easterlings are on the east side,whereas the Rohhirim are approaching from the west.)

i am the one controlling the easterlings i used a puppet naation before, and also i th0ough they had arrived. Also easterlings are tough to killthey have thick armour and are extremely quick. Plus i ahve good leadership and i am wanting to prove my worth on the battlefield!!!
11-04-2004, 10:11
OOC : Can i join, I can bring some dwarves of the lonely mountain?
11-04-2004, 15:38
(ooc-ppl quit using puppets,it is annoying for this kind of thing and you dont know who plays who. and easterlings ARE NOT that hard to kill, they are bulked down by heavy armor, IF the armor was that heavy, but to go further,what are you basing it on ? book/game/movie ?)
(and sure,join in with some Dwarves,we need 'em.)

*the sight of the eight-thousand Rohhirim charging from the west was amazing,the sigh of all the green capes,all the horses,the armor that glitterd in the sun,the victory was short lived as all sort of evil beasts attempted to get over teh second layer wall, the men on the third level tried to keep courage over the arrival of the Rohhirim, but it was short lived as teh siege would continue until the Rohhirim got to the city to assist the men inside.*
11-04-2004, 15:40
As the Rohirrim charged forth they failed to see what was coming behind them. The shapes of 20 reinforcing Mumakil...
11-04-2004, 17:21
Elwing smiled and tensernd her bow, aiming at the shaman who had seized Vilya, she fired and the arrow flew passing through the Shamans body. He tumbled and she knew that the ring would be safe. Now to rescue it. Like a hero she lept from the battlements, using the elven ability of landing from high falls she landed slashed with her sword and ducked under a enermy blade. The orc looked down as the elf lossened his guts form his belly. She ran, leaping from rooftop to rooftop always one step ahead of enermy arrows. She reached the roof above the shamans bodys and jumped to the ground sizing both the ring and Elronds body. What was left of it at least, she sliced another haradian dwon and forght her way back onto the roof tops. She put the ring upon Elronds finger to keep it safe and again ran along the roof tops. She reached the wall, to high to jump even for an elf and so tossed Elronds body and the ring over the battlement. Haradian began to approch again and she knew what to do. She would not let her bosy be violated like Elronds and so made her way to the 2nd wall and then jumped, into the piles of corpses, burying her way under them, not plesent but better that being killed. She began to plot a way to stop the enermy ram, and so she waited, for she had seen Aragon son of Arathorn upon the bow of a conasor ship and with him the army of the dead.
Soon it would be over and evil would fall.
The gratest battle of the time was changing.
11-04-2004, 17:29
OOC: Mount Ozarka, do you mind me borrowing the Witch King and the Ringwriths. You can borrow some Harad if you want!

A chill mist was in the air. The Elves, all against a corner were befuddled. Out of the Mist came the Witch King and the other 8 Ringwraiths. Unclad and with huge maces and swords they were now at their full potency...

They descended onto the Elves[on foot] hacking and swirling with maces....
Monte Ozarka
11-04-2004, 18:00
ooc: commorargh--sure, take the ringwraiths, though you'd have to explain how you got past the eagles. and about your last post, where did they land? where are they?

Relieved to see that the Eagles had joined in the fight once again and were keeping the Nazgûl occupied, the men and remaining elves on the third wall once again turned their attentions to the massive army attacking the walls. Although five of the mûmakil had been brought down, three still remained. Though the orcs themselves and their siege towers and ladders proved to be unable to traverse the fiery, smoky, stench-filled chasm, the three mûmakil continued to batter at the walls. The previous tactic had worked well against the majority of the mûmakil, but the men had run out of the jars of pitch. The few small fires that burnt on the remaining beasts were quickly put out by their handlers. In the higher levels, the men of the army ran about, frantically trying to collect more pitch against these otherwise unconquerable beasts. Fortunately, with the decrease in numbers of the enemy army actually doing any form of attacking, the wall would be able to stand much longer.

Using this reprieve to rest, recuperate, reinforce, and resupply, the men of Gondor and her allies rotated around so that those who had seen relatively little action in the higher levels of the city came down to where the battle was, and those who had seen practically non-stop action could go higher, get some food, and go to the Houses of Healing, if necessary. They were also assigned the task of searching for and making more arrows. Trees were stripped bare and fowl were killed as they struggled to keep up with the incredible rate of fire. Though the city held, unless a miracle occurred or some aide came quickly, it could not possibly continue to do so. Seeing the men having their immense fatigue compounded by an abject sense of fear, foreboding, and moroseness, Gandalf made his rounds among the men, trying to hearten them the best he could, though he knew that words can only do so much.

Suddenly, from the west, one horn, then multiple ones, sounded. However, these were not orcish horns. Thousands of mounted and well-armed horsemen emerged from the forest in good order and charged the orcish horde. The Rohirrim had finally come to Gondor’s aide.

In the Houses of Healing
Prince Imrahil, having fought the entirety of the battle, was getting a few minor wounds incurred dressed. All around him were men and elves in various states of hurt—some with a few cuts and others on the verge of death. Beside him, the Captain of Gondor that had killed the assassin laid, unmoving in his bed and eyes closed, for the poison on the blade had done its work, and the Captain had passed away into the netherworld just minutes before.

Such death, such destruction, he thought as he stared at the dead Captain’s face, Such great sacrifices that must be made in the name of good…

Engrossed in thought, Prince Imrahil almost didn’t notice the cheers, horns, and other commotion coming from outside. Dashing out, he saw below him, on the fifth level, a great number of men marching in column. Recognizing the man on horseback at the head of the column as his loyal subject Galador, Duke of Lower Dor-en-Ernil. With a shout of joy, the Prince ran down to the fifth level to welcome the arrival of his 2,700 reinforcements.
11-04-2004, 18:07
OOC: There on foot, slaughtering the last elves.

The bomb was set. The Harad assassin put his torch to it and.....

The technology, took from Saruman was working wonders. A breach [20 metres wide] was created in the 3rd wall...
11-04-2004, 18:07
OOC: My elves (those surviving) are in the fortress in the third level, with the condorians, not in a corner. If you want to take on a few of the Nordor (those who have seen the blessed realm) such as Gonforiamth who rescued Frodo and defeated 5 of the ringwraths and other mighty lord, and gandalf. As well as Arwen (Who defeated a single ringwrath.) The witch-kings supposed to be fighting Eowen at this time.

IC: (If you really want to.) Gonfordif (Sp) stepped forward his sword was out and he was blazing with light that seemed to come from elsewhere, to his right stood Gandalf, staff glowing, and to the left others of the Nordor who had slain dragons and balrogs in their time. The mist seemed to disapperate as their feet touched it and their swords glowed blue. They chanted in elvish, word that would defeat evil and the ringwraths back off hurt by the good magic. Behind them a wood elf lit some wood and handed round torches, fire is the deadlyest enermy of the Ringwraths.
The elves charged and launched into combat everybit a skilled as the Ringwraths, Gandalf stabbed with his sword made long ago in the elven relm of ....(Cannot rember name in samarillian and the hobbet.) it peiced a ring wraths unseen tendon and killed him, his ring falling of its finger to roll in the ground. The wood elf cast his flame at one of the nazgul and the nazgul fled his clock aflame.
The nazgul fled defeated by such a powerful collection of elves and wizards. They had only claimed 5 lives with their evil ways and lost 1 of their own.
Elves Security Forces
12-04-2004, 03:18
OCC: I'm still waiting for a responce to my eagles attack. If there aint one by tommorow morning I will make one up, and I'm sure the forces of evil won't like it. In fact I will be sure to piss em off if it does happen.
12-04-2004, 09:48
OOC: There on foot, slaughtering the last elves.

The bomb was set. The Harad assassin put his torch to it and.....

The technology, took from Saruman was working wonders. A breach [20 metres wide] was created in the 3rd wall...
OOC: The last elves their are still 4,500 of them, and the bombs, Sauron did not have them, Saruman did not give them too him, see Lord of the Rings, Weapons and Warfare.
12-04-2004, 13:09

OOC: My elves (those surviving) are in the fortress in the third level, with the condorians, not in a corner. If you want to take on a few of the Nordor (those who have seen the blessed realm) such as Gonforiamth who rescued Frodo and defeated 5 of the ringwraths and other mighty lord, and gandalf. As well as Arwen (Who defeated a single ringwrath.) The witch-kings supposed to be fighting Eowen at this time.

IC: (If you really want to.) Gonfordif (Sp) stepped forward his sword was out and he was blazing with light that seemed to come from elsewhere, to his right stood Gandalf, staff glowing, and to the left others of the Nordor who had slain dragons and balrogs in their time. The mist seemed to disapperate as their feet touched it and their swords glowed blue. They chanted in elvish, word that would defeat evil and the ringwraths back off hurt by the good magic. Behind them a wood elf lit some wood and handed round torches, fire is the deadlyest enermy of the Ringwraths.
The elves charged and launched into combat everybit a skilled as the Ringwraths, Gandalf stabbed with his sword made long ago in the elven relm of ....(Cannot rember name in samarillian and the hobbet.) it peiced a ring wraths unseen tendon and killed him, his ring falling of its finger to roll in the ground. The wood elf cast his flame at one of the nazgul and the nazgul fled his clock aflame.
The nazgul fled defeated by such a powerful collection of elves and wizards. They had only claimed 5 lives with their evil ways and lost 1 of their own.

Note that you cannot in the normal sense kill a Ringwraith. It will just come back in 4 or so days.

Only 2 people in your entire force[Gandalf,Glorfindel] could take on a Ringwraith with chances of winning. The others would be slaughtered.

Only 2 people have killed a Balrog or Dragon:
Glorfindel[siege of Gondolin, hand-to-hand]

If I can't use bombs then I'll make you explain how the Index of the ROTK book says that Rivendell is inhabited by 400 Elves, but you have near 8,000 warriors and if so why they would leave their homes and familys defenceless
12-04-2004, 14:32
Can anyone tell me of anymore LOTR RP . This is great still got to read pages 3,4,5 and 6 I may join in but you may have done by then.
BYE :o
12-04-2004, 14:39
ooc-commorargh, mind explaining how twenty MORE mumakil are, supposedly, coming from the west ? osgiliath is almost directly north of Minas Tirith, and logistically speaking it would be VERY difficult to move twenty large beasts to farther west than the Rohhirim were/are and then have them come around and attack the city WITHOUT being seen before.
and have you thought that maybe the elves had agtherd at rivendell once this war started ? and they were just hanging around that area ? still doubtfull though.


*The Rohhirim charged towards the orcish line, using javilens,bows,and throwing axes, all raining death into the orcs, as soon as the Rohhirim made melee contact with the orcs it was once again a battle of many weapons, most of the orcish spearmen were at the front line,that attacked the city first, as for the middle lines, the orcs had swords,some had axes, a few had spears, and the Rohhirim were almost the same, but mainly axes and sword, with a good number of mounted archers, as the battle commenced one-thousand Rohhirim split from the main group,and started towards the city to aid the defenders, for the detachment of Rohhirim going to the city the battle was fierce, they tried to just overrun the orcs, but it proved difficult due to the vast numbers of them. Many of the Rohhirim were not at helms deep, so this was the first revenge they were able to take out on the orcs, the Rohhirim fought hard and valiantly, and somehow a small part of the detachment, no more than a hundred, were able to break free and get to the city, as small as the number was they charged into the city, they were able to get through the main gate,now in shambles, but they encounterd a massive troll guarding the second-level gate, the thirteen mounted archers that were with them let loose their arrows almost in unison, the troll reared back, but didnt fall, instsead it grabbed its massive warhammer and made its way to the Rohhirim, a few of the Rohhirim wasted no time in sourrounding the dull-witted troll and attacking the legs, the troll swung its hammer and took out three riders, but the trolls stubby legs could no longer hold the massive beast, the troll fell over,its legs cuts many times by the sword of the Rohhirim, once that was mainly clear they didnt bother killing it, the Rohhirim just quickly charged into the second level,they found themselves nearly sourrounded with orcs, but they were within reach of the Gondorian and Elven defenders, without the speed of the charge the Rohhirim couldnt charge over the orcs,so they fought melee style,again with assorted weapons.*
13-04-2004, 09:21

OOC: My elves (those surviving) are in the fortress in the third level, with the condorians, not in a corner. If you want to take on a few of the Nordor (those who have seen the blessed realm) such as Gonforiamth who rescued Frodo and defeated 5 of the ringwraths and other mighty lord, and gandalf. As well as Arwen (Who defeated a single ringwrath.) The witch-kings supposed to be fighting Eowen at this time.

IC: (If you really want to.) Gonfordif (Sp) stepped forward his sword was out and he was blazing with light that seemed to come from elsewhere, to his right stood Gandalf, staff glowing, and to the left others of the Nordor who had slain dragons and balrogs in their time. The mist seemed to disapperate as their feet touched it and their swords glowed blue. They chanted in elvish, word that would defeat evil and the ringwraths back off hurt by the good magic. Behind them a wood elf lit some wood and handed round torches, fire is the deadlyest enermy of the Ringwraths.
The elves charged and launched into combat everybit a skilled as the Ringwraths, Gandalf stabbed with his sword made long ago in the elven relm of ....(Cannot rember name in samarillian and the hobbet.) it peiced a ring wraths unseen tendon and killed him, his ring falling of its finger to roll in the ground. The wood elf cast his flame at one of the nazgul and the nazgul fled his clock aflame.
The nazgul fled defeated by such a powerful collection of elves and wizards. They had only claimed 5 lives with their evil ways and lost 1 of their own.

Note that you cannot in the normal sense kill a Ringwraith. It will just come back in 4 or so days.

Only 2 people in your entire force[Gandalf,Glorfindel] could take on a Ringwraith with chances of winning. The others would be slaughtered.

Only 2 people have killed a Balrog or Dragon:
Glorfindel[siege of Gondolin, hand-to-hand]

If I can't use bombs then I'll make you explain how the Index of the ROTK book says that Rivendell is inhabited by 400 Elves, but you have near 8,000 warriors and if so why they would leave their homes and familys defenceless
OOC: Yes but I also have elves from Mirkwood, Lorian, the havens, the towers. Theirs lots of others all other the place. The dewarves killed dragon in the wars against Mekalor thats why they have fire helms so they could withstand the flames, Torin killed a dragon as well as Bard. And I thought seeing as Gandalf held off the nine on weather top and Glorfindel defeated 5 on the bridge and Aragon defeated 5 those two could defeat the nine with the help of the rest of the elves. A ringwrath might not come back, Eyown killed one along with merry. The others would not be slaghtered as they had fire and Ringwraths hate fire. Gandalf was the Grey on weathertop and as the wight he i more powerful.
13-04-2004, 11:23
OOC: Sorry for not posting in such a long time!


The Uruks finally came within sight of Minas Tirith, and the enormous gathering of Rohirrim. Durbulûk let out an intimidating roar as the 10,000 strong host of Uruk-hai readied their crossbows at the Rohirrim. Durbulûk readied his own crossbow, and the trolls readied their catapults.

Letting off just one of his hideous, dirty arrows at one of the Rohirrim, the entire host of Uruks let loose a black volley of thousands of arrows, and the trolls unleashed an enormous torrent of heavy rocks upon the Rohirrim. The Uruks also diverted their attention to the eagles in the skies above. Whilst focusing on the Rohirrim, they also let loose many arrows at the Eagles, tipped with a horrible poison which came forth from the pits of Isengard.

The trolls continued their destructive hail of rocks upon the Rohirrim, as they could see clearly that the army of Minas Morgul was having a difficult time against this new force. Minas Tirith would soon break!
14-04-2004, 14:11
OCC: Can I join in , I can bring the Corsairs of Umber !
14-04-2004, 14:12
OCC: Can I join in , I can bring the Corsairs of Umber !
14-04-2004, 17:05
ooc: ok then

ic: the dwarves pressed forward, they were now almost there, 1000 grim faced dwarves led by Dain Ironfoot were heading towards Minas Tirith.

ooc: if you want to know their equipment read the hobbit, they are equipped like Dains dwarves in there, can't be bothered to write much more at the moment, am using another forum
14-04-2004, 17:06
ooc: ok then

ic: the dwarves pressed forward, they were now almost there, 1000 grim faced dwarves led by Dain Ironfoot were heading towards Minas Tirith.

ooc: if you want to know their equipment read the hobbit, they are equipped like Dains dwarves in there, can't be bothered to write much more at the moment, am using another forum
14-04-2004, 17:11
The horde approached the back of the White Mountains. On the other side was Minas Tirith. The 70,000 strong Goblin Horde climbed the mountains......
15-04-2004, 08:25
OCC: I am just making up my leaders name. I don't know much about them except what's in Lord of the Rings: Weapons and Warfare.

Cainsklish , king of Umber , enemy of Gondor was listening to reports from scouts that Mordor had invaded Gondor , and that elves and dwarfs were coming to help.
"I see " he stood up and told to get the army here when they were he gave them a speech.. "Men, Gondor is about to fall !!!" a giant cheer went up "now is are chance , let's show them that Umbar are not quiet anymore , WE RISE TO DESTROY GONDOR !!!!". Men where cheering , this was the day that they had waited for lifetimes to finally destroy the evil Gondor and her people.
"Get 7 ships ready get as much people we can" he told his General Dumji.

"Yes my lord make that 4,000 men" he quickly said.
"Now get the troops ready we are going to help , oh and we sail today." He said a smile coming over his face.
He was a tall man he had only one eye his cloths were mainly just wool and fur and he had leather dye in the color of green , his Armour he had a small helmet just round he then had shin Armour and Armour on the belly and back. He always carried a orc sword it was his Fathers and his Fathers , farther he had a shield it had the words " THE DESTRUCTION OF GONDOR IS NEAR".
They set sail around 10 hours later. They were going to be a big part of the battle (they hoped).
16-04-2004, 20:29
Cainsklish jumped from the boat, immediately an orc messenger came.
"King of Umber, Lord Saron says you can have the loot from Minas Tirith" a giant cheer came from the boats. "I must go " and he got on his warg and went.
"You here that men Gondor is ours!!" another cheer went up. "We make camp".

OCC: I am going out write more in the morning!
16-04-2004, 23:29
ooc-i was not activ eon the forums for a couple days, my apologies. and not much has happend, but i feel the need to point a few things out....
Minas Tirith has NOT fallen, the battle is still going on.
we are past the point where Aragorn defeated the mercanaries, and took there boats, but that isnt big since im sure many people dont care much for gondor, and would rally to fight the gondorians.
Gmeistaville, i didnt see anything about trolls in youre introduction for the uruks, and if they are lugging around huge boulders, it would slow them down, and take away vital speed,espically if they were bringing catapults.
and another thing, if you fire at the Rohhirim, you are going to hit a bunch of orcs aswell, since they are fighting melee style, but that is no problem, since they (uruks) dont mind some of their orcish allies getting killed.

*The Rohhirm kept fighting, they did not notice the massive gathering of uruks, they were more concerned with the battle at hand, and the defense of the city, but it became apparent that the uruks were there when the sky darkened with arrows,many Rohhirim were either killed, or de-horsed, the remaining mounted archers of the Rohhirim fired a volley of arrows in retaliation, but the crossbows were devastating, the remaining Rohhirim began to disengage the fighting, and make their way to the city, Minas Tirith's walls, as crumbly as they may be, would provide some protection, and the garrison needed reinforcements. the group of Rohhirim already inside the city were mostly dismounted and fighting on foot,a path was almost clear for the men to get inside with the garrison, but if timing was werong by a second it could mean doom for the third level. Aragorn and his companions were waiting, the orcs were stilll to many for any hope of reaching Minas Tirith.*
17-04-2004, 06:56
OOC: But i did mention them in a later post :D also I said a number somewhere in the thousands for trolls, obviously not lol, make it 200.


The barrage of arrows had severely hindered the Rohirrim and they were forced to make haste to the city's walls. Unfortunately, due to simple plain bad luck, a sizeable amount of Orcs were also killed, a number stretching into the hundreds. 152 Uruks were killed by the arrows sent back by the small group of archers still there, but the Uruks didn't care, they only cared about breaking Minas Tirith.

The Uruks and trolls, after this very minor victory, pushed on into the city, moving within very close range of the first city. Some 2,000 of the Uruks pushed into the city, hoisting up their heavy metal ladders and clamping them down at the top. Already completely covered in Uruks, as soon as the ladders hit the wall they unloaded and begun fighting. Shielding themselves with their large shields, they were almost invincible to arrows as they were being hoisted up.

Meanwhile, the remaining 8,000 or so on the ground begun launching enormous chunks of the ruins of the first two walls up at the beseiged forces. Whenever they could, they fired their crossbows off at the forces on the walls. Engaging with any forces along the way, they entered the battlefield like a black plague...
17-04-2004, 09:31
OCC: We know Minas Tirith hasn't fallen , the orc meant after it had fallen.

"My lord, let us make for Minas Tirith and camp outside then in the morning attack and help destroy, Gondor" general Dumji suggested.
"Ok, but we must run we can see the city now, so we can't go by boat that just stupid. Wait, we will go by boat and we can reach there today. Men get on the boats!!" he told his troops and general Dumji.
Monte Ozarka
17-04-2004, 14:55
ooc: sorry for not posting in such a long time. my connection just randomly decided to shut itself down for a couple of days.

Though their arrival was slow, Galador and his men brought a good number of supplies and were well-rested, ready for battle. Quivers and quivers of arrows hung from the backs of the warriors. They were apparently forewarned that this would be a long battle. However, due to the mountain journey, the siege weaponry that they had brought had to be left behind in the ships. Though unmanned and unprotected, the ships were well-hidden and remained at the head of the River Erui. There lay the ability for the men to turn into a marine force at any time and strike the orcs from behind.

The raging battle below kept Prince Imrahil's and Gondor's men beneath the orcs' radar. The first and second levels were demolished and made unusable by the tramping orcs, so the men in the city contented themselves by reinforcing the third wall. A massive pile of debris blocked the third gate. This gate would not be broken unless what broke it could move a massive amount of earth, as well. Mounds of boulders and jars of pitch lay on the battlements, ready to be used at any time. Axes to cut ropes and long poles to push off ladders were waiting for use. The men on the battlements were replaced with fresh troops. Arrows were given to the elves, for their marksmanship was unsurpassed in Middlearth.

Strangely enough, while immense chaos reigned in the air and down below, the walls of Minas Tirith were practically silent.
18-04-2004, 09:00
Dumji, was on look out duty as only he and the king knew were they were going.
Then he saw something, something hidden, something on the water, he looked closer and saw boats, he counted an there were six boats. They looked like Gondor ships.
"Cainsklish, come look" he shouted across the ship. The king sensing joy in his generals voice ran over.
"What ?" he asked.
"Six ships of Gondor" he said slowly.
"MEN GET YOUR ARROWS AND BOWS READY AND MAKE SURE THERE ON FIRE !!!!!!!!!!!!" he had to shout very loud to reach all Severn ships. "NOW YOU SEE THOSE SHIPS, FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!" he shouted as loud as he could. And thousands of fire arrows went from ship to Gondor ship sooner or later the ships was in flames. Smoke was rising high into the sky, this is what the people of Umber think and make of the people of Gondor.
19-04-2004, 17:13
Still the elves stood, and still no blows to the gate came. Their carefully prepared battle planseemed useless. They still had arrows though. In the streets they stood, facing the gate, bows out, their last arrows in the quiver. They would not flee. The door finally collapsed and the orcs leapt forth, and the elves fired, reloaded and fired again, thousands of arrows crashing into the orc horde creating a mound of dead that clovered the gateway, they stopped fireing, a few arrows left and waited while more where passed forth. A few orcs started to climb the pile of corpse but when they reached the top the where shot down by elven snipers. A few elves picked up shovels and picks and dug holes in the ground for the sheilds to be placed in and a sheild wall was formed, dug into the groung deeply, still the elves waited, and the Orcs slowly where killed by skillfull archary, but arrows run out and one by one the elves dropped their bows when no more arrows came forth. But now their where so many corpse they filled the gateway and it'd take someone very strong to push them aside.
19-04-2004, 17:14
Still the elves stood, and still no blows to the gate came. Their carefully prepared battle planseemed useless. They still had arrows though. In the streets they stood, facing the gate, bows out, their last arrows in the quiver. They would not flee. The door finally collapsed and the orcs leapt forth, and the elves fired, reloaded and fired again, thousands of arrows crashing into the orc horde creating a mound of dead that clovered the gateway, they stopped fireing, a few arrows left and waited while more where passed forth. A few orcs started to climb the pile of corpse but when they reached the top the where shot down by elven snipers. A few elves picked up shovels and picks and dug holes in the ground for the sheilds to be placed in and a sheild wall was formed, dug into the groung deeply, still the elves waited, and the Orcs slowly where killed by skillfull archary, but arrows run out and one by one the elves dropped their bows when no more arrows came forth. But now their where so many corpse they filled the gateway and it'd take someone very strong to push them aside.
19-04-2004, 17:14
Still the elves stood, and still no blows to the gate came. Their carefully prepared battle planseemed useless. They still had arrows though. In the streets they stood, facing the gate, bows out, their last arrows in the quiver. They would not flee. The door finally collapsed and the orcs leapt forth, and the elves fired, reloaded and fired again, thousands of arrows crashing into the orc horde creating a mound of dead that clovered the gateway, they stopped fireing, a few arrows left and waited while more where passed forth. A few orcs started to climb the pile of corpse but when they reached the top the where shot down by elven snipers. A few elves picked up shovels and picks and dug holes in the ground for the sheilds to be placed in and a sheild wall was formed, dug into the groung deeply, still the elves waited, and the Orcs slowly where killed by skillfull archary, but arrows run out and one by one the elves dropped their bows when no more arrows came forth. But now their where so many corpse they filled the gateway and it'd take someone very strong to push them aside.
19-04-2004, 17:15
Still the elves stood, and still no blows to the gate came. Their carefully prepared battle planseemed useless. They still had arrows though. In the streets they stood, facing the gate, bows out, their last arrows in the quiver. They would not flee. The door finally collapsed and the orcs leapt forth, and the elves fired, reloaded and fired again, thousands of arrows crashing into the orc horde creating a mound of dead that clovered the gateway, they stopped fireing, a few arrows left and waited while more where passed forth. A few orcs started to climb the pile of corpse but when they reached the top the where shot down by elven snipers. A few elves picked up shovels and picks and dug holes in the ground for the sheilds to be placed in and a sheild wall was formed, dug into the groung deeply, still the elves waited, and the Orcs slowly where killed by skillfull archary, but arrows run out and one by one the elves dropped their bows when no more arrows came forth. But now their where so many corpse they filled the gateway and it'd take someone very strong to push them aside.
19-04-2004, 23:30
(ooc-wow, a quadrouple post, i think that rivals me ! lol. but with these forums i dont doubt it, please forgive any duplicate posts, the forums are dying on me...)

*The Rohhirim, both on horseback and on foot, got out their wooden shields to guard agaisnt any other ranged attacks from the uruks, but the second volley never came, the Uruks made their way to the walls of the city (which is what i gatherd from youre post, right Gmeistville ?[sry if i misspelt it]), many Rohhirim saw a gamble, the trolls were moving slowly behind, but flinging large stoens at the city, while the uruks were pre-occupied with getting over the walls , a group about 1250 mounted Rohhirim, armed with swords, axes, throwing hatchets, and bows made their way away from the main orcish army, and towards the trolls, they flung axes and shot bows as they charged towards them, they tried their best to charge through the trolls, nto charge to them and fight, the trolls would swing hammers, or toss boulders if the Rohhirim stoped for to long, so a hit and run tactic was used, the Rohhirm charged feriouciously, if they had any luck the trolls would notice thier approach until it was to late. As the third level gate was broken and the orcs charged in to the third level so did the small group of Rohhirim, form the original 100 about 35 were left on horseback, and another 17 had been dehorsed,the made their way over the rubble, and to the elven shield line,there they made their stand alongside the elves,who had recently helped them at Helms Deep.*

(ooc-whose ships did you attack ? i dont remember anyone mentioning like eieght ships,other than you...<--- to whoever has the corsiars attacking eight gondorian ships.)
19-04-2004, 23:30
(ooc-wow, a quadrouple post, i think that rivals me ! lol. but with these forums i dont doubt it, please forgive any duplicate posts, the forums are dying on me...)

*The Rohhirim, both on horseback and on foot, got out their wooden shields to guard agaisnt any other ranged attacks from the uruks, but the second volley never came, the Uruks made their way to the walls of the city (which is what i gatherd from youre post, right Gmeistville ?[sry if i misspelt it]), many Rohhirim saw a gamble, the trolls were moving slowly behind, but flinging large stoens at the city, while the uruks were pre-occupied with getting over the walls , a group about 1250 mounted Rohhirim, armed with swords, axes, throwing hatchets, and bows made their way away from the main orcish army, and towards the trolls, they flung axes and shot bows as they charged towards them, they tried their best to charge through the trolls, nto charge to them and fight, the trolls would swing hammers, or toss boulders if the Rohhirim stoped for to long, so a hit and run tactic was used, the Rohhirm charged feriouciously, if they had any luck the trolls would notice thier approach until it was to late. As the third level gate was broken and the orcs charged in to the third level so did the small group of Rohhirim, form the original 100 about 35 were left on horseback, and another 17 had been dehorsed,the made their way over the rubble, and to the elven shield line,there they made their stand alongside the elves,who had recently helped them at Helms Deep.*

(ooc-whose ships did you attack ? i dont remember anyone mentioning like eieght ships,other than you...<--- to whoever has the corsiars attacking eight gondorian ships.)
19-04-2004, 23:30
(ooc-wow, a quadrouple post, i think that rivals me ! lol. but with these forums i dont doubt it, please forgive any duplicate posts, the forums are dying on me...)

*The Rohhirim, both on horseback and on foot, got out their wooden shields to guard agaisnt any other ranged attacks from the uruks, but the second volley never came, the Uruks made their way to the walls of the city (which is what i gatherd from youre post, right Gmeistville ?[sry if i misspelt it]), many Rohhirim saw a gamble, the trolls were moving slowly behind, but flinging large stoens at the city, while the uruks were pre-occupied with getting over the walls , a group about 1250 mounted Rohhirim, armed with swords, axes, throwing hatchets, and bows made their way away from the main orcish army, and towards the trolls, they flung axes and shot bows as they charged towards them, they tried their best to charge through the trolls, nto charge to them and fight, the trolls would swing hammers, or toss boulders if the Rohhirim stoped for to long, so a hit and run tactic was used, the Rohhirm charged feriouciously, if they had any luck the trolls would notice thier approach until it was to late. As the third level gate was broken and the orcs charged in to the third level so did the small group of Rohhirim, form the original 100 about 35 were left on horseback, and another 17 had been dehorsed,the made their way over the rubble, and to the elven shield line,there they made their stand alongside the elves,who had recently helped them at Helms Deep.*

(ooc-whose ships did you attack ? i dont remember anyone mentioning like eieght ships,other than you...<--- to whoever has the corsiars attacking eight gondorian ships.)
20-04-2004, 07:23
Monte Ozarka or someone said I could, if I find them.
20-04-2004, 07:33
Finally after days of wait, the Kelcuts army could be seen on the horizon, thousands of tiny black figures coming closer, a total of 3500 had gathered for the battle, willing to die by Gondor, their King Mark rode in the Front line, they were all horsemen and by now, their thundering hooves could be heard, only 50 metres from the orcs, they fired their volley of arrows, although they had lost some men, whose horses had lost their footing, they dropped any bows and drew their swords, the king gave a loud cry and the rest of the army followed, they engaged.
21-04-2004, 03:56
(ooc-Kelcuts, whose side are you on ? i assume Gondor,but just to make sure..)
21-04-2004, 09:17
Suddenly, the dwarves saw teh goblins and knew where tehy could help. Forming up to cover teh rear, a thick line of many Dwarves, now far stronger than the 1000 who had set out, took up their positions, and axe edge and sword blade would soon but put to good use...
21-04-2004, 17:31
(ooc-Kelcuts, whose side are you on ? i assume Gondor,but just to make sure..)
OOC: Gondor


as the horse men sped into the orcs, goblins and what have you, they slowed down eventually, so much that to carry on, they ahd to cut through the forests of orcs, suffering only losses of horses majorly, they continued on their path, slicing into the orc lines, trying to tear apart the enemys formations. As they ripped through, they came across many trolls, whom up to now had been slaughtered, those now on foot were in deadly close combat with orcs and many men were dying in the fights. then came their darkest moment. Just as the king drew his sword from the chest of an orc, a giant troll appeared, he lifted a spear from his javelin backpack held it into the air and shouted "For Gondor!" But suddenly, in a small time of heroic action, the Troll grabbed the kings spear, and the king, he smacked the king upon the ground and pierced himj with the spear. The kings son was in grief, but he knew all risks must be looked in the eye and overcame. so they continued and the fight went on...
22-04-2004, 02:05

*The Rohhirim fought on hard, any remainign archers aimed at trolls, many riders had fallen in the fields of Pelenor,outside Minas Tirith, the ground was stained in blood, of orcs and men, but that was a small piece of the carnage that would be there in the end, for good, or evil, the orcs still outnumberd the defenders, even with the Rohhirim, many orcs ahd gotten into the city, but the Rohhirim were mroe concerned with the fields outside the city, mainly the siege equipment. However, the hope of the defenders rose when the Kelcuts army arrived...*
22-04-2004, 02:05

*The Rohhirim fought on hard, any remainign archers aimed at trolls, many riders had fallen in the fields of Pelenor,outside Minas Tirith, the ground was stained in blood, of orcs and men, but that was a small piece of the carnage that would be there in the end, for good, or evil, the orcs still outnumberd the defenders, even with the Rohhirim, many orcs ahd gotten into the city, but the Rohhirim were mroe concerned with the fields outside the city, mainly the siege equipment. However, the hope of the defenders rose when the Kelcuts army arrived...*
23-04-2004, 07:37
As the Kelcuts Numbers began to fall into 2000's and the king being dead, the moral in all of their mens hearts had faded, slowly as more and more men fell to the floor, a horn was sounded on the horizon. The Kings only Brother had arrived with more men, to help the fight. he had 750 archers and 250 more riders, the new men could be seen dividing, the front of their lines went fast, heading for the battle with upmost speed, these were the riders. whilst the back of the pack, moved into poistion with their flame arrows, they were to target any wooden catapults or slingers, the riders in battle continued, they now saw a glimour of hope, in the ever present darkness...
Monte Ozarka
23-04-2004, 12:36
*twiddles thumbs*

*rests some more*

*tries to do something productive, i.e. make more arrows*

*watches battle going on below*

*pops some popcorn*

GO, GOOD GUYS!!! *cheer*

ooc: sorry, didn't know what else to do. w/the melee battle going on below, i can't exactly use my siege weapons to knock the enemy out, and w/the defenses below destroyed, i can't really lend any support w/o having the enemy threaten to enclose me. thus, i'm sitting here.
23-04-2004, 16:27
OOC: You can post losses.

The elves where out of arrows and now the orcs began to climb over the mound of dead, only a few at a time and the elves advanced till their front ranks where just below the peak, any orc the tried to leap over the pinnical fell onto srears and any that showed their face over the top was speared, it had become a stalemate.
23-04-2004, 17:24
Meanwhile the battle in the fields was raging, the orcs that were first under attack had retreaded back but they had reformed with even more ferocious tactics. unaware of their new plans the Kelcut Riders charged at full speed, then suddenly the orcs moved their shields and pikes were pushed through small gaps, the front 2 lines of riders had no time to stop and their horses were skewered, then those left off foot were hit by the orcs next volley of arrows, about 500 men lost their lives in 20 seconds, in anguish the kings brother charged in, leaping the pikes and assaulting those behind, slowly, holes were found in the pikemen lines and the horses kicked their way through, but there was still the kelcut archers, they made their way towards the battered gates of Minas Tirith, to help the defence if any left, they reached the walls and lay ladders, they then climbed up the ladders helping the elves on the walls (OOC: they are on the walls right?)IC: None of the men could escape it, they were loosing...

OOC: orcs i hope you don't mind me saying what you did etc.. but i don't think you've posted in ages and besided it kinda helped you a bit.
24-04-2004, 10:56
(ooc-Kelcuts, whose side are you on ? i assume Gondor,but just to make sure..)
OOC: Gondor


as the horse men sped into the orcs, goblins and what have you, they slowed down eventually, so much that to carry on, they ahd to cut through the forests of orcs, suffering only losses of horses majorly, they continued on their path, slicing into the orc lines, trying to tear apart the enemys formations. As they ripped through, they came across many trolls, whom up to now had been slaughtered, those now on foot were in deadly close combat with orcs and many men were dying in the fights. then came their darkest moment. Just as the king drew his sword from the chest of an orc, a giant troll appeared, he lifted a spear from his javelin backpack held it into the air and shouted "For Gondor!" But suddenly, in a small time of heroic action, the Troll grabbed the kings spear, and the king, he smacked the king upon the ground and pierced himj with the spear. The kings son was in grief, but he knew all risks must be looked in the eye and overcame. so they continued and the fight went on...
OOC: What are you doing?! I am RPing the trolls and Uruk-hai! You can't post anyone else's losses!


The Uruk-hai noticed a wave of change sweeping through the battlefield. The Kelcuts, Durbulûk hissed. His mouth stretched wide open, bearing his vicious, sharp teeth, as he let out a harsh cry. The fierce roar echoed through the ranks of the Uruks, with 1000 of them immediately turning to face the horsmen. 20 enormous trolls, of the 183 that still stood, joined the Uruks with enormous, spiked clubs.

The Uruks launched a black swarm of arrows, which were for once precisely aimed at the riders, who were already having trouble riding through the Orcs. Whilst not as many arrows were fired as was seen against the Rohirrim, they were deadly accurate, mostly aimed at the leading riders, then onto the next rank, and so on.

The trolls, meanwhile, were picking up whatever they could find on the ground. Be it dead bodies, debris, or broken siege equipment, a large assortment of things were thrown.
24-04-2004, 16:32
OOC: sorry but you hadn't posted in ages it didn't seem
the huge swarm of black arrows were deadly and precise, they seemed to appear everywhere and anywhere, almost 500 or more horsemen died in the first line as the arrows flew at them, more to fall behind only 1500 of the 4500 now remained alive, the Kings brother cried out "Fall back, Fall Back!" and with that all of the horsemen retreated away from the fields, they were intent on never returning to fight here, they believed middle Earths Fate was clear, and there was nothing they could do.
Meanwhile, the archers had climbed up the ladders and were now firing down from the front wall, "Aim for the Trolls and siege weapons, take down the big ones!" Came the Orders from the Head Archer, as they fired Volley after Volley of blue painted arrows Blue Symbolising the river which surrounds their Capital, and the power of its rapids. But eventually Quivers became empty, and there was nought left they could do.
24-04-2004, 21:01
(ooc- there are still ALOT of orcs just in pelenor fields, outside the city, and i thought youre uruks were in the midst of scailing the walls ???. and when i refer to orc, i mean the orcs that originally assaulted the city, not youre uruks, just to make things clear there, i will wait for a response and then probably keep RPing.)
Monte Ozarka
26-04-2004, 13:25
OOC: sorry i've been away from this rp for a while. anyways, some unit losses for a bunch of ppl i'm in control of:

Dol Amroth
Total number of units sent: 3,700 men
- Number of knights (mounted-capable) sent: 400
- Number of footmen sent: 3300
- Number of catapults: 13
- Number of trebuchets: 10
Total number of units dead (destroyed)/wounded: 386/542
- Number of knights (mounted-capable) dead/wounded: 39/35
- Number of footmen dead/wounded: 347/507
- Number of catapults destroyed: 2
- Number of trebuchets destroyed: 3
Total number of battle-ready units: 2,772
- Number of battle-ready knights (mounted-capable): 326
- Number of battle-ready footmen: 2,446
- Number of battle-ready catapults: 10
- Number of battle-ready trebuchets: 8

Mordor Orcs
Total number of units sent: 93,000 evil thingies
- Number of orcs on foot: 85,000
- Number of trolls: 3,000
- Number of wolf-riders: 5,000
- Number of ballistas: 60
- Number of catapults: 40

Total number of units dead or destroyed: 23,874 evil thingies (mainly due to the elven last stand on the 2nd level)
- Number of orcs on foot: 21,956
- Number of trolls: 854
- Number of wolf-riders: 1,064
- Number of ballistas: 18
- Number of catapults: 14
*(NOTE: There are no orcish wounded because any orc incapable of fighting is killed by his compatriots and eaten as food.)

Total number of battle-ready units: 69,126 evil thingies
- Number of orcs on foot: 63,044
- Number of trolls: 2,146
- Number of wolf-riders: 3,936
- Number of ballistas: 42
- Number of catapults: 26

Total number sent: 20,000 men
- Number of archers: 6,000
- Number of regular infantry: 14,000
- Number of mûmakil: 8

Total number killed/wounded: 4,151/1,386 men
- Number of archers: 2,865/478
- Number of regular infantry: 1,286/908
- Number of mûmakil: 5
*(NOTE: Majority of casualties are the result of fighting with the Easterlings.)

Total number of battle-ready units: 14,463 men
- Number of archers: 2,657
- Number of regular infantry: 11,806
- Number of mûmakil: 3
26-04-2004, 17:45
OOC: Still a lot to kill. But at least your held up on the third level.
27-04-2004, 03:03
(ooc- nice job with the losses.)
27-04-2004, 07:44
ooc: wow thats quite a lot, lol

The kelcuts bowmen were now into their emergency last few arrows, but before they were allowed to use their last 10 arrows they fll back into the city and scouted advantages were they could fire from, meanwhilst the riders fleeing from the battle stopped and rested, they sharpened their blades and set up a small camp, they were set to return later.
27-04-2004, 16:36
ooc: wow thats quite a lot, lol

The kelcuts bowmen were now into their emergency last few arrows, but before they were allowed to use their last 10 arrows they fll back into the city and scouted advantages were they could fire from, meanwhilst the riders fleeing from the battle stopped and rested, they sharpened their blades and set up a small camp, they were set to return later.
Fled back to city, you have to fight your way through the lower three levels, all orc infested climb a pile of orc dead guarded by the elves and convince them that your on their side.
Monte Ozarka
27-04-2004, 16:51
ooc: wow thats quite a lot, lol

The kelcuts bowmen were now into their emergency last few arrows, but before they were allowed to use their last 10 arrows they fll back into the city and scouted advantages were they could fire from, meanwhilst the riders fleeing from the battle stopped and rested, they sharpened their blades and set up a small camp, they were set to return later.
Fled back to city, you have to fight your way through the lower three levels, all orc infested climb a pile of orc dead guarded by the elves and convince them that your on their side.

OOC: actually, you'd have to fight through the lower two levels. commorargh did rp blowing up the third wall w/explosives, but as sauron (and certainly NOT the haradrim) absolutely DID NOT have gunpowder, and as no one rp'ed that in, it's sorta been taken to be ignored. also, fighting through the lower levels of the city wouldn't be that hard b/c the orcs are concentrating on the attack on their flank from the rohirrim and whatnot. it's actually almost peaceful near minas tirith. i think they'd make it, if they don't mind the smell of 5 burning mumakil carcasses... :?
29-04-2004, 02:55
(ooc-evern burning human hair smells BAD, a horrid stench, not to mention flesh and blood, the thought of it seems to make me nautious. and the orcs are converging on the third gate, so a well guided cavalry charge might be able to break the lines and get into the friends parts of the city.)
29-04-2004, 16:26
(ooc-evern burning human hair smells BAD, a horrid stench, not to mention flesh and blood, the thought of it seems to make me nautious. and the orcs are converging on the third gate, so a well guided cavalry charge might be able to break the lines and get into the friends parts of the city.)
OOC: How can you convince my troops who are blcoking the gate that that will work? Oh and MO I'm waiting for you to put an attack on the third gate properly. I mean at the moment your just being killed and the Corpses are blocking the gate.
Monte Ozarka
29-04-2004, 23:58
The attack is not going fast enough, the orcish commander in the field thought. Though hundreds, thousands of the dead littered the lower two levels, blocking access to the third gate, the attack must go on, in any way possible. It's not like he was short on manpower.

Thus, the orcish horde once again began to turn its attention toward the city itself. The remaining ballistas and catapults were painstakingly dragged into the city, rolling over artificial hills of corpses, until they were within range of the third wall. Assault ladders and towers were prepared and carried and rolled into the city in preparation for the next attack.

The combined forces of man and elf within the city looked upon this sight in grim determination. Arrows were almost out, but the artillery from the upper levels continued to rain fire upon the orcs amassing below, hindered greatly by their dragging of siege weaponry. Orcs, trolls, and other foul things were slain in great numbers, but more of the same filled up the ranks just as quickly as they fell.

"It never ends," a footman by Prince Imrahil's side said, "They don't stop coming..."

Prince Imrahil turned his head toward the man but didn't say anything. Hope is fading fast, he thought to himself. However, the forces inside Minas Tirith had rested for a good long while and had plenty of time to prepare for the next orcish assault.

As they waited atop the wall, waiting for the orcs to compose themselves before throwing their mass into the third wall, they tried to take out as many as they could. Prince Imrahil went up and down the wall, shouting, "Take heart! We have defended the city for this long, and they have yet to conquer us! And while there is breath in me, I swear that I will continue to fight...for Gondor, for man, for HOPE! We fight for all goodness that may be left upon this world, for after the carnage and slaughter of this battle, the evils shall be washed away, and good will blossom over the land. Come, let us not lose heart when so much depends upon us!"

As if on cue, as Prince Imrahil concluded his speech, the orcs charged toward the third gate. Lines of orcs carrying assault ladders planted them at the foot of the wall and tried to erect them. Trolls pushed siege towers clumsily to the battlements. Behind them, ballistas fired hooks to the wall and tried to pull up larger, heavier ladders. Catapults fired their loads inside the third level, hoping to crush beneath the rubble any man unlucky enough to walk there.

On top of the wall, the men and few remaining elves were busily trying to repulse Mordor's various siege weapons. What few arrows were left were used to fire flaming arrows at the wooden siege towers, hoping to tranform them into blazing deathtraps before they reached the wall. Boulders and other large objects were launched at the trolls pushing them, with the thought of knocking them out or making them go berserk. Men used long poles to push many, many ladders down to the ground, many of them laden fully with a large number of orcs. Trebuchets and catapults inside the city concentrated their fire on the ballistas and catapults of the orcs. Men hacked at the thick ropes of the grappling hooks, in an attempt to make the larger ladders immobile and useless. However, for every weapon that was destroyed or knocked down, more replaced it. Some of the weapons managed to make it to the wall, and a constant stream of orcs streamed forth from them. Companies of men ran to and fro, trying to stem the assault of the orcs upon the walls. Although the odds were horribly stacked against them, the men valiantly fought on while wishing for a miracle, a deliverance of some sort from this futile slaughter.

ooc: got your assault on the third wall. i have yet to decide how the attack will go, though. any thoughts?
02-05-2004, 03:33
(ooc- this rp has kinda died, we need more life * uses defribulator* i say something should happen and there is a glourious last stand, and then whoever wins, wins, whoever losses,dies.)
*The Rohhirim slowly began to pull back, to a open part of the fields, the orcs were rushing into the city with all the speed they could,the Rohhirim began to form long lines, the archers had only a few arrows left in theri quivers, the warriors were drenched in blood, but the battle was still going strong, most of the men were wounded, and hope was scarce. one of the Rohhirim rode out, and made a speach*
"Men, Riders, my Brothers, that city...Minas Tirith is like a jewl in a crown, and those...those things wish to take that jewl, not take, but smash it, and then the crown wouldnt not be right, and those things would go after more and more, we defeated them at Helms Deep, but if the armies of elves, of Rohan, and of so many other places cannot defeat them, what chance does a single army have ? we might have soem time to farm another harvest maybe, enjoy some time with youre familys, but if those things win this battle, it is only a matter of time, they will take away the things we love, if they dont kill us, they will enslave us, For Freedom ! for Rohan, For Gondor, For Middle-Earth !!!!"the men rallyed as they could, not the best speach, but it gave them some hope,they began to gallop towards the main gate, the largest entrance, it was reduced in size due ot the numerous corpses, but the Rohhirim could overcome those, if they could get to their allies, they would have a chance to be on the defense, instead of offense.*

(ooc- and Aust, a good cavalry charge might be able to break the orcish lines and get to help the elves,not the otehr way around. and the expression 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' comes into mind, and the Rohhirim are good spirted people, doing whats right and all.)
02-05-2004, 09:41
The elves waited on the walls. Out of Arrows, out of hope, but still alive and able to fight. And they would fight ass long as they had life left in their limbs and breath in their bodys. The first ladders finally reached the walls and the first Orc swarmed onto the battlements only to be sythed down by a elven sword. But slowly elves died overwelmed by 6 orcs or more attacking them at once and gaps appeared in the battleline only to be closed up by more Elves. And still the swords slashed and killed. A orc fell his gizzard slit as did a trool a archers last arrow buryed in his eye. The last battle line was holding. Only just. Help would have to come soon or it would be over and the might of the free peoples dead. Lady Arwen sat and waited directing troops to where they where needed. Waiting for Aragon.

(OOC: Now's the time when Aragon should arrive.
05-05-2004, 03:36
(ooc-i forgot about aragorn....)
*All hope it seemed was lost, even from the fields the orcish ladders could be seen raised over the walls,the men might be able to retreat to the fourth layer, but a small fraction only,without arrows, or hope. Finnally, after waiting, Aragorn decided to leave his boat, orc army or not, Minas Tirith needed aid,he jumped out to find the orcs swarming into the city, no time was wasted,Aragorn yelled to his companions, and they charged to the city's aid,the Rohhirim were at the feet of the orcs,charging after them into the city, and now Aragorn was going as fast as he could to aid the city. the field was set, the pieces were moving, the battle would soon end, for better, or worse.*
Monte Ozarka
05-05-2004, 04:51
At the sight of Aragorn, Prince Imrahil knew that this would be the last stage of the battle--all would be decided now, for better or for worse. The Prince hurried along the walls, rallying his men to him.

"Here we refuse to be cowed by the forces of Mordor! Never shall we die, huddled like cowards, awaiting our inevitable doom! The rightful King of Gondor fights the enemy like a whirlwind single-handedly. Friends of Gondor! Rally to me! Rally for your king! Onwards, WE CHARGE!"

The whole host of the remaining defenders, numbering about 2,500 from Dol Amroth, 4,000 from Gondor, and a further several hundred more Rivendell elves formed up to face the enemy head-on. The tiny Gondorian force prepared to die defending their city with honor. Never has there been a battle more reminiscent of David and Goliath. With a creak and a groan, the great gate of the third wall opened, and the orcs amassed behind it gushed forward. To their immense shock, however, the combined force of men and elves, instead of simply standing their ground, charged the enemy with such a ferocity as to cause the orcs to stagger back, afraid and confused (and oftentimes, dead).

The 300 or so remaining knights of Dol Amroth, with Prince Imrahil at the head, mounted their magnificent steeds and led the charge like the horsemen of old. Though tarnished by the blood of many battles, the armor of the proud knights glistened under the bright sun as the stampeding hooves broke into the orcish lines. Against all odds, the Gondorian garrison slashed their swords at the whole black mass. Amid a sea of darkness, the bright glimmer of hope persisted and refused to die without a fight. Orcs, Haradrim, and other foul things fell like flies in the face of the dauntless army. Their panic was further increased as the White Rider himself joined the fray. Mounted upon Shadowfax, Gandalf wielded Glamdring and his staff, striking down all that came within range. Gandalf then cast over the battlefield an all-consuming brightness that caused the orcish hordes to shield their eyes while the forces of light continued their relentless charge to clear the city of orcs.

Remaining manpower:
Gondor, Dol Amroth, and elves: ~6,000
Mordor orcs, Haradrim: ~72,500

ooc: where is aragorn? outside the city or in? if he's in, which level is he on? (note: the fighting above is taking place in the 2nd level)
05-05-2004, 16:51
Arwen hacked and slached like the worrior princess she was. Weilding the blade Harlfang with incredable skill she slashed and hacked her way through the orcish hord wiith such ferocity that they could not stand against her. They began to flee from this assult of worriors that looked like it would never end. The bright swords of the Elves and the Lances of the knights cut into their turned backs and they died. The great tide of the free epopel streamed through the levels leving no house uncleared. As if the very VAlar where giving them strength.
Then they saw Aragon on leaping off the ships and Arwens heart rose and she screamed and charged into another orc, cutting him open and making onto another, the elves behid her. The Rohirrin where charging two and all the orcs where fleeing in dissarray from the free Peoples. They rallyed, turned to fight and then flad oce again see the army of the dead at Aragorns back. Over the River in Osgilath they fled from the feild of Pellenor leaving only the Corpses. It was their that the men finally halted their manic charge that had given them victory. For gondor had survived the enermys first finger but more would come, but now they had a king. (What to do next.)
06-05-2004, 03:11
(ooc-Aragorn was charging to the city in my last post.)
*Aragorn and a mere handfull of warriors,mainly other rangers, charged into the first layer with all the strength they could muster, the Rohhirim's charge had weakened the orcs, and now it was a massive fight, but the forces of good were terribly outnumberd,corpses were evreywhere,blood ran into the fields of Pelenor,covering the grassy fields, not so logn ago so peacefull, the Rohhirm pressed foward against the orcs, with little avail, it was hard to manuver in the city streets.*
Aragorn and rangers (from boats,including Legolas and Gimli):50
06-05-2004, 16:06
(ooc-Aragorn was charging to the city in my last post.)
*Aragorn and a mere handfull of warriors,mainly other rangers, charged into the first layer with all the strength they could muster, the Rohhirim's charge had weakened the orcs, and now it was a massive fight, but the forces of good were terribly outnumberd,corpses were evreywhere,blood ran into the fields of Pelenor,covering the grassy fields, not so logn ago so peacefull, the Rohhirm pressed foward against the orcs, with little avail, it was hard to manuver in the city streets.*
Aragorn and rangers (from boats,including Legolas and Gimli):50
OOC: What about the army of 5,000 dead worriors. He's have to fight through 120,000 Orc to get through to the white city.
06-05-2004, 23:27
(ooc- i played out the dead army as in the books, they fought the corsairs (which were apparently quite formidable) and then stole their ships, along the way some rangers came to assist him, but the daed army isnt there, or i thought, didnt i post something about it early on in the RP ?)
07-05-2004, 16:35
(ooc- i played out the dead army as in the books, they fought the corsairs (which were apparently quite formidable) and then stole their ships, along the way some rangers came to assist him, but the daed army isnt there, or i thought, didnt i post something about it early on in the RP ?)
OOC: Must have missed that, I've read the books and watched the film and I thought you where doing it from the film hence the above RP :oops:
08-05-2004, 03:48
(ooc-oh, well, if nothing else, it makes for a more dire need to win, few defenders and still masses of attackers)
15-06-2004, 00:39
(bump. lets get this thing finished so i can stop digging through my posts to see if there was a reply.*