The ARP breaks into open rebellion.
----to all international nations that may help------
From: ARP
To: All nations
The ARP (Aust risistance party) has today declared war upon the emporer. Spoeaking from a secret fortress, the ARP leader made it clear hat he would not relent until the 'Child killing, slave taking, woman raping, nation attacking dark lord' was distroyed. He made a stirring speech, and has just given a ultimatium to the goverment.
1) The Emporer must step down.
2) Aust forces must withdraw from NK
3) Slavery must be made illigal.
4) Woman must be given equal rights
5) And apology will be given to NK
This has been refused and the goverment has said it will crush the rebles. The ARP are against the newest legislations and actions that the Emporer has brought in since he came to power 5 weeks ago.
1) Slavery is allowed and encouraged in all political prisinors, woman and foregign nationals. Slaves have no rights, must be tagged with a brand and wear only trausers and skirts.
2) All women are slaves and marryed women are given to their husbands. Unmarried women (Over 13) Are given 1 to every male (Over 13) Surples will be auctianed out as will male slaves.
3) Girls (Under 13) are taken from their mothers after 3 months and are taken to 'schools' where they are taught for 13 years how to keep house, plesure their men and hat men are superour.
4) The war against NK. For sheltering anti-emporer people the nation Nevro Kowloon has been attacked, over 500,000 have died and many more will do, within the last hour over 200,000 missiles have been launched as well as 30,000 chemical missiles.
5) The killing of the old Emporer. The new emporer has killed the old emporer (Emporer John, he was 13) and took his throne.
We ask for aid as we do not have the strengh to takje him on, if we win we shall reinstate the old royal familly and give women and slaves equal rights as well as pulling out of NK. But we need aid. We cannot win without you. Please help us.
Robert Obsquris
ARP Foregn minister
Doujin will be monitoring the situation in Aust with ever more scrutiny. We will consider our options.
Huzen Hagen
31-03-2004, 18:12
[code:1:8d6d1fe4ee]From: Lord Melchett
we will assist you in any way we can, at first our nation sided with the new emperor but we have seen what a tyrant he is and if we can we will aid miliarily[/code:1:8d6d1fe4ee]
The Fedral Union
31-03-2004, 18:14
:shock: Holy ..., umm i may go on the side of the rbles becuse thats gorss mis conduct and multiple human rights violations... As of now we will fund the rebels and possibly send in milltary intervetion.
31-03-2004, 18:19
Secret IC Coded:
to : Robert Obsquris
ARP Foreign minister
From: General Klinck
My men will support the uprising though I fear Krulltor can not be officially involved until the syndicate resolves the motion for war, until that time I have been granted emergency power of authority and will assist in any way possible. Let us know where and when you will strike and you can count on my assistance if not krulltors.
End communication.
Independent Hitmen
31-03-2004, 18:19
Secret IC to ARP:
You already have our backing. As we speak several transport aircraft are landing light armour to your fortress and small arms are being purchased for you via backwater channels (the murky world of telegrams!). We are also looking for Heavier armour and aircraft for you.
Huzen Hagen
31-03-2004, 18:24
Secret IC to ARP:
You already have our backing. As we speak several transport aircraft are landing light armour to your fortress and small arms are being purchased for you via backwater channels (the murky world of telegrams!). We are also looking for Heavier armour and aircraft for you.
If the situarion clears up we will deploy several of our mechanised or armoured division. we use Challenger 2's predominantly
The Fedral Union
31-03-2004, 18:27
Ugh .. i ll just send in 5 or 8 carriers and the 10 th fleet that should be enougfh to help them.
Huzen Hagen
31-03-2004, 18:30
so your just going to sail you fleet to aid the rebels unchallenged?
Independent Hitmen
31-03-2004, 18:30
OOC: If it was that simple i would already have lots of troops on the ground, however with the emperors use of chemical weapons and the like i am keeping well in the background with untraceable weapons and a few special forces advisors for the moment. However if you begin landing troops (correctly rpin of course) then i would probably support you. I have 3 Armoured and 2 Mechanized ready to load onto RO/RO ships and an Airbourne Infantry Corps ready to go as well.
Bree Tonia
31-03-2004, 18:30
Transmission Follows
To: ARP Seniority
From: Jugo Yuhing, Offensive Action Minister
I have noted your plea to the international community on the unfiltered channels and have decided to help out an organistation in need. My nation has drop capabilites for 105mm light artillery guns, and can also drop 14 T-55AGM main battle tanks into the area. Upon request we will also send Apache Longbow assault helicopters. Upon further consideration i am now contemplating a full offesnive assault upon the military of the current ruler. i will act with devastating capability upon your request. Please allow us to assist in your battle for a just nation.
I'll send 2 divisons of "Kaserin" Speical Forces to moniter the situation going on.
The PRKS will send delegates and a diplomatic team in order to allay any possible casulties within this war.
Two men with grisly gray hair and dirty clothing drive up to the Aust border in a rusty pickup truck. The pull up to the border patrol, and the driver sticks his head out the window.
"Me and my cousin 'eard there are some rebels in this country, and we were hoping we could join the fight."
With that, he and his brother hold up fully loaded 12 gauges.
Thank you for your help, at the moment we number around 50-60,000 combat personnel and with your aid flooding in we now have weapons. Fly them into the small airport to the north of Blkood PAss (Ask IH for details.) We are hoping to make our first strike in around 4 days.
OOC: You have to fly Aust, it is land locked.
Thank you for your help, at the moment we number around 50-60,000 combat personnel and with your aid flooding in we now have weapons. Fly them into the small airport to the north of Blkood PAss (Ask IH for details.) We are hoping to make our first strike in around 4 days.
OOC: You have to fly Aust, it is land locked.
Thank you for your help, at the moment we number around 50-60,000 combat personnel and with your aid flooding in we now have weapons. Fly them into the small airport to the north of Blkood PAss (Ask IH for details.) We are hoping to make our first strike in around 4 days.
OOC: You have to fly Aust, it is land locked.
The Volga
03-04-2004, 09:43
[code:1:668ee45e7f]Sender: VISS (Volgan Internal Security Service)
Recipient: Emperor of Aust
We have heard that you may be facing some difficulties at the hands of rebels, over some supposedly 'controversial' policies, which we in the Most Serene Republic view as quite humane. Therefore, the President (supreme leader) has granted us permission to oversee the gathering of an army to send into your territory to drive these rebellious scum back. In our state we have yet to enter a full-scale rebellion - however, we feel if one were to happen, it would do us good to have a strong friend. Thisis why we offer you our help.[/code:1:668ee45e7f]
03-04-2004, 09:47
The 9th International Patrol Group is in your area - would the ARP like assistance? We would do the naval job along with TFU.
The 9th International Patrol Group is in your area - would the ARP like assistance? We would do the naval job along with TFU.
We would like assistance. But navel wouldn't be very goor. (Aust is landlocked.)
From: The office of the Emporer of Aust Palpatine the 1st
To: The Volga
Thank you for your support. We appreciate your help and will replay it at any time. Our airports are open to your troops.
The Volga
03-04-2004, 10:16
[code:1:c234f4c689]Sender: VISS
Recipient: Emperor of Aust
Equipment will be sent ASAP[/code:1:c234f4c689]
03-04-2004, 10:26
Wheres the nearest coast - I have 9,000 men at my disposal and 500 Tanks.
The Volga
03-04-2004, 10:26
Volgan Supremacy Force
21st,44th,50th,105th,207th Infantry Divisions
3rd Light Infantry Division
40th,90th Air Cavalry Divisions
29th,60th,63rd Armoured Divisions
301st,399th,502nd Support Divisions
79th,111th,299th Supply Divisions
280th Engineering Division
14th,23rd,41st Air Transport Wings
4th,7th Armour Support Wings
15th Air Support Wing
18th,19th,39th Fighter Wings
30th,47th Bomber Wing
Will be flown in by the Air Transport Wings ASAP
Independent Hitmen
03-04-2004, 13:20
OOC: Volga approximately how many men and tanks is that??
A regiment in reallife has about 1000 men
I am in the artic circle at the very center. surrounded by 21 freindly nations. See the link on the Snowy Lands of Antartica region discription for map. I'm Dimminar on it.
Independent Hitmen
03-04-2004, 13:46
OOC: Where was the link to the SLOA webbie? soz if i missed it.
It's on the region at the top. Just wait a sec and I'll post it.
The maps on the front page.
Independent Hitmen
03-04-2004, 13:59
OOC: Thanks. I gotta go now be on later for developments.
Nuevo Kowloon
03-04-2004, 18:10
Volgan Supremacy Force
21st,44th,50th,105th,207th Infantry Divisions
3rd Light Infantry Division
40th,90th Air Cavalry Divisions
29th,60th,63rd Armoured Divisions
301st,399th,502nd Support Divisions
79th,111th,299th Supply Divisions
280th Engineering Division
14th,23rd,41st Air Transport Wings
4th,7th Armour Support Wings
15th Air Support Wing
18th,19th,39th Fighter Wings
30th,47th Bomber Wing
Will be flown in by the Air Transport Wings ASAP
Is that your whole army, or just your deployables? one C-5 can carry two MBT-class tanks (50-65 tons) and travels around 350-600 mph (depending on model).
24 transports to a squadron, 6 squadrons to a Wing.
based on where you are, that's anywhere from 12 to 24 hours's flight from Volga to Aust, with two tanks/plane/trip.
Presuming you send a division of tanks, with supporting elements, it will take between 30 and 90 days to move one division's worth of gear and bodies.(Support elements, engineers, infantry, PersCom, Arty, and the like)That being if you tie up your entire transport capacity in moving just one division.
(Division: 3000-5000 combat effectives, three times that in support personnel.)
If you trim your support, your guys starve, freeze, or run out of ammo and fuel.
so, it's 30-50 days per division to move them in.
The Light Infantry can be deployed in a single pass-(if they're airborne), the Air Cav divisions can fly themselves down if they're fitted with aerial refueling probes and have their groundbound hardware loaded onto a single wing of transports.
Now, once you've got the light guys down, you still have to supply them, or they become combat ineffective in a hurry.
That means tasking at least one transport wing to supplies, reducing the number of planes you have available to deliver additional forces such as the armour units.
Given that Aust hasn't posted losses or damage from the last "answering" strike the NK's released on them, and given that Earthquakes are not very nice to airfields/airports/roads (and that big transport aircraft need big, long, flat runways, and earthquakes tend to break these into big, uneven chunks that have to be repaved/levelled, which takes time) the number of landing areas are limited mechanically.
Given that you're coming into a foreign nation (at his request), they're going to further limit the number of useable airfields, and given that with few exceptions (airborne light armour units being one), your heavy stuff (tanks and AFV's) can't be dropped by pass (Sov. tanks are as bad as U.S. designs this way), you've got turnaround time issues (Land, unload, refuel, let the crew walkies to the latrine, eating... turn around, take off again...)
extends the time as well.
This is why having transport ships and a coastal state giving permission works really well. If Blue Eagle or Rocky Bambino grants permits, and with the Emperor of Aust saying "Come on in!", the landing from a ship can be accomplished in significantly less time (Provided you've got a transport capacity by sea-the trip will take 20-30 days after embarkation from European or Black Sea ports, less time from south china, and if you're south american or south african, less than a week total.)
The offload from a Ro/Ro ship takes less time, and includes all the beans, bullets, and blankets in a single pass. A drive through a friendly nation takes hours instead of days, and brings everything with you at once.
For Nations supporting the Austians current Usur-I mean Emperor, getting permit from Blue Eagle or one of the other nations with a coastline bordering Aust on the map shouldn't be a big issue.
(Unless, of course, they're reconsidering their support.)
New Vladivostok
03-04-2004, 18:27
The Grand Duke Yevgeni Vsevolod was meeting with his Council of Advisors behind closed doors:
"This emperor keeps SLAVES?!" roared the Duke in a rage.
"Yes milord, the nation of Aust is a slave state," replied Foreign Minister Baron Vladimir Constantin.
"These atrocities cannot be allowed to stand! New Vladivostok was once ruled by slavers herself, and I swore upon being named Duke that I would fight that wretched practice wherever I could find it!" shouted the Duke.
"Defence, land 5 teams of Special Forces in Aust. Tell them to wreak whatever havoc they can think of, and tell our hackers to have fun with the Emperor's networks. Whatever we can spare to help the rebels, do it."
"Yes, milord!"
New Vladivostok
03-04-2004, 21:47
The Volga
06-04-2004, 05:01
Volgan Supremacy Force
21st,44th,50th,105th,207th Infantry Divisions
3rd Light Infantry Division
40th,90th Air Cavalry Divisions
29th,60th,63rd Armoured Divisions
301st,399th,502nd Support Divisions
79th,111th,299th Supply Divisions
280th Engineering Division
14th,23rd,41st Air Transport Wings
4th,7th Armour Support Wings
15th Air Support Wing
18th,19th,39th Fighter Wings
30th,47th Bomber Wing
Will be flown in by the Air Transport Wings ASAP
Is that your whole army, or just your deployables? one C-5 can carry two MBT-class tanks (50-65 tons) and travels around 350-600 mph (depending on model).
24 transports to a squadron, 6 squadrons to a Wing.
based on where you are, that's anywhere from 12 to 24 hours's flight from Volga to Aust, with two tanks/plane/trip.
Presuming you send a division of tanks, with supporting elements, it will take between 30 and 90 days to move one division's worth of gear and bodies.(Support elements, engineers, infantry, PersCom, Arty, and the like)That being if you tie up your entire transport capacity in moving just one division.
(Division: 3000-5000 combat effectives, three times that in support personnel.)
If you trim your support, your guys starve, freeze, or run out of ammo and fuel.
so, it's 30-50 days per division to move them in.
The Light Infantry can be deployed in a single pass-(if they're airborne), the Air Cav divisions can fly themselves down if they're fitted with aerial refueling probes and have their groundbound hardware loaded onto a single wing of transports.
Now, once you've got the light guys down, you still have to supply them, or they become combat ineffective in a hurry.
That means tasking at least one transport wing to supplies, reducing the number of planes you have available to deliver additional forces such as the armour units.
Given that Aust hasn't posted losses or damage from the last "answering" strike the NK's released on them, and given that Earthquakes are not very nice to airfields/airports/roads (and that big transport aircraft need big, long, flat runways, and earthquakes tend to break these into big, uneven chunks that have to be repaved/levelled, which takes time) the number of landing areas are limited mechanically.
Given that you're coming into a foreign nation (at his request), they're going to further limit the number of useable airfields, and given that with few exceptions (airborne light armour units being one), your heavy stuff (tanks and AFV's) can't be dropped by pass (Sov. tanks are as bad as U.S. designs this way), you've got turnaround time issues (Land, unload, refuel, let the crew walkies to the latrine, eating... turn around, take off again...)
extends the time as well.
This is why having transport ships and a coastal state giving permission works really well. If Blue Eagle or Rocky Bambino grants permits, and with the Emperor of Aust saying "Come on in!", the landing from a ship can be accomplished in significantly less time (Provided you've got a transport capacity by sea-the trip will take 20-30 days after embarkation from European or Black Sea ports, less time from south china, and if you're south american or south african, less than a week total.)
The offload from a Ro/Ro ship takes less time, and includes all the beans, bullets, and blankets in a single pass. A drive through a friendly nation takes hours instead of days, and brings everything with you at once.
For Nations supporting the Austians current Usur-I mean Emperor, getting permit from Blue Eagle or one of the other nations with a coastline bordering Aust on the map shouldn't be a big issue.
(Unless, of course, they're reconsidering their support.)Those air transports are C-71 Progeny's, they carry more than C-5's. However, I see your point. Because I do not have a navy, pretty much, I'm just going to have to greatly increase the amount of transport wings.
Add the 17th,29th,48th,61st,73rd,90th to that list.
That is not nearly my entire army. Sorry if I appear newbie-ish, but I am actually a May/2003 nation, not November. Population of 1.7 billion, Frightening economy.
News extract
...It is rumoured that the Taiwanese government are preparing to assist the ARP...
Nuevo Kowloon
06-04-2004, 07:24
Volgan Supremacy Force
21st,44th,50th,105th,207th Infantry Divisions
3rd Light Infantry Division
40th,90th Air Cavalry Divisions
29th,60th,63rd Armoured Divisions
301st,399th,502nd Support Divisions
79th,111th,299th Supply Divisions
280th Engineering Division
14th,23rd,41st Air Transport Wings
4th,7th Armour Support Wings
15th Air Support Wing
18th,19th,39th Fighter Wings
30th,47th Bomber Wing
Will be flown in by the Air Transport Wings ASAP
Is that your whole army, or just your deployables? one C-5 can carry two MBT-class tanks (50-65 tons) and travels around 350-600 mph (depending on model).
24 transports to a squadron, 6 squadrons to a Wing.
based on where you are, that's anywhere from 12 to 24 hours's flight from Volga to Aust, with two tanks/plane/trip.
Presuming you send a division of tanks, with supporting elements, it will take between 30 and 90 days to move one division's worth of gear and bodies.(Support elements, engineers, infantry, PersCom, Arty, and the like)That being if you tie up your entire transport capacity in moving just one division.
(Division: 3000-5000 combat effectives, three times that in support personnel.)
If you trim your support, your guys starve, freeze, or run out of ammo and fuel.
so, it's 30-50 days per division to move them in.
The Light Infantry can be deployed in a single pass-(if they're airborne), the Air Cav divisions can fly themselves down if they're fitted with aerial refueling probes and have their groundbound hardware loaded onto a single wing of transports.
Now, once you've got the light guys down, you still have to supply them, or they become combat ineffective in a hurry.
That means tasking at least one transport wing to supplies, reducing the number of planes you have available to deliver additional forces such as the armour units.
Given that Aust hasn't posted losses or damage from the last "answering" strike the NK's released on them, and given that Earthquakes are not very nice to airfields/airports/roads (and that big transport aircraft need big, long, flat runways, and earthquakes tend to break these into big, uneven chunks that have to be repaved/levelled, which takes time) the number of landing areas are limited mechanically.
Given that you're coming into a foreign nation (at his request), they're going to further limit the number of useable airfields, and given that with few exceptions (airborne light armour units being one), your heavy stuff (tanks and AFV's) can't be dropped by pass (Sov. tanks are as bad as U.S. designs this way), you've got turnaround time issues (Land, unload, refuel, let the crew walkies to the latrine, eating... turn around, take off again...)
extends the time as well.
This is why having transport ships and a coastal state giving permission works really well. If Blue Eagle or Rocky Bambino grants permits, and with the Emperor of Aust saying "Come on in!", the landing from a ship can be accomplished in significantly less time (Provided you've got a transport capacity by sea-the trip will take 20-30 days after embarkation from European or Black Sea ports, less time from south china, and if you're south american or south african, less than a week total.)
The offload from a Ro/Ro ship takes less time, and includes all the beans, bullets, and blankets in a single pass. A drive through a friendly nation takes hours instead of days, and brings everything with you at once.
For Nations supporting the Austians current Usur-I mean Emperor, getting permit from Blue Eagle or one of the other nations with a coastline bordering Aust on the map shouldn't be a big issue.
(Unless, of course, they're reconsidering their support.)Those air transports are C-71 Progeny's, they carry more than C-5's. However, I see your point. Because I do not have a navy, pretty much, I'm just going to have to greatly increase the amount of transport wings.
Add the 17th,29th,48th,61st,73rd,90th to that list.
That is not nearly my entire army. Sorry if I appear newbie-ish, but I am actually a May/2003 nation, not November. Population of 1.7 billion, Frightening economy.
Now, those Transports, how much do they carry, and is that the whole of your MAC Capacity?
The bigger you build a plane, the slower it can go, and the more it has to rely on good weather to fly. (Crosswinds are a royal pain in the posterior for big aircraft). If you're from above the Equator, there's also the matter of getting permission to fly over other nations (I'll assume you have this).
Transports over open-ocean are pretty fragile, and birds that big have poor rough-field performance. It's a matter of straight mechanics-bigger than a C-5 means heavier than a C-5, and requiring a longer, wider, paved runway to land, and more fuel to take off and land. How many Tankers to support those additional wings, how many fighters (and their tankers) to support those additional transports in case they bump into hostiles, and how much of a % of your AF is going to have to be involved in escorting the airlift? (Also: What's your airspeed in?)
Based on the map, Aust has a land area roughly half the size of Texas, of that, probably one quarter is flatland suitable for airfields (based on his geographical claim of being surrounded by MOUNTAIN ranges-mountains aren't those little hills in Appalachia...) Now, he's got to have land area for 200,000 ICBM's, land area for the food production to cover a population of Two Billion Plus people, Land area for enough airfields to support the huge numbers of aircraft he's claiming in this thread, and one other, plus factories, mines, and oil fields.
By way of comparison, China in real life has difficulty feeding One Billion people with a land area almost as large as the United States, with more than 80% of it devoted to agriculture.
What I'm saying, is that you probably better be bringing your own food. It takes a quart of grain to subsistence-level feed a man for a day. Add in meat and other substances, and the bulk goes down, but the tonnage goes up.
This is a deployment from the northern hemisphere to the southern hemisphere, without the benefit of seaborne resupply (Ships can always be built bigger, and carry more, more efficiently than aircraft can, for less).
You're still looking at months, but at least it's months, and not years, to deploy the forces you've listed.
Presidential Palace at Shih’Aori, Capital City of Shang-Ti
President Eric Dao sat behind his executive desk looking over the daily International Incidents reports prepared by Dr. Kim Zhuo, Secretary of Tao-Foreign Affairs.
“This looks pretty bad, the new government in Aust. Slavery, forced prostitution, political assassination. What do you think, Kim?” President Dao asked, as he ran a gnarled hand through his graying hair.
“Well, Sir. The new government has only been in existence for a few weeks. This new Emperor must have some pull, otherwise these atrocious policies wouldn’t be accepted by the general populace. A political faction, the Aust Resistance Party has declared open war against the new government,” Dr. Zhuo said.
“I see,” President Dao said, placing his hands within the folds of his red presidential robe. “One the one hand, we have a quasi-legitimate government establishing egregious civil rights violations. On the other hand, we have a militant resistance group that wants to usurp power as well. What do we choose, Kim, tyranny or possible terrorists?”
“I don’t know if I would call them terrorists, yet, Mr. President,” Dr. Zhuo said as she checked some of the reports. “It doesn’t look like the ARP has conducted any military operations yet, so we don’t know if they’ll only target the military and the government, or if they’ll go after civilians, too.”
President Dao thought for a few minutes in silence, head bowed down in meditation before replying. “All right, for now we hold judgment on the Aust Resistance Party until they start to act. In the meantime, I’ll schedule some time to make a statement to the press condemning this new Aust Emperor.”
Presidential Palace at Shih’Aori, Capital City of Shang-Ti... two hours later
President Dao stepped up to the podium in the News Conference Room. The flashes and lights of the cameras lit up the Flag of Shang-Ti behind him.
“People of Shang-Ti, the Region, and the World.”
“My administration has been following the activities in the nation of Aust for some time now, as we are prepared to formally condemn in the strongest terms the atrocious civil rights violations perpetuated by the new Emperor. We have learned, through coded intercepts from resistance factions within Aust, of these various violations….”
President Dao lists the slavery, child prostitution, assassinations, and other acts described by the ARP communiqué
“We urge all nations to put forth diplomatic pressure for the Emperor to remove these new policies immediately. A civilized nation cannot move forward through the world by stepping backwards into barbarism. We fully support the ideal of national sovereignty, and that the general policies of a nation should not be dictated to by others. However, the will of the people within that nation supercede the concept of national sovereignty. These women do not have a choice. These children do not have a choice. Those who are assassinated do not have a choice. We do not presume to make these choices for these people; however, we believe they must be GIVEN that choice in the first place.”
“Emperor of Aust, give your people the choice.”
“Thank you, and The Unnamable is Part of All.”
(OOC: We will be monitoring the situation; however, we cannot commit any forces until we know the scope of the ARP’s military agenda against the New Emperor. Once we confirm the military tactics to be used by ARP, we can commit a Brigade of specially trained Urban Combat mechanized infantry)
The Volga
06-04-2004, 09:12
Volgan Supremacy Force
21st,44th,50th,105th,207th Infantry Divisions
3rd Light Infantry Division
40th,90th Air Cavalry Divisions
29th,60th,63rd Armoured Divisions
301st,399th,502nd Support Divisions
79th,111th,299th Supply Divisions
280th Engineering Division
14th,23rd,41st Air Transport Wings
4th,7th Armour Support Wings
15th Air Support Wing
18th,19th,39th Fighter Wings
30th,47th Bomber Wing
Will be flown in by the Air Transport Wings ASAP
Is that your whole army, or just your deployables? one C-5 can carry two MBT-class tanks (50-65 tons) and travels around 350-600 mph (depending on model).
24 transports to a squadron, 6 squadrons to a Wing.
based on where you are, that's anywhere from 12 to 24 hours's flight from Volga to Aust, with two tanks/plane/trip.
Presuming you send a division of tanks, with supporting elements, it will take between 30 and 90 days to move one division's worth of gear and bodies.(Support elements, engineers, infantry, PersCom, Arty, and the like)That being if you tie up your entire transport capacity in moving just one division.
(Division: 3000-5000 combat effectives, three times that in support personnel.)
If you trim your support, your guys starve, freeze, or run out of ammo and fuel.
so, it's 30-50 days per division to move them in.
The Light Infantry can be deployed in a single pass-(if they're airborne), the Air Cav divisions can fly themselves down if they're fitted with aerial refueling probes and have their groundbound hardware loaded onto a single wing of transports.
Now, once you've got the light guys down, you still have to supply them, or they become combat ineffective in a hurry.
That means tasking at least one transport wing to supplies, reducing the number of planes you have available to deliver additional forces such as the armour units.
Given that Aust hasn't posted losses or damage from the last "answering" strike the NK's released on them, and given that Earthquakes are not very nice to airfields/airports/roads (and that big transport aircraft need big, long, flat runways, and earthquakes tend to break these into big, uneven chunks that have to be repaved/levelled, which takes time) the number of landing areas are limited mechanically.
Given that you're coming into a foreign nation (at his request), they're going to further limit the number of useable airfields, and given that with few exceptions (airborne light armour units being one), your heavy stuff (tanks and AFV's) can't be dropped by pass (Sov. tanks are as bad as U.S. designs this way), you've got turnaround time issues (Land, unload, refuel, let the crew walkies to the latrine, eating... turn around, take off again...)
extends the time as well.
This is why having transport ships and a coastal state giving permission works really well. If Blue Eagle or Rocky Bambino grants permits, and with the Emperor of Aust saying "Come on in!", the landing from a ship can be accomplished in significantly less time (Provided you've got a transport capacity by sea-the trip will take 20-30 days after embarkation from European or Black Sea ports, less time from south china, and if you're south american or south african, less than a week total.)
The offload from a Ro/Ro ship takes less time, and includes all the beans, bullets, and blankets in a single pass. A drive through a friendly nation takes hours instead of days, and brings everything with you at once.
For Nations supporting the Austians current Usur-I mean Emperor, getting permit from Blue Eagle or one of the other nations with a coastline bordering Aust on the map shouldn't be a big issue.
(Unless, of course, they're reconsidering their support.)Those air transports are C-71 Progeny's, they carry more than C-5's. However, I see your point. Because I do not have a navy, pretty much, I'm just going to have to greatly increase the amount of transport wings.
Add the 17th,29th,48th,61st,73rd,90th to that list.
That is not nearly my entire army. Sorry if I appear newbie-ish, but I am actually a May/2003 nation, not November. Population of 1.7 billion, Frightening economy.
Now, those Transports, how much do they carry, and is that the whole of your MAC Capacity?
The bigger you build a plane, the slower it can go, and the more it has to rely on good weather to fly. (Crosswinds are a royal pain in the posterior for big aircraft). If you're from above the Equator, there's also the matter of getting permission to fly over other nations (I'll assume you have this).
Transports over open-ocean are pretty fragile, and birds that big have poor rough-field performance. It's a matter of straight mechanics-bigger than a C-5 means heavier than a C-5, and requiring a longer, wider, paved runway to land, and more fuel to take off and land. How many Tankers to support those additional wings, how many fighters (and their tankers) to support those additional transports in case they bump into hostiles, and how much of a % of your AF is going to have to be involved in escorting the airlift? (Also: What's your airspeed in?)
Based on the map, Aust has a land area roughly half the size of Texas, of that, probably one quarter is flatland suitable for airfields (based on his geographical claim of being surrounded by MOUNTAIN ranges-mountains aren't those little hills in Appalachia...) Now, he's got to have land area for 200,000 ICBM's, land area for the food production to cover a population of Two Billion Plus people, Land area for enough airfields to support the huge numbers of aircraft he's claiming in this thread, and one other, plus factories, mines, and oil fields.
By way of comparison, China in real life has difficulty feeding One Billion people with a land area almost as large as the United States, with more than 80% of it devoted to agriculture.
What I'm saying, is that you probably better be bringing your own food. It takes a quart of grain to subsistence-level feed a man for a day. Add in meat and other substances, and the bulk goes down, but the tonnage goes up.
This is a deployment from the northern hemisphere to the southern hemisphere, without the benefit of seaborne resupply (Ships can always be built bigger, and carry more, more efficiently than aircraft can, for less).
You're still looking at months, but at least it's months, and not years, to deploy the forces you've listed.
Everyone, ignore what I have said previously, I just can't be bothered.
Nuevo Kowloon
08-04-2004, 06:54
OOC thread for the Aust War roleplays-the ARP participants need to know what's going on with the outside forces, and at least one player on the other thread (me) needs to know what's going on in the ARP thread.
The Taiwanese government echoes Dao's calls for the Austian emperor to give his people a choice.
If you want this developing story to be covered by either BBC or CNN just telegram me and we will send a team to cover
Ronald Fieldy
Chief Editor
BBC News
Independent Hitmen
09-04-2004, 21:54
In the darkness Colonel O'Neill was demonstrating the operation of a Stinger Missile system to some ARP members. Suddenly the system started tracking something. It was designated as a fighter contact, patrolling the northern border.
"Damn it" he said, he knew that the Airforce were coming along to play tricks with the radar sites around here. "Quick get me the TACSAT"
In arrived a minute later and he got on it to the General
"General Sir, we have enemy fighters patrolling above our heads sir. The Air Force boys are meant to be putting up a show tonight sir I think a warning may be in order."
"Very well Colonel. Get your team suited up for CSAR ill see what i can do. Out"
-BBC News- Field Reporter Jeremy Cooke
over 72 hours ago the Taiwanese Government Announced their troops will be deployed to the front for assistance to the ARP, Volgan Supremacy forces have been deployed on air transport anticipations are running high as moral falls to an all time low. Many casualties on both sides have been felt as the war intensifies fire fights were once an idea that seemed far fetched now a horrifying reality littered with charred bodies everywhere you step you risk walking on a mine this is no mans land the heart of an intense war.
Jeremy Cooke
BBC News
Magnot Line
-Live BBC News Transmission-
BBC News Will send a team of reporters to cover the war
-End Transmission-
-Begin Secure Transmission-
The Government of Nubuya will send Aid. Our First step is we will send the following:
2x C-130 Gunships
2x C-130 Transports
2x C-5 Galaxy Transport
2x Chinook Helicopter Transports
2x U2 Surviellance Aircraft
2x UAV Predator Surviellance Aircraft
4x SAS Regiments
2x Iriqouis Helicopters
1x Comms Regiment
We will Send Further Aid as we further monitor the situation
Current Deployment will be in the air in 12 hours
Good Luck
John Gifford
Nubuya Defence
-End Secure Transmission-
Nuevo Kowloon
20-04-2004, 08:24
BUMP, can you start the Dinh-Alex RP NK
Independent Hitmen
20-04-2004, 16:40
Quick OOC: Mind if i bring in another team of advisors, that would make 3 teams, 30 men to help the ARP, thats assuming we r still going with the Aust emperor being overthrown in the future?
Nuevo Kowloon
22-04-2004, 07:46
[Continued from a previous thread...]
Dinh watched Alex drive the jeep into the compound, and get out. Several people were there, but Alex didn't seem to be in danger.
After a few seconds, the irritating lights dimmed, and he could see them more clearly.
Alex was waving.
"Right... trust..." he muttered, and half-crutched his way in by the road.
The troops here were wearing NVG's-but they weren't Austian NVG's, and some of the uniforms weren't, strictly, Uniform.
A large man walked up, wearing a Beret, and a night-vision monocular-type system.
"Damn, you can see? the gentleman asked.
Dinh nodded, "Yeah, I can, just fine, just don't turn the damn lights back on."
The man laughed, and grabbed his hand. "Welcome to the ARP my boy."
Dinh returned the handshake, and asked, "Not to be rude, but you got a pair of welding goggles I can borrow? It's a mite chilly out here... and the bones aren't knitted yet."